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On Your Wiccan Way

On Your Wiccan Way

Learning To Build Your Wiccan Path

Author: Mike Sexton

 Copyright 2017.  Printed in the United States of America

 No part of this book may be published in another work without the express approval of the author.
Book Cover Credits: Mike Sexton


I welcome you to my first book on Wicca. Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that began in the mid 1950’s by Gerald Gardner in England. Originally the religion was closed - and if you’re considering joining a coven, it still is very closed so you will have to work hard to even discover a local coven, let alone be admitted into it.  Things have changed a lot since that time. These days you can be a solitary Wiccan and follow your own path, while still holding true to the central concepts of Wicca. Granted, you won’t be exposed to details that coven members are privy to but you can form a wonderfully personal path for yourself promises a lifetime of enjoyment and promises a lifetime of enjoyment and also help you deal with life’s changes.

I have been learning about Wicca, on and off since I was 24, when an ex-girlfriend introduced me to it and I have been studying and practicing it properly since my middle 30’s for well over 15 years. Since that time, I have been learning - becoming fully devoted to Wicca. I fought long and hard about going down this path. It was a decision I didn't make lightly - especially with my prior religious background. My mother is Catholic and my father was Protestant but we were never what you would call devoted church goers. They believed in God but never shoved it down our throats. When I was 16, where we live, was flooded and we had to take refuge in a church and I tried getting into it. I even was baptized a second time (my first time was of course as a baby) but I never felt really at home there. I always felt ostracized and in truth, saw far too many people saying one thing and doing another which has always rubbed me the wrong way. I’m the type of person that pretty much tells you as it is. The saying " what you see is what you get" - is a pretty accurate description of me. If you add to that the fact that I will tell you the truth, even if it may make you uncomfortable, you have a recipe for a more solitary life. That aspect is for another time and another book.

Within a few months I left that church, organized religion had no place in my world. I still believed in a version of God, however, not as God is portrayed in the Bible. In my mind, God could not be so disdainful to errors of his followers and yet claim love as well. When I was introduced to Wicca, I felt, for the first time, truly at “home” yet I still had trouble going down this road. I had not thought the bias I was taught and heard about growing up had any bearing on me as an adult. I was wrong. They had a much greater impact on me than I ever realized. I started on my path a handful of times, if not more and each time something bad would happen and I connected those things with my leaving the Christian path. This came as a surprise to me as I never thought I was on the Christian path - but I was indoctrinated in the Christian ways. Does this confuse you? It sure did me. Regardless of the repeated setbacks, I was drawn back to Wicca, It could be an article I read online or a book I happened to pick up - whatever it was, it kept drawing me back to Wicca.

Finally in 2014 I decided I could not continue to lie to myself and that this is what I was meant to do and this is who I am. Any God worth respecting and honoring would not want me to lie to myself or or continue to be someone I’m not. Since then, I have been learning on my own along with people who are supportive and have been walking the Wicca path longer. What I have learned, though, has not just come from those who are experienced, but also those new to it. They ask questions and inspire further study. It is a path that one can continually learn and grow in - constantly opening new ideas and new doors that we can all learn from. I have been an administrator in several groups since then and presently run my own group. I have had many people encouraging me to write a book. They have found a lot of help in the knowledge I have obtained over the years.

So,to those who have asked, pushed and supported me in this endeavor, I thank you. It is a pleasure and honor to put down my thoughts and blessings that this wonderful path has brought me. In all honesty, I have never in my life dreamed of writing a book of any kind. I have been very blessed to have a terrific group of people around me who kept egging me on to write a book on Wicca and I would like to take a moment to thank each of you, as well as my entire family who supported me in this project. I would also like to give a special thank you to Laurie Mueller, who helped to edit this book as well as Wendy Wilson for proofreading it for me.  Without each of these special people, this book may very well not have seen the light of day.

I believe this book will help you on your road to learning about the wonderful religion of Wicca. My hope is that it shows, if nothing else, that anyone who wishes to learn, can break free from mainstream religions and forge their own path-- whether that is Wicca, Heathenism, neo-Druidism or what have you.


In this book you will learn the basics of Wicca, some of the things that are used in Wicca, some of the beliefs that surround this wonderful spirituality.  You will get to learn what the most common tools are that are used, ways to keep costs down so your wallet/purse aren’t dented too heavily.  I will get into the basics of essential oils, herbs, crystals to help you get started.  You will learn about each of the Sabbats as well as some activity suggestions for you to use for each of the Sabbats. You shall learn about the moon phases, how to write your very own ritual. I will give you pointers on how to discover your Deity, how to tell your loved ones of your new path and a great deal more.

I try to give you a few of my own experiences so you can see how common a lot of emotions, ideas are that you might be having as you’re starting your new journey.  This book is not written to convince you to join Wicca; it is to help you learn about this nature-based religion and maybe spark some new ideas in yourself.


You’ve Discovered Wicca- Now What?

You have discovered Wicca and you want to jump in head first. You are excited- this is what you have always wanted to do This is wonderful and I am so glad you have found your path in life. That being said, when you are starting out, it can be very intimidating and overwhelming to begin in a new spiritual direction. Wicca and paganism in general, are not like realizing you are a devout Christian, Jew or Muslim. There is no "Bible", there is no "Church" for you to go and ask questions and read at your leisure. You have books available that can help a great deal but each author writes about Wicca the way they see the religion and how they practice. It can get confusing when one author tells you one thing and then you pick up the next book and another author gives you a different definition of something you thought you had finally grasped.

I went through the same thing when I began. I started out with several very well respected authors-- Scott Cunningham and Raymond Buckland.  The funny thing is, I recommend their works so much, I should get a share of the sales. Lol! That is something I'll have to work out with their publishers!

What I recommend to new people is this: Do not get too overwhelmed with it all. This is meant to be a lifelong path. You are simply not going to learn everything you wish to in a few weeks, months or even a few years. Take your time. Take one step at a time. Learn at a pace that is comfortable for you. Someone else may move faster on their path than you but guess what? There’s a key phrase in the first part of that -- “THEIR PATH” . ​The only path you need to concern yourself with is your own.

I am going to give you a short list of questions you can ask yourself when you begin on your new journey. These are designed to help you avoid a lot of pitfalls down the road and should provide you with some insights into what you wish to get out of Wicca, and which areas of Wicca may interest you most and so on. These are some questions I asked myself when I began - maybe they will help you as well.

"What do I want to get out of this?"

"What corresponds to my beliefs and that I'm comfortable doing ?"

"Do I want to influence anyone without them being aware of it?" "What are my interests already that I can incorporate into my religion & witchcraft that I practice?"

"Do I want to help others and if so, how do I want to help them?"

"How much time am I able to commit to this regularly?"

"Who do I wish to let know what I'm doing?"

"How can I help others?"

"How much research am I willing to do to accomplish these things?" .

