My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Kings I and II

(750–150 BC)

The time of Kings is ruled separately and during the time of the prophets, throughout much of the history of Israel we see the people rebelling against the word of God (Jeremiah and Ezekiel). During these time periods we see several wars take place and break out amongst the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. There was not only struggle and battle, but alliances between them at times as well. This evidence in the Bible helps support the fact that there were numerous competing tribes, cultures, and societies that were attempting to flourish at the time.

This is also relevant as the struggle between Greece and Rome was occurring at these times, as they were of exiled tribes that had made exodus during the wars between Israel long ago.

The cultures and philosophical thinking with the human mind and body began to flourish as rich and civilized cultures spread throughout the lands. These philosophies introduced the concepts of mythology that helped quell some of the old “blood” feuds that arose out of traditional scripture. Many gods, warriors, and figureheads were introduced into a form of religion. After this time period these religions would be consid-132

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ered blasphemous; practiced religion began embracing the body as a god or temple that is made from or originated from the Creator. This view coincides with all spiritual beliefs and all religions.

This enabled new possibilities for the mind and gave people and their heroes’ legendary status. Many of the practices of mythology helped fuel printing, and other forms of writing appeared more frequently. As societies grew, writing became more and more important as a means of communication amongst “high” people. The people also had time to begin to be schooled and the first forms of modern day society occurred.

This era also gave us the first forms of democracy, as elite aristocracies began to have influence over the kings and their rulings. Many times the councils would have to rule in favor of a law in order for it to be passed. A similar event in modern times such as the high lords in England signing the Magna Carta (which still governs England and its colonies, such as Canada, Australia, South Africa), which was signed by King John in 1215 AD.

In fact much of the battles that France and England fought stemmed from the Greek and Roman division bloodlines as they settled and conquered more lands. These ancient families of Europe, Rome, and Greece came from the ancient bloodlines of Israel. The irony is the fact that this competition and hatred allowed technology and technological advancement to occur at a faster rate. Many of the feuds of Europe and the alliances made afterwards are similar situations and circumstances that faced the people in biblical times of the Kings. The ancient laws and religions mentioned in this book have helped create the prosperity and peace of these great empires.

There is much more to the histories of prophets and the kings; however, further reading of these biblical events is required on the reader’s part. The laws of Abram and the covenant with Israel extended right up until modern day rule (queen of modern day England). This tradition first began in the empires of Israel and Egypt. Remember the reason for the exodus of Moses was because of a corrupt king (Ramses II), this is why God did not encourage another king to preside over the people. The people are intended to go through the prophet and be virtuous; this is the only way the people can be equal (ending feuding). Of course over time the evolution of government gave rise to democracy, which is the ultimate voice of the people, or so it is intended to be.


14. ChrIstIanIty

Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world and is the founding religion of many of the Westernized nations of the world. Christianity has evolved from the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ and evolved to what is modern-day Christianity. The Christian belief encompasses, like many other religions, a variety of denominations and sects, each claiming to be the correct pathway to salvation. Like each chapter, no one specific denomination will be focused on here, instead simply the life of Jesus and the mission and purpose of what he meant to achieve will be discussed and focused on.

Christianity, like many other religions, has evolved from the original words of the Old Testament. Although Jesus came to teach a new way, many of his core beliefs stem from the laws and ways of the prophets (such as Abram and Moses). Like many things, people began to take the old law and distort its meaning, along with perverting the way it was meant to be enforced. Many Jewish people began manipulating their own people, and the Roman people were still pagans or gentiles (believing in mythology). Many social and economic struggles faced the people of Christ’s time; a big part of this struggle was for the rights of women and children. Jesus sought to achieve social and political equality for everyone, which remains the goal of Christians today.

There are many historical and recorded events that will further be discussed in Christianity. This chapter will attempt to explain the missions of Jesus Christ and his apostles, along with the message that is meant to be sent. The chapter will begin illustrating the timeline of the life of Jesus Christ from birth until death. The life of Jesus Christ var-ies among denominations; however, many forms of Christianity contain much unity. It is that unity that we will focus on in Christianity, 134

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allowing for all branches of researched Christianity to tell a story of a movement that did in fact eventually sweep the world.

Many denominations and branches of Christianity dispute details in regard to the crucifixion and death of Jesus; but in all accounts they all agree that he lived, preached, and was the Son of God and the son of man.

The account of the life or story of Jesus will include facts that are found through many years of religious study. Remember that much of the life of Jesus Christ was of an oral tradition and the New Testament was written after the death of Christ. Also much of the New Testament is created by the apostle Paul who claimed to have been directed to set “rules and guidelines” to the newly founded church. The life of Christ was to preach equality, love, and to not trespass anyone; these are the rules and guidelines of the Christian belief.

There is much controversy over the life of Jesus Christ; what he did and how he lived is still argued among historical and religious scholars. We know this for certain, that a man with this name did in fact come to the world to preach the word of God. There is much archaeological evidence to support the historical collaboration of his existence. Many of the places that were visited and seen in the gospels of the New Testament such as the Temple of King Herod, and the places such as Rome and Galilee are known to have been historical cultures and places; many of these sites and ancient ruins of these cultures are visible even today.