Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity - How You Can Attract Abundance, Prosperity and Happiness Into Your Life by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Prosperity Is Our Birthright

Why are there many people who live an abundant life while others don't? Why are there so many people who are financially broke, sick, frustrated and unfulfilled?

When God gives mankind blessings and gifts, are they equally appropriated or not? Without a doubt, He would give His sons and daughters equal share of everything. But we fail to recognize this because we are not open minded. No wonder we don't see when opportunities come our way. And no wonder we don't use our skills to the fullest to achieve a successful and prosperous life.

Some of us don't realize yet that prosperity is our birthright. Customarily, most people would feel that they are undeserving to be wealthy. Probably because of a mindset that when you are born poor, all the generations of your family would likely fall to the same fate. Or perhaps because we have been taught that it is wrong to desire to be rich.

Personally, I don't think it is wrongful to aim to be wealthy as long as man uses money to fulfill the needs of his family and to help others who are unfortunate.

As I browse through the Bible, I found a phrase in Psalms, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart... The humble will inherit the land and will delight themselves in abundant prosperity". God wants us to have an abundant life however He tells us that we should not use this for wickedness.

There are many rationales why people don't commit to have a prosperous life.

One is the belief that money is the root of all evil. But money is also an instrument to help those in need, a ministry that we are all called upon. Remember that we cannot give what we don't have.

Let me cite a very well known philanthropist: Oprah Winfrey, world's richest woman in entertainment. For many years now, she shares millions of dollars of funds in her public charity, Oprah's Angel Network, and her private foundations helping those who are poor, abused children and women, building schools and shelter for the homeless.

Second probable cause is the allegory that money cannot buy happiness...If this is true enough, then why is it that the poorest of the poor are not the happiest people in the world?

People with abundant fortune have more money to go on vacations and this contributes to mental well being. Money may not guarantee enduring happiness but it can buy the things that bring comfort in earthly life. Life after death is but another story because in that situation, wealth is already immaterial.

Last reason that I know of is laziness. People with this attitude tends to be complacent in life and are just waiting for good luck to come their way. Well, over the years I have proven that there are no miracles by just sitting around. Even a divine intervention still requires us to labor and do our best.

I acknowledge that money is not everything but it is extraordinarily important. The best thing we can do for the poor is to not be one. We can help a large number of the poor through giving or sharing our fortune, thereby providing them hope.

My personal goal in this chapter is that I can encourage as many people as possible to live a life of prosperity and abundance in every area.

I can achieve this by establishing a mindset of consciousness that prosperity is our birthright, that we should think big, that we should be ambitious in achieving our goals and that when we are showered with so much blessings, we should give back generously.

My status right now may not yet be a model of a prosperous life by definition but my attitude towards it is. What is important that we don't just sit around waiting for miracles to happen like winning big time in the lottery. But even betting in the latter requires effort and optimism.

Let us not wait for other people to compel us to achieve a prosperous life. Let us empower ourselves to have anything we desire and to achieve our real goals. WE CAN DO THIS BY ACTING NOW!

My manager use to say that the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing all over again and yet expecting a different result. If you think that what you are doing now is not yielding a good result, then the next logical thing is to use a different approach. Probably, more focus, more aggressiveness and more commitment.

Write this in a piece of paper today and put it where you can see it frequently: "I deserve to be prosperous in every area of my life".