New Birth: Pathway to the Kingdom of God by Eva Peck - HTML preview

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The book, New Birth – Pathway to the Kingdom of God proposes answers, as I presently see them, to questions many wonder about such as, what is the purpose of life and the human potential, and what, if anything, happens after this life.

Most Christians believe that man is by nature sinful – following the rebellion/fall of Adam and Eve. According to traditional teachings, this condition can be remedied by accepting Jesus Christ as a personal savior and his sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins. This is said to reconcile us to God and cleanse us from all sin. The Bible, in the New Testament, indeed contains the teaching that man is saved by the death and blood of Jesus. While churches also usually teach that those who in this life have not accepted Jesus as their savior will eternally suffer in an ever-burning hell, the Scriptures are not quite as explicit – though they do speak about judgment.

Besides numerous passages speaking about being saved by the vicarious atonement of Jesus – his shedding of blood and dying on a Roman cross, there is also another thread or “gospel” running through the New Testament. It emphasises more of what Jesus taught and exhorted his followers to do, than what he did for them through his sacrificial death. Many passages speak about the Holy Spirit as the agent of transformation and creating the “new