Jesus: The Final Journey by Robert E. Macklin - HTML preview

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The last days of Jesus hold a fascination, because they include adventures in life, unlike those experienced by any living human being. And, because there are some aspects of his last days that all of us will experience, notably “death” and “resurrection”. For all of us must die, and the Apostle Paul said that all of us will be “raised” (1 Corinthians15: 13, 14).

…1CORINTHIANS 15:13,14…But if there is no resurrection from the dead, not even Christ has been raised; and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, your faith also is vain.

So, this is the story of the last days on earth of the only human who was without sin and who has experienced the resurrection.

He was able to go through life, without commiting a sin, because he was filled with the spirit of God. This same fullness of the Spirit of God enabled him to undergo tribulations and experiences that ordinary human beings could not withstand…temptations, expectations and realizations. He was flesh and blood, composed of the same substance as you and I. He felt pain, required sleep, and sustenance. He knew love, fear, sorrow and joy.

Now, some will say that he was not human, but the son of God, and I do not deny his origin. As the son of God, he emptied himself, became human. He experienced the life of a human being, until his thirties. Then he was crucified, died and rose from the dead.

He was born of woman, and he experienced the growth pangs that all mankind experiences in varying degrees, advancing from birth, through childhood, puberty and adulthood. But, like many of God’s creatures, his life was cut short, soon after reaching a mature age.

This is the story of the last days of his life, not just the days of trial, crucifixion, death and resurrection, but of the days leading up to those momentous times, beginning with his final days in Galilee. So my story will begin in Galilee and trace his remaining days from there to Jerusalem, and his death on the Hill of Golgotha, and his resurrection. It is part adventure story and part mystery…call it a “whydunit”.

The gospels are replete with what he said and often why, but there is little or no explanation as to why he did what he did or why he went where he did. There is little that tells us the reason for the actions he undertook in the last year of his life. By explaining the events that occurred during this period, it is my hope that this will serve to provide answers to these questions; and will help us in our understanding of the life and death of the greatest man that ever lived.

Each event on his final journey will be summarized, followed by a listing of the gospel chapters and verses related to that event. You may wish to read all the related chapters, but only those chapters and verses necessary to


explain it will be quoted (New American Standard Bible)…where verses are omitted, the symbol “…” will be used. At times, more than one gospel will be included in order to show contrasts or to make a particular point. Lastly, I will expand on it, when necessary, to provide a better understanding of what occurred.

Other biblical verses that have relevance, notably those of Paul but others as well, including verses from the Old Testament, will be added where appropriate.

The English definition of persons and places involved are included, when known, to provide a clearer picture of the event.

Reference to the Bibliography will appear in parenthesis as “B”, followed by the number of the reference work, followed by the page number(s), i.e., (B-9-169).

Jesus (Latin for Greek Iesous, from Hebrew Joshua…Yaweh is salvation) was a human being, that is why the diminutive “h” is used when referring to him in my narrative. He was not called the “Christ” (the Anointed One/ Messiah) until after the resurrection. Following the resurrection, the narrative uses the capital “H”, when referring to Him.

It was Paul (small) the Apostle who said that Jesus was born of the flesh and by the power of the resurrection became “Jesus Christ” (Romans 1:1-4).

…ROMANS 1:1-4…Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh. who was declared with power to be the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holies, Jesus Christ our Lord.

While he walked this earth as a man, he was called Jesus, by friend and foe alike. He was known as Jesus the Nazarene, to set him apart from all other Jews who were called Jesus. He was a man alike all other Jews of the period, except filled with the spirit of the Father (the Great Comforter), he was able to perform miracles, and incapable of committing sin (John 3:34).

…JOHN 3:34…For He whom God has chosen speaks the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure.

The purpose of this book is for you to accompany Jesus on this his final journey; and to reveal the dynamism of the man, and what I believe to be his state of mind during his last year on earth.

It is my earnest hope that you will enjoy taking this journey with him.
Let us begin