My Ever-Present Help by Aaron Robinson Jr. - HTML preview

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Steps to Effectual Prayer:


1. Believe as you pray, that God hears and answers prayer.

2. Pray in the spirit, pray in tongues, fast... "the more critical the condition... the more crucial the preparation."

3. Remember, Healing is gradual, and Miracles are instant. Sometimes healing will come in stages, as you continue to pray for your loved one.

4. Be patient, be for real, believe that God will honor your Faith. "God wants to make the person whole in all areas of their life...body, soul, and spirit."

5. Be sure to Thank God for whatever He does....


"The Fervent, and Effectual Prayer of a Righteous Man will avail much" (James 5:16)

"I will Restore health to You, and Your wounds I will heal, says the Lord." (Jer. 30:17)

Hour of Prayer... Talking to God   -  continued   Index



 1. Before You Pray...


1. Be sure to confess any sins, and ask God to forgive you.

2. Develop the Right Attitude: Love, Peace, Forgiveness, and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

3. Develop a prayer life: Prayer is not just a 'part' of your spiritual life, but the 'thing' that keeps your spiritual life going.  

4. Develop Confidence: The bible teaches that God answers prayer (Matt. 7:7-8, John 16:24, James 4:2). "Many Christians will get frustrated, and stop praying, when their prayers don't seem to get answered." Satan causes you to doubt the effectiveness of prayer... un-answered prayer is an abnomality, and should be dealt with.


 2. Essentials to Answered Prayer:


1. Pray without Ceasing: Never stop communicating with God, ie a. (sharing your feelings and thoughtd with God. - b. Understanding God: Meditating on God, and His Word, comprehending God's feelings, and His will for you. - c. Worship God: Glorify, praise, and follow God in obedience.

2. Pray with Faith: It is impossible to please God without faith:  A. God exists (Heb. 11:6): - B. God is approachable (Hebrews 4:16, Col 1:15, James 4:8). - C. God is a rewarder (Luke 11:9-10, John 16:24, Heb. 11:6). Faith pleases God... and Perfect Faith well pleases God.

3. Pray according to God's will: "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:" 1 John 5:14).


Some Hindrances to Answered Prayer include: Unconfessed Sin - Unforgiveness - Not Born Again - Lack of Faith - Disobedience


 3. When You Pray:


1. Identify Your Need: Be specific in your request to God.

2. Search the Scriptures(Concordance):  Read all scripture that promise to meet your need, and pray those scriptures back to God.

3. Address Your Prayer to God, in the Name of Jesus. God is the source, Jesus is the way or door to God.

4. Develop an Attitude of Praise and Worship: Praise and give thanks to God.

5. Ask in Accordance to the Word: God Honors His Word.

6. Clear Your Mind: Think pure, positive thoughts. Meditate on the Word.

7. Exercise Faith...Beleive: Know that God hears and answers prayer.

8. See It: Visualize your needs being met by God.

9. Make Intercession: Pray for the needs of someone else.

10. Ask Only Once: To pray repetitious prayers is unbeleif. Rather, pray Confirming Prayers to God... Praying His Word back to Him; "God's Word will not return to Him void. (Isaiah 55:11).

Hour of Prayer... Talking to God   -  continued   Index



Possible Answers You May Receive From God To Your Prayer Requests :

 1. Yes: God may answer your prayers in the way that you request.

 2. God may Delay His answer to impress upon us our need for Him.

 3. We may not be spiritually ready to receive that we have petitioned God for.

 4. For His own reasons, God may decide... Not Yet.  

 5. No: Sometimes God denies our requests



Bottom line. Develop an effectual prayer life: Remember, prayer is not just a 'part' of your spiritual life, but the 'thing' that keeps your spiritual life going…Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-8).



“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 KJV)




