Kyunyŏ-jŏn : The life, Times and Songs of a Tenth Century Korean Monk by CHŎNG HYŎNGNYŎN - HTML preview

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Adrian Buzo has lectured and published widely on Korean literature and society. He received his M.A. degree in Korean Language and Literature from Dankook University in 1981, and was appointed Lecturer in Korean Studies at what is now Swinburne University of Technology in 1989. He was appointed Executive Director of the newly established National Korean Studies Centre in November 1990. Mr Buzo is a member of the Australia-Korea Foundation Board, and in addition to authoring a number of Korean language textbooks, was editor of the Australian Government report Korea to the Year 2000: Implications for Australia (1992).

Tony Prince received his B.A. and Ph.D. in Chinese Studies at the University of Sydney. He subsequently spent four years in Taiwan, studying Chinese Buddhism and teaching at the College of Chinese Culture (now the Chinese Culture University) and the China Academy. After a further two years of study in Japan, he returned to Australia in 1977 to take up a lectureship at the University of Sydney, where he is currently Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies. His main research interest is the Hua Yen School of Chinese Buddhism.