My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Birth of Seth

Descendants of the bloodline of Jesus Christ are the same as the bloodline of Adam, the first man. The pure generation of Seth was sent forth to help guide and shape the first tribes according to the ways of the father (Adam) and of God. After the death of Abel, Adam sought to find a replacement for himself and for his tribe.

and adaM knew hIs wIfe agaIn, and she Bore a son and naMed hIM

seth. “for god has aPPoInted another seed for Me Instead of aBel, whoM CaIn kIlled.”

GeNesis 4: 25 (NKJV)

Adam and Eve had many children; the children were later divided into tribes, which eventually led to the twelve tribes of Israel later on after the flood (thirteen tribes actually come from the Exodus in Moses’

time). Seth was later assigned the tribe of Abel and Adam. Remember that the first people’s evolutionary rate would evolve at a very high pace.

It would take thousands of years for the people to gain enough knowl-63

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edge and skill in gardening and hunting to maintain large scale societies that would or could support thousands of people (civilizations).

Most of these people lived in tents and tepee-like dwellings like the natives. The generation of Seth is said to be brought to heaven with Jesus in the Gospel of Judas. Not all souls are deemed to go to heaven, but the pure generation of Seth will go, for Seth took after the ways of Adam and Abel; he later assimilated the bloodline and genealogy of Adam.

After Seth and the time of Noah we begin to see how societies began to form large scale civilizations, such as Egypt.

Much can be considered when reading of the stories of Cain, Abel, and Seth; however, we can be sure that these men were tribe leaders and some sort of exodus around the year 55,000 BC did in fact take place.

Remember that Genesis is speaking of a time so long ago that many of us have a hard time imagining what could or did happen. When we refer to the generation of Seth, we refer to the ancient tribes of Adam and Abel; the tribe of Seth is often the tribe or son that is modeled for us to be like. Seth represents the qualities of Adam and later took over the tribes of Eden.

The generation of Seth is often spoken as being the uncorrupt generation that was sent forth to help lead man on. Adam sought a worthy patriarch to replace him and carry on lawful and fair judgments. Seth was the selected son to do so and managed the tribes that were favorable to both God and the people. We must realize as a people that we do in fact all have the same father, and that is Adam; we are all in each other’s likeness.


8. Proof of the exIstenCe of god ~ noah The story of Noah presents an excellent example of how God and man are connected as one. Believe it or not, Noah is also a prime example of how science is used to explain and prove through an unbiased lens the miracles and proof of God. Noah is also mentioned in the Qur’an as having an instrumental role in the proof of Allah or God. The story of Noah is an excellent example and illustration of the forces of God and karma, showing how the forces of nature can be used in aiding and punishing man.

Noah somehow knew through the signs of God that a great flood was going to occur. The people were transgressing the word of God and acting barbaric toward each other (greed, rape, murder), and functioning in the ways of Cain (covetous). Noah was sent down as one of the first messengers of God to warn the people of what was to come and to judge their actions according to God. God gave warning to Noah through spiritual means that many people today cannot comprehend.

Through prayer Noah was given divine instruction on how to proceed with his life and his purpose.

Noah was continually persecuted by the people for building the ark; he was slandered, ridiculed, and deemed a fool by the people of his community for speaking of the Lord. Noah spoke to God and asked for mercy on their souls and asked for answers to such persecution. The people, being ignorant and tyrannical, had no reason for the persecution. God spoke to him and told him that the people were going to be punished because of their continual transgressions through means of extinction. Noah loved his sons and people dearly and pleaded with God to spare their lives, as well as the lives of the believers.


My BelIef

then the lord saw that the wICkedness of Man was great In the earth, and that every Intent of the thoughts of hIs heart was only evIl ContInually. and the lord was sorry that he had Made Man on the earth, and he was grIeved In hIs heart.

so the lord saId, “I wIll destroy Man whoM I have Created froM

the faCe of the earth, Both Man and Beast, CreePIng thIng and BIrds of the aIr, for I aM sorry that have Made theM.” But noah found graCe In the eyes of the lord.

GeNesis 6: 5–8 (NKJV)

Noah was an honorable man and found favor in the eyes of God. He continually tried to do what was right and was persecuted for it constantly.

Much like Joseph, the people scorned him continually for nothing and were envious of everything he did. Imagine trying to build and provide for your family while being persecuted, stolen from, assaulted, ridiculed, and having the safety of your family jeopardized the whole time. No wonder Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. This was also during a time period when life was extremely tough (10,000 BC), and survival without ridicule and scorn was a challenge in itself.

