Jesus Gospel of Gods Love by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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First, I would like to thank the Great God, our Heavenly Father, as well as our Celestial guides and teachers for enabling, inspiring, and blessing this small publication.

I am indebted to Rev. Dr. Michael Nedbal, Trustee of Foundation Church of Divine Truth and personal friend, for carefully reviewing my manuscript for doctrinal accuracy and providing helpful comments. I have also appreciated his support and encouragement.

Thanks are also due to the following among my other brothers and sisters in Christ. I especially value the biblical and conceptual input of Marga McCrady. In addition, I am grateful to Al and Jeanne Fike, as well as Terry Adler and Jane Gatshore of Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation, writer and editor Brian Holmes, and David Reed for their support, input, and helpful reviews.

Last, but not least, I wish to thank Alex, my dear husband and best friend for over 40 years, for his love, support of my endeavours, and always being ready to give helpful advice.

Without the support and assistance of these dear souls, this book would not be what it has become. So heartfelt thanks to you all.