-New Awakening: acceptance of
-Acceptance of death: realize that surroundings and position in life.
everything will perish and return
to its original state.
-Hierarchy granted according to
karma: realizing and accepting
-Realize hierarchy: realize that not your position in life will lead to
all things and beings are created
an awakening and greater sense of equal; however, each has its own being, as your suffering will leave, purpose and position in life. Each allowing you to view life from a
being is superior in separate ways.
position of neutrality.
-Realization that human influence
-Equality at Birth: beings first
causes impurity: man’s imprint on brought into the life are innocent
earth can be seen since our cre-
and do not understand their posi-
ation; we must realize that we are
tion in life immediately, making all governing this reality, and that we beings equal.
cannot be purer than creation.
-New Birth: once the above con-
-Recognition of evil in the world
cepts are understood a new awak-
(animal and human): realize that
ening or greater sense of enlight-
all beings’ instinct is to serve
enment can be attained, you have
themselves instead of their sur-
a peace with your creator and your roundings; this leads to a sense of surroundings.
selfishness and control that, if not
balanced, can cause impurity and
-The Path to Salvation: realize that evil in the world.
everything is pure in the begin-
ning, and elements of that purity
-Punishment: realize that negative remain visible in life; this is the
action causes consequence.
path to salvation and love.
-Pain and Anger: realize that pain and anger are the roots for suffering; understanding your pain
and anger can lead us to embrace
suffering and enjoy life on a day to
day basis.
My BelIef