Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity - How You Can Attract Abundance, Prosperity and Happiness Into Your Life by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Benefits of Reuniting With Your Higher

& True Self!

Are you struggling with your finances? Do you feel you are not experiencing the success you would like in your life?

If so, establishing a strong connection with your Higher Self - your True Self - will cause you to automatically experience more abundance and success in your life!

Your Higher Self is the Real you and its very nature IS abundance. Our Higher Selves are connected with the stream of abundance and Light that is constantly flowing from God/Spirit/the Universal.

The problem with many is that the "valve" that allows the flow of that abundance into their physical lives has been considerably narrowed due to false and limiting beliefs, bad habits, negative momentums, etc. When taking the necessary steps to reunite with your True Self, you will find your abundance valve opening wider and wider, allowing more abundance to automatically flow into your life!

Your Abundance Channel

To get a better visualization of the stream of abundance energy that is constantly pouring from the Universal through your Higher Self, see the stream as a large golden channel of radiant energy and picture it fully flowing to your H.S.

What then constricts the flow of that abundance into our physical lives are the false beliefs, perceptions, limiting thoughts, and negative energies that we have engaged in.

These have built up layer by layer, until they not only restrict the flow of abundance in your life, but dim the connection with your

True Self. Visualize this as a large valve that has reduced the large stream to sometimes a mere trickle!

Increasing the Flow of Abundance and Success in Your Life

If you identify and work on overcoming your limiting beliefs, bad habits and negative momentums, you will be stripping away layer after layer of the valve that has restricted the natural flow of abundance to you.

At the same time, cultivating positive momentums - such as joy, peace and harmony - will further dissolve more layers and strengthen the connection with your Higher Self.

That Self knows exactly what steps you need to take to be a success in life! Once you are closely re-connected with your True Self, that Self will unerringly guide you step-by-step to the success you seek. This includes directing you in fulfilling your life's purpose and mission, which will bring you fulfillment and make your life more meaningful.

As you continue to peel away the layers, you will find your life changing in wonderful ways! Yes, there is a lot of work to be done, but if you take it a step at a time, you will be continuously rewarded with more abundance, prosperity and success!