Lessons of Demonic Magic by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Nine: The Satanic Force


The Satanic Force radiates from the Luciferian as The Tomel, or, “desire to overcome and change. Desire of mastery, to excel, whose importance is of progress, defying any anti-life way.”

Be gifted with that force in your life through adherence to the principles below. They will all serve you well. Consider them the consecrating of a Satanic soul and a world of those the same.

They fall under four types: 1) Progress. 2)Power. 3)Iniquity. & 4) Satan's Victory. The whole sum of what we are can be reflected as Satan in the mirror. If we are formidable in his cause then we are aligned with His Force. We can carry his image through things like pride, desire and enjoyment and those are things best equated with worldliness. These are the traits of The Devil. To embody them is to be one with him. In a twisted form to say “without faith works mean nothing,” we instead say “Without being Satan through so doing we are only working on faith.”

What is The Satanic Force? It is the dark energy of life that I present below:

The Enjoyment of Life

Taking time to smell the roses gets you there better. Life for some is bitter. Some wallow around and consider every little thing tedious and boring. Not for you, hopefully. A good cup at one's table proves that the smallest things in life can bring pleasure. Beware of the place others will take you. I’ve done well in life by keeping separate from them. Groups= trouble. Singular people are greatly less trouble makers unless they are simply psychotic. Social people can be even more psychotic than them, however. Who deserves life? Those that enjoy it. They are those who don't even need enemies. Unless that is if they are being hindered from it. Only the life loving person will fight for more happier things in life. Satanism will give you every right in life as long as there are these two: loving your own life and allowing others to do the same.

It is truly the happier side of the force of Satan, one full of joy and exhilaration. To truly be “in the spirit,” that spirit taken from the Earth.


Try going the extra mile to be better than others. Burn the midnight oil. If in the end you simply cannot achieve much for any given thing then consider trying something else. There are those that do a little, those that do regularly, the minority does the most. That requires extra work than most are willing to do. Be above them that way. Certainly the Christian’s “home" is a metaphor for the spiritual presence of Christ within. It is against worldliness for sure. A Satanists Home is built upon choice stones that they value her or his life within. No fledgling sheep we are. We are removed into a place far away from the haven’s sky above into darker more private areas where we absolutely cannot he seen. We speak of but the self. Christ is found nowhere within us. Therefore, Christ cannot even see us.


A good education isn’t only about a good job. Good jobs are good indeed. However the education also gives you a thing to boast of. Similarly a raise gives you not only more money but a better position. Maybe you are in a group or Church. Strive for the higher positions wherever they are found. Superiority however has no context within Luciferianism without pride being beside it. When you truly are a star looking down upon men then you are one truly blessed. You will be given greater responsibility in the next life.

Ideas have long been capsulized. In a form more readily experienced as true. In more entertaining way. In video form. Soon that will be in holographic form. There are a lot of ideas to draw from in both making something better and Satanic. Or if you have ulterior motives, just he careful. At this point it is all about piecing things together the beat way while new ideas are in the minority and becoming harder to find anyways.


Meticulous with your plans and actions. Scribe out your destiny your plan. And follow it exactly. Know what you want in life and achieve it year by year. Seek power maybe, wealth or fame, or to create change. Make yourself influential. Do better than your Holy self-righteous enemies. Stardom is the best word for it. When the curtain opens will you be a stage hand or among the highest of The Devil's celebrities?

Godly forms come from habit and routine. Whether you are perfecting your thought as by developing your perspective or habitually clean, whichever: it is self discipline. Working on inventive thinking if you like, instead. Or buying new clothes for any new stage in life, they are made up of your own choice design. Your own choice design is that personal God-image of yourself. It is any personal routine and habit that makes you feel better. That makes you feel blessed, self-appreciative. Could also be found in not doing certain things. Things you feel you shouldn’t be. Whatever it is that is your choice. Do not let others tell you that you shouldn’t be, feel, or think a certain way.