Many question the authenticity of the story of Noah; however, if you research carefully and use logical reasoning and deduction, you will find a scientific explanation behind the story. The fact is that the hand of God did literally guide Noah to the events of his time. Much like when an elder or prophet writes the word of God, their hands can said to be guided by God. God did not in fact literally come down from heaven and begin to write, just like God did not come directly descend from heaven and cause a flood...let me explain.

As these events were going on Noah’s side of the world, in North and South America a giant wildfire was beginning to form on that side of the world. In the continents of North America and South America many small fires began to spread and ignite into giant fires, eventually emitting massive amounts of fire, smoke, heat, and ash. Some of the heat waves from the smoke and fire waves levitated and pushed the weather system over to one side of the world. This is because the heat convection (like heat waves from pavement) from the wildfires pushed over the weather systems.


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This natural phenomenon caused massive amounts of rain to fall on a single hemisphere of the world (Noah’s). This would have caused massive flooding and rain for months (forty days and forty nights), until the forests completely burned. It would take a considerable amount of time for the fires to burn out completely. Once these fires were to stop burning, a large amount of ash would cause cloud-like formations.

When the weather systems came back to North and South America, there would have been a nuclear winter type of effect. This ash cloud effect would have caused an ice age to occur and caused massive amounts of snow to descend. Interestingly, the last ice age known to humanity was roughly 10,000–12,000 years ago.

“for after seven More days I wIll Cause It to raIn on the earth forty days and forty nIghts, and I wIll destroy froM the faCe of the earth all lIvIng thIngs that I have Made.” GeNesis 7:4 (NKJV)

Since God is the energy found in everything, it could be said that God, therefore, created the flood. The relationship between God, Noah, and the earth shows us the beautiful unity between all three (man, God, and earth). This helps illustrate the divinity, compassion, and comprehension of the prophets sent to us by God. This compassion, comprehension, and divinity pave the way for the foundations of law and morality that has helped shape and guide mankind. This connection and understanding of God is what gives the prophets their power and understanding of the universe. This perception and understanding also helps guide modern scientists to discoveries and advancements in modern medicine.

Other collaborating evidence that helps us prove the deluge myth or story of Noah is the collaborating evidence of other deluge stories in various cultures around the world. Since other cultures write in detail about great floods occurring, and virtually all civilizations have recorded accounts of this, we must use reasonable deduction to conclude that a great flood of epic proportions must have taken place at some point in history. Not only do we find historical accounts of floods occurring in every culture, we also find evidence in our environment, such as glaciers, rock markings (striations), and fresh water glacier lakes found in places in northern Canada.


My BelIef

A deluge did in fact occur in virtually every culture in the world.

Whether or not the archaeological evidence and dates correspond, the legends, myths, and stories of that time in fact existed. Remember that just because the people in Noah’s area were almost extinct as a result of the flood, did not mean that other tribes and people did not survive.

Many of the mentioned flood stories are of a very controversial nature; the prime message in all the stories is to not “anger the God” again. We all have seen the fury of Mother Nature; imagine the wrath of the universe.

Remember that many of the deluge stories have similar backgrounds and dates that correspond with each other. For example, there is a Greek deluge myth in which the believed flood year is approximately 10,000–

12,000 BC. This date corresponds with the last ice age known to man, and the biblical story told in Genesis. It is highly unlikely that so many cultures would share such deluge stories if there was not a massive flood that occurred.

Recognize that many stories contain the wrath of different gods and some of these mentioned floods may be different floods, other than the biblical one. Although this may be true to some extent, the common ground of the main theme of a deluge in all cultures can only indicate that, at one time, a great flood did in fact occur. The corroborating historical, geological, and scientific evidence suggests that a great flood and ice age occurred around the same time period as Noah and corresponds to time frames suggested by many other cultures.

Building a water vessel of such proportions in the year 10,000 BC

would be quite a feat, especially for the people of Noah’s time. The tools and primitive methods used made this feat improbable to complete within a few weeks. It is unknown whether or not Noah had help in constructing the ship. It would be kind of like not mentioning the campaign members in the presidency of Barack Obama; although they were there, they are not the main focus of history.

Noah built the first “ship” that was eventually used by Egyptian, Viking, Greek, and Roman civilizations. The later more evolved versions became the ships of the 1400–1800s, until the mighty steam engine and tankers took the seas, changing naval travel forever. Before the arrival of modern day boats, the ships like those that Noah built were much more primitive. The canoe or a form of a canoe was already cre-68

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ated at this time, and the ark was simply an evolution of the canoe and raft. How were the timbers harvested?

