Islamic Education for Youths by Mohammad Amin Sheikho - HTML preview

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Lesson Twenty three

Prayer is the cause of good deeds:

A real story

Free your hand oh! Lively lion!

The holy prophet (cpth) said: (There is no good for he who abandons prayer).

My dearest students, can a person live without  food and drink? Really, you will say no, nobody can do so and if he does he will die. It is the same as a person who cannot ‘live’ without prayers. A body need food and drink for energy while prayer serves as food and drink to the heart in order to keep  it alive. One’s spirit is highly in need of nourishment more than the body for  good deeds. A body can live  for a day without  food  while the spirit cannot. For  that reason, God  ordained  five times  meals  (prayers)  to energise  the spirit and to keep  it alive with the  light of God. The body meals can be:  bread,  meats, cassava, rice, coco yam... etc. While the spirit  gets  its meal through prayers  legalised in Islamic religion, when the communication with God  is achieved,  man gets all the good qualities from the Almighty Al’lah. God says: (It is the High quality of God and which one can be better than Allah’s? And we are His worshipers)Sourat 2, Al bakaraverse

138. It  is through this  worship (prayer)  the spirit becomes alive  with God’s  lights and baptised with love, kindness, bravery, good behaviour and with all good qualities suitable to its state as regard to its love, link with Allah and all its work will only be good.

In  fact,  God  shall  never  be  pleased  with the  wrongdoer  and  he  shall  never  enter  the Paradise because he doesn’t do  good deeds as he prohibits  himself ―his heartfrom the real life  got through prayer  from Al’lah’s  light, so  he kills  himself  ―his  heartwithout prayer. This is identical with the Prophet’s (cpth) saying – "There is no good for he who abandons prayer" meaning, he who does not pray kills his heart due to the lack of heart nourishment  (prayer);  this  lack  prevents  him  from  good  deeds  which  lead  him  to Paradise.  Prayer  is  the  meal of the  heart or  mind or  spirit  without  it  the spirit  has  no energy and  no  good deeds will be done except that of cursed Satan. God says:  (And it will  be  cried out to them: "this  is  the  Paradise  which you have  inherited for what you used to do(of good deeds)" ) Fortress 7, A‟raf verse 43

He says again: (Those whose lives are taken by the Angels while they are in a pious state  (pure  from  all  evils  and  worshiping  Allah  alone),  saying  (to  them):  Salamun alaikum (peace be upon you) enter your Paradise because of that (good) deed which you used to do (in the world)).

The  formalistic  prayer  mentioned  in  the  book  is  what  many  Muslims  perform  today without concentration and feeling but, it differs from some believers who really taste the pleasure  of  their  prayer,  having  good  feeling  and  nourish  their  spirit  very  well  with perfect  prayer.  So,  God  has  ordained  prayers  to  human being  so  as  to  honour  other creatures and become very kind and sympathetic to all of them and love his Creator and Provider  much more. As a result,  he would  not be able to  harm any creature without a good reason, even an ant, dog, cat, bird...etc. and he would not waste food or water so he becomes well organised in life. This is how a true believer in God the Al-Mighty should be.

Another  story that  confirmed  what  was  mentioned  above  is  that  of the  scholar  M.  A. Sheikho who is as clear as the morning or the day light. God ordered all women to cover their whole bodies, recite Qur’an in their  houses as  mentioned earlier.  In this real story you will ‘see’ the  honest  feeling against  the  violation of this command, by the  women now in our days, in the heart of the scholar M. A. Sheikho since his childhood. His story with  the  green  grocer  shows  that,  he  wants  all women to  remain  in a  clean and  pure atmosphere with happiness and  guiding their chastity. But now in our days, people have put away chastity, purity, and buried moral and honour replacing them with the desires of the cheap and passive earthly life that always result  in severe punishment  in this world and  in  the  hereafter.  Really  they  forget  the  paradise  promised  to  them by  God.  They decorate the earth, beautify women and exchange good for bad. That is the state of people nowadays. ‘People are like their period and their period is like them’.

They have become unmindful because they do not think that, these desires that God put in human spirit are not to destroy them and make them lose their respect in transgression that will result  in great pains. But  for them to be close to God through leaving the bad desires, keeping away forbidden things and please Allah by their good deeds so as to be granted with paradise ‘tomorrow’. God has promised His creatures with the Gardens of Paradise beside which is pure running water and they will abide  in it  forever. He says:

(and  for  such  as  had  feared  the  supreme  Might  of  their  Lord  (Provider)  and inhibited  their spirit  from lower  whim.  Their abode  will  be  the  Garden.)  Fortress .An-Nazi-at, verses 40 to 41.

In  the  past  centuries  things   were   not  as  we   find   nowadays,  with  downfalls  and deterioration in values. People  used  to  hold  religious  rules  very firmly practising them both  indoors  and  outdoors.  Till  their  sincerity with Al’lah’s  religion overwhelmed  the Christians  and  Jews  so  they  all  practised  outdoors  the  rules  of  Islam.  Veiling  was generally applied by all women and girls from all religions, so there was no transgression of Allah’s commands and no immorality.

The story begins:

When scholar M. A. Sheikho was nine years old, he went out one day playing with his friends   of  almost  equal  age.   Later  on,   he   decided   to   turn  back   home  and   was accompanied  by some of his  friends. On their way, they were  happily  discussing with each other, till they arrived at the subsidiary road to his house opposite ‘the flower public shower-room’ in a region called ‘Sarouja market’ in Damascus.


Then they continued their journey till they arrived again by a certain house, where M. A. Sheikho, sensed of an unveiled  girl searching for her junior brother out door. When he saw her at that state, his heart bubbled with pain due to his piety, honour and generosity to  the  female.  This  unveiling  was  not  existing  in  the  past,  showing  the  real  Islamic symbol and the religious rules were strictly practised  in and out doors, He  immediately picked a stone  to shoot  her, she realized and ran into the  house shutting the door  very fast. M.  Amin’s stone cracked the door. That inserted a great fear in the heart of the girl and a big lesson to her and others who use to violate the Islamic religious rules. After that he and some of his friends completed their journey to their various homes.


When the girl’s father returned home on his horse, he saw  his door cracked. He asked of what had happened and the children explained to him that M. A. Sheikho passed by and saw one of his daughters unveiled and wanted to shoot her and the stone got the door.


The man due to his braveness, immediately prepared  his horse and got off his horse with full speed to M. A. Sheikho’s house. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door and he waited by it, M. A. Sheikho gently opened it and stood by it. When the father saw him he embraced him and kissed  his  forehead saying: ―your hands  have been freed oh! The Lion of our quarter, why didn’t you shoot and split her head" !


That was a blessing act, he then moved to a coffee house where young men of the quarter used to sit discussing their affairs. Went in and climbed on a high point and said loudly: "praise  to  God,  oh!  Men  of  Quarter,  we  haven’t  descended  with  good,  so  our children, if we are away, protect our women dignity" then he narrated the event of M. A. Sheikho.