Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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Consider both sides to any argument

Once, Dawud (AS) was tested by Allah through two litigants who approached him in privacy. One of them claimed that the other had deprived him of his only ewe, and added that to his existing ninety'nine ewes, at which point, Dawud (AS) condemned the attitude of the aggressor. While there are various interpretations to this parable, an obvious point to note is that Dawud (AS) passed a hasty judgement, without listening to the other litigant, and afterwards repented to Allah. In daily life situations, we tend to be judgemental, and often rush to conclusions. This little episode reminds us to always listen to both sides to any argument, weigh them accordingly, and pass a disinterested judgement after considering all evidence.