Once you answer some of these questions, you will get a much better picture of what your goals are and then you start from there. Do not let it overwhelm you, just learn at a pace comfortable for you and your life. This path WILL take your entire life so no matter how much you learn you will never learn it all.  If you push yourself too hard you will burn out and you may just quit. Not to mention as with anything you overdo, that it can affect your health if you burn yourself out. I would also recommend going over these questions occasionally, perhaps once a year. It is like giving yourself a spiritual evaluation. If you ask yourself these things every once in awhile, you’ll get a better idea of how far you have come, as these things change over time. The beauty of Wicca is it is not stagnant. What interests you today may change a little bit or a lot in time. In fact, your path may change completely and that is perfectly okay and to be expected. When I started out, I was only into the healing aspects because in addition to being a professional artist, I am also a caregiver. Healing has always been in my blood, so to speak, so it was a natural place for me to start. I never worried about stones and crystals or using divination methods such as tarot or pendulums. Although I have always cooked and baked a lot, when I began with Wicca, I could not have cared less about kitchen magick.

Within a year, I began learning more about crystals and stones. When I read about how much they can help you- physically, mentally, and spiritually - I bought my first 3 crystals. I still remember them- howlite, clear quartz and amethyst. The howlite helps with creativity and with me being an artist- well, that is pretty much my bread and butter. I purchased clear quartz because it’s an all purpose crystal and can help amplify the energy of other crystals around it. Then I chose amethyst because I have post concussion syndrome and I suffer headaches and pain. This pain puts the worst migraine to shame and I had read that amethyst can help with severe headaches. From those first three crystals, grew such a large varied collection that it takes 3 nights of the full moon to be able to charge them all. I use them for helping to heal my mother’s lung issues and colds. (She has COPD so she needs all the help she can get and the stones work wonders). I have a piece of chrysocolla I tape to her back when she gets a cough and within a day or so, the cough is gone as well as any chest congestion she may be having. I have used citrine on her stomach to help heal with bloating issues and I have used green aventurine to help heal her lower back and kidney pain. This is not to replace proper medical care but in conjunction with working with one’s doctors.​ I have a piece of bloodstone I put under my dogs’ bed when one of my dogs had a bad case of gastroenteritis and I have used a piece of black tourmaline when my other dog had a strained neck muscle. Each stone and crystal has powers that work in a specific manner.  

On the kitchen front, when I’m cooking, I add positive energy into the cooking process to help keep my family happy, healthy and even provide them good fortune. I use teas to help with headaches, stomach issues, colds and so on. I add cinnamon to breads and cereals to fortify them with good luck and good fortune and I will add different herbs to my cooking for whatever purpose I need.

I admit I am still not much into divination. Recently, though, I did do some research on using pendulums and that is something I may pursue in a few weeks and I am excited about that.

These are just a few examples of how your interests can change and even grow over time. Answering these questions every few months, or perhaps yearly, is a wonderful way to adjust your path. Think of it like reading a map.  Even though you know where you are going, it doesn’t hurt to check things every once in awhile to make sure you are still on the right road or to see what other roads you might be able to take to get to where want to be.  

Types of Wicca

Wicca comes in several types. The religion was started in the 1950’s in England by Gerald Gardner. There is a lot of debate about how he founded his form of Wicca but here’s the story as I know it: He was initiated into a coven of witches in the New Forest region of England by a High Priestess named Dorothy Clutterbuck. He was under the impression that they had ties to true witchcraft from the middle ages, or so he claimed. Then in 1949 he wrote a book titled “High Magic’s Aid” about medieval witchcraft. In 1951, England finally smartened up and got rid of the laws against witchcraft and so Gardner published “Witchcraft Today" -which included rituals and traditions that his coven used.  Gardnerian Wiccan covens are run by a High Priestess and they follow the book that is handed down to them.( Although they are allowed to add and improvise). It has a three degree system.

Next is the Alexandrian Tradition which is quite similar to Gardnerian with a few minor changes. The most obvious change is that in Alexandrian, the athame is used as a symbol for fire and the wand as an air symbol. The rituals are quite formal and many within this Tradition are deeply involved with ceremonial magick. The ritual cycle deals primarily with the division of the year between the Holly King and the Oak King, several dramas are even acted out. The High Priestess is still seen as the highest authority. This tradition was created by Alex Sanders with his, then wife, Maxine. As rigid as this system may appear to be it is a bit more eclectic and liberal than Gardnerian.

Then there is Dianic Wicca. This was founded by Morgan McFarland and Mark Roberts and gives supremacy to the Goddess aspect; however, the God is still included. Covens are mixed. There is a second branch of Dianic Wicca that some find more controversial called "Feminist Dianic Witchcraft". This version focuses exclusively on the Goddess and consists of women only covens and groups. They are loosely structured and are often times, politically feminist groups. Many of their members, not all, but many, have a resentment towards the male aspect.

These I have mentioned above are all coven and group based. You would have to find such a coven in your area and be able to observe them and then, if they find you are worthy, you may possibly join as a member. These forms of Wicca, especially Gardnerian and Alexandrian are very traditional and proper. Many of their members will not even consider a solitary Wiccan as a "True" Wiccan.

Do not give up though, if this is not your cup of tea. Whether you cannot find a coven in your area or you are not into the group dynamics, to learn on your own without answering to anyone- you can go the solitary Wiccan route. This does not mean that you have zero communication with others but that you learn on your own - without the aid and support of a coven setting and high priestess. Thankfully today there are many wonderful authors available (including such well respected authors as Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland and Thea Sabin) that have been a great help to those of us who prefer to be solitary Wiccans. There are also a number of excellent online groups and forums you can join but be careful. As with everything else online and offline for that matter, go slowly. Be careful and remember that just because someone tells you something, that does not mean it is the only way or that the information is even accurate. Always do your own research even when someone is helping you out. There is a general anecdote that fits this perfectly. Ask 50 witches or Wiccans a question and you are likely to get at least 48 different answers- because everyone sees things differently. We do not have a special book like mainstream religions have where they can quote scriptures and pretend it's fact. Wicca is a very personal experience and even though we all follow a basic framework of the religion, we each have our own views and takes on that work for us.  

You will often hear the term "eclectic Wiccan" when discussing Wicca. The term "eclectic" simply means that you're taking things from other paths- such as Heathenism, ancient Egypt and so on and blending it into your belief structure. This brings me to another point that I started on earlier about certain Traditions having members(and I do mean members because not everyone in the Traditional practices treat non-initiated Wiccans this way) that are not willing to recognize you if you are not initiated into their particular brand. This does NOT mean that if you learn on your own you are not Wiccan. Obviously, you truthfully cannot claim to be Traditional Wiccan but you are still learning on your own so, you are in fact, Wiccan. There will, of course, be things you will not be able to know that are only shared in covens - but that is okay. It does not take anything away from all the hard work and learning and satisfaction you will get by being on your path. If anyone tells you that you're not a True Wiccan because you are not in a coven, smile and move on. You know in your heart that you ARE in fact Wiccan.  

Now that you know a little bit about various types of Wicca I would like to give you a few more options that might help you determine what path you wish to embark on. These are different types of witches. A word of note: Just because you may connect with a few of these does NOT mean you have to limit yourself to those areas. This is a very fluid path as far as growing and expanding ourselves. If an interest you have now no longer interests you a few years from now, that’s completely okay. If you are, say, a hedge witch now and 10 years from now you develop a love for water magick, it is perfectly fine to incorporate that into your practice. As long as you are learning and growing, you are never going to be stagnant, nor do you wish to be. Think how boring life would be if you only stayed with one interest or hobby? It would be like having the same thing for breakfast 7 days a week, 365 days a year for 80 years. You would get sick of it right? The same idea applies here: Just because you may fit certain categories does not mean you have to stay within those confines.

