Knowing Times and Seasons by Peter McArthur - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Be like Issachar

The tribe of Issachar were those who knew about timing and seasons (1 Chron 12:32). They had the spiritual ability to inquire of God, use their discernment and act in wisdom. They have become a symbol for many who move in the prophetic, and for those who desire to know the times and seasons of God.

We are in a season when we are to be wise, buy oil for our lamps, keep the wicks finely trimmed, and be ready for action. As one who belongs to the “spiritual tribe of Issachar” I hope that the following insights will enlighten you, and encourage you to press in for the wisdom that’s so necessary if we’re to correctly discern today’s Times and Seasons.

An important prophetic principle to grasp is that whatever is in the natural, has a spiritual counterpart. This is particular so in regard to the Tribes of Israel. There are "spiritual tribes" today which amazingly still carry the same characteristics within them as did their forebears, the twelve sons of Jacob and the twelve tribes.

For instance, those who belonged to the natural tribe of Issachar have their counterpart in the spiritual tribe of Issachar. In the natural the symbol of Issachar, which is a donkey, is regarded as a strong animal of burden; in the spiritual, Issacharites tend to have great inner strength, even if their natural appearance is otherwise.

This is a direct working out of the principle stated above. Issacharites were born to bear spiritual, and sometimes natural and emotional burdens. Where another person would buckle under the pressure, an Issacharite still manages, by grace and his calling, to carry on.

Clearly the pivotal text about Issachar is found in 1 Chronicles 12:32. “And of the sons of Issachar, having understanding of the times, to know what Israel should do.”

This was the text that jumped off the page at me way back in 1984. It was then that the "Issachar Ministry" was birthed in me spiritually. Issacharites tend to be men and women of understanding; they want to know what’s going on in the world - for this reason they devour news items on the TV, radio and papers. They tend to be researchers, love reading, and they want to know things, especially spiritual issues. They are insightful about many different things, though not necessarily masters of many! Nevertheless they do have a good range of general knowledge and a whole bag-full of spiritual knowledge, which is part of their anointing.

Bear in mind that this insightfulness is NOT a natural gift; it’s something from the Father. Issacharites know this only too well and will testify that their insight is certainly not because they have a good academic mind (even if they do happen to be bright!).

But you can't always get them to reveal what they know, as they’re often still digesting something they began to first understand some time back. They’ll digest the knowledge, rummage through it, test it against Scripture, test it again, and then file it away. They have learnt not to cast their pearls before swine, and have come to the point where they discern who’s really thirsty for the deeper things of the Lord - and who’s just “interested”.

Even when they do bring it out much later, they’re likely to test it all over again. They want to be certain, and they are usually good discerners of spiritual issues. Do they make mistakes? Of course they do, but they do check and double check, and probably put things through a Biblical sieve more so than many other believers. For this reason they are usually teachers of the Word, and love to impart what they have thoroughly digested and found to be true themselves. Those who belong to the spiritual tribe of Issachar gradually learn not to sow their seed, finance or energy into anything that is fleshy. They see knowledge, finance and time as being very precious, and tend to support ministries that are about God’s business and not man’s.

An Issacharite knows only too well the intoxicating and seductive influence of popularity. Because of this they tend to shun the limelight and shy away from promoting themselves on the stage of human recognition; but they will seek out those with a truly teachable spirit. So you won't find Issacharites on the religious merry-go-round of "churchy" conferences. This doesn’t mean they keep to themselves, but they are discerning where they should go, and to whom, and for what purpose. Once recognized however, they will give their all.

Those who spiritually belong to Issachar know the timing of things. However they need others around them who can also discern in this area, as an Issacharite will tend to want to go through the “season” step-by-step. For example, my wife Colleen is prophetic. When the Lord shows her something she sees the end-of-the-matter. I however, don’t see it quite that way, but I do accept what she gets. My calling causes me to work the issue through one step at a time with understanding. However, Colleen, having once seen the end of the issue, relaxes and stands back, knowing the Lord will bring to pass what He's already shown her in the Spirit.

For this reason we’ve learnt to be patient with one another. Colleen sees what’s going to happen; I believe her but must work it through giving it time to manifest. Colleen however doesn't give time to the issue as she knows the outcome already. Certainly she prays about it, but beyond that, she stands back and lets God work. However, my calling as an Issacharite causes me to work it through with wisdom and understanding. I understand that there are certain steps that must be walked through before the end of the matter arrives. I want to know the lessons that come from the process. By going through this I’m actually enriched by the process as it gives me more insight!

