My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Third Day

Once these above acts were in their very beginnings, God made another decree or step/stage. God said,



This is the point in time that God stated for the lands to form so they caused oceans, seas, and rivers to form in the lands, as stated on the second day. However, on the second day these processes were in the beginning stages and did not yet form seas, lakes, and rivers. These events in on the third day then began to happen, and God issued another decree.


Joe IsaaC gauthIer

let the earth BrIng forth grass, the herB that yIelds seed, and the fruIt tree that yIelds fruIt aCCordIng to Its kInd, whose seed Is In Itself, on the earth.

GeNesis 1: 11(NKJV)

This is basically a poetic way of saying that water began to cesspool on the surfaces of the newly formed rock formations (continents), and bacterial cultures began to form, causing vegetation on earth, and bacteria life in the water formed from volcanic vents.

This culture began to mutate and form plant growth, at which time the bacteria and amino acids forming in the water began to receive the light (sun) and began to mutate, causing minimal forms of life in the water (plankton, amoebae, etc.). Plants and algae began to form on the rock (earth), causing grass, herbs, and trees to grow on the surfaces.

Mass decay and decomposition eventually formed soil on the crust of the earth.

Note that once the earth began faulting and shifting, the rock was ground and pounded into fine dust. Once the right mixtures of rocks and algae life were combined with the water, fertile soil would be created, enabling these plant forms to live. These plants and herbs would then begin to grow and seed, replicating itself and multiply across the newly formed lands. Wind would eventually spread seeds and sediments along the newly formed world called Pangaea.

Since plant life feeds off of CO andCO2 emissions, there would be an abundant source of these gases present on earth during the formation of the plant life. Land masses would be forming by volcanic activity (super volcanoes); the emissions sent into the atmosphere by these huge explosions would generate more than enough gases and ash in the atmosphere to sustain soil formations and support plant life on earth.

The way the land (firmaments) formed can be proven by the volcanoes still visible in the bottom of the ocean floors. They explode under the sea and begin to cool and harden, causing land formations to occur in the form of small islands. Along with the small island formations, a massive amount of volcanoes began to form a giant land mass which resembled the back of a turtle. This land mass was known as Pangaea, and began to harbour large amounts of plant life on the surface.


My BelIef

The variations of the herbs and trees begin to cross pollinate and mutate, causing different fruits, vegetables, and trees to form across the land. Since this newly created plant life began to produce oxygen, and displace carbon emissions in the air, this opened the doors for new forms of life to form. This plant life began to die, causing worms and flies to begin to grow (like fruit flies). You cannot visibly see these organisms on you or on garbage, but they are there and will begin to form and consume you once you die. Since the very beginnings of our life cycle are forming, we then are led to the beginning of the fourth day.

Remember that the third day or stage is still occurring today as we can still see plants growing, pollinating, and dying in the never-ending cycle of life. Like all the days previously mentioned, these stages are still happening and forming the world as we know it. In essence a day is like a continuous cycle, therefore, a limited omnipotence.

The third day is, as is the second day, as is the first day.