My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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King Saul and King David

(1000–900 BC)

The first Jewish kings descended from the ancestors of the first tribes of Israel, much like the ancient Celts and Scots, the people elected a king to represent and watch over the people. David is from the descendants mentioned in the book of Ruth, coming from his father Jesse. Many times a power struggle occurred, like the battle between Saul and David for the throne of Israel. The story of David and Goliath comes into mind; however, remember that Samuel told the people that they should elect a king because they were not following the word of the prophet and would prefer a king to lead the people. The election of Saul caused much controversy as the people were warned that the creation of a king would lead to division among the people, as a power struggle would occur to be king or to have influence over power.





1 SAMUEL 15: 1–2 (NKJV)

As Saul was elected king over Israel he was instructed by God to wage war against Amalek.. His forces then warred with them and proceeded to rape and pillage the lands of the conquered king, Amalek.

Samuel protested these actions and decreed that he shall no longer reign as king over the land, but that King David shall reign over the people.

This caused division in the houses of Israel and caused the threat of war among the people according to prophecy.

But saMuel saId to saul, “I wIll not return wIth you, for you have reJeCted the word of the lord, and the lord reJeCted you froM BeIng kIng over Israel.” and as saMuel turned to go away, saul seIzed the edge of hIs roBe, and It tore. so saMuel saId to hIM, “the lord has torn the kIngdoM of Israel froM you today, and gIven It to a neIghBor of yours, who Is Better than you.” 1 saMuel 15:26–28 (NKJV)

After this conflict arose between Samuel and Saul and the divisions grew throughout the kingdom, Saul grew covetous of the power and admiration of David. He sought to kill David on many occasions, and David also forgave him on many occasions. For many years there was 130

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great conflict between Saul and David; Saul could not deal with the loss of his position and the fact that he was no longer king. There was much strife and controversy throughout the history of the exact happenings of these events; there are many additional scriptures such as the scriptures of Solomon and other ancient Hebrew texts that are mentioned during that time period. Saul consulted mediums and seers of all the lands in order to retain his position amongst his people; however, he grew more pathetic and deceitful as time went on in his attempt to gain back his honor. The people eventually rose against Saul and surrounded his living quarters; they ordered him to come out.

then saul saId to hIs arMorBearer, “draw your sword, and thrust Me through wIth It, lest these unCIrCuMCIsed Men CoMe and thrust Me through and aBuse Me.” But hIs arMorBearer would not, for he was greatly afraId. therefore saul took a sword and fell on It.

1 saMuel 31: 4 (NKJV)

Remember that prior to this there were elders and judges that carried out the rulings and governance of the Hebrew people. The events that ensued after the introduction of a king are testament to the anger of god in needing a king to be over his people. Over time King David became old and announced the heir of the throne to be given to his successor, warrior, and honorary son named Solomon.