I share this only to show how an Issacharite hungers for deeper understanding and desires knowledge of the ways of God more and more. It’s both delightful and yet frustrating at the same time. Delightful because of the deeper understanding I get about the ways of the Lord; frustrating because I also realize there’s so much more to understand and appreciate - and one life time isn't at all sufficient. So, thank the Lord for eternity!

The Issachar Anointing. This is a term coined by some prophetic ministries, and usually refers to the ability to discern and understand prophetic times and seasons (see 1 Chron 12:32 for example).

Over the past 18 years I have come to see that this particular anointing deals with Wisdom and Maturity. I base this on my own experience as one who “belongs to the spiritual tribe of Issachar”, and on what Scripture says about Issachar, both as a son of Jacob and a tribe of Israel. I’m convinced that wisdom and its accompaniment “discernment”, will be greatly needed as we approach the End Times. “Wisdom” is an end-time characteristic. It’s the third in the sequence of divine revelation. The first being Knowledge, the second being Understanding, and the third being Wisdom.

We can all gain knowledge. But what’s required is an understanding of that knowledge. More than that, we need wisdom to apply this knowledge and understanding to daily life. Wisdom is actually applied spiritual knowledge. It’s this that we’re particularly called to walk in as mature believers, as Sons of God. This combination of discernment coupled with applied spiritual knowledge (wisdom) is what we call “the Issachar Anointing”.

The practical outworking of this will mean that as the End Times come closer and closer to fulfillment we’ll see the Lord release an anointing on those who are of a willing heart, to receive increased discernment (and the wisdom that accompanies it) to assist the Last Days church to come to maturity of both soul and spirit.

Nothing is more needed in these days than correct discernment and maturity. The maturity we’re talking about needs to be both in the spirit and soul realm. This is one of the major issues that the church of the 21st century will have to face. As the End of the Age approaches it will not necessarily be the anointing that will carry us through the trials ahead, but the fruit of maturity deposited within us. In fact, though many talk of “the anointing” these days, there’s a danger we can become so transfixed by wanting the experience that we’ll miss the point, and find our souls weakened as a result.

We can see this by briefly comparing the lives of two men from the Old Testament period. First there was Samson who had the anointing of great physical strength but lacked inner maturity, and was therefore able to give vent to his anger, lust, etc. Now compare him with Joseph, and we see that Joseph had an anointing but was also instructed by the Spirit in maturity, and hence became a ruler and preserver of his people Israel.

In this brief comparison we have an indication that the outward appearance of one’s “calling” or “ministry” is not so important as the inner maturity that should guide the outward work.

Now let’s note this text which is commonly referred to by many ministries as if it applies to the anointing of the Holy Spirit present in a meeting, or even upon someone’s life. “...the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Isa 10:27

The text is generally used to say that where there’s some kind of bondage, problem or “yoke” over a person’s life, the presence of the Holy Spirit’s anointing will break it off the person and set them free. However it doesn’t refer to that kind of anointing at all, and is translated as “fat” or “grease” in the original Hebrew (Strongs number H8081).

In Biblical typology “fat” refers to the energy that lies within our inward parts. See for example Psa 17:10; Psa 92:14 and Psa 119:70. For further insights regarding Biblical Typology and the meanings of symbols in Scripture, see my eBook of the same title which has extensive examples.

So prophetically speaking this refers to the “inner fat” of the maturity of the inner man (=spirit, or “soul” in the OT). So this actually means that the yoke is destroyed by our inner maturity and not by any special external “anointing”, even though the latter may be a blessing to us in many ways. Makes you think!

Others may have their own definition, but as one who has been in this ministry for nearly 20 years I can safely say from a Biblical perspective, that wisdom and discernment (beyond that which the church currently regards as such) is truly “the Issachar Anointing”.

Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. The Book of Proverbs (in Hebrew it's called The Proverbs of Solomon) is a book of truths of a King. It’s representative of the truths found by one who was a king by divine decree. Because we too are called to reign with Christ, we should take notice of the many principles and truths that are contained in that book, especially if we wish to understand Times and Seasons.

Solomon instructs us in his writings to understand the three fold sequence of having knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. These three can be defined in the following ways:

Knowledge is the acquisition of facts.

Understanding is the interpreting of those facts.

Wisdom is the practical application of these facts.

