Observers' Guide to God by Derek Thompson - HTML preview

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The Quest to Find God

God wants us to meet. I had not expected this when Dr Lee said at the Yum Cha, “God’s desire to observe you and your desire to observe God will enable the meeting you both seek.” God is difficult to find for someone who is everywhere. Perhaps the problem is at our end. We might be overlooking God or be out of earshot. Whatever the reason, we fail to encounter God. This is the big lacuna.

The first time I heard the word “lacuna” was at the Newtown God Observers’ Club. Kev Makeshaw, the local club president, sucked on his Havana cigar and said, “Albert, you know what the problem is?” I nodded in the negative. Kev continued, “It’s the big lacuna.” I had no idea what lacuna meant, but I was not going to ask Kev. Not wanting to appear ignorant, I just nodded in agreement. I should have realised that Kev was baiting me but I had not known him long at that stage. Kev is no intellectual. He is a character. Once when recruiting new members for the club he went to an illegal gambling casino to “play” the tables and several new members resulted. So, I waited until I got back to my office to refer to a dictionary. Lacuna means hiatus, blank, a missing part, a gap.