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Planning Daily Scripture Reading

Oftentimes, people find it hard to have time for scripture reading, but if you have enough willingness to study the word of God, no schedule is hectic, and no person is busy.

You need to dedicate time to study His teachings. Always set aside a particular amount of time at least each week to study the scriptures. If you are serious about understanding the scriptures and deepening your knowledge about God’s word, then you also have to be very serious about studying it.

God wants His children to study His words, so He is helping us to study all His words; all we need to do is to turn to Him and always ask Him in prayer. Keep in mind that the Word of God and Prayer always go hand in hand. These are both important when studying.

When you start studying His words, you need to have a purpose. What do you want to learn? What principle would you want to further your knowledge? Always pray for help in choosing a purpose and you will see how meaning your scripture study will be.

You may take down notes as you study the scriptures. This can help you more to fully understand the meaning of the things you have found. Studying his teachings also involves great effort and faith, so you need to understand these things, and you will see how your life has changed.