New Birth: Pathway to the Kingdom of God by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 - Our Status as True Children of God

The New Birth is the rebirth of the human soul through the Divine Love, and it makes us true children of God. This chapter shows what this entails and how those on the Divine Love path differ from those on the natural love path in their status as God’s redeemed children.


From the time that we start receiving the Divine Love, we have a part of God within us. Going back to our stages of birth analogy, in a sense we are a begotten child of God, having a small amount of divine substance in our soul. We then start on a journey of soul transformation into more and more of God’s likeness till eventually we become totally at one with our heavenly Father and born into the Celestial Kingdom of God – though as shown later, we will never become God or equal to God.


Our status is now different to those not converted and not on the Divine Love Path. While they too are children of God – beloved and cared for – they do not have anything divine in them. They are God’s children by creation – their soul was created by God in His image, and they have been given life by God – but not divine nature. Perhaps an analogy, though imperfect as all analogies are, would be a person creating a doll. It is made in the image of its creator, but doesn’t have their substance in the same way that a biological child does. So the doll is not a true child. If it could become human and receive the life and nature of its creator, it would then be a true child.