Observers' Guide to God by Derek Thompson - HTML preview

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Back at the Clubhouse

Kev and I bundled Max into the back seat of the car. Max was still resting and Imy still giggling. Kev was talking on the phone broadcasting the news of the God sighting. As I drove the team back to base camp (our God Observers’ Clubhouse) I pondered how I might change my field guide. Imy must have been thinking along similar lines. She started to say she would re-write the Comparative Observation syllabus, but broke off into laughter at the thought. I used to avoid Dr Imy, but now she is a fellow club member. Things were changing fast, and I did not care at all.

The experience bonded the four of us together and we were keen to meet with the club members. I was no longer an outsider on a quest, but a part of the club. The “members’ only” area is now my native habitat. Living in a world of individualism had isolated me from others. Now I am a bona fide God Observers’ Club member, one of the company. A social dimension had moved into my life to supplant the ego. Move over Sigmund.

When we arrived back at the club, to my surprise Dorothy greeted me with, “You took your time Alby”.

“What are you doing here Dot?” I asked.

Dorothy explained, “When I was typing your manuscript, I took a shortcut to the last phase of Divebottom Strategy. What kept you?”

“I think I was too fearful to dive in at the deep end,” I confessed.

“You are too conservative Alby. But you always get there in the end,” said Dorothy returning to help with preparations for the meal. It took a few moments for me to realise that the celebration was for Max, Imy and me.

As I mingled in the crowd, I met Christine Divebottom, who surprised me with a hug. “You didn’t have to go through the whole strategy Albert,” she chided.

“I am very thorough,” I replied extricating myself from her, but I turned around and bumped into Freeman Lee, who gave me a more respectable handshake.

“Well done Albert. You met the One Amigo,” Freeman said with a laugh.

“Yes Freeman. I needn’t have been concerned at being dazzled by the light. Our Amigo just smiled at me as though he knew what I was thinking.”

“He probably did,” agreed Freeman.

“Freeman, when you were relating God’s attributes to me, you didn’t tell me about his love.”

“Love is not so much an attribute as the centre of his being. But, yes I should have told you about it. We must get together to discuss God observation more thoroughly,” said Freeman making way for another well-wisher.

There followed much backslapping and encouragement from other club members who introduced themselves.

We found our seats at the tables, with me next to Dorothy on one side and Kev on the other. Kev, in his role as club president, sat at the head of the table. Kev stood and announced, “Members, before we eat I will interview our new club members about today’s adventure at the Western Suburbs Observers’ Club. We made a glorious sighting of God. Let’s hear from each of them. Max, you go first.”

Max rose to his feet, “God’s power overwhelmed me. My preoccupation with university exams and the cricket team paled into insignificance compared to meeting God. It was crazy of me to be a youth group leader when I hadn’t even seen God. Thank you for your confidence in me. Well, now I’m fully qualified to take others with me on future expeditions.” Max received a warm round of applause.

“Imy,” said Kev, “you appeared to enjoy the expedition.”

“Oh yes,” said Imy, “I never imagined God observation to be such fun. I couldn’t stop laughing,” which was enough to start her laughing again. Meanwhile, Kev displayed the photos he had taken on a screen. It gave everyone a laugh. Imy regained her composure and continued. “My approach to God was very serious, but I was the one taking myself too seriously. I will lighten up my COG’s course. The lectures shouldn’t be so boring in future!” This drew appreciative applause from club members.

“What’s your story Albert?” said Kev, “Now you can finish your field guide.”

“I could not complete a field guide on God observation without seeing God myself. Although I was optimistic from the beginning, I got anxious towards the end. I guess I was seeing things from the wrong perspective. Thanks Kev for your help.”

Kev replied, “Our intrepid explorer has achieved his quest.”

“A quest I intend going on again and again,” I said searching for words. “In the words of the club motto, ‘Blessed are the God observers, for they will see God’.” This drew thunderous applause and cries of “Hear, hear!” from the club members. Kev took his seat, signalling the start of feasting accompanied by a buzz of conversation. I leaned over to Kev, “Now what do you know about the yellow-billed leg-shaker?”

[Note from Dorothy: Time for a cuppa]