Jesus, a novel by M. C. Ingraham - HTML preview

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M i r a c l e s     a n d      P r o p h e c y

Generosity   and   Admonitions

In Sepphoris, a wealthy man invited Jesus to dine with him.  It was the custom of the man to provide elaborate robes for his guests, and precious collar pieces.  Prior to the meal being served, the man invited the guests to don their robes and collar pieces.  The servants placed these items on each guest then held a polished silver reflector before them, that each guest might arrange his ornate clothing to his satisfaction. 

As the head servant walked about supervising all this, he moved behind Jesus and stopped to observe his reflection in the silver mirror that was held before him by a servant.  The head servant gasped and was astonished, seeing that the reflection of the guest Jesus was without flaw, while anyone else using the silver metal mirror had only a dull and distorted reflection.  The dinner host approached to see this phenomenon, and was likewise astonished. 

Knowing what their surprise was about, Jesus said to the host and servant, “The Son of Man is a true reflection.  Anyone aspiring to become as the Son of Man must polish to perfection, his thoughts and actions.  Then he too will perfectly reflect the truth.”



Jesus prophesied concerning moral laxness in the days before the Antichrist. 

“Families will gather around the Devil’s messenger, which will appear as light.  Each home will have a box of light, and they will attend to it nightly and daily.  They will admit this stranger into their homes; and he will tell disrespectful, irreverent, unchaste and violent stories; he will challenge their beliefs and values.  They will be fooled, and not offended, and this stranger will be invited into their homes again, even the next day.  This play actor will become the opium of the people, dulling their sense of morals, and promoting a habit for sensation, rather than a longing for peace of soul.  Just as the Roman arenas and amphitheatres offer violence and lustful stimulation, so too will every man, woman and child be offered such spectacle in their very homes.”

“Lustful images such as are sold in Caesarea will be offered to every child, every woman, and every man, these will be images made of light that will enter every home in a way similar to the stranger of light.  Many people will consider it their right to view such images, and those who object will find their pleas rejected by the judgment of law courts.  They should know that their God will not praise them for allowing any person to view as they will.  The laws of their nations are not the same as the laws of the kingdom of God.”

“In the last days much of humanity will be fed on self indulgence, and not the sacrifice that constructs noble character.  Such people and nations will bring harm upon themselves, its citizens will give lessening attention to their souls and increasing devotion to their stomachs and their machines of pleasure.”

“Their machines of war will be as the scorching sun in power and they will not satisfy themselves to fight their own wars, but even fight the wars of others.  Nations will arm themselves mightily, like none before.  Their great armies will allow them to fight extended wars.  Their own peoples will pay the cost.  They will arm themselves with weapons of extreme energy and heat.  They will fool themselves that no such weapon could ever be used by rational kings, but their own corruption ensures the failure of nation deterring nation.  Depravity and not sound thought will rule, even in the thoughts of leaders.”

“They will indeed have to reap on the battlefield, what they plant in corrupt laws and acts.  Their lack of faith will compel them to place their hope in their own devices, and since they abandon God, such a course will be their only option.”

“Many of those who plea for peace, will destroy with the left hand what they seek to build with the right hand.  They will scream “Peace!”, but do evil, as to ruin their own goals.  Brotherhood will not come about so long as the larger society wrecks the underlying spirit of peace by acts of irreverence, intoxication, lust, fornication, and killing of those unborn.  I will save those who will elect it, by allowing cup after cup, and bowl after bowl of inequity to afflict their world, instead of their souls.”

“The end will finally come after they use their sunburst weapons.  First in the clouds to disable communication, after many such weapons have been used, the resulting famine will leave an army of antichrist’s numbering 200 million which will remain in the world, along with those who will be martyred.{92}




Again Jesus prophesied, “In the future, every person will enjoy a quarter part of an hour in having moral authority.  Persons will strip the natural laws of morality of this or that part, and will wear it as a banner of righteousness.  They will denounce poverty and war, but will do little to prevent the root causes of these evils, which is human sin.” 

“They will fight tooth and nail for perverse license and call it the rights of man.” 

“They will cling to this life at the expense of the next.”

“They will threaten war to those crossing their national boundaries, yet allow, even invite moral corruption of every sort to cross the boundary of their will, and enter their souls.” 

