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[1]  Norman Daniel, ‘Islam and the West: The Making of an Image’ (Oxford: One World Publications, 1993) 225.

[2]  Amanda Power, ‘Roger Bacon and the Defence of Christendom’ (Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2013) 200.

[3]  Imran N. Hosein:, ‘An Islamic View of Gog and Magog’. 2009.  Available. Online,  Accessed 11. 04. 2013.

[4]  ‘Bedae Venerabilis’ vol ii 69. 574.

[5]  It could be argued that Muhammad was a ‘magician’ for he ‘united the believers and the unbelievers’.

 [6] Sir John Mandeville, ‘The Travels of Sir John Mandeville’  Available. Online.  Accessed 21.04.2013.

[7]  Geoffrey Chaucer, “General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales”.

[8] Dorothee Metlitzki, ‘The Matter of Araby in Medieval England’ (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1977).

[9] Metlitzki, ‘The Matter of Araby in Medieval England’, 55.

[10] Thomas S. Freeman, John Foxe: A Biography; Thomas S. Freeman, (2004) " John Foxe”, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

[11]  Richard Hakluyt, ‘Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation’ (London:  George Bishop, Ralph Newberie, and Robert Barker. 2nd edn, 1598–1600).

[12]  Willy Maley, “Spenser's Life.”  The Oxford Handbook of Edmund Spenser. ed. Richard A. McCabe. 1st edn. 39.

[13]  Willy Maley, ‘Connotations: A Journal for Critical  Debate’  Available. Online.  Accessed 19. 04. 2013.

[14]  Shakespeare, ‘Othello’. Act I, Scene I. Michael Neill, ed. Antony and Cleopatra” (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994).

[15]  Shakespeare, ‘Othello’. Act I, Scene I.

[16]  Kim F Hall (ed.) ‘William Shakespeare, Othello-Texts and Contexts’ (Basingstoke Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007) 161.

[17]  Monique Cartwright, “The Theme of the Developed Racism in the Play - Othello the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare”.  Available. Online.  Accessed 02. 04. 211

[18]  Shakespeare, ‘Othello’. V. II.

[19]  Shakespeare ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’.  1.1.1–2, 6–10.

[20]  Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ 1.1.1–2, 6–10.

[21] Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ 1.1.1–2, 6–10.

[22] Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ .1. 1. 25.

[23]  Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’  I. 4. 29.

[24]  Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’. 1. 5. 13-14.

[25]  Shakespeare, ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ 3. 11. 67.

[26] Available. Online  Accessed 29. 03. 2013.

[27]  Available. Online  Accessed 29. 03. 2013.

[28]  Geoffrey Clarke, ‘The conflict between freewill and predestination in Marlowe's ‘Dr Faustus’’  Available. Online  Accessed 09. 06. 2013.

[29]  E Pococke, English translation 1674. ‘An Account of the Oriental Philosopy’ (Oxford, 1674).  See Charles Edwin Butterworth and Blake Andrėe Kessel, ‘The Introduction of Arabic Philosophy Into Europe’ (Leiden, New York, Cologne: Brill, 1993) 69.

[30]  O Mannoni. ‘Prospero and Caliban: the Psychology of Colonization (University of Michigan Press: 1990).

[31]  Edward Gibbon in 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ (London, 1823).

[32]  Edward Gibbon.  Available. Online.

[33]  Henry Maundrell, ‘Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter A.D. 1697’ (Oxford, 1703).

[34] Available.  Online  Accessed 19. 03. 2013.

[35]  Edward Gibbon, Simon Ockley, ‘History of the Saracen Empire’ (London: Alex Murray, 1870).

[36] Simon  Ockley, ‘History of the Saracen Empire’, 4.

[37]  Ockley, ‘History of the Saracen Empire’, 10.

[38]  Ockley, Available. Online.  Accessed 19. 03. 2013.

[39]  Ockley, Available. Online  Accessed 07. 06. 2013.

[40]  Thomas Moore, ‘Lalla Rookh: An Oriental Romance’ (London: Thomas Y. Crowell & Company, 1817).

[41] William Makepeace Thackeray,  ‘Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo’. 1845.   (London: John Murray, 1911). Available. Online.  Accessed.  25. 03. 2013.

[42]  Thackeray,  ‘Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo’.

[43]  Thackeray,  ‘Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo’.

[44]  Thackeray,  ‘Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo’ 3.

[45]  Thackeray,  ‘Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo’ 3.

[46]  Thackeray, ‘The Book of Snobs’.  Available. Online.  Accessed 11. 04. 2013.

[47]  Lord Byron: The Complete Miscellaneous Prose. Ed. Andrew Nicholson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991)  Byron’s Letters and Journals.  Leslie A Marchand, 13 vols. 1973.  94.

