New Birth: Pathway to the Kingdom of God by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 – Change of Desires and Growth in Virtues

Desires and appetites are the foundation of our actions. Man was created with both animal appetites and spiritual aspirations, and these were originally harmonious with the laws of his creation. However, man’s fall and the loss of spiritual aspirations, as well as the perversion of the animal appetites, have resulted in disharmony with these laws, and hence sin. While not created by God, this tendency to sin has become a part of human nature. To become free from this foreign aspect of their being, humans must replace the wrong appetites and desires with those that are in harmony with God’s laws. (TGRABJ/2/192.)

This chapter shows how change of desires is another aspect of the transformation by the Divine Love and how this results in growth in virtues.

Transformation of Desires

Led and motivated by the Divine Love within, we’ll start desiring the things of God, rather than the things of the world. But conscious choices are still required because following godly desires does not happen automatically and God does not violate our free will. Therefore, on numerous occasions, Bible writers exhort God’s children to be aware of their desires and not follow those that are unwholesome.

Romans 6:12 – Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.