“They will seek physicians to destroy the children their women carry in the womb.” 

“They will claim that any ill act they are predisposed to is that way from God.”

“They will form ideals based on corrupted ideas.  They will not seek God through discipline of soul and act, but construct their god in their own image.” 

“Those who wish a chaste society will be obstructed by their very courts and laws.  Just as the serpent said that knowledge of evil must not be suppressed, so too will evil seek to be equal to the good.  I tell you truly, there exists a society in which knowledge of evil is not thought of as good.  Seek this society.” 



Jesus spoke of the Pharisees saying, “Consider Judas, that God is love.  The Pharisees are content to attend to the small parts of God, and as such may never attain to the whole of God, which is Love.” 

“Be warned also, that in the future many will again pick out pieces of virtue.  Many will cultivate a love limited to creation, health, diet, equality, wealth, rights of man and woman at the expense of the rights of God.  Unless such love encompasses their creator, their selected moment of moral superiority will last only a quarter part of an hour.”



Jesus worked many miracles in the area around Sidon by the Sea.  A leader of the Jews in that area approached Jesus and told him that he was investigating reports of many miracles, and wished to speak with Jesus concerning them.

Jesus said, “Those of this world will investigate events which are exceptions to the norm.  Why have you waited until now to investigate?  You would have done better to investigate as to why no miracles were occurring.”

“Participants in the Truth will perform mightier miracles than these.  Those who have true belief will handle serpents as if they were rope, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover, and those attaining to the fullness of Love will bear the wounds of the Messiah.” {93} 

“Sir if you had seen to the Jews in Sidon, such miracles would have been the normal order.  But fear not, an even greater opportunity is now offered to you.  Enter into the new kingdom which is now being populated, and bring your people with you.” 




Jesus was approached by a woman who had been ejected from the home of her husband because she followed Jesus as a disciple.  Jesus sought to ease her worries saying, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword that carves away the living flesh from the dead flesh.  Do not return to your husband until he attains faith.  Stay with us, we have many who offer us assistance of every sort, and believe me woman, your husband will suffer an affliction that will cause him to recall you, and he will ask for your prayers.  Give him your prayers, and address them to the Messiah, and then the living flesh will be rejoined to the dead flesh, and both will live.” 



Jesus said, “Tell me Peter, when the Father allows the Devil, who is the Antichrist to come upon the people, what will he seek?” 

Peter replied, “The Devil has always sought to be God.  I suppose that if he comes as a man, he will seek the office of the High Priest...or the Messiah.” 

Jesus said, “Remember this well Peter, for it will happen just as you have foretold.  When the one will of the Messiah on earth becomes many wills, the Devil is active.”



“Do not become anxious or deceived, the end is still far off, and the end will come about as the Father becomes weary of justice by which men and women throw themselves into Hell.  The scales of justice will be delayed by the Father withholding the earned wages of the good workers to place on the scale, to balance the injustice of the workers of evil.”

“In killing those who elect to become Messiah, those doing so bring more and not less calamity upon themselves.  When the Messiah has been eradicated from the world, the world will fill up in justice, that which was withheld by the Messiah being on earth.”



On occasion, Jesus spoke in a way that resembled the Father of Heaven, more so than the Son of Heaven.  On one such occasion  Jesus spoke of his mother saying, “I shall tell you four secrets of the Mother of the Son of Heaven.” 

“First, the Mother is one flesh with her spouse, who is the Spirit of Heaven.  Think of the full meaning of this, then multiply it by the meaning of God.  What is true of the Spirit is also true of the one flesh of the Spirit.”

“Second, the spouse of the Mother is the purified love of the Father and of the Son.  Yes, purified. The love between the Father and the Son has no need of purification, yet I tell you the impossible was done.”{94}

“Third, in creating the flesh for the Spirit, who is my own mother, I have left her with a woman’s weakness.  Her love exceeds her prudent reason.” 

“Fourth, all who become Messiah, become sons and daughters of the Mother of Heaven. I say this not in drama, but in truth.  The Mother of Heaven enters into a covenant of protection with her children. She allows her Messiah children to be persecuted by the world, but never to the loss of their souls, and all who suffer in faith will shine as stars of glory in Heaven.” {95}




Jesus was with his disciples near Sidon by the sea, and one of the disciples, Paphnitius by name had just completed a fast of seven days, and thought to himself, “Which of the prophets am I like?”

