Jesus Gospel of Gods Love by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Chapter 3: Early History and Human Origins

The Mind beyond Matter

It is now commonly understood, based on the principles of quantum physics, that underneath all matter is energy, and underneath that is a power or force that brings all things into existence – a so-called field of consciousness. The prominent German scientist and contemporary of Albert Einstein, Max Planck, is quoted as saying early in the last century: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

This mind, matrix, or field of consciousness can also be linked with the transcendent power beyond us or the Source of the elusive subconscious or soul within us. In addition, it can be paralleled with the divine Spirit or Spirit of God, mentioned in the Bible and various sacred texts in the context of creating and executing various tasks. It is the omnipresent life-giving emanation or attribute from the one and only God (who is also referred to as Source, Tao, Great Spirit, Brahmin, Allah, and other names).

This creating and life-giving Spirit – which is not God, but an emanation from God – is the universal energy or life force and consciousness in and behind all things; a kind of a “divine spark” – indeed, in it we (and all else) live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:27-28). From it emanate divine qualities of love, compassion, creativity and expansion, among others. We can choose to align ourselves with these noble qualities and act toward one another in kind, compassionate ways.

This Spirit, mind, or consciousness brought the universe (perhaps multiple universes) into existence. It has been instrumental in the evolution of the universe, having set in motion the cosmic forces creating the innumerable stars, galaxies, and other phenomena. When the time comes for a new order, the Spirit will be involved in destroying the old and creating the new, as well as bringing about other heavenly changes. The ubiquitous Spirit also influences human intellect and moral fibre if humans are open to its benevolent effects (Psalm 139).

Human Origins

What makes humanity unique is a soul or spirit essence – made in divine image with the potential of being transformed into divine substance (Eccl. 12:6-7(1); Zech. 12:1(2)). Human-like beings had existed on earth for eons of time, passing, like everything, through a long period of development. At some point they were given a human soul and consciousness. This gave them the realization of being a unique divine creation – in fact the highest and most wonderful of all earthly creatures and objects of God’s love and tenderest care.

At the beginning of human history, our ancestors had the opportunity, if their soul so desired, to receive divine nature and reach a state of at-onement with God. This would have been accomplished by asking for and receiving Divine Love through the Holy Spirit, referred to by the prophets in the Old Testament as a new heart or new spirit (Jer. 24:7; Ezek. 11:19-20(3); 18:31; 36:26).  Instead, however, they rebelled and consequently lost this priceless opportunity. The Divine Love ceased to be available for a long time – till the so called “last days” (Acts 2:17; Heb. 1:2) when Jesus Christ came to earth. He exemplified a life guided by the Divine Love and taught that it was again available to humans for the asking.

After the initial rebellion, referred to as “the Fall” in Christianity, humanity gradually descended into sin and depravity, but through it all, never lost knowledge of the basic laws of morality and the small voice of conscience giving them the knowledge of sin and wrong-doing.

Humans have a dual nature – material (animal) and spiritual. Thus we have passions and feelings belonging to both realms. The soul, made in God’s image, is what makes us into the greatest of the divine creations. The material (animal) inclinations only become sinful if they violate the laws of God (1 John 3:4). When that happens, the spiritual aspirations become dormant and the soul becomes encrusted with evil. Since humans have a free will, each person can choose which of the two natures will predominate in their life. They can align with the spiritual mind and divine image in their souls and thus strengthen their spiritual nature; or they can indulge in sinful thoughts and actions, through which the soul becomes contaminated (Rom. 7:14-8:2; 8:5-8 (4); 1 Pet. 2:11(5)).

Since the Fall or rebellion against God, humanity has largely followed the animal nature, resulting in what the Bible calls the “works of the flesh,” “desires of the sinful nature,” or lusts and wrong motives leading to wars and animosities (Gal. 5:16-21; James 3:14-16; 4:1-8(6)) – its present natural state.