Lessons from the Stories of the Quran by Ammar Awais - HTML preview

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Allah grants an honourable mention to the righteous

Speaking up for a just cause can invite others’ spite and accusations. However, in the long term, those who have dared to differ by upholding the truth are usually held in high esteem by the people. The young men in the cave, who had earlier faced threats of stoning to death, were later commemorated as great heroes. This is evident from their people’s desire to pay them a tribute: '[Some] said, ‗Construct a building over them; their Lord knows best about them.‘ Those who prevailed said, ‗We shall build a place of worship over them.‘' (18:21) 

Similarly, many of the prophets, who were ridiculed by their people for communicating the word of Allah, were eventually held in great honour. Hence, it is wise to tolerate whatever contempt you are subjected to for supporting what is right. Trust Allah to make people view your efforts in a positive light, and grant you an honourable mention among them.