Witch: magical practitioner

Elemental Witch: Witches who work around the 5 elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit.

Earth Witch: Witches who specifically work their magic around the element of Earth, through grounding exercises, rock/soil collecting, crystal magic, and Green Witchery. This can include using herbs and flowers since they’re of the earth as well.

Types of Earth Witches:

Green Witch : A witch that uses plants/herbs/flowers in herbal and natural magic, such as using them in spells and creating remedies such as potions, tinctures, teas, creams and more. This requires a lot of learning of how plants, herbs and trees can be used to heal safely. Remember, just because something is natural doesn’t make it safe.

Garden Witch : A version of a Green Witch, they enjoy working with the earth through gardening and using their herbs and plants to help and care for their families and loved ones.

Flora Witch : Similar to the above witches, they work with flowers in their practice. Their Book of Shadows would likely be full of Green Witchery, such as herbs and herbal recipes, and flower classifications and associations. This would include the magickal properties as well as healing and general properties and dangers of each plant.

Crystal Witch : Witches who work with stones and crystals, such as through crystal healing. Their Book of Shadows will most likely have information about the stones, chakra balance, and crystal meditation.

 Forest Witch : A witch who enjoys the company of trees. The seclusion is perfect for cottage magic and tree magic. They also enjoy the company of Fae and woodland animals, and use local plants.

Swamp Witch : Witches who live within the swamps, use swamp plants, and enjoy the company of swamp animals.

Desert Witch : A witch who lives in the desert, enjoys the natural desert scenery, uses desert plants, bones, sand in their practice, collects desert rocks, and befriends desert animals such as snakes, lizards, and scorpions. They also tend to use the elements of Wind and Fire as well as Earth in their practice. They normally worship desert deities and study desert lore in their area.

Types of Water Witches:

Sea Witch : They work with magic and deities around the ocean and oceanic world. They practice sea magic using seashells and bones, sea weed, beach sand, driftwood, ocean water, etc. They also may worship sea deities and enjoy the imagery of sea creatures. Mermaids and sea creatures are often studied and called upon by sea witches.

Ice/Arctic Witch : A witch who lives amongst snow covered land for most of the year or that have a deep appreciation for the cold and snow. They worship ice deities, use snow water, and enjoy the cold.

River/Stream/Spring witch : Witches who work with running water, worship river deities, and study local river lore.

Air/Wind Witch : Witches who center around the element of Air. They work with wind, using tools, symbols, and deities associated with Air.

Fire Witch : Witches who focus on the element of Fire and fire magic, such as candle magic, and may worship deities associated with fire.

Other Natural Witch types:

Seasonal Witch : Witches who draw magic during a specific time of the year. They are known as Winter, Fall, Spring and Summer witches who have a deep connection to the season they love. A seasonal witch gains most of their power during and from the season they identify with. For example, a person who loves the heat and sunshine of summer will soak up the rays and become very magical during the summer. They practice magic throughout they year; however, they have that favorite season, like we all do. They would incorporate seasonal specific plants, symbols, colors, deities, and so on. Their work could also be affected depending on where they live, such as one season occurs for a longer period of time more than any others instead of the distinct 4 seasons.

Sun Witch : A witch who enjoys sunshine, performs  spell work involving the sun during the daytime, and sun deities.

Lunar/Moon Witch : A witch who draws magic from the moon. They are nocturnal witches and closely follow the phases of the moon, and do magic according to the lunar calendar. They also tend to worship deities associated with the moon. They may very well work more with night time blooming plants and herbs than daytime plants.

Astronomical/Space Witch : Witches who focus on the planets and stars. Their Book of Shadows will have information about each planet, the zodiac and astrology, and the enjoy nocturnal magic based on astronomical charts and the alignment of the planets.

Nocturnal Witch : A witch who works with nocturnal deities and magical work at night. They find solace in darkness, the darker side of life, and normally wear dark colors. There is a great book by Konstantinos called Nocturnal Witchcraft.

Storm/Weather Witch : Witches who combine one’s energy with the energy of the weather and storms. They collect rainwater, utilize the energy of a lightning storm, and so on.

Animal Witch : Witches who have a deep appreciation for all animals and use animal materials (usually from dead animals or if an animal has dropped a feather, a piece of fur and so on), draw on their energy, and most of the time worship animal deities.

Death Witch : Witches who specialize in working with the dead. They work with bones and graveyard dirt, and some commune with spirits. They tend to worship Gods and Goddesses related to death and the afterlife.

Sex Witch : Witches who manifest most of their magic from sex and sex magic, and worship sex related deities. Their magic could also focus around fertility.

Special Witch types:

Energy Witch : Witches who harness their own energy and use it to manifest change.

Divination Witch : Witches who work with practices of divination, such as tarot readings, palmistry, tea leaf reading, and so on.

Hedge Witch : Also known as shamans. They use a type of magic that is oriented around the spiritual world. Astral travel/projection, lucid dreaming, spirit-work, healing, and out-of-body experiences are some of the magic they do. They work a lot with herbs and flowers medicinally and spiritually.

Faerie/Faery/Fey Witch : Witches who communicate and work with the fae, such as calling on them and leaving them offerings regularly to thank them for their assistance. They study fairy and elemental spirit lore, especially in regards to their local area.

Draconian Witch : Witches who call upon dragons, use dragon imagery in their practice, and worship dragon deities.

Mermaid witch : Witches who call upon mermaids specifically. They use mermaid imagery and mermaid deities.

Modern and Domestic Witch types:

Kitchen Witch :  Witches who enjoy working in the kitchen and putting their magic into herbal mixtures, brewing, baking, and cooking. Kitchen witches often will brew teas and bake foods that help to heal themselves and their loved ones and provide specific intents in their cooking, baking and brewing.

Cottage Witch :  A lot like a kitchen witch, they enjoy being in their home and doing things for their loved ones.

Country Witch : Witches who enjoy living in the country. Some may have a large ranch with livestock, while others enjoy the seclusion for their practice. Most likely they will enjoy the company of horses, worship animal/agriculture/nature related deities, and practice domestic and green magic.

Urban Witch : Witches who live in an urban environment and use more modern practices of magic. They may substitute traditional ingredients with modern ones, use traditional tools but in a new way, such as wearing sigils on their clothing or as a tattoo, use electronic sources, and have their Book of Shadows on their computer. Urban witchery is all about combining the old with the new.

Technological Witch : Witches who work with technology. They practice modern witchcraft through phone apps, online blogs, online divination and spells, and most likely have a digital Book of Shadows.

Science witch : Witches who love science, most likely work in a science related field, and get their magical energy from their science experiments.

Athletic Witch : Witches who enjoy pushing themselves physically. This could be through yoga, running, or a sport. Their practice includes keeping themselves healthy and motivated physically, and using their healthy energy to help others through physical challenges.

Music Witch : Witches who enjoy music. They use magic in their singing, chanting, and playing instruments. Music is in their lives everyday and is how they create magic in other people’s lives. They may worship music related deities, enjoy the music of their ancestors, and enjoy music history.

