Islamic Education for Youths by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson One

The definition of prayer

(Communication with God)

God  has  made  the  prayer as  an obligation to  all His  worshipers so  that  they earn His favour  and  honor  by standing before  Him  and  facing  Him.  Through that  they will be sympathetic, very kind to other creatures and have perfection.

What is Salat (Prayer)?

Prayer means: Communication with God that is to say, the link between the Spirit and its Provider and its close connection with the light of the Creator. This is prayer in reality. If it does  not result  in this  link and connection;  it will  merely be  movements and sayings with no sense, meaning and reality.

But   how   can  we   get   this   link   with  our   Provider?   How   can   we   perform   this communication with  God  in  its  essence  and  reality?  Indeed,  Allah  has  explained  it  in Fortress – Al-Fatiha supported by the prophet saying: "No communication with God is performed  by  that  who  doesn’t  read the  opening chapter of  the  Holy  Book  –  Al- Fatiha" .

So, what is the greatest secret related to Al-Fatiha which makes the communication with God depending on it? Al-Fatiha shows you the perfection of God (glory to Him) and by seeing the perfection,  love will be  generated and the  link  will be achieved.  That  is the desired  fruit  in reciting  it  in each bow when performing  the communication with  God. The  more  the  believer  recites  Al-Fatiha,  the  more  he  witnesses  and  knows  the  Godly perfection he maintains and the higher rank he gradually raises to loving God through this communication. The noble saying of the Prophet denotes: "Communication with God is the  elevatorof  the  believerIt  is  a  ladder  through  which  he  ascends  in  loving and knowing  state  by state.  It  is  a  ladder  through  which a  believer  gradually advances  in seeing a way of virtue; time after time because this link makes the Spirit illuminated by the divine  light of God. And  it becomes able to distinguish the right path from the evil one.  God  says: (Communication  with Me  prohibits  man from doing fornication or evil, but remembering Allah is the greatest) Fortress 29, Ankabut (spider), verse 45.

The Almighty God  has ordered us to seek refuge in Him from the cursed Satan when we want to recite the Qur’an. He says: (So, when you  want to recite Qur’an, seek refuge in God from Satan the cursed).Fortress 16, Annahl (the Bees), verse 98.

What is the meaning of "seeking refuge" ?

What do we mean by saying ―in God" ?

Who is Satan?

What is the meaning of ―the cursed" ?

"Seeking refuge and  might: means, to seek a shelter, protection and power from the owner of the  mighty and  glory. So,  ‘seek  refuge’  means that I  ask  for  might and  take shelter and protection in the Owner of glory and might.

"In God" ;Means ―in the Obeyed" . The obeyed here is that whose control and command affect  every creature  without  exception,  whether  he  likes  or  not,  for  His  control and command contain but  good and  mercy. Each creature  moves according to his assigned function and performs the works he has been created for. For examples:

The Camel is directed and exploited for serving man it serves as a mean of transport and food. The Bee is steered  for collecting sweet substances  from flowers and all the like to make honey. The terrestrial globe is controlled and rotated by the Almighty commands. The   moon  is  directed  and  rotated  round  the  earth  in  a  continual  movement  and circulation.  The entire  universe  is subjected to  God’s  Will and  it cannot get out of the control of this Obeyed. That is what we understand from the word "In God" .

"SatanIn  Arabic  is  called  ―Shaitanderived  from  the  two  verbs:  ‘Shatana’  and ‘Shata’.  The  verb Shatana  means avoided  the right.  The word Shata  means burned, So Satan who  is far from the Right exposed himself to burning and being perishable. He  is stricken by burning and damnation because of his farness from the God.

"The  cursed: Means, also the one who  is continually  hit by affliction and  misery as farness away of God and shunning are the reasons beyond each affliction and the source of each misery.

The  whole  statement  (I  seek  refuge  in  God  from  the  cursed  Satan)means  ‘I  seek protection and might in the Obeyed whose command controls everything from Satan who became always tortured and deprived of every good out of his farness from the right.

If you spiritually resort to Allah (God), when reciting the Holy Qur’an and enter into the presence of the Obeyed who made all creatures submissive and yielding to His command, there you will be in fortified fort and inaccessible place where no devil can enter.

In this fort, the whispers of Satan will cease from reaching you, the deafness of the ears will disappear and the veil of the eyes will be uncovered.