First, the very great assistance provided by my son, Robert, Jr, whose expertise and encouragement helped me overcome my aversion to working with the computer (I’m just this side of a electric typewriter). Through his perseverance, I was able to work with Lily at PublishAmerica.
Ashley for recognizing the value of what I have to say, and Lily for her patience and understanding in working with this first-time author.
Linda Perry for providing me with a muchneeded”new”set of eyes and mind, and Millie Wilson, who reminds me daily, through her unselfish actions, of what Jesus meant by love your neighbor .
Connecticut College for the use of just a few of the marvelous woodcuts of Albrecht Durer from their Wetmore Collection.
Front cover artwork: Last Supper fresco by Ottavio Semino, Certosa di Pavia, Italy.And finally, Zaine Ridling with Great Software List for the use of his grand maps. For what’s a journey without maps?