Manifesting Your Dreams by Angelia Griffith - HTML preview

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Chapter 2:

Intention Manifestation












First of all, you should know that manifestation is not something which can get you rid of challenges of life. Challenges are part of life and if you go deep in manifestation mastery then, you will know that manifestation can make things worse for lazy people.

Just sitting in your couch and thinking about your desires, goals and wishes will not get you closer to all of them. Some people think that manifestation is a spiritual thing and it has nothing to be with reality but as a matter of fact, manifestation is all about realities of life and it makes you to accept the realities of life and make them even better.

As long as you are useful to others and others are not getting hurt by your emotions, actions and feelings then, you are on the right path. Some people ignore the realities and live their dream life without bothering much about real people. This is not the approach to manifestation instead you can call that approach a self-centered approach. You can get the concept of manifestation by acting on this small phrase that states that “Be the change which you want in world.”

There is another phrase which says that “think before you make wish because you every wish can come true” this is very much true because it can happen many times that you think about something stupid and after a while, you experience that it has actually occurred in your life.

For example you might think that you could have lived for another year or so without marriage and it can happen that after 6-8 months later of this thought, you could be in middle of a divorce and then, you will be thinking that you are losing everything which you have in life.

There is a step by step guide for learning manifestation and this guide can really help you in making your wishes come true.

See everything with a positive frame of mind

First of all, you should learn to remain positive. Positiveness is a blessing which everyone cannot have but you can learn to be positive. Some people are there, who have a very settled and well-maintained life but they still remain hungry for more and they always keep thinking about other things.

They do not admire their own life but they keep thinking about negative things which they do not have. This is a wrong approach to life which can lead you to some non-satisfactory life.

Start appreciating your life

This is a very concrete and very important concept which can take some time to be clear but you need to admire your life. You need to believe in concept that everything which you have in your life is there because of your own choice.

Stop blaming third parties for your loss and failures and accept the fact that whether you achieve a success or failure but you are the only one who should be accountable and responsible for it. Cherish your life and start believing that if your life is not giving you what you want then, you need to struggle even more to get all that because life cannot be unfair with everyone, it gives you whatever you think for yourself.

Start a new beginning

You should dump all the bad thoughts and show respect for your life which is better than half of the people living on planet earth. For example if you have internet access, you are healthy, you can read and write then, these are things which lots of people on earth do not have.

There are people who live their 90 percent of life without electricity. There are people who are born without arms and legs. There are people who have to work in 60 degree temperature just because they do not have education on their part.

This is all life but you are given with so many blessings and you should admire them and make most of them. Do not let small things like some financial crises or some family problems ruin your life. This is obvious that no one has a perfect life but no one also has a worst life because the things which we think are worst are lot better for some other people and sometimes life which we do not want, some people are dreaming to live that life.

Free yourself from desires

When you desire something then, you declare that you want something but at the same time, it also gives the meaning that you do not have something. These two are closely related thing but you should desire according to your caliber and tend to get that desire in your real life as soon as possible with your struggle and effort.

Start taking your desires as your goals.

When you have a wish then, do not make it an unachievable one instead try to visualize it as much as possible and try to make it a goal. Never think about time which you will spend in achieving that particular thing but you should always be focused about it.

The most you think, nearer you will go to that wish and you will start completing the tasks of achieving it but this requires an endless belief in yourself and in your thoughts.

Write a book

This may sound little funny to you but I have tried this logic and it has worked for me. You need to have a book which you should write at your own. Make a statement of everything in this book and make sure that you are writing your goals on the first page then, start your journey towards those goals one by one.

Start writing each and every step which you take for reaching towards a goal. Never write just one big goal in this book instead divide each goal in sub goals and try to achieve one small goal every day. This will make your day productive and will make your to feel lot better.

Keep moving while pacing your speed of achieving smaller goals When you are achieving your goals then, start increasing your speed of completing those smaller goals.

In start try to complete one in a day and then keep progressing to two and three a day. Once you think that you have completed enough then, reassess your progress towards big goal once in a week.

You may see some changes in long term goals but once you reassess the situation then, you can also reconfigure your path and establish some new strategies.

For instance, if your goal is to buy a car then, try to save some money every day and then, reassess the progress every week. This will keep you interested in the goal as well as will keep showing you that how much closer you have got to your goal.

Once you have gone through all of the above steps then, you will become closer to your goal and at some point, you will not need that book anymore instead you will memorize your goals and you will not need to read and write them every day before bed instead you can plan your strategies in your mind.

This is what manifestation is all about. Once you achieve that level of mental control then, you can say that you have learned manifestation and you can achieve everything through your thoughts. So this is all about intention of manifestation. There is no rocket science involved in this process but once you learn this, it can change your life.
