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Birth of Isaac and Ishmael

(1525–1425 BC)

The pre-Egyptian tribes migrated from Central Africa and moved toward Egypt and spread through Jerusalem and Palestine, at which time the people migrated and divided according to conflict and interest groups. The Hindu people ventured more easterly and laid roots down in what is known as India today. Conflicts between the followers of one God and multiple gods arose; as a result the losing tribes would be forced into exodus or exile and start a community and build from there.

Note that many defeated tribes were ethnically cleansed and their roots have been virtually annihilated.

Migration occurred with the descendants of the Orients heading North, and the Arabic, and Indian descendants traveled through the mountain passes in Southern Pakistan. These people laid roots by a river, and later became known as the Sindhu people, Sindhu meaning large river. Later this term was pronounced “Hindu.” At this point the religion based of the traditions carried with them, formed what we know today as Hinduism, which is a variation of Abrahamic law along with the concept of karma.

These people are the descendants of the son of Abraham, whose name is Ishmael, considered to be a prince over all the land. Ishmael was the son of the Egyptian maidservant Hagar, who was a servant of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. As Abraham and Sarah were aging, Sarah wanted to have a child. Since she was unable to conceive, she asked Abraham to conceive with her maidservant Hagar.

Behold, you are wIth ChIld, and you shall Bear a son. you shall Call hIs naMe IshMael, BeCause the lord has heard your afflICtIon.


My BelIef

he shall Be a wIld Man; hIs hand shall Be agaInst every Man, and every Man’s hand agaInst hIM. and he shall dwell In the PresenCe of all hIs Brethren.

GeNesis 16:11–12 (NKJV)

After the birth of Ishmael, political tensions began to arise. Ishmael was going to be the heir to Abraham’s empire and Sarah began to grow extremely jealous of Hagar as she and her child had much of Abraham’s attention. For this reason Abraham decided to offer Hagar and Ishmael land off toward the East of Jerusalem. Here Hagar and her servants could form an exodus with the supporting tribes and Ishmael could become a prince over the lands of Abraham. Abraham’s power and influence extended to all parts of the known world at the time. After a short time God made a covenant with Abraham, saying, and I wIll estaBlIsh My Covenant Between Me and you and your desCendants after you In theIr generatIons, for an everlastIng Covenant, to Be god to you and your desCendants after you.

GeNesis 17:7 (NKJV)

Abraham was later informed by God that he and Sarah were going to bear another child, one who was to be heir of the generations of Israel. This child was going to be named the first king of Israel and the covenant was going to be carried on through his generations after.

God said,

and as for IshMael, I have heard you. Behold I have Blessed hIM, and wIll Make hIM fruItful, and wIll MultIPly hIM exCeedIngly.

he shall Beget twelve PrInCes, and I wIll Make hIM a great natIon.

But My Covenant I wIll estaBlIsh wIth IsaaC, whoM sarah shall Bear to you at thIs set tIMe next year.

GeNesis 17: 20–21 (NKJV)

As was said, Isaac was born the following year and the kings of the areas began to grow envious and jealous of the people of Abraham.

Sodom and Gomorrah were later destroyed before the birth of Isaac and the covenant of Abraham was then established. It is said in the histories that Abraham was going to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to the Lord.

Much is speculated about what is meant by this, as many people think Abraham was going to kill Isaac in the name of God.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

Abraham was going to offer a burnt offering to the Lord as he did on a regular basis and to go pray and be at one with God. This time he brought Isaac along with him and they went up to the mountain pass.

Remember that Abraham and his people had many enemies that would attack at any chance. It became a custom of Israel and the people of Abraham to offer cattle or other forms of livestock for sacrifice to the Lord; they would sacrifice and feast. Also it was custom for the firstborn of every family to be ready to give their lives in the defense of the people, or in other words for the defense of Israel. Since the covenant was established with Isaac, he would be in essence the firstborn of Israel and Abraham would be compelled to set an example with the sacrifice or offering of Isaac as the first spear of Israel.

Isaac had some resistance to this fact, as he was a wealthy prince who was to become king of a people. As well, he was not the firstborn of Abraham, but instead Ishmael was. This may be a reason for Abraham to take Isaac up the mountain pass to offer a burnt offering to the Lord. It is not said how old Isaac was at this time; however, it would be clear that a dispute would arise between Abraham and Isaac in regards to this matter. It is the duty of the king of Israel to sacrifice for his people and defend them at all costs.

take now your son, your only son IsaaC, whoM you love, and go to the land of MorIah, and offer hIM there as a Burnt offerIng on one of the MountaIns of whICh I shall tell you.

GeNesis 22: 2 (NKJV)

Perhaps Abraham had no intention of killing his son, but by offering him as a sacrifice to the Lord in honor of the defense of Israel he intended to show him how to speak and pray to the Lord. The ways of the Lord are mysterious and his timing ironic. Many rumors may have started as they walked the mountain pass without a sacrifice; many may have thought that Abraham was going to kill Isaac as they were disputing over him serving as a soldier to Israel. If the Lord did not provide an offering, perhaps Abram would have thought of sacrificing Isaac.

Abraham was putting faith in the ways of the Lord as to present an offering for them; as Abraham was preparing the fire for sacrifice, Isaac asked and Abraham responded,


My BelIef

“look the fIre and the wood, But where Is the laMB for a Burnt offerIng?” and aBrahaM saId, “My son, god wIll ProvIde for hIMself the laMB for a Burnt offerIng.”

GeNesis 22:7–8 (NKJV)

As they walked the mountain pass and prepared for an offering, they found an offering. A ram was stuck in the thickets of the mountain by his horns and it was prepared as a sacrifice. Abraham was preparing Isaac to become a king. In order for Isaac to be a strong spiritual leader, he would have to understand the ways of the Lord. They may have been disputing, but Abraham’s teachings were to let the Lord provide for them. Abraham told Isaac that the Lord will provide, which is why they climbed the mountain without a sacrifice.

Being a wealthy prince and a future king, Isaac would have to rely on the Lord to protect himself and his people. Lacking confidence in that, Abraham taught Isaac and showed with proof the happenings and teachings of the Lord. The offering provided by the Lord to Abraham and Isaac is testament to the fact that faith will guide him in his quest.

Many may dispute the logic behind this thesis; however, it is highly plausible and more logical. Remember that the stories of Genesis have been translated many times, and the elders who made these translations have added and removed parts along the course of history.