Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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The Man of the Fish 

(Lessons 51'54)

Yunus (AS) lived about 2,800 years ago in modern'day Iraq. He was sent by Allah to preach His oneness to the people of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, which was one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of over 100,000. However, Yunus (AS), fearing the people’s hostile attitude, abandoned his mission without Allah’s permission. He boarded a ship to take him away but it encountered a storm in the sea. The sailors cast lots to determine who had brought 'bad luck' to the ship, and the name of Yunus (AS) came up. He was then cast into the sea where a huge fish swallowed him.

Miraculously, Yunus (AS) survived inside the fish. He became remorseful and repented to Allah sincerely, Who caused the fish to choke him out onto a shore. Yunus (AS) was seriously ill by then, so Allah caused a gourd plant to grow over him, providing him cool shade while he recovered. He then returned to his people who eventually believed in his message, and accepted true faith.