Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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Be willing to sacrifice for Allah

We must be willing to make sacrifices, whether great or small, for the sake of obeying and loving Allah. He shall amply reward us for any hardships we bear in His cause. Ibrahim (AS) was commanded, as a test from Allah, to sacrifice his son. Both father and son readily accepted this command, and when Ibrahim (AS) was fully prepared to make the sacrifice, Allah revealed to him not to proceed further, as they both had emerged successful from the trial: 'And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead, We called to him, ‗O Ibrahim, You have fulfilled the vision.‘ Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.' (37:103'105)

It is important to remember that Allah did not want Ibrahim (AS) to slaughter his son, nor did He allow it to happen. He gave such a command to Ibrahim (AS) merely to test how readily he would respond to it and whether he was worthy of the highest status among humanity. Since the prophets were honoured by Allah most, they were also tested most severely.