A voice was revealed to his ears only which said, “In the village of Micas, which is a day’s walk north of here and along the coast road, you will find a man and his wife.  You have not yet reached their degree of sanctity.  Go now and ask your master that you may travel there and speak with them.”

The disciple approached Jesus and was not able to speak because the master said, “Go on a day’s journey north from here at once.”

The disciple set out and went into the village of Micas.  Having inquired, he found the home of the man and his wife.  The disciple estimated the owner to be a man of some influence, as he had a large house and servants.  The wife Miriam greeted the disciple who said to her, “I have been sent by the new prophet to speak with your husband.”

The wife Miriam insisted that the disciple first rest from his journey and called for water, food, and wine to be brought.  She said that her husband wishes to greet guests himself, but also said that he was away at the time, and sent a servant to inform her husband of their visitor.

The owner Merimose returned and offered the disciple dinner and lodging, but the disciple said, “The new prophet called Jesus has sent me to inquire about your devotion to God, and the perfection of spirit that you have attained.  I shall not eat until you have told me about your manner of living.” 

Merimose was shaken by this prophecy and insisted that he was an unworthy sinner, and regretted that he was not far advanced in holiness.  The disciple was then struck by prophecy and said, “Merimose, if you do not tell me of your ways, then I will tell you of them; for the God of Israel has revealed your way of life to me...and of the perfection you have with your wife for thirty years now.”  

Merimose then knew that the disciple had been sent from God, and fully told his story:

“It is now thirty years since a bond of continence was agreed between me and my wife and no man knows of it.  I have had by her three sons; for them only have I known my wife, nor have I known any other but her, nor herself now at all.”

“I have never ceased to entertain strangers and in such fashion that I let no one go to meet the coming guest before myself.  I have never sent a guest from my house without provision for his journey.  I have despised no man that was poor, but have supplied him with the things he needed.  If I sat in judgment, I have not respected the person of my own son, in detriment of justice.  The fruit of another man’s toil has never come into my house unjustly.”

“If I saw a quarrel, I have never passed by until I brought those who were at odds to peace.  No one ever caught my servants in a fault.  Never have my herds injured another man’s crops.  Never did I forbid any man to sow in my fields, nor did I choose the richer field for myself, and leave the more barren to another.  As such as in me lay, I never suffered the stronger to oppress the weak.  Early in my life I sought that no one should be sad because of me.  If I were judge in a suit, I condemned no one, but sought to bring the dissidents to peace.  And this, as God gave it, has been my way of living until now.”

The disciple was amazed and returned to Jesus, who asked, “Who did you find when you journeyed to the north?” 

The disciple replied, “Master, you know that I found the sanctified Merimose and Miriam, and it was revealed to me that they surpass me in their sanctity.”

Jesus said, “Know this my friend, Merimose and Miriam perfectly conform to God’s will in more difficult circumstances than yours, thus their perfection is of a higher degree.  You are called to be a priest of the Messiah, and this is in many ways not as difficult as the lives of those you will minister to.  Now be happy to fulfill God’s will for you in whatever way he deems best, and do not be like those who are overly proud of conquering small obstacles.” {96}




Jesus told of the last days, during the rule of the Antichrist: “My judgment shall come upon all people suddenly and when not expected.  Watch the sun and the moon and the stars, when they appear greatly disturbed, know that the day is close.” 

“Keep your windows well covered.  Do not look out.  Light a blessed candle.  Pray with outstretched arms, or prostrate on the ground, in order that many souls may be saved.  Do not go outside the house.  Provide yourself and your animals with sufficient food.  Nature shall tremble, mountains shall crumble and seas shall heave.  Fire shall fall from the heavens.”

“Blessed candles will give light in the homes of the faithful.  Nothing shall extinguish them.  I will preserve the property of the elect, including the animals.  Let no one go across the yard, even to feed the animals, he who steps outside will perish!  Cover your windows carefully.  Talk to no one outside the house.  The darkness will be filled with prowling demons, who will be hideous in form.  My elect shall not see my wrath, because the anger of God is holy.  Have confidence in me, and I will be your protection.”

