Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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A Miraculous Birth 

(Lessons 55'61)

Maryam (AS) was born to a devout Israelite family about 2,000 years ago. Her mother dedicated her, at a very young age, for the service of Allah in the temple where Zakariya (AS), who was her relative and a prophet, was made responsible for her. She was an exemplary young person, growing in knowledge and piety over the years, until one day the angel Jibril suddenly appeared before her in the form of a man, and informed her that Allah had chosen her. He blew into her, and gave her tidings of a son, even though she was a virgin. Maryam (AS) concealed her pregnancy, withdrew to a remote place, and then took the baby back to her city, where the people accused her of fornication. However, her son, Isa (AS), miraculously spoke in infancy, acquitting his mother of blame, and revealing his status as a prophet of God.

Isa (AS) was the last Israelite prophet, and was granted great miracles by Allah, including the ability to cure the blind and the leper, and even giving life to the dead. However, most Israelites rejected him, and opposed the teachings revealed to him in the form of the Gospel. In accordance with a charge forwarded by the Israelites, their Roman rulers were about to hang Isa (AS), but as yet another miracle, Allah raised Isa (AS) to Himself, and saved him from his enemies.

Let us examine some of the lessons we can learn from the lives of Maryam (AS) and Isa (AS), as well as Zakariya (AS) and his son, Yahya (AS).