Manifesting Your Dreams by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Chapter 4:

Ways To Achieve Manifestation






How To Get It Done

If you are really moved after reading all of the above discussion and you also want to try manifestation then, there is a simpler approach for achieving it rather than that detailed approach which I mentioned in chapter 02. This approach is simpler and easy to grasp and it is perfect for starters because it gives you simpler instructions and simpler tasks to execute.


This is first step which should make sense because goal setting is very important to live life but when you are practicing manifestation then, your goals are needed to be more specific in nature for example at personal level you can set goal for weight loss, to quit smoking or to go back to school and if you are more on high level then, you can make a goal to gather 10,000 dollars in a month or cure an incurable disease.

All of this might sound little hazy and funny in start but once you get hold of things then, there is a power in universe which can make your subconscious mind to act on the instructions which you conscious mind sends.


Just sitting at home and thinking about a goal will not bring to closer to that goal instead you need make a definite and exact plan which you can follow.

Most of the people think that manifestation is some kind if magic and everything will come true just by thinking hard but believe it or not but thinking is just one part of manifestation and you need lot more to work with.

There are some goals in life which you will not know that how you are going to get there but this is the beauty of intention manifestation that once you start thinking about that goal then, you will always find a way and your subconscious mind will guide you through very specific and exact way.

You will be able to plan out everything. Write the things which you want and write down steps which are needed to be completed in order to get that bigger goal. This can be tiring at times but for the sake of your good life, you have to do it. Once you are accustomed to it then, you will take it just as fun and you will start enjoying all this.


This is last and in fact most important step in intention manifestation because according to most of the authors, subconscious is not affected by only words and thoughts.

You have to attach some intense emotions and keep visualizing that goal in your mind. This will keep the subconscious more interested in that goal. Even if you have a goal and a very definite plan to achieve it but still, you cannot get it without proper visualization and emotional stimuli.

This is about seeing yourself on the other side of the road and getting excited about it. Its little tough idea to grasp but you can learn it like this that if you want to merry a particular girl then, before marriage, you need to get as much excited as you can just by imagining her as your wife. This can bring about lots of excitement and joy in your life but you have to feel that excitement and joy before time and that state where you are happy even without achieving that goal will make your subconscious to awake and work around that goal.

There is no guarantee that intention manifestation will directly change your reality but one thing is for sure that it can really affect your life by influencing your subconscious.

With effective and focused strategy to bring manifestation in your life, you will definitely bring about change in your life and you will be able to integrate manifestation in your life.

So even if all of these above mentioned things do not make sense to you, you still have to make your thoughts focused and bring emotions and visualization in your life. It will bring about a very general and good change in your life.