[48]  From a marginal note in Byron’s copy of Isaac Disraeli’s ‘The Literary Character’ cited by Moore II , 7, n.

[49]  Byron, ‘The Giaour’, 1057 – 59.

[50]  Bernard Blackstone, Journal of European Studies, Dec. 1974 225 – 263.  “Young boys and girls… rated at the highest price… but few of them escape the lust of the Tartars.”  Byron had read Rycaut.  For Byron and Ottoman love see: ‘Orientalism, Europeanisation and same-sex sexualities in the early nineteenth-century Levant’.  Journal of European Studies June 2012 42: 140-157.

[51] Holy Qur’an  Surah 33. Verse 35.

[52]  Bernadette Andrea, ‘Women and Islam in Early Modern English Literature (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007). “As wife of the British Ambassador, she had an entrée into areas of life — particularly into the harems whence Rycaut was excluded.”  Blackstone, Journal of European Studies, Dec. 1974. fn. 332.

[53] Richard A Cardwell, Byron and the Orient: Appropriation or Speculation? In ‘Byron and Orientalism’, ed. Peter Cochran (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008) 169.

[54]  Byron, ‘The Seige of Corinth’ . 918.

[55]  Byron, ‘The Seige of Corinth’ . 919.

[56]  Christopher Hitchins, ‘God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything’ (New York: Warner Twelve, 2007).

[57] Christopher Hitchins, ‘God is not Great’ 66.

[58]  Bernadette Andrea, ‘Women and Islam in Early Modern English Literature’ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).

[59] Percy Bysshe Shelley, ’Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue, with other poems’.(London: C. and J. Ollier). No date.

[60] Percy Bysshe Shelly,’ Ozymandias’, Available. Online.  Accessed 24. 04. 2013

[61]  Charles Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1888) 2. 1. 21.

[62]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 1. 39.

[63]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 405.

[64]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 40.

[65] Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 405

[66]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 405.

[67]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 13. 399.

[68]  T E Lawrence, ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’, (London, Jonathan Cape 1935).

[69] ‘The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, selected and edited by Malcolm Brown’. (London: J. M Dent. 1988).

[70]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 405.

[71]  Doughty, ‘Travels in Arabia Deserta’  2. 2. 22.

[72]  On 04/07/1998 636,046 (56 percent) were males while 496,298 (44 percent) were females; and 982,654 pilgrims arrived by air, 117,162 by land and 32,528 by sea.

[73] Burton, ‘Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah’  Chapter 27.

[74] Wikipedia, Zamzam water. Available. Online.  Accessed 15. 04. 2013.

[75]  Sir Richard Burton, “Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah”  1855.  Available. Online.  Accessed 15. 04. 2013.

[76]  Burton, “Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah.” 1855. Chapter 27.

[77]  Available. Online.  Accessed 18. 03. 2012.

[78]  Roy, Saberi. "Islam, Islamic Fundamentalism and Islamic Terrorism".   Globalpolitician. Retrieved 17 March 2012.

[79]  Holy Qur’an, Sura 2. 256.

[80]  Holy Qur’an, Sura 2. 190.

[81]  Holy Qur’an, Sura 8. 39

[82]  W. Montgomery Watt, 'Muhammad at Mecca' (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953).

[83]  D Miall Edwards, “ Christianity and Other Religions” (Dolgellau, 1923) 62-65.  Quoted in Grahame Davies, ‘The Dragon and the Crescent’ (Bridgend: Seren Books, 1988) 76.

[84]  D Miall Edwards, “ Christianity and Other Religions”  129 – 131.

[85]  Ziauddin  Sardar,’ Return to Al-Andalus‘, Critical Muslim 06. Reclaiming Al-Andalus’  Vol. 6 (London:  C Hurst and Co., 2013) April-June 2013.

[86] The Legacy of Muslim Spain - Google Books. Availanle.  Online.  Accessed. 07. 06.20113, 2012-10-13.

[87]  I am indebted to Professor Zia Sardar for this phrase, which I couldn’t resist using/appropriating.  See Critical Muslim ‘Reclaiming Al-Andalus’ Vol. 6 (London:  C Hurst and Co., 2013) April-June 2013.

[88] Majid Fakhry, ‘Averroes (Ibn Rushd): His Life, Works and Influence’ (Oxford: Oneworld, 2008).

[89] Roger Boase, ‘Morisco Expulsion and Diaspora: An Early Example of Religious and Ethnic Cleansing’  History Today, vol. 52, no. 4 (April 2002).

[90]  William Muir, Mahomet and Islam”. See ‘Answering Islam’  Available. Online.  Accessed 15. 03. 2012.

[91]  Estelle Whelan, “Forgotten Witness: Evidence for the Early Codification of the Qur'an” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1998, Volume 118, 1-14.