Tools out of whale jaws and shark jaws, as well as stones would be sufficient for cutting timber. There would be no need for metal for nails; the timbers would be sewn together out of hemp rope, vine, and perhaps interlaid or interlocked timbers. The holes or gaps in the wood would be filled with manure, sap, and animal skin (acting like a water-proof caulking). Different levels or areas on the boats would have been built for stalls (animals) and gardening (vegetation). There would be no need for a water source, as the rainwater from the sky would be sufficient if trapped and contained properly through aqueduct systems or simply accumulated in pails. Survival in these conditions could be quite probable if the boats or boat were constructed and planned properly.

The manpower of the believers in Noah’s time would have been a lot more than just himself (meaning he had many helpers); these constructions were not built or manufactured solely by Noah. The extra time and labor required by the believers in his time would have been enormous, and it would be easy to see how he and the others would be ridiculed in performing such tasks “in the name of the Lord.” Many of the people would have probably tried sabotaging the boats and raiding the supplies for them. Noah and his believers were not amused and took this great task to heart and soul. Imagine completing such a task on top of the daily chores needed to survive in a primitive time such as Noah.

Although there were many men and the axe was a tool used in the construction of the raft, the labor required to complete this task would still have been enormous. When considering this feat, think of the construction of the great pyramids. It is still speculated on how such workings were created and designed; however, we do know that they were constructed. The construction of the pyramids required thousands of slaves. Remember that the great pyramids are constructed of stone, whereas Noah’s boat, along with possible others, were constructed of wood. The wooden ships would have dissolved and been destroyed thousands of years before the great pyramids.

Back in North and South America, the natural forests would be huge and covered in nothing but vegetation; these fires would take many months to burn. Since there would be no one around to fight these fires, the wildfire spread would be able to travel across the two 69

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continents (North and South) quite easily. The result would be a cata-strophic fire that would burn half the world and create astronomical climatic changes. The heat convection from these fires would be enough to push the weather cycle winds to one side of the world (Noah’s), and cause rain there for a very long time (approximately 40–90 days).

Further evidence suggests there would have been a massive ice age would have occurred after the fires, since smoke convection from heat and wind would have caused a huge thick cloud of dust and ash to cover the Northern Hemisphere. This would cause the light rays to be blocked by the clouds and sub-zero temperatures would occur, causing a “nuclear winter” type of effect. Not only would the smoke take a long time to clear, but there would have been massive amounts of ash in the air, causing the barrier to even be further condensed. After about a week of these conditions, the fresh rainwater would begin to freeze, causing condensation, resulting in the formation of the glaciers of the north. Science also confirms that approximately 10,000 years BC there was an ice age that actually existed.

The evidence of glaciers having been in North America also suggests that massive amounts of snow began to fall. Contrary to popular belief, glaciers are not formed from rain and water freezing, but from massive amounts of snowfall, which eventually condenses to form glacier ice and glaciers. Since all rainfall would be in the form of snow because of the nuclear winter effect, hundreds and thousands of years of this accumula-tion would cause the formation of massive glaciers that are identical to the ones found in the Northern Hemisphere.

There have been multiple ice ages in the world because of various causes of fire, such as meteors, asteroids, and super-volcanoes, but there have not been many during the existence of man. We have little or no knowledge of exactly how, when, or why these ice ages formed. The only way I could logically provide scientific rationale for FRESH WATER glaciers being there is the fact that massive amounts of fresh water fell during a short period of time (Noah), and then the climate went into a “deep freeze” or ice age.

Since water rises no matter where its location (sea level), the water levels in North America would have risen to levels rivaling and match-ing the ice age glaciers that formed in the past. Remember that the glaciers are not formed solely by large amounts of water freezing rap-idly; but they also formed from large amounts of snow falling and con-70

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densing into ice. This is proven through geological science and rocks found with striations (glacier marks) and erratics (oddly placed massive rocks) formed by glaciers melting or pushing the rocks forward.

The deposit of massive amounts of fresh water glacier lakes toward the north is indicative of glaciers existing. These lakes are commonly found in Northern Ontario and are some of the purest lakes in the world. Although some of these lakes are spring fed, a large percent-age include remnants of past existing glaciers, which formed around Noah’s time 12,000 years ago.

The glaciers would not form farther north because of temperature alone. South Africa would also have slight evidence of the existence of these lakes; although, they would have evaporated a long time ago (Northern Glacier Lakes are disappearing). The earth is at a higher elevation generally speaking at the equator, thus when the rain occurred it caused a rise in the water table and created glaciers in the extreme polls, which are not as elevated. The earth is compressed because it is under such intense pressure; the spin of the earth also affects the shape of it.

