Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Saturday night, 06/07/08
Dear LORD,
There were beer cans and trash thrown all over the place up in the hills where there is a year-round spring. It looked like the remnants of an underage drinking party. The cross I had once made of rocks had been turned back into a fire pit. Father God, I confess my part in making Your world a toxic place, before You saved me from myself. Please protect these children from it now! I picked up the cans and rebuilt the cross, but I think I got into poison oak.

Monday evening, 06/09/08
Dear LORD,
I have poison oak breaking out on my face and arms. My doctor wasnt impressed when I told her that I felt the need to clean up the trash and rebuild the cross. Amends dont always make sense to people; but she offered to give me some gloves.

Friday morning, 06/13/08
Dear LORD,
You showed me a prayerless church. Ministries were everywhere, but they were meaningless drills that covered up sin. There was humor with no message; living water spit out on the carpet. I repent. I am the prayerless church. Help me to pray in spirit and in truth.

Dear S.,
There is too much study and too little prayer. You need both. Love,
Saturday morning, 06/14/08

Dear LORD,
Thank You for the divine appointment to share the Gospel with the woman whose brother in law is facing terminal cancer. Thank You for preparing me to show her the difference between Christianity and other world religions. It was exactly what she was ready to hear. Your timing is so perfect! I know now that I can trust You with my husband too. You have given him free will, and I have been trying to interfere. He is not ready to give his life to You. His desire is to be “left behind” so that he will be able to minister to people during the tribulation. That may be Your will for him. I repent of trying to force the Gospel down his throat, and I place him in Your hands to do with him according to Your perfect will. I am not discouraged. I will keep praying for his salvation, and for Your purpose in his life. Thank You for Your faithful love.

later that day
Dear LORD,
How amazing You are, to place my husbands best friend, E., across the street from where I went for Bible study today! We visited him, and he opened up to us about his health problems, and even let us lay hands on him and pray. You are opening doors in these last days, and pouring out Your Spirit on all flesh.

Saturday evening, 06/21/08
Dear LORD,
Thank You for the opportunity to talk with E. again. His breathing is better than it was, thanks to Your healing power. He told us that he is making arrangements for his burial, so that his wife wont have to deal with it. (He is eighty one) He said not to tell his wife yet, but he has been reading the Bible for a few minutes each night before bed. He told us that he is afraid that she will be rapturedand he will be left behind because hes not good enough.His wife is a Jehovahs Witness, and he thinks he has to earn his way to heaven. We shared with him the message of redemption that You bought for us with Your blood on the cross. We told him that none of us can earn it. He listened for two hours. How amazing You are! There are no words to describe Your perfection. E. is going to have coffee with my husband tomorrow. Thank You for loving each one of us, and drawing us to You, in just the right way, at just the right time.

Monday evening, 06/23/08
Dear LORD,
The second round of medicine is almost out, and I still have a bad case of poison oak. I have done what is possible, and now I am trusting You to take care of the impossible. Please heal me of this infirmity.

Friday morning, 06/27/08
Dear LORD,
Thank You for healing R.s father, D. I couldnt get hold of R., to ask how the brain surgery went yesterday, but I know that her father is going to get well. I dont understand the theology of the intense pain in my head last night, that cleared this morning with prayer; but I know that it was somehow connected. I knew that You were healing him, and me, even before the pain started to go away. Thats how You are. Thank You for your faithful love. Thank You for giving me confirmation, so that I will be able to encourage R.. You do indeed answer every prayer.

Friday morning, 07/04/08
Dear S.,
The measure of your humility is the measure of how much of My power you can safely handle. Humility is the resistor that protects you from the damning influence of pride in your life.

Dear LORD,
Wont I get discouraged? S.

Dear S.,
No, because I Myself will encourage you. God

Dear LORD,
I just noticed the date. Thirteen years ago today, You saved me from myself. Love,
Dear S.,
Thirteen years ago, you were in a place of complete humility. Love,

My LORD and my God,
Please help me to be in that place of complete humility again. Love,

My dear S., I Am.

Saturday evening, 07/05/08 Dear LORD,
Thank You for getting rid of the poison oak. Its such a relief to have it gone! Love,

Friday morning, 07/11/08
Dear LORD,
I feel my body ageing around me, and see the world winding down; Still more clearly now, I hear You calling.

Dear S.,
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Fathers hand. I and the Father are one. (John 10: 27-30)
Friday morning, 08/01/08

Dear LORD,
I keep dreaming of heavy equipment. What does it mean? Love,

Dear S.,
You are dreaming of Me. I have strategically placed you to work with Me. Love,

Dear LORD,
What is my part of the job? Love,

Dear S.,
You hold the switch. Its the one labeled “faith”. Turn it on and watch Me work. Love,

Saturday night, 08/02/08
Dear LORD,
I went to a prophecy conference today. I arrived just in time to hear the message from a man who had been in New Orleans during hurricane Katrina. He said the winds had been so strong that the palm trees were bent clear over. He had thought that they would never recover, but as soon as the sun came out, they stood tall again. They were not destroyed because they had deep roots. Two years ago, You gave me Psalm 92: 12-15 as your promise that I will be like those trees in these last days. I take You at Your word, LORD, because You are faithful. I repent of my desire to escape these times of trial, and I accept all that You wish to do in and through me.