Fiddle while Rome burns. The Devil will break down to build back up. It is a high price to pay but with the Darker Satanist “The Ends Justify the Means.” For a new age. For a new people is its mantra. Systems that have piled up should be broken down. Limitations on liberty too. Lazy ways should be undone. We shouldn’t have to live under a system created by fools. They’ve interfered with our Kingdom for too long. Don’t weep for the fate of Man but do give him a new purpose to start on if he comes asking for it. Spare only the most Satanic of people. Preserve only the good seeds, not the weeds.


They that ask themselves if they really need something are really just practicing self denial. From desire comes want of things and happiness in having them. Take a moment from time to time to realize it: that the rich truly live well. Their houses are far larger, they have swimming pools, drinks and food prepared for them according to their taste, a movie theater is in their house with soft cushioned leather seats to watch them on. Envy and greed are cousins.


This will get you further than anything else can. To make the better product, price wise, quality wise, takes a masterful balance. Those that compete will win. Those that don't will only ever just be watching  Competition is the best thing to happen with any progressive society. One has to be better than the other and yet cheaper. That makes for the best quality at the best time. It is what I have against socialism and communism. “All for society. “ What is society? However the inventive mind has been lost because of their inventions. That is, from things like music and TV. I wrote 6 books including free ideas for inventions. They were the best I could come up with. If everyone did the same then thoughts and ideas for new things would be abundant. I’ve chosen to go free with what I create. As a result my books have gotten dozens of reviews more than the more well known electronic books which, despite having been posted years before, mine have a few times more reviews and probably far more downloads.


One should always have a nice and pleasant place to privately attend. One with perhaps a select few friends, or singularly. Count your best seat as your throne. Take time to meditate on music thinking of your diabolical schemes. Classical music serves that purpose well. Even if it is video game or movie music. A softly lit room serves that well. One with a candle or two, or electronic lantern, whichever. Add to that a nice drink beside you. Think about how Satanic Forces are currently effecting the Earth and so feel a part. What Devil's are in the world today? That is, what is that which has been contemporary demonized? Imagery helps. They are easily gotten and enough to be highly selective with. Take a long look at them and hold it in your mind whatever it is that you find most appealing.


Before you came into this world your destiny was already laid out for you. As an infant you lost the ability to remember. Our tiny brains wouldn’t let us remember. By the time we are 3 years old we’ve had to focus on the new world so much that remembering our time in heaven was forgotten. That is, for those of us who are human. Some of us are given a very niche purpose. We fulfill it here then elsewhere life after life. If we do good then we continue to. May even be given riches or rewards hereafter for doing our job well. Worth for a Satanist isn't just a given. It comes from making yourself worthy and worthwhile.

Set forth to create something that your heart leads you to.


Idle hands are not the work of The Devil's Own. They are the work of his prey. His “pawns.”

Having machines do most of the work is just fine. Naturally so, they work more perfectly than we do. I’m not talking about effort here but perfection. It is a well executed plan. It is to be flawless as much as you can be. A flaw is like a big black blot. A stroke a graceful thing with the right hands. It's often been said “nothing is perfect.” My meaning is to be as close to it as possible. Just don’t become too impractical. Eventually the painting is done.

I have long looked for the perfect pocket radio. After dozens of models that ranged from awful to nearly perfect I could not find one that was. The criteria wasn’t even demanding. Just things like tough plastic, reception, stereo sound, durable switches, and battery life. I found many that almost met all of the criteria. Just one thing away from it in fact. I concluded that companies must cut corners in at least one way. If not ripping you off altogether with a broken device.


Gather people for a world changing cause. Christians do so constantly out of design. They have their own ways: knocking door to door even. We aren't so fortunate and privileged as that. Ours must be more discrete and subtle like the snake alone in a tree. They are allured by the fruit. Be there when they want to take a bite. People want to be influenced into power-identities or greatness identities. They want to be two things: admired and feared. They want mystery with that. Some want to be fascinating. Those are what they will most readily emulate.


