Kyunyŏ-jŏn : The life, Times and Songs of a Tenth Century Korean Monk by CHŎNG HYŎNGNYŎN - HTML preview

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4. Confession of Karmic Obstacles 



Line 1 顚倒逸耶

2        菩提向焉道乙迷波

3        造將來臥乎陰惡寸隱

4        法界餘音玉只出隱伊音叱如支

5        惡寸習落臥乎隱三業

6        淨戒叱主留卜以支乃遺只

7        今日部頓部叱懺悔

8        十方叱佛體閼遺只賜立

9        落句 眾生界盡我懺盡

10      來際永良造物捨齊

18.1.1-2:    UD; “erroneous belief” (Sanskrit viparyāsa).

18.1.3:       UG; “exceed, become” (cf. 17.4.6).

18.1.4:       UG; VE.

Line 1:       “... giving rise to erroneous belief.”

18.2.1-2;    UD + UD; “bodhi”.

18.2.3:       HD; “face towards”.

18.2.4:       UG; VE attributive, “(the path) which faces”.

18.2.5:       HD; “path”.

18.2.6:       UG; OP.

18.2.7:       HD; “deceive”.

18.2.8:       UG; VE for 18.2.7.

Line 2:       “... deceived of the path towards bodhi...” 

18.3.1:        HD; “created, made”.

18.3.2-6:     HG + HG + HD + UG + UG; VE future attributive, “(the evil) that I will create”.

18.3.7:        HD; “harshness, extremity”, thus “evil”.

18.3.8:        UG; FS for 18.3.7.

18.3.9:        UG; TP.

Line 3:       “The evil that I shall have created...”

18.4.1-2:     UD + UD; “Dharmarealm”.

18.4.3:        HD; “exceed”.

18.4.4:        UG; FC for 18.4.3.

18.4.5-6:     UG + UG; VE “until (it exceeds)”.

18.4.7:        HD; “appears, comes out”.

18.4.8-13:   UG + UG + UG + UG + HG + UG; VE for 18.4.7.

Line 4:       “appears until it exceeds the (bounds of the) Dharmarealm.”

18.5.1-2:     HD + UG; “harsh, extreme” (cf. 18.3.7-8).

18.5.3:        HD; “habits, ways”.

18.5.4:        HD; “fall”.

18.5.5-7:     HG + UG + UG; attributive VE for 18.5.4 “that (I have fallen into)”.

18.5.8-9:     UD + UD; “the three practices”.

Line 5:       “the three evil practices that I have fallen into.

18.6.1-2:     UD + UD; “the pure precepts”.

18.6.3:        UG; PP “of (the pure precepts)”.

18.6.4:        UD; “master, lord”.

18.6.5:        UG; IP “by”.

18.6.6:        HD; “bear, carry” hence “uphold”. Yang quotes a number of LMK examples for 卜 as a simplified character for 負, to which he then gives an HG reading in combination with 18.6.7 “support, maintain”. It must be said that this interpretation is not particularly persuasive, because in the other context for 卜, 22.7.6, he is forced to adopt a UG reading, reading the verb as “study”, thus going against the essential principle of “one character one value” in EKWS. The actual semantic distinction between the HG and HD readings is, in fact, a minor one, but it is at least possible to read the HD one consistently in both contexts, and so that is the one favoured here. The HYS context is “abide (eternally in the merits of the pure precepts)”.

18.6.7-11:    UG + UG + UG + UG + UG; VE for 18.6.6 emphatic form.

Line 6:       “I shall indeed abide by the (teachings of) the master of the pure precepts...”

18.7.1-2:     HD + HD; “today”.

18.7.3:        HD; “many, multitudinous”, thus “full”.

18.7.4-5:     UD or HD; “sudden, immediate”. [373]

18.7.6:        UG; PP.

18.7.7-8:     UD; “confession”.

Line 7:       “... now immediate and full confession...”

18.8.1-2 :    UD + UD; “ten directions”.

18.8.3:        UG; PP.

18.8.4-5:     UD + UG; “the Buddha”.

18.8.6:        UG; “know”, hence “acknowledge, know of”.

18.8.7-10:   UG + UG + UG + HD; VE for 18.8.6. Honorific request form.

Line 8:       “I ask that the buddhas of the ten directions acknowledge (my confession).”

18.9.1-2:     HD; “Ah,...”.

18.9.3-5:     UD; “the realm of sentient beings”.

18.9.6:        UD; “exhaust”.

18.9.7-8:     UD; “my confession”.

18.9.9:        UD; “exhaust”.

Line 9:       “Ah, (when) the realm of sentient beings is exhausted, so too will my confession be exhausted”.

18.10.1-2:   UD; “future regions”, thus “time to come”.

18.10.3:      HD; “long”.

18.10.4:      UG; adverbial FS for 18.10.3 “long”, presumably to intensify the meaning of 18.10.1-2.

18.10.5-6:   UD; “conditioned things”.

18.10.7:      HD; “renounce”.

18.10.8:      UG; VE.

Line 10:       “... and may I renounce conditioned things for all time to come.”

The corresponding HYS text is short, and Kyunyŏ seems to have chosen to simply reflect its contents. The two main four-line stanzas revert towards the close parallelism of songs 1 and 2, with the topic of the first one, “evil”, placed at the end of line 3 following a string of attributives and linked to a dynamic verb “transcend”, while the topic of the second stanza, “confession”, is in a corresponding place at the end of line 7. It is linked not to an exclamatory verb but to an honorific request form: “I ask that (my confession) be acknowledged”. It could perhaps be said that the introduction of poetics into the act of confession would be unnecessary and intrusive, and thus that the foreswearing of exclamatory verb forms is in accordance both with the HYS original and with the solemnity of the act evoked by the song. It is also noticeable, however, that from this point onwards, Kyunyŏ’s songs become more overtly doctrinal in content and less poetic in structure.

The evil I have created

By giving rise to erroneous beliefs

And straying from the path to Bodhi Transcends the bounds of the Dharmarealm.

I accept responsibility for the three evil practices I have fallen into,

And undertake to be guided by the master of the pure precepts.

I beg that my full and immediate confession

Be acknowledged this very day by the buddhas of the ten directions.

Ah, may the force of my confession endure as long as this realm of sentient beings endures,

And may I renounce conditioned things for all time to come.