Artist/Craft Witch : Witches who put their magic into art, such as drawing, sculpting, painting, and creating. Magic is in everything they work hard physically and mentally to produce. They may worship artistic and creative deities. After all witchcraft would only be “witch” without the craft.

Literary Witch : Witches who enjoy books and literature. They enjoy reading, writing, poetry, creating catchy spells, and studying witchcraft, lore, and magical practices of every culture. They are very studious witches who are bound to have a library of witchcraft sources.

Eclectic Witch : Most modern witches follow many practices and traditions, and go by many titles.

Religious Witch : Witches who practice their religious beliefs in cohesion with their craft.

Common Types of Religious Witches:

Wiccan : Wicca is a modern Pagan religion. Wiccans worship nature and normally use magic for positive non harmful change, but not all Wiccans do. Wiccans also follow the Wiccan Rede, which simply states that you will not use magic to harm others or yourself.

Druid : Druidry means following a spiritual path rooted in the green Earth. It means participating in Celtic wisdom teachings, but embracing the contributions of many peoples and times.

Satanic : Satanism includes symbolic association with, or admiration for, Satan, whom Satanists see as an inspiring and liberating figure. Satanic witches don’t always worship Satan, but rather follow the beliefs preached in Satanism.  Important note, Satanists don’t worship the Satan as he’s thought of and portrayed in the Christian religion.

Christian : Christian witches follow the teachings of Christ and worship God and Jesus but also practice witchcraft to help those they love.

Norse : Norse witches worship Norse deities. Witchcraft was very important in ancient Viking culture and a normal part of their everyday life. Warrior shamanism, runes, and sacrifices to the Gods were just some of their important practices. Granted, in today’s world, sacrifices are given more in the way of food and no longer using humans or animals as sacrificial victims.

These are many of the different types of witch you can be or become but do not let this list keep you from thinking outside of the box. If you have interests and passions that aren’t listed here, by all means incorporate those into your path and form your own version of witchery!

Add Things to Your Path You Love & Enjoy

I get this question quite a bit. "What kind of witch or Wiccan can I be? " - Or something along those lines. Here's what I like to say: Start with a written list of things you are interested in, passionate about and are good at. Then see how you can incorporate those things into your practice.

Often times we get bogged down with wanting to do things just right or a certain way. We forget that this is not just a religious path, but, a spiritual one. In my opinion, How can you be truly spiritual if you don't do things you're passionate about and are good at? That is one of the things that drew me towards Wicca and paganism in the first place. Being able to take things I enjoy doing and weaving them into my path so that I can share more of myself with my god & goddess or universal energy - whatever your beliefs are.

I feel you get even more out of Wicca when you do things you enjoy and add them to your belief system. You you get a true solid connection with deity/universal energy. When you add things you enjoy to your belief system,interests and talents - the time you spend working and learning increases compared to not including them in your belief system you might put into it otherwise.


Take for example, my career as an artist. I paint, draw and I design graphics. For the first Sabbat I celebrated, which was Lughnasadh, I was reading up on the holiday and I decided to paint a picture for the God Lugh,(whom the sabbat is named after). Then for Yule, I created decorations for our tree with a Wiccan theme including cinnamon stick pentagrams, small ornaments filled with holly leaves, stars, bells and so forth. I created a Yule tree with some artificial evergreen branches wrapped around a Styrofoam “tree” pattern. I sewed a couple of bunnies for Ostara which is where my years of helping my mom create Christmas stockings came in handy.

I have sewn my own sachet bags for stones and herbs for when I use them for myself or for loved ones or in a ritual or spell. I sculpted my own deity figurines which led to my sculpting a few for clients that wanted something along those lines for themselves but didn’t want to buy a factory made. Later, when I discovered my deities, I have created figurines for them as well. I have created clay apples and bowls as well as a small dove house for my goddess Nantosuelta, have painted glass for Lugh, Nantosuelta. As for the deity Brighid, I have made bed, a figurine in her image, and a lot of other things. It has really opened up new avenues for my creativity. I never considered working with clay, painting glass and other creative outlets until I came to accept my calling on this path.  

I have always enjoyed baking. I cannot stand the dishes afterwards but I enjoy the baking process. I bake a lot more now, on my path, than I did previously. For various Sabbats, I create runes and/or sigils in the things I bake. I send my energy into the foods I’m making to help those who eat it to be happy, healthy and maybe even provide a bit of good luck.

An important point here-- I do this only for those I know are fine with it. I would not, nor should you ever, add magickal intentions and energy into things I bake or cook for someone who was not okay with Wicca . I respect everyone’s views - even if it is not in line with my own. We all have to do what’s best for ourselves. but also remain respectful to others.

The important thing to remember is to add things you love to your path. When you are starting out, it can be a daunting journey with a lot to learn and you might feel overwhelmed. When you incorporate things you love already, it makes the journey more enjoyable. Also, when you incorporate things you love there is an instant connection you are bringing to your - you personalize your craft and nothing else can compare with it.

Things you are passionate about are things you are meant to do in this life. Your passion brings a level of energy that nothing can replicate -no matter how many books you read, websites you visit or items you purchase- they will never compare to the magick you create when you include your passions.

Tools Used in Wicca

The tools used in Wicca are extensions of ourselves; they help us to get into the mindset of what we are about to do to focus. Are these tools absolutely necessary? No they are not. Many Wiccans, as they go along in their path will simply use their index finger in place of a wand When creating a protective circle, some, such as myself, will visualize the circle being created around the area without the use of candles as place markers or instead of making a circle of salt. I remember when I began, my “athame” was a simple letter opener I purchased for 97 cents at Wal-Mart. I did not make my own wand until about 2 years into my path.

Here’s the thing about tools; do not go out and buy all the fancy things you think you may see in books or that others have. If you wish to do so by all means do, but I recommend starting slowly. Buy items (or better yet, make them yourself), only when you feel the connection with an item. Say for example, you look through a website and find a shiny wand with lots of engravings and stones set in it and you tell yourself “I just have to buy that!”. That is fine but how about learning to make your own? There are many YouTube videos available to teach you and it is pretty simple. When you create your own tools, you have the added bonus of the wand having your own energy because as you made it. Whenever you create, a bit of yourself goes into that item. It has something that store bought can never replace- your love, passion, and your heart. I am not not saying you cannot buy a wand if you choose - if you do not feel you are crafty or do not want to make one yourself - what I am saying is to give it some thought and why not give it a try? You might just surprise yourself. So whether it is homemade or store bought is entirely up to you - you need to be comfortable with your tools. There are a few tools that are commonly used in Wicca.


The Wand : The wand is used to direct and channel energy; it can be used in casting a circle, to direct energy at someone you are wishing to heal (with their approval). Since most wands are made of wood, their element connection is with air because so many trees pollinate through the air. They can also be associated with the element of fire due to directing energy and one’s will. As we know, the expression "fire within" usually pertains to our soul -the energy we have that sparks our life. Interestingly, each type of wood has a different energy so if you wish to make a wand for a particular purpose, research the wood to find out its energy. If you decide to make your own wand, it is preferable to look for a fallen branch rather than removing a branch from a living tree.  Each type of wood has a different energy to it so if you wish to make a wand with a particular wood type or for a particular purpose, research the wood you want to use and the purpose for it. When you pick up the branch, thank the tree for dropping this precious gift and leave a small offering in its place. The offering can be a coin, a strand of hair, a small libation such as water or milk. It is always good to leave something behind when you take something.  

