Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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Contemplate the everyday miracles in life

The great miracles granted to Isa (AS), such as giving life to the dead, did not convince most Israelites that he was the promised one ' just as previous prophets’ miracles were denied. Allah informs us, 'And nothing has prevented Us from sending [similar] signs except that the former peoples denied them.' (17:59) Instead, Allah commands us to reflect on the everyday miracles we encounter: the systematic rotation of the night and day, how the rain'bearing clouds burst forth to revive the seemingly dead earth, the smooth sailing of the ships across the oceans, and so on. There are miracles of Allah as far out in the universe as we can reach, and also within our own bodies: 'We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this [Quran] is the truth.' (41:53)