Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen: Finding Your Satanic Self:


Are you at one with the Darkness? Unlike Christians we are not one with Christ. That abhorrent idea that we all become him and not only that are lost to him, being a Satanist is to be singularly as one. And thank the Devil! He asks us of individualism and we eagerly comply. To find yourself is to become yourself. Satanic philosophers have long emphasized that. For some there is a beast within. A demon to “exercise" if not so. That however is not necessary. It's not really expected either except by some.

Your childhood is a good place to draw from. We liked things so far less selectively back then. “We liked what we liked” Fortunately for me it was a treasure trove of 80s Satanica. Along with other things too which are just as important. What have yee seen that resembles the Devil in your youth? Sorry, those are my inner demons coming out.

What better place to start then with a name and new clothing? It is easy enough. Put together new sounds, sounds that mean a certain thing as combined. Ray is like light. Combined with Dark that could he Dara. With that “bringer” makes it Daranger. Not the best example though as the sounds should give more indication what they were made to mean.

New clothing! I wouldn’t start any new phase in my life without it. I couldn’t go too long without putting on some brand new stuff, either. It is not until a King became as such that he could truly wear royal clothing and you can take that as inspiration.

The villain has greatly evolved in the last 60 years. They were of things that further in the past you couldn’t dare create. More and more however people can say and present exactly what they want in presenting them. Choose as many villains as you want to in imitating them. As for me I have “Twelve Names,” a list I created for my twelve favorite villains and is a great source of inspiration.

Reach into your inner self. Come to understand yourself in the greatest sincerity. If you see the Devil within you then look even deeper. There you will find him among the junk and rubble standing out against the light and divinity that has ruined your previous life.

To accept yourself is to accept sin, I guess. Rather than turning to request forgiveness of it, accept it. It is then that you will become a true Satanist. A person of a little less inhibition save that which her or his pride prevents. One that has began thinking a lot less like others. For every action an opposite or equal reaction and rather than humbly sitting in prayer a Satanist sits with his or her pride. They build up love of life through pride and optimism. With bright sided thinking instead of the real darkness that blinds the devout Christian.

They build up a light inside. As well as they can do so they are not just a Satanist of some limited kind but a Luciferian.

It is then that a warlock or witch is made. When the soul itself has the power necessary to enact Greater Magic. Great power is found thereof. And the life of them begins to change. The Devil then enters into such a person's life and they commune with him for the first time.

Chapter Fourteen: 5 Satanic Rituals

The first has you enveloping yourself in Darkness. It has you bringing in the spirit of Darkness.

The second teaches you how to to create powerful magic cards.

The third is a communion with The Devil.

The fourth is a cure ritual.

The fifth are recommendations for Voodoo dolls. In this case they don’t only use dolls.

Ritual of Darkness

A black set of clothing is required. A black blanket if possible. A black hood among it. Devil worshipping music is required. As is: a dark room, black candles, a sigil necklace, a drink and a chalice, a circle on the floor, a drum, and Satanic imagery all around.

It should be the perfect Satanic environment to meditate and think and feel in a Satanic way. With all of this prepared drink half the chalice contents and the second half when done. 

Lay for awhile to the music. Sometimes stand and move on a circle to the music looking at all the imagery around and meditating through it. Pray at the black candles if you like.

Make your meditation a dark and unholy one. Feel as though you are wrapped in black wings. Sense and feel the truly Satanic, draw in and pay attention to those feelings.

The next step is to bang on your drums to the music for the purpose of losing inhibition and for reaching an elevated state. Our connections to demonic forces are much stronger during naturally elevated moods.

Pray at your candles after that. Then the ritual is over. You should feel much more charged.

Other than that there is only to say that the drink should be most soothing.

How to Create Powerful Magic Cards

First create a magical symbol for yourself using dice and a pen. You will need just one twelve sided die or two six sided ones.

The number one means an inch downward. The number two is two inches downward. The number three is an inch diagonally left. The number four is two inches diagonally  left. The number five is an inch diagonally right. The number six is a circle in the center. The number seven is a line through the center from left to right. The number eight is a line through the center from the top to the bottom. The number nine is to place a small circle or triangle on the tip of any given line. The numbers ten, eleven, and twelve is to do two additional things of your choosing to the drawing and to be done. You stop when the numbers ten to twelve appear but not before adding to it something you like.

And you’ll notice that instructions aren’t entirely specific but you can take some liberty with it.

Next a magical alphabet must be created. It sounds simple but I have a better way than just making up letters from nothing. A few ways to do better than that are:

To look through ancient alphabets and words, especially those that referred to demons. Cross reference these from language to language. In other words find a word that meant Devil in one language and do so with a different language then create a single letter from the two.

Look through sword and sorcery books, cartoons, or movies until you come across some strange alphabetic letters and words. Like a sorcerer in a horror movie opens a magic book and there are strange letters inside.

More simply, transform rune letters.

After that alphabet is formed also create sounds for each letter. Have vowels still sound like vowels. Wrap vowels around consonants to be sure that the sounds as crossed over can still he pronounced (for example instead of “Tbra" make it “Atabara.” So like you say that A will sound like E in the new language. And that t sound like Ata.