The Athame : The most important thing I wish to stress about an athame is they are NEVER meant to be used for cutting.  For cutting herbs and things, one uses a boline which I shall explain in a bit.  Traditionally, an athame is a small double sided blade with a black handle. Its element is fire since metal is forged in fire, although in some traditions, it is connected with air.  It is used for directing energy as well; such as in creating a circle and if you need to exit the protective circle, you can use the athame to cut a "door" in the circle. It also can be used to consecrate objects and banish negative energies. It is a masculine symbol and is connected with the God.  Important tip: If you plan on ordering an athame, it is important to know your state and even city laws concerning blades.  And if you plan on taking it outside of your home, be sure to check the legal aspects. For example, if you are caught in a traffic incident and the police officer sees the athame, it could get you in some hot water so be sure to check about the size of blades allowed in your city or state.

The Cauldron : The cauldron is an object that represents the female aspect. It is a symbol of the womb and is a symbol of life and rebirth. It is often used for burning things - such as paper and herbs that are used in rituals and spells. The cauldron is also something one can use to hold liquids during rituals and spells as well as using it to hold water for scrying purposes. It can be any size you like; some use a large cauldron the size of a large pot, others use a cauldron that is maybe a few inches in diameter at the largest point. It can be as fancy as you like or as simple as you like. I know Wiccans who use a small pot that they do not need in the kitchen anymore, for their cauldron. The most important thing is that it's completely fire proof so that if you are burning anything, it will not cause the cauldron to shatter.

The Boline : The boline is a curved blade with a white handle traditionally, that is used in cutting plants such as herbs and flowers that will be used magickally.  When doing any kind of cutting for magickal purposes, this is the tool to be used.

The Besom : The besom is a homemade broom. Just as with the wand, there are many YouTube videos that can show you how to make one if you don’t wish to purchase one. I must confess that I buy mine because that is one item I simply don’t have the patience to make. A besom is used to sweep away negative energy before a ritual, before casting a circle. It can also be placed near a front door to keep negative energy away and to protect the home.  

Candles : Candles are used often in Wicca. You can purchase them in many variety of colors and as you will learn about later, different colors have different meanings. They are used as a way to communicate with the God & Goddess as well as to send our wishes up into the heavens when we cast a spell or during a ritual. They can also represent your deities on your altar as well as using a candle for each of the cardinal points- north, east, south & west.

You can purchase any kind you like, any size, shape and color. Personally, when I am doing a spell that requires me to let the candle burn itself out, I use either a birthday candle or a tea light candle because these do not take too long to burn out. If you live somewhere that prohibits the use of regular candles or have a fear of candles don’t worry. You can use electric candles, battery operated ones, lava rock as a symbol of fire, an app on your phone that has a candle or even use a picture of a candle.

The Bell : Bells are used to bring attention to the Gods. They can be used during rituals to get your deity’s attention but they can also be used to clear negative energy from any room and to cleanse crystals and other items.  You can purchase any kind of bell you like as long as the sound is pleasing to you.

The Chalice : The chalice is another symbol of the Goddess and is used during rituals and spell work. It holds whatever liquid you are using to drink during your ritual. In my case, that is generally water since I do not partake of alcohol (I often hear people telling me that I must be the only German who does not drink alcohol-lol) and I hate juice. It can be as fancy or as plain as you like. In addition to using it to drink from yourself, you also can use it when you’re making a liquid offering to your deity.

Deity Representatives : These are objects you place on your altar to represent your deities that you honor. This can be a pair of statues you buy, a set of candles, even pictures you print from the internet or something you make yourself.  

Libation Dish : This is just a small bowl that you place offerings in. I like to have two-- one for liquid offering and one for food offerings.  Once you are done with your ritual, take those offerings outside, if you own your property, and offer the contents back to the land.  The only things I would highly recommend not taking outside are dangerous items to wildlife and domestic animals-- such as chocolate, raisins, onions, anything containing xylitol.  

Pentacle : This is the five pointed star with a circle around it. You can make your own or buy one if you like but it is placed, usually, in the center of the altar. This is where you place your offering dishes and if you work with crystals, you can also add crystals on top of it. The pentacle is a representative of the five elements- earth, air, water, fire and spirit and connects everything together as well as being a symbol of protection.  

There are other items that some use but these are the most common ones that I have used in my own path. It is important to add that none of these are absolutely essential. If you are tight on money use things from around your house. I always say that 600 years ago, witches didn’t use fancy equipment for their work. They used things they already had around their home since they generally did not have much money. Plus, in that time period, you did not want things to stand out from the ordinary. So a witch would use their cooking pot as a cauldron. They would use the candles they had for light in their magickal work as well. They would use their kitchen/ work knives they had available for cutting plants and herbs. They would use a bowl they had around the home for a libation dish. Not having fancy expensive tools will not make you any less of a witch or a Wiccan than if you have those things.

Wheel of the Year- Wiccan Holidays

Wicca has 8 Sabbats that take place yearly; this is known as the Wheel of the Year. The Wheel breaks down into four seasonal Sabbats which marks the beginning of each new season-- summer, fall, winter & spring which are the cross-quarter days and are also known as the Greater Sabbats. These correspond with the Sun. The other four are known as Lesser Sabbats and they comprise the days of the solstices and equinoxes. On these days, we celebrate that part of the year. This includes the God & Goddess' Life cycle throughout the year as well as nature's cycles. This is done in many ways-- from holding a private ritual by yourself, to gathering with loved ones, cooking special meals, making offerings and so on. The dates provided will be for both hemispheres because in the southern hemisphere the seasons are obviously opposite ours in the northern half of the world. We do not don't celebrate the same Sabbat across the globe.

Also, you will find differing information on exactly which Sabbat is considered the starting point of the Wiccan Year. For some, Samhain is considered the beginning of the Wheel of the Year because it is when the final harvest is performed. Once Samhain is over with, things tend to start over again. Others consider Yule as the beginning because that is when the days start to grow longer again. It is really up to you on this aspect. For me, just for simplicity sake, I start the Wheel of the Year on Imbolc since that is the first Sabbat of the calendar year. I will be listing the Sabbats below along with information on each, a few things you can do to celebrate, some corresponding items that go with each of the Sabbats and of course the dates they fall on. I would like you to remember, the items I post for correspondences to each Sabbat are not the only ones - there are many more; These are some of the most used corresponding items.  

Yule- Winter Solstice : Dec 21st/22nd- Northern Hemisphere  June 20-23- Southern Hemisphere

    Yule is the date of the winter solstice; it is when the days start getting a little longer each day again and the Sun God has been reborn. This is when the Goddess once again becomes the Mother and gives birth to the Sun King. yule is a fire festival but one that is a bit more intimate as this time of year lends more so to celebrating with family indoors. These days Yule might be celebrated intimately by immediate family and then there might be a second celebration to include friends and extended family. This is a time when the sun begins to stay out longer and in this way it is the renewed hope for the new planting season.