[92]  Estelle Whelan, “Forgotten Witness”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 1998, Volume 118, 1.

[93]  Estelle Whelan, “Forgotten Witness”, Journal of The American Oriental Society, 1998, Volume 118, 1.

[94]  E A Freeman, British Quarterly Review, 55 (January 1872), 106–119.

[95]  Lesley Hazleton, ‘The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad’ (New York: Riverhead Books Penguin, 2013).

[96]  Shamsul Islam, ‘ Kipling's "law": a Study of his Philosophy of Life’  (London:  Macmillan, 1975), Paper given at: London Conference. Rudyard Kipling: an International Writer October 21-22 2011 Available. Online Accessed 10. 03. 2013.

[97]  Shamsul Islam, Paper to the Kipling Society. Shamsul Islam, ‘ Kipling's "law": a Study of his Philosophy of Life’  (London:  Macmillan, 1975), Paper given at: London Conference. ‘Rudyard Kipling: an International Writer’ October 21-22 2011 Available. Online.  Accessed 10. 03. 2013.

[98] John Boswell, "Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality," (The University of Chicago Press, 1980).

[99]   Poem as preface to Rudyard Kipling, ‘Twenty Poems’ (London, Methuen, 1918).

[100]  Poem as preface to Rudyard Kipling, ‘Twenty Poems’.

[101]  Rudyard Kipling, "The Conversion of Aurelian Mc Goggin", in ‘Plain Tales from the Hills’. (London: Penguin Classics, 1987).

[102]  Rudyard Kipling, ‘Kim’, (London, 1903). (London: James Brodie, 1956) 45-46.

[103]  Kipling, ‘Kim’, (London, 1903). (London: James Brodie, 1956) 45-46.

[104]  Meadows Taylor, ‘Seeta’ (London: Kegan Paul & Co., 1880).67.

[105]  Mrs Steel, ‘On the Face of the Waters’ quoted in B J Moore-Gilbert, ‘Kipling and Orientalism’, (London: Croom Helm, 1986) 155.

[106]  Adam Nicolson,  “The Hated Wife: Carrie Kipling 1862–1939” (London: Short Books, 2001).

[107]  Morton Cohen, ‘Rider Haggard: His Life and Work’ (New York: Walker and Company, 1968) 206.

[108]  Geoffrey Clarke, ‘Rider Haggard: His Extraordinary Life and Colonial Work’.  KindleBooks:  Available. Online. Accessed 28. 04. 2013.

[109]  Salman Rushdie,  ‘The Satanic Verses’ (London: Vintage Books, 1988).

[110]  The Holy Qur’an, Sura 53. al Najm, the Star. v. 19, 20.

[111]   S. Haiim, English Dictionary (Tehran, Y. Beroukhim and Sons 1958).

[112]  Shabbir Akhtar, ‘Be Careful with Muhammad!’  (London: Bellew Publishing, 1989) 17.

[113]  Eliot Weinberger, The Complete Review. Outside Stories. Available. Online

[114]  Kenan Malik, ‘From Fatwa to Jihad: The Rushdie Affair and Its Aftermath’ (New York: Atlantic: 2009). 

[115]  Baqer Moin, ‘Khomeini: Life of the Ayatollah’ (London: I B Taurus, 1999) 284, (Issued 18 February, Obtained by Moin from the Archbishop of Canterbury's aides.) 

[116] Salman Rushdie, ‘The Satanic Verses’.

[117]  Geoffrey Robertson, The Guardian, Friday 14 September 2012.

[118]  Available. Online.  Accessed 06. 02. 2013.

[119]  Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies,  ‘Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair’ (London: Grey Seal Books: 1990). 

[120]  Pankaj Mishra The Guardian, Tuesday 18. 09. 2012.  Available. Online.  Accessed 08.03. 2013.

[121]  Merryl Wyn Davies and Ziauddin Sardar,  ‘Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair’, 4.

[122] Kenan Malik, ‘ From Fatwa to Jihad, 55.

[123]  Ziauddin Sardar, 'Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim' (London: Granta Books, 1988) Author’s signed copy, 284.

[124]  Shabbir Akhtar, ‘Be Careful with Muhammad: The Salman Rushdie Affair’ (London: Bellew Publishing, 1989.. 

[125]  Karen Edwards, “Rushdie death warrant intact”, BBC News, 13 February 2000". Accessed  24. 10. 2011.

[126]  BBC News. 23. 09. 1998. Accessed. 27. 01. 2012.

[127]  For discrimination of the black community see Derek Humphrey and Gus John, ‘Because They’re Black’ (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1971).

[128]  Malik, From Fatwa to Jihad’, 4.

[129]  Sardar, ‘Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim’, 290.

