Love Letters by Shirley Sehorn - HTML preview

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Friday morning, 04/22/05 Dear S.,
Confess, repent, try again. I am your spiritual kidneys, cleansing you, allowing you to come before the Father spotless. Use what you were born (again) with. Love,

Sunday morning, 05/01/05 Dear LORD,
Break the numbness off my heart.
Release Your prayer in me.
Increase the flow until it breaks the dam in me.
I claim Your promise, not by my righteousness,
but by Your great mercy.

Monday morning, 05/02/05 Dear S.,
“...I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 20b) Love,
Dear S.,
“Can a woman forget her nursing child,

And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you.” (Isaiah 49: 15)

Dear LORD,
Thank You for the cross. Love,

Tuesday morning, 05/25/05 Dear LORD,
When my spirit soars with Yours, suspended for a moment in Your gaze, Im overtaken by another pair of eyes that see the fear behind the pride behind the shame; and Im falling back to earth again with a piece of You still burning in my heart. Unquenchable fire, insatiable desire draws me higher and higher every time; because the flight is worth the fall, and You never leave my side through it all. You never leave my side at all. Love,

Friday morning, 05/27/05 Dear LORD,
Ive been searching for You all my life; and Im not backing down or pretending Ive fathomed Your unsearchable mind with mine. If contentment is the absence of desire, I dont want it; but give me the peace that comes as fire, burning me alive! Love,

Sunday evening, 05/29/05 “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall takerefuge,” (Psalm 91: 4a)

Dear Jesus,
When You lifted up Your Holy wing to cover me, You exposed Your underbelly to violence by my hand. My God! What have I done? I lay myself down in despair against Your wounded side. Your blood washes all my arrogance away. In the stillness, I can only hear Your heart beat; and the echo of Your prayer for me:

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
(Luke 23: 34)

Im sorry,

Wednesday morning, 06/01/05 Dear LORD,
Awakened by the scent of flesh, like incense burning in the fire of Your love, I am consumed with singleness of passion for You.

Friday morning, 06/03/05 Dear LORD,
How much Holy damage can I do today? How much hatred to destroy by the power of Your love? How many chains to throw away? How many souls to be saved? Your disciple,

“Behold, I will do a new thing! Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43: 19)

Dear S.,
I am rebuilding people, searching for the lost pieces of a dream I had before the world was born. I am recycling people. Behold! I make everyone new! Watch what I can do in them and in you!
My Savior,
Sin had locked me out of your presence, but You held out the key of repentance in Your own bleeding hand. Why am I still standing outside the door? Why am I still standing? The door locks at its base. It can only be opened when I fall on my face, and stretch out my hand to You.

Wednesday morning, 06/08/05 Dear LORD,
I wait upon Your faithfulness in clouds of thick darkness; my heart fixed on Your countenance, not upon my competence - or lack.

Friday morning, 06/10/05 “and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire. His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;” (Revelation 1: 13-15b)

Dear Jesus, my Redeemer,
You are worthy to open the seal of my heart. Let me be Your warrior bride. Bring me with You to the Holy Place. Present me to Your Father and mine; for Your blood has cleansed me. You have clothed me in a robe reaching down to my feet. You have placed a gold sash around my chest. My head and hair are white as wool, as white as snow. My eyes have become as blazing fire. I am overcome with passion for You. My feet have become like bronze glowing in a furnace. I step out on Your promise. I trust in Your faithfulness to make me new. Your love endures forever.
Your warrior bride,
Saturday morning, 06/11/05

Dear S.,
When you turn it over, the last is first, and the first is last. When you give yourself to Me, I will turn you completely around.
With love,

Wednesday morning, 06/15/05 Dear LORD,
How could I have the audacity to define You…
to name You …
as though I were Adam, naming each animal as he pleased?
You are “That Which Is”,
and I am “that which was not until made by You”.

Wednesday morning, 06/22/05
Dear LORD,
Why arent You talking to me? Am I screaming so loud inside that I cant hear You? Love,