      Herbal Correspondences : Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar, mistletoe, holly, oak, fir, birch, hazel, sandalwood, ivy, comfrey, myrrh, frankincense, wintergreen, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, elder, spruce, cedar, balsam, sage, juniper, rosemary

      Food Correspondences :  cookies, caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits such as apples, oranges, breads, cakes, nuts, pork & turkey dishes(omit if you're vegetarian/vegan), eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, sweets made with cinnamon and clove

     Incense Correspondences :  Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon, clove, orange, chamomile

      Color Correspondences :  red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange, blue

      Symbolic correspondences : evergreens, poinsettias, wreaths, Yule logs, bells, gifts, stars, sun, snow, ornaments, garland, reindeer, holly, mistletoe

      Deities  : Holda, Isis, Ops, Hertha, Frey, Eve, Saturn, Cronos, Horus/Ra, Balder, Odin, Holly King, Old Man Winter

      Crystals and Gemstones : cat's eye, diamond, ruby, garnet, bloodstone, clear quartz, pearls, green tourmaline, citrine, alexandrite

      Animals : bull, goat, reindeer, stag, wren, robin

     Altar Decorations : mistletoe, holly, Yule log, artificial snow, homemade wreath, reindeer, mini fir tree, pine cones, cinnamon pentacles, bells, gold and silver

Activities you can do for Yule : Bake Faery cakes, gingerbread men. You can decorate a Yule log and make a Yule wreath. Decorate a Yule tree; create the decorations for the tree with simple things such as cinnamon sticks that you make into pentacles tied with red and green strings. Leave out bird seed ornaments as offerings to the season(and birds will love you for it too). You can create potpourri for the season. Bathe with fresh orange slices and frankincense and myrrh essential oils for a prosperity ritual bath. When you’re baking holiday foods, include a drawn out pentacle in the bottom of the dough if you like. Take some candles, lay out a bit of salt on a piece of aluminum foil. Then apply glue to the candle and roll the candle in the salt and you’ll have a beautiful decoration.  

Imbolc (Candlemas, Imbolg, Imbole) : 2. February- Northern Hemisphere  1. August- Southern Hemisphere

Imbolc is when winter is starting to let go of its grip a bit and the first signs of spring start to come up. The first sprouting of leaves, first buds coming through the earth; it's a celebration of making it through another winter and reaching the time of year when life starts to renew itself, animals begin to mate and the ground begins to thaw out. This is when we celebrate the rebirth of the sun and the Sun God starts to nurse from the Goddess. This is also a day to celebrate the Goddess Brighid. With the renewal of life, this is a time many Wiccans and pagans will rededicate themselves for the coming year.

This is the time of awakening as the Wheel turns toward spring. Out with the old and in with the new. Cleansing magic, home blessings, divination, initiation rituals, fertility magic, and self-discovery rituals are perfect for this Sabbat. Rid your home of stale energy left over from the cold winter.

  Symbols : candles, daffodils, lanterns, acorns, fire, Brighid's cross, Brighid’s bed, acorns, brooms, corn dolls, sun wheels

Color Correspondence : white, silver, pale yellow, red, pink, orange, lavender, light green

Food and Drink Correspondence : bread, cake, milk, spiced wine, cheese, yogurt, herbal teas, fish, white meat, honey cake, muffins

Herbal Correspondence : angelica, basil, bay, blackberry, chamomile, rosemary, heather, rowan, dill, myrrh, willow

Deities : Cernunnos, Eros, Osiris, Pan, Athena, Bast, Blaize, Brigid, Ceres, Cerridwen, Venus, Gaia, Demeter, Hestia, Vesta, Cupid, Brighid

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : amethyst, bloodstone, ruby, turquoise, garnet, onyx

Animal Correspondences : groundhog, bear, ewe, lamb, stag, robin, owl, dragons, phoenix

Altar Decorations : sprig of evergreen, a besom, a Brighid’s bed, Brighid’s cross, artificial snow, candles

Activities : Create a Brighid’s bed and a Brighid’s cross.  Make your own candles and place a few in each room.  Sew a plushie sheep. Do some spring cleaning in your home. Create a small scene on a coffee table perhaps. Add a white sheet for snow, some green to represent the coming spring and a few small figurines.

Ostara: March 21/22- Northern Hemisphere  September 20-23 - Southern Hemisphere

Ostara marks the spring equinox; it is traditionally, the day of equilibrium where you have neither the harshness of winter or the scorching heat of summer. This is the time when you free yourself of things that hinder your progression, to consider about things you wish to work on, qualities you want to attain and so on. This is also a fertility Sabbat; spring is of course the time when seeds are planted, animals truly get into the mating season. Don't just think of fertility in terms of sex. Consider this a time when new ideas are fertilized, new goals are made for your coming year and things you wish to attain, professionally and personally. In terms of Wiccan deities, this is when the Mother Goddess rejoins with her lover the Sun God.  

Symbols : rabbits, bunnies, eggs, chicks, daffodils, tulips, baskets, sprouts, lambs, ribbons, butterflies, bees

Color Correspondences : any pastel color, gold, grass green, robin's egg blue, red

Food and Drink Correspondences : hard-boiled eggs, deviled eggs, honey cakes, dairy, leafy green vegetables, flower dishes, sprouts, fish, hot cross buns, sweet breads, milk, chocolate, jelly beans/eggs, lemonade, fresh fruit

Herbal Correspondences : acorn, celandine, crocus, daffodil, dogwood, Easter lily, ginger, hyssop, linden, honeysuckle, iris, jasmine, narcissus, peony, rose, violets, woodruff, forsythia, spring flowers

Deities : Eostre, Ostara, Aphrodite, Athena, Cybele, Gaia, Isis, Persephone, Venus, Maiden,  Pan, Cernunnous, Green Man, Adonis, Mars, Osiris, Thoth

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : amethyst, aquamarine, clear quartz, rose quartz, moonstone, bloodstone, red jasper

Animal Correspondences : rabbits, hares, chicks, robins, lambs, snakes, unicorns, dragons

Altar Decorations : colored eggs, rabbit figurines, pictures of rabbits, spring flowers, artificial grass, crystal eggs, fertility symbols

Activities: : Make crystal eggs, sew a bunny plushy. Dye eggs and decorate them with patterns. Plant some spring flowers. Paint small rocks with festive colors and designs such as bunnies, chicks and such. Create edible bird seed cakes and take them outside for our animal brethren to enjoy. Perhaps fix a small salad for local bunnies to munch on. Cook a lovely meal for you and your family and friends. Discuss things you wish to do in the upcoming months. Remember, this isn’t just a time to sow seeds but also to sow new ideas and goals.  

Beltane(Bealtaine, May Eve, Walpurgis): April 30th/ May 1st- Northern Hemisphere  October 31st - Southern Hemisphere

Beltane is the Wiccan version of May Day. A day when people dance around maypoles to help increase fertility. This was also a day where herds of domesticated animals such as cows were driven between fires to protect them from illness. This is also a holiday of union between the God & Goddess.

Handfastings are quite popular at this time of year. This is when the God has grown up and become a man and the Goddess takes him as her lover. Through their bond, their love, all life begins again.  