“My angels, who are to be the executioners of this work, are ready with their pointed swords!  Hurricanes of fire will pour forth from the clouds and spread over the entire earth!  Storms, bad weather, thunderbolts and earthquakes will cover the earth for two days.  An uninterrupted rain of fire will take place!  It will begin during a very cold night.  Lock all the doors and windows.  Kneel down and be sorry for your sins, and beg my Mother’s protection.  Do not look outside. Those who disregard this advice will be killed instantly.  The wind will carry with it poisonous gases which will be diffused over the entire earth.  Those who suffer and die innocently will be martyrs and they will be with me in my kingdom.”

“After three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease. On the following day the sun will shine again.  Those who survive this chastisement will begin anew.  They will realize the futility of abandoning God and will allow themselves to be led by the Spirit of God.”{97}



Jesus was teaching on the steps of the temple on one occasion, and heard the crying of a child.  The child was quite distressed and would not be consoled.  Jesus asked that the child be brought to him.  The mother of the child told Jesus that her daughter had a butterfly that had died and then fallen from her grasp, and it was now causing her great anguish.  Jesus swept some dust from the steps and into his hand, which became a butterfly when released into the air.

The people were amazed, but Jesus said, “Do not be amazed at such things.  These acts are not supernatural to those who are Messiah.  Rather such acts are entirely within the nature of all who aspire to become Messiah.  Those who follow me in faith will make even greater acts.”




John, beloved of Jesus ransomed a lamb destined for slaughter.  The lamb followed the pilgrims for some time, before being stolen.  A search for the lamb was made, and his fleece and bones were found next to a fire pit.  The apostles were saddened, but did not disturb Jesus about the lamb.  Jesus inquired as to the whereabouts of the lamb.  He was told, and he then ordered that the remains be brought to him.  The remains were laid out before him.  He looked at the apostles and asked, “What shall be done?” 

The apostles could did not reply.  Jesus then arranged what bones were left into a skeleton and prayed silently to the Holy Spirit.  The lamb took form in the viewing of all.  Jesus held the lamb and warned him to remain close to those who cared for him, and not to stray again.{98}

On another occasion Jesus made payment to ransom a yearling lamb bound for slaughter.  The lamb stayed with the pilgrims and served in many ways.  Those sleeping excessively would receive wake up notice from the butting lamb, and those whose mind wandered at prayer would be scolded by a loud bleating from the lamb, who somehow had such insight.  The lamb found water, trampled serpents, and allowed her wool to be sheared for use.

Sometime later, a disciple found that the lamb had been taken during the night for meat.  He brought the remaining fleece to Jesus who was saddened by the event.  Jesus brought no blame against those who sought food, but mounded some earth into a pile and told the disciple to drape the fleece over the mound of earth.  Jesus prayed silently, then stroked the fleece saying, “Awaken, loyal servant.”  The mounded fleece became again a lamb kneeling on the ground.  The lamb then bleated and threw herself into the arms of Jesus.  Many of the disciples saw the miracle, and the lamb was shortly afterwards given to a family for whom it provided milk and wool for many years. 





Jesus was anguished that the chief priests of the temple were opposing him as Messiah.  He called to a small girl saying, “Suffer the child to come to me, and speak prophecy to these men.” 

The girl was seized with prophecy and spoke saying, “Fathers of the Law, if you fail to recognize this time of your visitation, then the Almighty will make his home elsewhere.  When your God leaves this temple, it will fall into ruin at the hands of the impious.”

“When the children of light see legions approaching Jerusalem, they are to assemble in Pella, to the east of Judaea.”{99}




Jesus made prophecy to a disciple, speaking of a distant future relation, linked by blood to her.  Jesus said, "He will be an apostle two millennia hence, and will die in bed; his successor will die in prison,  and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.  His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church will do so often in human history." {100}




Jesus was at table in the court of a large inn.  Impious men decided that he was the prophet that all of Israel was speaking about.  One such man shouted over to the apostles and Jesus, “Prophet, if you are holy, then make my water into wine, such as you did in Cana”.  The impious men all raised their cups and toasted as they laughed and drank deeply.  Soon all the impious men were asleep at table from their wine, which they were not aware of.  Jesus rose to leave, but turned to the sleeping men and said, “You ask for goodness from our Lord, yet when it is given to you, you corrupt it at once.”  As Jesus left, the other men and women of the inn descended on the sleeping men and stripped them of all they had.

