My Belief by Joey Raymond - HTML preview

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Fifth Day

As we begin to see the days or stages of the earth beginning to coincide and cycle in unison with each other, we then are introduced to the very beginnings of animal life on earth. The very first forms of life, even prior to dinosaurs would have been fish, birds, and other oceanic water life.

On the fifth day God said,

let the waters aBound wIth an aBundanCe of lIvIng Creatures, and let BIrds fly aBove the earth aCross the faCe of the fIrMaMent of the heavens. so god Created great sea Creatures and every lIvIng thIng that Moves, wIth whICh the waters aBounded, aCCordIng to theIr kInd, and every wInged BIrd aCCordIng to Its kInd. and god saw that It was good. and god Blessed theM, sayIng: Be fruItful and MultIPly, and fIll the waters In the seas, and let BIrds MultIPly on the earth.

GeNesis 1: 20–22 (NKJV)

This passage in reference to the fifth day suggests that the first animals to metamorphose into animals were the fish and the birds. This is interesting as many people will ask about the dinosaurs. Let it be known that some scientists believe that dinosaurs may have had feath-ers (believe it or not); this would make these beasts a form of bird. We have great sea creatures which are proven to be as old or older than dinosaurs still present in the ocean (large squids, whales, and some breeds of sharks, etc.). Since dinosaurs are closely linked with fish (meaning that reptiles are more similar to a fish than mammals), it can be seen how the first animals to metamorphose on the planet were fish, birds, and dinosaurs.

Also, dinosaurs may have evolved from the “great sea creatures” that filled and multiplied in the seas. It is not hard to imagine how, after millions of years of evolution, beasts of these magnitudes would or could metamorphose into the land dinosaurs most of us are familiar with. Look how much humans have changed in thousands of years; imagine hundreds of thousands and millions of more years from now.


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Imagine how much the earth, humans, and animals will have changed.

Since Tyrannosaurus Rex and other predatory dinosaurs of the late Jurassic period are bipedal in nature and in a sense more evolved, it would support the evidence that these beasts originated from the massive creatures of the ocean that were in the beginnings of the Cretaceous or pre-Jurassic era. The dinosaurs of the “later years” are, generally speaking, smaller, predatory, and more evolved in terms of a successful land creature. The jump from birds to dinosaurs may not seem plausible, but not impossible. From great sea creatures to dinosaurs is more plausible and highly more likely. Reference to these sea creatures as being GREAT would give more emphasis to them being extremely large...

dinosaur style. Dinosaurs may be a combination of both bird and fish life; although, I believe that even birds started as fish in the sea.

Thus concludes the fifth day and the beginnings of what is now known as animal life or true life on the planet earth. Remember that each one of these days or stages takes thousands, millions, and billions of years to happen and evolve to what we know today.