Symbols : Eggs; Flowers; Chalice; May Pole; Butter churn; Chaplet; Baskets; Crossroads; Strings of beads; Ribbons

Color Correspondences : Greens, yellows, reds, purples, blues

Food and Drink Correspondences : all red fruits, green salads, red or pink wine punch, round oatmeal or barley cakes, dairy foods

Herbal Correspondences : almond, angelica, ash tree, bluebells, cinquefoil, daisy, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, lilac, marigold, meadowsweet, primrose, roses, yellow cowslips

Deities : Bast, Faunus, Flora, Maia,Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Artemis, Astarte, Venus, Diana, Ariel, Var, Skadi, Sheila-na-Gig, Cybele, Xochiquetzal, Freya, and Rhiannon, Apollo, Bacchus, Bel/Belanos, Cernunnos, Pan, Herne, Faunus, Cupid/Eros, Odin, Orion, Frey, Robin Goodfellow, Puck, and The Great Horned God

Crystals and Gemstones : emerald, orange carnelian, sapphire, rose quartz

Animals : Swallow, dove, swan, cats, lynx, leopard, goats, rabbits, and honey bees

Mythical beasts associated with Beltane include faeries, pegasus, satyrs, and giants.

Altar Decorations : small maypole or phallic shaped item candle, daisy chain, spring flowers, butterflies, bird statues or figurines or pictures, image of the sun

Activities : You can create a miniature maypole, building sacred fires, giving offerings, hold a handfasting.

If there’s one in the area, visit a sacred well, walk the boundaries of your property, make an offering to the Fae, collect foliage the night before and place it in the home for May Day sunrise. You can decorate a bush, distribute May baskets, do some divination, have a wonderful feast, perform fertility magick(again, this isn’t just sexual but u can do so for increased business and growth of relationships), light a bonfire if it is allowed, make offerings to your ancestors, deities and the Fae for Beltane is similar to Samhain in terms of having a very thin veil between the living world and the spiritual world. Take a walk in nature, perform protection rituals, purification ceremonies, sing. Remove litter you find, clean up a stream bank, work on a community garden


Litha(Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Midsummer’s Eve):  June 20-23 Northern Hemisphere    Dec 20-23 Southern Hemisphere

Litha celebrates the abundance and beauty that surrounds us. We get to enjoy the fruits of spring. From this day onwards, the days will grow shorter until Yule so it is a time to absorb the Sun's rays; enjoy the warmth it provides us and the life that the Sun provides us by helping to grow our crops and plants. This is another fertility Sabbat; not just for humans but also for animals and plants whose babies and seeds have been growing. This doesn't just mean sexual fertility but also success and relationships you have been developing from the start of the year; many of your goals should be well under way to being succeeded and all the hard work you put into the different facets of your life all year long are starting to come to fruition. Litha is also a time to connect with the Fae, so in addition to making offerings to our deities on this day, we also leave a small offering out for the Fae to enjoy and to receive their blessings and help.

Symbols : sunflowers, leaves, sword, spear, sun, God's eye, sun wheels, bonfire, balefires, fire, sundials, bird feathers, seashells,

Color Correspondences : red, gold, orange, yellow, white, green, blue

Food and Drink Correspondences : mead, ale, summer fruits and vegetables, strawberries, honey cakes, whipped cream, oranges, lemons, summer squash, honey

Herbal Correspondences : Saint John's Wort, lavender, rose, peony, vervain, mugwort, chamomile, chickweed, chicory, sun flower, lily, thyme, hemp, fennel, nettle, wisteria, rue, fern, heather, oak, yarrow, holly

Deities Correspondences : Ra, Bast, Helios, Oak King, Fortuna, Arinna, and other sun gods.

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : Lapis, diamond, tiger's eye, emerald, jade, and other green stones

Animal Correspondences : butterflies, wren, horse, stag, robin, cattle, phoenix, dragon, faeries, satyrs

Altar Decorations : summertime flowers, the sun, sun discs, grass, figurines of birds, butterflies, summer fruits, love amulets, potpourri, seashells

Activities : Go berry picking. Have the children choose their best berry and throw it back into the berry bushes as they thank the Goddess and the bushes for the fruit. Make a Wicker man and burn him in your Litha bonfire. Burn your remnants of your Yule Tree or Wreath in the bonfire or try using Wreaths of Vervain and Mugwort which were burned in ancient times at the end of the festivals to burn away bad luck. Place roses on your altar.

Leave out milk and honey as an offering to the Fae. Have a mock battle between the Oak and Holly King. Remember that this is part of the cycle and as the wheel turns the Holly King will rise again at Winter Solstice. Place a ring of flowers around your cauldron or around a bowl full of mugwort. Hang a bundle of fresh herbs out to dry and use them to spice up a Litha feast of cooked summer vegetables. Light a white candle and place it in front of a mirror. Say your own Litha prayer over it, and then let it burn out. Make a charm to hang around your neck with a seashell. Jump the balefire or cauldron. Offer a gift of lavender to the Gods in a bonfire. Pass St. John’s Wort through the smoke and then hang the herb up in the house for protection. Make your own Stonehenge at the beach like you would a sand castle. Have an outdoor breakfast picnic to welcome the Solstice.

Stay up and watch the sun go down on the longest day of the year! Draw a picture of the sun at sunrise and sunset. Try a fire divination, stare into the coals of your bonfire as it settles or look for forms in the leaping flames. Create a ritual to bring healing and love to Mother Earth. Dispose of those qualities that trouble you: project them into a burnable (bunch of dry twigs, paper, etc.) and thrust the mass into a cleansing fire. Make staffs and dream pillows as well as wreaths. Make a witch’s ladder.


Lughnasadh(Lammas)- 1. Aug- Northern Hemisphere  2. Feb Southern Hemisphere

Lughnasadh holds a special place in my heart; not just because it is named after my God- Lugh but also because it was my first officially celebrated Sabbat when I finally committed myself to my Wiccan path. This was also the date I chose to perform my self-dedication; something I still do on each anniversary. This is the first of the 3 harvests that take place so it's a very important one.

In addition to the wonderful foods that get harvested during this time, it's also a sign that the hot, sultry summer days are beginning to come to an end and cooler, more crisp weather is just around the corner. The plants that have grown up during spring & summer are beginning to drop their seeds so that we may have many more future crops over the decades to come. We give thanks for the crops that have been able to grow and thrive and bring sustenance to our tables. Deity wise, this is when the funeral games of the God Lugh, the Celtic God of Light commenced. In the myths, this is when the power of the sun enters the grain that we eat and harvest and in so doing, the God's powers are starting to wane so that we may live and thrive. This is a beautiful story of self-sacrifice for the humans that inhabit the world.  

