Kyunyŏ-jŏn : The life, Times and Songs of a Tenth Century Korean Monk by CHŎNG HYŎNGNYŎN - HTML preview

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Chapter 5
How He Interpreted Many Texts

Throughout his life, the Master considered it his duty to benefit people by spreading the Dharma. If a text by one of the expositors (of the Hua Yen tradition)[91] did not yield its full meaning readily, he would always write a point-by-point commentary on it. Thus there are the following:

Commentary on the Sou hsüan chi, in ten fascicles[92]

Commentary on the K’ung mu chang, in eight fascicles[93]

Commentary on the Fifty Important Questions and Answers Concerning Hua Yen, in four fascicles[94]

The T’an hsüan chi Explained, in twenty-eight fascicles[95]

The Chiao fen chi Explained, in seven fascicles[96]

Commentary on the Chih kuei chang, in two fascicles[97]

Commentary on the San pao chang, in two fascicles[98]

Commentary on the Dharmarealm Chart, in two fascicles[99]

Commentary on the Treatise on the Ten Phrases, in one fascicle[100]

Commentary on the Exegesis of the Gaṇḍavyūha Sūtra, in one fascicle.[101]

All these were in circulation in his time.