My Truth by J. H. Phillips - HTML preview

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What happened next?


When Diana and I married I was twenty six turning twenty seven and she had just turned twenty five. We had courted for a year before we were joined together as husband and wife.


Diana and I were married for two years when the Lord blessed us with a son Moses it was at my son’s birth that I saw my second wife. Diana was twenty seven and I was twenty nine.


Roxanne and I were friends for a little over a year or so before we succumbed to our feelings for each other and began our courtship which lasted six months after which we made it official. At the time Diana and I had Moses and were pregnant with Jessica. I was thirty, Diana twenty eight and Roxanne twenty three.


Lina and I had the shortest courtship of them all we courted for about three months before we got married and it was a real battle for me to get her attention but I’ll explain that later. When we married Lina, I was thirty two; Diana was thirty, Roxanne twenty five and Lina twenty six. At the time Diana and I had Moses and Jessica, Roxanne and I had Sarah and Penelope.


Jennifer and I had the longest courtship which was a good thing because with her there were issues which needed to be addressed before we got married especially with Lina because we had been married for less than a year when it started. We courted for three years and got married in the first month of our fourth year together. At the time I was thirty five, Diana thirty two, Roxanne twenty seven, Lina twenty eight and Jennifer thirty. Diana and I had three children by now Moses, Jessica and Timothy. Roxanne and I still only had the two girls Sarah and Penelope, Lina and I had one girl Joy and she was pregnant with Paul and Hailey, Jennifer and I had two Carl and Greg Jnr.


After my marriage to Jennifer, Diana and I had one more child Peter, Roxanne and I had our angel Sophie, after the twins Lina had another son David and then our baby girl  Elizabeth and the Lord blessed Jennifer and I with two more boys Luke and Andrew.