Remember: it can come from fleeing. As such to “live to fight another day.” Massive dinosaurs are all gone. Mice are doing quite well. The people whose pride is more easily hurt has lower self esteem. They may have counted on body size all of their life. Not working on what’s underneath the skin. If you start to feel self pity then stop yourself. To say things should be this way or whatever it is, is a slippery slope. You don’t have to go down it though! People will either be broken by the world or kept together despite awful things. My suggestion.. and it is a good one, is to continue acting independently against the world but for Satanists that are in it. Satan may require of you to become stronger. Satanism never comes cheap. To be among the elite may be particularly intensive. You will know after it is that you have Satanind your name. Higher names cost more. So I recommend working up slowly towards them.


Mastery takes technique according to what you are naturally best at. To perform a ritual most naturally puts you into the lines of the greatest occultists already. Like they say “anything that is worth doing is worth doing well.” That means that if you just don’t care about the result then you do not care about the thing you are making. It is nothing more than time wasted. Carving out a new name for yourself will fetch the best of results as some flow freely on name alone. Whose name are their sails gladly donated to them by eager followers blowing them along.

You can be an exceptional Kantale player but nobody really cares anymore about the Kantale. You can be a guitarist with stuff competition, hopes of top tier fame nearly impossible. If you are exceptionally lucky you can create an all new genre of music or at least master it in their earliest stages.

Seek the evocative and new, the things that allure others. The things that take what was of before and gives them a Satanic stature.


I think the best thing about true individualness is that you have a soul. If you are a copy and reflection of others than you do not. In fact it can be made an equation. Individualness= self. There are those with quite a short path. The outer-minded that go straight to the popular section of music and movies or the best selling book. I’m sure you noticed they are closest to the front door and are far larger in number. For every less popular item there are 10 or more popular items. Who knows how many more really, they’ve been “sold out.” They are wolves that gather, rarely sheep. We are as lions. We are not shallow minded so much as to follow the beat of their drums. They are practically like zombies compared to us and that is a scary thought.

Have your own style. Represent yourself well.

Second, the universe of the Satanic will identify you as such. You will stand out among others and be seen by The Satanic. Be a hidden gem. One valuable. One that sparkles and shines out. For they are looking for you. Your worth makes it all the more so, bit that is covered in purpose. “The Road Less Taken” by Robert Frost is about all of that.


To desire is to love. It truly makes life less bland. Reminds me of a guy I knew. He would drink like warm water and made me think ‘how can he enjoy that?’ There I was making my iced tea and thinking ‘I wish I could enjoy that instead of making this all day.’ Desire is fuel for the heart, the greatest work of the mind. It is a place to call home that is over the rainbow. When you wish upon the star, makes no difference who you are. Everything your heart desires will come to you. For the iniquitous the rainbow is one black. When you gaze into the star its window may open to look down upon you.

The Occult

I have gone to great lengths to teach it here. Be assured my magic is tried and true. Remember though: there is more out there. May the occult have you seen simply by practicing it. May the doors you want open be opened widely that you can experience the metaphysical things as I have. Be assured your magic will work. If not immediately then later. I used to seek out A Satanic Cult. Late in life I had crossed over into such darkness as to be given new life. My life now rests on the bed rock of brimstone. I’ve tried to deliberately end my life since then. Drinking bleach, Raid, oven cleaner, slitting my wrist, getting stitches. But I am alive today and I tell you: my life must be because of what I’ve come to be. Transitioning into a new life is rather seamless unless you resist it greatly or have to face it under awful circumstance.

The fountain of truth lead you to wisdom! That true wisdom whose archetype is based on perfection. He is not a model disgusted at and pinned to the cross. He is an archetype of great pride and joy in life. A singular being.. as one self inclusive. Breaking through the mediocre will present a great challenge for you and anyone else that did not simply inherit their good lot. But a Luciferian can make the most out of the least. May you be truly alive in live truly with a soul your own whose hands grasp it to tightly, not as an elusive wandering thing. Take time to revel here and there and may you feast with Devils in due time.