Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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Two Splendid Kingdoms

 (Lessons 45'50)

Dawud (AS) and Sulayman (AS) were two prophets who were granted magnificent kingdoms and wisdom by Allah. Dawud (AS) succeeded Talut as king of the Israelites, and the Psalms was revealed to him by Allah. He was granted eloquent speech and a melodious voice; birds and mountains used to exalt Allah alongside him. Allah further taught him how to fashion coats of armour, using iron, to assist in the battlefield. 

Sulayman (AS) was the son of Dawud (AS), and succeeded him to the throne. He had an even more fabulous kingdom, and his era marked the most glorious days in the history of the Israelites. Sulayman (AS) was given command over the wind, and taught the language of the birds. He had mastery over the jinn who constructed landmarks for him, dived in the sea to collect pearls, and performed various other tasks.