Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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The First of Humanity 

(Lessons 1'7)

Allah created the first human being, Adam (AS), from turaab ' translated as dust or soil. He then blew into him through the Spirit, and commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam (AS) out of respect, which they did. However, one of the jinn known as Iblis (Satan), present among the angels, refused to do so, and Allah expelled him from the kingdom of heaven for his impertinence. Iblis then asked Allah to grant him respite till the Day of Judgement, so he could try and lead the descendants of Adam (AS) astray. Allah granted his wish, revealing that His true servants shall not be misled. 

Meanwhile, Adam (AS) dwelled in the garden of Paradise where Allah created his mate, Hawwa (AS), the first woman, so the two of them could enjoy the blessings of Paradise together. Allah commanded them not to eat from a particular tree, but Iblis caused them to disobey Allah, leading to their expulsion from Paradise and descent on earth. Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS) repented to Allah; He pardoned them, chose Adam (AS) as a prophet, and promised Paradise in the hereafter for whoever among humanity lived righteously. 

Let us examine the lessons learnt from this account and analyse its various aspects in detail.