We can have much knowledge, but unless we apply it, we’ll never be wise! “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” Prov 1:5

I believe that the Book of Proverbs is an End Time book for the final age of the Church. Why? Because it instructs us to seek for wisdom! “Wisdom” is an End Time characteristic of the Last Days Church. Wisdom in particular will be vital in our understanding of the different types of Times and Seasons that the Church will experience as the End draws nearer. In the End Times we’ll need to speak great truths, preach solid doctrine, prophesy extraordinary words, and teach deep revelations. All these require the use of words. How can we be pure in this calling unless we are controlling our tongues? So all of these need to be tempered and delivered with wisdom!

“Knowledge” in the Greek language of the New Testament has three meanings that are important for us to consider. This is primarily found in the Book of Proverbs. “To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding.” Prov 1:2

The three fold sequence of Knowing, Perceiving and Receiving must be understood and applied by the Church if it's going to come into full Sonship, into maturity. The three Greek words found in the New Testament, for “know” and “knowledge” are as follows:

The first word is GNOSIS.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” 2 Pet 3:18

According to Strongs Dictionary (G1108) “gnosis” means, “knowing the act”. By implication it means “knowledge” or science. Its more accurate meaning is “to know by experience”. Also see Jhn 8:22 and 17:3. So we see that there’s a type of knowledge that can only been “known” through “knowing the act” or by experiencing what we know. This is a profound concept and should really challenge our superficial concepts about “knowing” something!

The second word is EPIGINOSKO.

“Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him, and He vanished from their sight.”Lk 24:31

According to Strongs (G1921) the word epiginosko means “to know upon some mark, to recognize, to become fully acquainted with, to acknowledge; to have knowledge, to take knowledge, to perceive”. Its more accurate meaning is to know “fully” through revealed knowledge.

So in this type of knowledge we discover there is an understanding that passes beyond knowing something just from experience. Here we are told that we can know a truth fully by becoming intimately acquainted with it, just as the disciples at Emmaus did with the risen Jesus - even though it was only momentarily.

The third word is EIDO.

“None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother saying, "Know the LORD" for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.” Heb 8:11

In Strongs (G1492) the verb “eido” means (either literally or figuratively) “to see”. By implication the word means “to know; be aware, known knowledge, look on, be sure, behold, consider, perceive, see, tell, understand”.

The more accurate meaning is “to know absolutely.” What a truth! We can actually “know” knowledge to such a degree that we know it absolutely! This is invaluable as we attempt to discern the Times and Seasons of God in our lives. So we see that there are three important stages in the development of “knowledge”. We should be diligent in applying these truths and insights so that we don't simply remain at a very superficial level of understanding.

To recap all this, first we come to know by experience. Most people stop at this point in their Christian growth.

Then as we mature we come to know more fully by revealed knowledge.

Finally we come to know absolutely. To “know knowledge” as it were!

I have labored this point about the degrees of knowledge because it relates to the calling and anointing of those who possess an Issachar-spirit, as it were. It also raises the principal that as preachers and teachers we should never speak out what we have not yet entered into ourselves (see Prov 5:15).

How many times have you sat under some teaching, that might’ve been sound, helpful and even relevant, yet somehow lacked power? This kind of teaching comes when the preacher has come across some knowledge of truth in a book or at a conference, but hasn’t yet had a personal encounter with that truth. In his zeal to share the new found revelation it's presented as important and even current - but in fact the preacher himself has never experienced it for himself. So it becomes “stale water” and does not accomplish very much except perhaps to impart information to us. Our soul and mind benefits, but not our spirit man.

The calling that rests upon an Issacharite, is to acquire the relevant spiritual knowledge, to digest it well, and in due time to present it as fully as possible. Knowing “timing” (1 Chron 12:32) is so much a part of the Issachar calling, that it would be beneficial to cry out to the Lord for this anointing. So how can we receive and walk in this Issachar revelation?

The following few suggestions may help.

a) Study the Word to see what it declares about Issachar, both as the Tribe and the Son.

b) Write down any special insights and revelations that come your way as a result.

c) Be willing to seek out others who you know move in the ability to discern Times and Seasons.

d) Cry out to God to become sensitive to His Spirit, who alone is the Discerner of times and seasons.

Prophecies about Issachar

There were two prophecies spoken over Issachar. One was by Jacob to his son Issachar, as he did to all twelve sons, just prior to his death.

