Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity - How You Can Attract Abundance, Prosperity and Happiness Into Your Life by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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The Energy And Grace of

Abundant Prosperity

To have abundant prosperity in our lives requires a mix of both the mundane and spiritual. As we are both human and spirit, we need a balance of harmonies to be the energy and grace of abundant prosperity. The following suggestions are to help you find - and keep - that balance.

Honoring Money

Too often we equate money with greed, but money can be a spiritual source. It can help our lives be more comfortable and it can help many, many others.

We need to recognize that money is a helpful tool, that there is nothing inherently evil about money, and having a lot of money may allow us to serve even more. Money buys medicine for the sick, food for the hungry, homes for the homeless. Money allows research to find answers to help humanity live in more harmony with all life and build a brighter future for all the children of the world.

Greed and misuse of money is a fact of the reality of our world today, but do not put your concentration there. As someone on the spiritual path, keep your focus on how abundant prosperity can help make your life and all life better.

Create a Relationship with Money

What is your relationship with money? I've learned over the years that I get bored with money, so to have abundant prosperity, I've had to change my attitude.

I've had to make money fun and I've had to change my attitude to convince myself that money is good and it brings me great happiness and allows me to serve others with greater devotion. If I'm worried about paying the mortgage, I can't serve my clients as well as when I know all that I need is provided for. One allows me to serve from a fullness of my heart; the other from a place of lack.

Like any relationship when we are concentrating on the goodness of the relationship, more of the goodness manifest in our lives.

Staying In Integrity with Money

Be honest with yourself and others. It's that simple and yet it can seem so difficult at times. Whatever we owe - to an individual, to an institution, or to the government - we must pay.

My bane is record keeping for taxes. Quite frankly, it's a pain to keep meticulous records. People pay me for psychic readings and coaching sessions by check; Sacred Circle donations are in cash. It would be so much easier if I didn't have to take time to report this money, to add it all up at the end of every month and again at the end of the year, and to pay taxes for that which I don't support in my heart. But it's not about the tax man and me. It's about my telling the Universe I am grateful for all that I have been given this year and that I can afford to pay that which is asked of me.

Certainly I don't pay any more than is asked of me, but I must pay what is asked or be open and honest about choosing to not pay because I am taking a stand, and be prepared to pay the consequences.

Live with a Generous Heart and Collect Your Debts

Be generous; allow money to move in and through you, and at the same time, respect yourself and money enough that you collect any money owed to you. If you cannot collect the debt, then make a conscious decision to write it off and change the energy from a debt to a donation.

Practice the Practice

Create your vision boards, read magazines about wealth, and practice the tools that help you manifest. Dig into your attitudes about money and change them to ones that create wealth instead of pushing it away.

Go pretend shopping, learn about investing, join or start a money-making club, write yourself large checks (don't cash them) and post them where you can see them, go for a walk and chant an affirmation, and when you visualize money put yourself in the vision. Keep practicing until you become the vision and embody abundant prosperity.

God is your source.

By whatever name God/Universe/Spirit/love/Energy, this is your source of all abundance. No other. You may think your job is your source, but your job may end. You may think a person is your source, but not so. God/Universe/Spirit/love/Energy, this is your source of all abundance. Remember this.