It's An Everyday Thing by Andrew Paul Cannon - HTML preview

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Twenty-first century American Christianity is one of the most individualistic entities on the face of the planet. We attend meetings in the church house only to hear from God directly, on an individual level. We rely on Google results so that our questions about the faith might be answered. We dedicate our time to studying God’s Holy Word on our own, hoping that we can come to a semi-coherent conclusion about its meaning and overall message without consulting those who have already done the study.

Have we forgotten that the body of Christ, of which we are members, is a community? Have we forgotten that we are not to forsake the assembly under Christ? How are we to be disciples if we only choose to learn on our own? How are we to make disciples if we choose not to even interact with the other members of Christ’s Church?

I received an idea for this book as I thought about both the individualistic nature of the postmodern society we live in and our command in Matthew, chapter twenty-eight, to go and make disciples. I have heard my entire life that making disciples requires more than simply leading someone to Christ. It is a lifelong investment. Sadly, though, I also realized that the commitment we, as Christians, make toward forming disciples is smothered by the individuality of the society we live in. That leaves us with one question, how can we truly make disciples in this strictly individualistic nation?

Though I had been considering this publication for quite some time, I did not feel God’s impression on my heart to start working on it until I received an assignment from Dr. R. Bruce Carlton. The assignment given was to “develop a discipleship plan and curriculum for discipling followers of Christ”. Dr. Carlton, as he briefly explained the assignment, stated teasingly, “You can either write me three pages, or write me a book. I don’t care…” So, I naturally decided to take the later option, though I did not finish it in the time allotted for the assignment. While I respect the irony of the situation, I also respect the fact that I am writing to an audience much broader than Dr. Carlton. I can also ensure that I would not be doing so without God’s impression on my heart to do so.

My hope is that all of those who read this publication will, not only be inspired to break away from the individuality of the society surrounding us and truly invest in discipleship, but also to learn how to become a better disciple and a better teacher.

May God bless all those who read this book. Your faithfulness and support inspire me to continue pursuing God’s call in my life. I only hope that one day I might be able to return that inspiration.