“Issachar is a strong ass, crouching between the sheepfolds. And he saw a resting place that it was good, and that the land was pleasant. And he bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a tribute slave.” Gen 49:14-15

The other prophecy was spoken by Moses just prior to his death also, but in this case it was to the Tribe of Issachar, who sprang out of the loins of Issachar the son. In this case Moses spoke to Issachar’s close ally, Zebulun, as well, linking the two in joint ministry.

“And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, O Zebulun, in your going out, and O Issachar, in your tents; to the mountain they call the peoples; there they shall offer righteous sacrifices for they shall suck the bounty of the seas, and treasures hidden in the sand.” Deut 33:18-19

In Jacob’s prophecy we see the clear calling on Issachar’s life: to bear his own burdens plus those of others. This is interesting when we see that many Issacharites are scholars and teachers of the Word. They bear the double burden of seeking to understand the Word for themselves, and of attempting to impart it to their students. Any teacher, whether secular or spiritual, will readily see this point. True teachers always carry within themselves the burden of duty to understand as much as they can personally, coupled with the burden of trying to pass that knowledge onto others.

For this very reason an Issacharite is also seeking for rest-time and a pleasant place to lay down. The double burden weighs heavily upon him and he longs for rest, but he always knows in the background there’s another burden waiting to be picked up. Even though in the natural the son of Jacob was conceived through being bought (Gen. 30:14-18) he himself will not be bought. He refuses to be bought with either gold or accolades. Money and fame cannot buy his knowledge, loyalty or ministry - he is NOT FOR SALE this time!

This is one reason why the religious church hates the Issacharites; they cannot be bought at any price; they refuse to lay down with the harlot. They would rather live in poverty and seclusion rather than compromise their identity in God. “And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Oh Zebulun, in your going out, and Oh Issachar, in your tents…” Deut 33:18

Moses’ prophecy over the Tribe of Issachar is quite remarkable when taken into deep consideration. Here we find Zebulun and Issachar linked; the former rejoices in going out, the latter by staying at home.

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that only those who belong to the spiritual tribe of Zebulun “go out” and that Issacharites are “stay-at-home” types. It has more to do with calling than anything. Those who belong to the spiritual tribe of Zebulun find it easier to get on and get out doing business, because they are often entrepreneurs at heart. They are good at making wealth and dealing it out, hence the Jewish tradition that says they are to support their spiritual bother Issachar, while he “stays at home” and studies the things of God.

The Issacharite would prefer to be in the Word, delving into its treasures, writing about it, preparing a new teaching, etc. But when he knows the Spirit is urging him to go out, he’s ready. Once out there on the road, teaching and sharing about the treasures he’s found in the Word, he’s totally at home, content and delighted that others want to know as well. He will not be found ministering at the big conferences, but sharing in the secluded villages of Africa or Asia, or the small homes of some city suburb; generally unnoticed, not recognized or acclaimed, but totally happy in his lot.

The prophecy goes on to say that together Zebulun and Issachar “shall call people unto the mountain”. This means they complement one another very well, and are engaged in the same business of drawing others to the mountain of the Lord, that is, to His presence and purposes. Further it declares that “they shall suck the bounty of the seas, and treasures hidden in the sand”. This refers to the harvest that Zebulun and Issachar will jointly bring in. “Seas” in Scripture usually refers to the nations, to the people of the world. These two tribes will bring in a harvest from the lands of the earth, not of wealth or produce, but of souls.

This will not occur through what we popularly call “witnessing” or “evangelism”, rather it shall come through the opening up of the Word in truth. Issachar in particular will bring understanding and insight of the Word of God through the wise knowledge he has stored up within himself over the years. The unraveling of truths and the disclosing of God’s ways by Issachar will reap a mighty harvest of those who want more than the popular teaching that marks many of today’s church meetings.

Often the treasures hidden in the sands cannot be easily found; they require diligence, a keenness of eye, and a stick-ability of purpose to bring them forth. Today, those who belong to the spiritual tribe of Issachar, still carry within them these two prophecies of Jacob and Moses. The Issacharite will bear the burden of teaching and impartation of truth, and he’ll stay at home studying the Word for all its worth. He’ll then go out and reap a harvest, not by evangelizing, but by deep insightful teaching. He’s a discerner of Times and Seasons. He’s keen to suck the bounty and dig for treasures hidden in the Times and Seasons of God. He is of Issachar and it’s in his spiritual DNA to be like this and to do this - he can do none other!