This pressure turns the earth into an egg shape or a turtle shape, oval in nature. This results in an expanding of the equator, giving a slope-like effect to the poles, meaning that the water levels would be higher at the poles, generally speaking. Remember that due to faulting, many exceptions to the rule exist on earth (the Rockies are higher than some places of the equator), although the highest place in the world is near the equator.

Here’s the catcher though—how did Noah know from the other side of the world that a great flood was going to occur? Somehow the divine knowledge of Noah guided him to instruction and teaching about the fate that would consume the unbelievers. The people that have opposed the word of the prophets or messengers have faced severe repercus-sions in their days--disasters, floods, plagues, wars, etc. Every prophet mentioned throughout the Bible shows the rebuke of the word by the people and the punishment of God as a result.

You can plainly see evidence of karma or a form of spiritual governing that has taken place either good or bad throughout the history of any people. We all live and see the forces of the universe at play every day. Whether it is karma, irony, life or death, each force or power al-71

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lows us to gain further knowledge and experience in this existence we call life. These experiences create what is known as the life experience and are meant to help us learn and understand God.

Noah during his time would not be able to know what was going on with the land on the other side of the world unless he spoke to God or had a divine connection. Remember he did not have satellites, GPS, or the Weather Channel. Yes, there were boats back in his day; however, the majority of them were paper-like and became waterlogged after long periods of use in the water. The Egyptians had such boats; however, they were made out of such materials (spun papyrus) and primarily used for river travel, proving my hypothesis in regard to this matter.

Thus Noah must have spoken to God, or he just devoted his entire life to building a boat based on a hunch when he had a family to feed and defend; he gathered as many animals as he could (which would have been a near impossible task)…just because? Plus being ridiculed and scorned by the nonbelievers the whole way?

The above statement to some may sound completely illogical; however, the result was a flood that the people speak of even today (12,000

years after). The message was clear, and failure to adhere to it almost decimated the earth and cost most life to be wiped out forever. This was the beginning of God showing man that his existence is small and can be shattered in an instant. For there is no one thing more powerful than God almighty, yet even today men wish to challenge that fact…perhaps that is why we die? People do not believe now, even today…Imagine if they lived forever.

Noah and the believers would have drifted off to the north, land-ing in perfectly irrigated fields somewhere near to Egypt. Since they planned and brought seeds in the likeness of each other and an animal of every kind available to them, the families would then be able to settle and begin their multiplication.

Remember that one of every animal in the world was not needed as only a portion of the world flooded. God told Noah in essence to bring one of every animal that was in his surroundings and needed for him to survive. The words “clean” and “unclean” are used in the quote; this refers to animals that are deemed pure according to Jewish custom. The quote also tells Noah to take birds with him; this may make reference 72

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to chickens, turkeys, and other type of domesticated birds that could not swim.

you shall take wIth you seven eaCh of every Clean anIMal, a Male and hIs feMale; two eaCh of anIMals that are unClean, a Male and hIs feMale; also seven eaCh of BIrds of the aIr, Male and feMale, to keeP the sPeCIes alIve on the faCe of all the earth.

GeNesis 7:2–3 (NKJV)

Many prophets and messengers have been ridiculed throughout the history of mankind. Even today many religious people are mocked by ignorant and unwise people. Imagine how many years ahead we would be if these messages were heard and obeyed. We as a people would perhaps be 3,000–10,000 years ahead of our time. That is not the way of man, and the lesson of the people must be harsh and fair, like the punishment of child—to learn from those mistakes so they never happen again.

all too quICk we forget the MeanIng of lIfe and the reason why we are here. that Is for eaCh other…aMen 73

9. egyPtIan BelIef (MonotheIsM)

Egypt has a long and ancient history of amazing craftsmanship and authority, as well as histories of atrocities and failures. Although Egypt had a religious system similar to that of the Greek and Roman mythological hierarchy, in truth they are one of the first civilizations that instilled the concept of monotheism (one God) into mankind.

The first pharaoh that instilled these religious monotheistic views was the first Egyptian ruler and founder, Ra. Although throughout time and over the aeons (vast amount of time), he became a mythological figure and part of the Egyptian pantheon. His teachings carried on and were eventually warped and changed over time, although the truth is still present in the scriptures.

Once his rule was over, the Egyptians later incorporated him into their mythological hierarchy (the New Kingdom). Until this occurred, Ra claimed to have come from heaven and been sent to guide man into a new era of leadership and construction. The myth is as follows: The Great pharaoh Ra emerged from the great Solar Disk in the heavens as a Great Eagle

And descended onto the Great Egg which was the world From there life began and all things were created on earth.