Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Counting the Cost

Monday morning, 07/04/05 Dearest YHWH,
It is a powerful prayer indeed:
“Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done.”
It is a powerful prayer that calls You forth.
The prayer of faith is powerful and effective.
I cry out to You to force Your way into my reality,
that I might respond faithfully.
“Thy kingdom come.
Thywill be done.”
Breathe in me, Breath of Life.

Tuesday morning, 07/19/05 Dear LORD,
No matter how hard I try, I keep crashing my life.
I owe more than I can ever repay.

Dear S.,
Its okay.
You have insurance in My Name, as long as you are My dependent. And, you dont have to drive by yourself anymore.
I am with you.
I will help you to live more carefully.
My love doesnt change, even when you mess up.
Thursday morning, 07/28/05

My Dear S.,
You are My little war horse, mighty in battle.
Why do you still refuse to rest in My stable?
Fine food I lay before you. Soft bedding I provide,
yet you prefer the cold hard ground. Why wont you come inside? I know the longing of your heart, the loneliness you hide. Do you know My love for you? Will you be My bride? You can never earn it, no matter how you try.
To enter My eternal rest, you need only lose your pride. Affectionately,
Your God

Saturday morning, 07/30/05 Dearest Jesus,
Thank you Precious LORD for the blood You shed for me, that I might live with You throughout eternity.
Gratefully Yours,

Tuesday morning, 08/30/05 Dear Jesus,
I have gone through my whole closet,
and nothing I put on is good enough.
My life doesnt fit anymore.
I need You living in me.

Then He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Luke 5: 36-38)

Saturday morning, 09/03/05 Dear S.,
There is a way that an old wineskin can be made new. Give it to Me, and I will soak it in Living Water.
Then it will be ready to hold new wine.

Monday morning, 09/12/05
Dear LORD,
I am diurnal,
living between the hours of work and sleep.
You are eternal,
living in me;
here, beneath the surface of my working and sleeping dreams.
In the hour before sleep and the hour before dawn, You sing to me, and I rest in Your song… Your promise of a day to come
when there will be no tomorrow or today, and we will be forever together when dusk becomes day.

Later that evening Dear LORD,
Do they know?
People rushing every nowhere …
Do they know? Can they see You here?
They walk right through You – unchanged,
like I used to before I knew You,
when I was estranged.
Oh God!
Theyre so used to the pain theyve stopped screaming!

Oh God!
How can I reach them?
They dont even know they need healing.
In desperation,