You can even use a Ouija board and cast a crystal to see what letter it lands on.  

So now your symbols are made and your alphabet of letters and pronunciation.

Select 20 demons or deities. Include Satan as the 21st. Make 12 cards from the Principality list that I presented in Chapter 5. That includes twelve numbers. So Person One is also card one. So we end up with 33 cards. And that is good enough already but you can do more if you like. Combine the symbols and demons. Write their name on the bottom with your magical alphabet. You can add to it whatever suits you. I'll leave that with your own creativity. You can buy blank cards online or just use index cards. Of course I should now say what they are for. They are for meditating and reflecting on the powers you have chosen to be in your life. They are for acknowledging them. And the cards of the Principality are for the same but with your family/friends, or better still: your coven members. I’ve forgotten to say it in this book but the list of the 12 also represent 12 of your loved ones from oldest to youngest with you fitting in. So “Person One" is the oldest among your loved ones in the list. The 12th is the youngest of them. And you are in that list where you fit in by age.

The idea is that you sit down at a table and privately go through your cards. You can either share your cards with those at the table with you or individually look and reflect on them. Or you can do so entirely by yourself. So if one of you picks Shiva or Lilith, you share praise for them.

Communing with The Devil

A table at which you idealize the more Satanic things of nature: it's viciousness, its nature of dominance over weaker things, its purpose to be the greatest of beings among all others. With Devil Worshipping music at your table and black candles providing scant light prayers being made and evil things brought to mind without personal impediments is to engage in a communion with Satan.

The Devil comes through much easier from the uninhibited individual. That one that reaches the animal state and let’s loose those demons they long restrained will find Darkness happily beside them.

Drink from your chalice and sit with pride awhile. Be opened to Satan and seek your purpose for him in that time. Pray to him beside you. Draw in your powers well enough and he may appear. If in life you have done his work and lived according to the Satanic Ways then much more likely so.

We were made in his image. We are a part of his existence. We embody him as good pieces more or less. To find him is to sit under a full moon in a dark place. Or in our most engaging artistry. In attentively creating for him.

Those that seek The Devil will surely find him. It is like a heavy door to open. Build Satanic Strength and the Satanic Sense of Impurity.  Be a thing of sin and impurity. Do so in the Name of Satan and align yourself with the things of its nature. That door will creek  open a little. Absorb yourself in the Satanic. Those evil eyes will slowly open. Put into your hands the Devil's work. He will lend you his arms.

Listen to what he would say. It is a thing heavenly heard. It speaks of a universal victory.

Give your soul to him and it will return to you polished and new.

The Cure Ritual

You will need a chosen herbal formula which is either self made or in pill form, as you choose. My favorite two are Saint John's Wort and Ginko. Vitamins, lemongrass, tea, are among others. They are prepared in a drink.

You’ll need: a warm blanket, candles, a bell, choice things of aroma therapy, relaxing music, and a comfortable place to sit and lay down.

First enter into a bath with candles around you in what’s otherwise dark. After the shower or bath remain nude except for a blanket around you. Wash your face in the sink. With music playing in your room, enter. Take from your chalice a soothing drink. Lay down next to good smelling things. Visualize health, your body fighting for you down to the blood cells and their molecules. “Speak” to them. Drink from your chalice.

Rise and don white clothing, like a lab coat and white scrubs. Some loose feeling clothing.

Then do some very liberal stretches. That means to roll around and bend, every part of your body, freely. After this make prayers, in a prayer and worship position. Then after this do some vigorous exercise until you are able to lay down and more fully relax. Ring the bell many times. Then lay down and focus positive energy into every part of your body.

The ritual is Then done.

Unconventional Uses of Voodoo “Dolls”

Throw a stuffed leprechaun at a rainbow, one you have been giving tithes and prayers to for wealth in life.

Use little green army men at your defense or offense.

Summon a Devil in the form of an action figure.

Pray to that valentine’s day stuffed animal that you give to your loved one.

And here is a ritual to endow life into them:

You’ll need a Satanic Object to begin with as like the examples above. Whatever you have purposed for. You’ll need a big enough box to fit them in such as a shoe or cardboard box. And on that box are written magically calculated names and symbols. Inside are magical things written on paper or parchment. It details what you are trying to do. That is to say “what name will you give it, or the group it represents?” Bed the box with feathers. You will also need a green ribbon. Paper and envelopes are needed. Drink and a chalice, crystal stones, candles, a bell, scissors , for the rest.

If possible according to its material, you may baptize it in a bowl of unholy water.

Place a circle on your floor. Inside the circle place crystal stones. Around it, candles. In the center, the box.

Place the doll onto your altar and “lay hands" on it, praying to it. Pray maybe for demons to enter it, or for its energy, whatever your goal may be. Then wrap and tie the ribbon around it. With one hand on it then, drink from your chalice.

Raise the doll or object above your head. Rotate clockwise with it. Then place it inside the box within the circle. Ring your bell above the box. Kneel before the box and pray. Finally remove the being from the box and cut off its ribbon, bringing it into life. Keep it with you. Keep it on your altar. Pray to it and it will aid you.