[130]  Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies ‘Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair’ (London: Grey Seal Books: 1990) 7. 

[131]  Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies ‘Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair’, 32.

[132]  Salman Rushdie. ‘The Satanic Verses’. 3.

[133]   Salman Rushdie. ‘The Satanic Verses’. 211.

[134]  Yusuf Islam, Available. Online.  Accessed  15. 04. 2013.

[135]  Cat Stevens, ‘Tea for the Tillerman’  ‘ On the Road to Find Out’.  A M Records. © 1979 Freshwater Music Ltd.   Controlled in Western Hemisphere by Irving Music Inc.  Available.  Accessed  13. 04. 2013.

[136]  Salman Rushdie. ‘The Satanic Verses’. 141.

[137]  Salman Rushdie. ‘The Satanic Verses’. 427.

[138]  T E Lawrence, ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ (London, Jonathan Cape 1935) 1974 edn. 29.

[139]  Salman Rushdie, Introduction.  ‘Midnight’s Children’ (London: Vintage Books, 1981).

[140]  Salman Rushdie, ‘Midnight’s Children’, 5.

[141]  A Yusuf Ali (trans) The Holy Qur’an (New York: The Muslim Students’ Association, 1975.)

[142]  “Qur'an burning: Pastor Jones's moment in the spotlight” The Guardian. Available.  Online.
Accessed 29. 03. 2013.

[143]  Zadie Smith,  ‘White Teeth’, 237.

[144]  Salman Rushdie, ‘Midnight’s Children’, 37.

[145]  Prologue, Salman Rushdie, ‘Joseph Anton’ (New York: Random House, 2012).

[146]  Merryl Wyn Davies, ‘Wilful Imaginings’, New Internationalist.  Issue 345 (May 2002) Available. Online, Accessed 08. 03. 2012.

[147]  Merryl Wyn Davies, ‘Wilful Imaginings’, New Internationalist.  Issue 345.

[148] Hanif Kureishi, ‘Something to Tell You’, (London: Faber and Faber, 2008.) 55.

[149] Malik, From Fatwa to Jihad’, 4.

[150] Guardian news report, June 2012.  Available.  Online.  Accessed 23. 04. 2013.

[151]  Report of transcript of terrorist attack, Woolwich.  22. 05. 2013.   Available.  Online.  Accessed 27. 04. 2013.

[152] Woolwich attack witness Ingrid Loyau-Kennett: 'I feel like a fraud'.  Available.  Online. Accessed 27. 04. 2013.

[153] Muslim Safety Forum.   Available.  Online.  Accessed 24. 04. 2013.

[154]  British Crime Survey Available. Online.  Accessed 16. 06. 2013.

[155]  Michael Holroyd, ‘Bernard Shaw Vol I. 1856 – 1898 ’The Search for Love’  (London: Chatto and Windus, 1988) 4.

[156]  George Bernard Shaw, ‘A Shavian Meets a Theologian’.  Interview by M. A. A. Siddiqui, in 'Genuine Islam', Organ of the All-Malaya Muslim Missionary Society Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1936.

[157] 'Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 1936.

[158] 'Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 1. January, 1936.

[159]  Song lyric from the musical ‘My Fair Lady’.  “I’m an Ordinary Man”.  Available.  Online.

[160]  Bernard Shaw, ‘Pygmalion’ Available.  Online.

[161]  ‘Rumi: The Hidden Music’ (Tehran: Yassavoli Publications, 2008) Introduction.

[162]  Yousef Ali,  Holy Qu’ran, Surah al Baqara or the Heifer. 2. 1 and Surah Shurah or Consultation 42.1.

[163]  Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, Surah al Nissa, 4. 34. ‘The Meaning of the Glorious Qur’an’.  (London: Al-Furqan Publications).  A Yusuf Ali (trans) The Holy Qur’an (New York: The Muslim Students’ Association 1975.)

[164]  Holy Qur’an translated by M H Shebir Surah 4. 34,  (Qum: Iran.  (Ansariyan Publications, 1993)  75

[165] Ameneh Monaghegh, ‘The Trace of Translators’ Ideology: A Case Study of English Translations of the Qur’an.  The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies – Vol 19 (1): 51 – 64. See also T. Saffarzadeh ‘The Holy Qur’an’. (Tehran: Sooreh-Mehr-Publishing Corporation, 2002).

[166]  George Sale, The Koran, Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed: Translated into English from the Original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes, Taken from the Most Approved Commentators, to Which Is Prefixed a Preliminary Discourse. (London: Frederick Warne, 1891).

[167]  George Sale, The Koran, 178.

[168] Holy Qur’an.  47:15.

[169] H G Wells, ‘A Short History of the World’ (London: Heinemann 1920). See.  Available. Online. Accessed 19. 05. 2013.

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