Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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The Great Ship 

(Lessons 8'13)

Nuh (AS) was the next major prophet after Adam (AS). His people became indulged in worshipping idols named Wadd, Suwa, Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr ' these possibly being the names of righteous individuals from earlier generations whose statues were made to revere them that were later exalted to divine status. Nuh (AS) preached to his people to worship the only God, and to live righteously. However, most of them disbelieved in his prophethood and ridiculed him; they repelled him and even threatened to stone him to death. Allah commanded Nuh (AS) to construct a ship (or ark) and take the believers on board. Then He sent a severe flood that demolished the city completely. While the disbelievers drowned, the ship sailed to safety.