Jesus Gospel of Gods Love by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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We each have unique backgrounds and life experiences shaped to a large degree by when and where we were born, who our parents were, and what circumstances influenced us. These elements have also determined our spiritual journey. This book is in some ways the culmination of my spiritual journey to this point. It shows my latest thinking and what presently resonates with me as the truth of our human potential and destiny. It is presented here in a nutshell for the reader’s consideration.

My spiritual journey has been in some ways unique (of course, we all have unique journeys in our own ways), and I believe it has prepared me for where I am now. I spent about 30 years in a non-mainstream exclusive church which had a heavy Bible emphasis, as well as encouraging members to build an individual relationship with God through a discipline of twice daily prayer and daily spiritual reading. The church also felt that it had unique truths (many different from the orthodox beliefs), and hence regarded itself as a notch above other Christians.

After that, over the last two decades, I was led to slowly abandon my exclusive and limited thinking as I was exposed to other groups and ideas – both Christian and of other faiths. It wasn't just an intellectual pursuit for the sake of satisfying curiosity, it was an unmistakable guidance through life's circumstances. With this back-ground I was then led (again, no doubt guided) to what this book is about – Jesus’ gospel of God’s Love.

About a year ago, through a series of what I believe were guided circumstances, I came across a book under the title Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth. As I started reading, the information resonated with me. It spoke about God, Jesus, and human salvation from a different angle, and even though it challenged some of the traditional Christian ideas as well as several of my own beliefs, it made a lot of sense.

The book I found led me to confirm from another angle what I had realized before – the Bible contains inter-twining ideas from various sources and not all of them correspond to the teachings of Jesus and the early Christians. There is still much truth in the Bible, but being both the inspired Word of God, as well as a compiled, edited and re-edited creation of men, there are errors and inaccuracies.

The book that you are holding in your hands presents in a succinct way what I now see as closer to Jesus’ original teaching regarding the Kingdom of God and salvation. More information can be found on my website, in the Notes and Further Reading at the end of the book (where key Bible verses, superscripted in the text, are quoted and other online reading referenced), as well as  in the list of References.

While these concepts are not commonly believed and taught by Christian ministers, it is definitely one of the several threads running through the New Testament as is shown in Chapter 9. It has, however, been somewhat lost among other threads and concepts introduced in the selecting, copying and editing processes of the early manuscripts which took place in compiling the biblical canon.

Let’s start by exploring the history and nature of the Bible and the development of Christianity. We’ll then look at the nature of God, nature of humanity, the afterlife, and the way to achieve our maximum human potential and immortality – in other words, salvation. (Note that for simplicity, God is referred to by the pronoun He, but it is understood that God is genderless and can be regarded as both our Heavenly Father and Mother.)

I believe that you’ll find this book an interesting, enriching, and potentially life-changing journey.

Eva Peck,
June, 2015