Symbols : corn (fresh or dried), corn dolls, sun flowers, wheat stalks, threshing tools such as sickle and scythe, barley, oats, candles, cornucopias, gourds, sun wheels, bread, cauldrons

Color Correspondences : gold, yellow, orange, light brown, bronze, green

Food and Drink Correspondences : wheat, barley, rye, oats, grains, corn, bread, honey, nuts, berries (especially blackberries), cider, red wine, fresh fruits and vegetables, pies and cobblers, jam, potatoes, cornbread, ale, beer, whiskey, mead, grapes

Herbal Correspondences : heather, goldenrod, peony, clover, yarrow, vervain, myrtle, rose, sunflower, poppy, mushrooms, garlic, onion, basil, apple leaf, hops, marigold, grape vine, ivy, rosemary, rose hips, blackthorn

Deities : Lugh, Corn Grandmother, Vulcan, Dagon, Ceres, Isis, Dana, Tammuz

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : yellow aventurine, peridot, citrine, tiger's eye, lodestone, golden topaz, moss agate, obsidian, marble

Animal Correspondences : roosters, calves, griffins, phoenix, centaurs, pigs, lions

Altar Decorations : Sunflowers, art tools such as a graphics pen, a paintbrush, a pencil, summer flowers, grains such as corn and wheat, corn dollies, sun discs, fruits and vegetables

Activities : : Decorate your altar with items related to your skill or talent. If your skill relates to something tangible, like sewing or jewelry-making, put some of your craft supplies on the altar. If it's an ability to DO, rather than MAKE, such as dancing or singing, put some symbol of your ability on your altar.

Add as many items as you like to your altar. You'll need a candle to symbolize Lugh, the god. Any harvest color is good, because he came up with the idea of a grain festival to honor his foster mother, Tailtiu. Place the candle on your altar in the center. Feel free to add some stalks of grain if you like -- you can combine this rite with one honoring the harvest, if you choose.

The other name for Lughnasadh is Lammas and it means “Loaf Mass” so bake some delicious bread. Have a wonderful hearty meal with your loved ones using foods that are plentiful this time of the year. Volunteer at a homeless shelter. Go on a picnic. Ritually sacrifice negative emotions, habits you wish to be rid of and so forth by transferring those into a small bread person you baked and then you throw it into the ritual fire.

Mabon(Fall Equinox, Harvest Tide)- 21-23. September- Northern Hemisphere  20-23. March Southern Hemisphere

Mabon is the second harvest. This is when autumn begins and the warmth of summer turns into cooler days and nights. This is a time to truly begin enjoying all the work you put into projects, relationships, work throughout the first 2/3 of the year.

Not only are we enjoying even more delicious crops such as squashes, pumpkins, corn and so on, we're beginning to see all that hard work pay off in our personal relationships, in our jobs, in our hobbies that we have toiled away at throughout the year. This is a time to start reflecting on not just this year but also previous years, as many as you wish to reflect upon. This is a time when you take a cold hard look at yourself, see things you've done well and see things you still need to work on and start to make a few goals. We give further thanks for the bounty we're blessed to enjoy on our tables from all the wonderful fruits and vegetables that are now being provided to us. The God's powers are dwindling further so the heat of summer is no longer in full force. Our nights are getting cooler; this is a way for us to also take a look at our mortality. Just as the God is slowly dying and will be reborn later in the year, so do we eventually return to the earth.

Mabon is the second harvest. This is when autumn begins and the warmth of summer turns into cooler days and nights.  This is a time to truly begin enjoying all the work you put into projects, relationships, work throughout the first 2/3 of the year.

We are not only enjoying even more delicious crops such as squashes, pumpkins, corn and so on. We are beginning to see all that hard work pay off in our personal relationships, in our jobs, in our hobbies that we have toiled away at throughout the year.  This is a time to start reflecting on not just this year but also previous years, as many as you wish to reflect upon.  

This is a time when you take a cold hard look at yourself, see things you have done well and see things you still need to work on and start to make a few goals.  We give further thanks for the bounty we are blessed to enjoy on our tables from all the wonderful fruits and vegetables that are now being provided to us.  The God's powers are dwindling further so the heat of summer is no longer in full force. Our nights are getting cooler; this is a way for us to also take a look at our mortality. Just as the God is slowly dying and will be reborn later in the year, so do we eventually return to the earth.  

Symbols : apples, acorns, wine, pine cones, gourds, grapes, grains, dried seeds and leaves, vines, horns, scythes, sickles, squash, cornucopia

Color Correspondences : red, maroon, gold, brown, yellow, scarlet, purple, blue, violet, indigo, orange, autumn colors

Food and Drink Correspondences : apples, dried fruits, nuts, squash, pomegranates, breads, grains, seeds, potatoes, carrots, onions, wine, grapes, cornbread, beans, mutton, ale, cider

Herbal Correspondences : ferns, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, pine, rose, sage, tobacco, thistle, wheat, barley, oats, aster, mums, oak, hops, cedar

Deities : Mabon, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Thoth, Thor, The Green Man, Demeter/Ceres, the Muses, the Wicker-man, Bacchus, Dionysus

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : yellow agate, lapis lazuli, sapphire

Animal Correspondences : dogs, wolves, goat, stag, blackbird, owls and birds of prey, gnomes, Sphinx

Altar Decorations : acorns, pine cones, autumn leaves, a pomegranate, cornucopia, squash, autumn flowers, autumn fruits and vegetables, crow figurines

Activities: Make a grapevine wreath using dried bitter-sweet herb for protection.  Use ribbons of gold and yellow to add a touch of the Sun and decorate it with cinnamon sticks. Make a cornucopia(horn of plenty) and fill it with fall goodies such as squash, apples, small pumpkins, fall flowers.  Call upon the elements and honor them for their help throughout the year.  Make your own besom. Make a wonderful magickal apple doll.  Dip wonderfully colorful fall leaves in melted paraffin wax (be very careful with this since it is extremely hot).  If you know how, make some wine.  Take a walk in the woods or at a local water spot.  Scatter offerings in a field. Offer libations to trees.


I really love this idea because people in nursing homes are so often very lonely.  Adopt someone in a nursing home and with your family, bring them baked goods and colored pictures.  Perhaps share some stories with them.

Leave some goodies out for the birds and local animals.  Make sure there is nothing containing chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions or anything containing xylitol.  

If you have your own garden of veggies and fruits, share a few with a neighbor who doesn't have his own garden or offer them to a local food pantry.  

Samhain(All Hallow's Eve, Halloween)- 31. October- Northern Hemisphere  1. May- Southern Hemisphere

Samhain marks the third and final harvest of the year; this is the holiest day for witches and Wiccans. As I stated at the start of this chapter, this is the Sabbat that many witches and Wiccans consider the beginning of the new year, our new year's eve, if you will. This is the last chance we have to dry your herbs for winter storage and a night when the Fae are known to cause mischief. As you probably know already, there's another element to Samhain and that is to honor the dead; the night when we remember our loved ones, honor our ancestors. This is when we honor the God, that gave his energy so that we may have abundance in food and drink during the cold, long winter months.

This is the one night, along with Beltane, when the barrier between the living and the dead is the thinnest. During this night, we leave a candle at a kitchen window to help those departed souls find their way (in lieu of a real candle you can use an electric one of course) and a night where many share stories about their loved ones and might even host a Dumb Supper which is where you make a lovely meal for the entire family and you set a place for a departed loved one; you don't speak during the meal. Once the meal is done, you take the food that was left for your departed loved one outside to give to nature.

Symbols : skulls, bats, cats, leaves, nuts, seeds, barren trees and branches, pumpkins, cauldron, pentacle, crystal ball, besom, witch's hat, moon, crows/ravens, ghosts, goblins, banshees, candy/caramel apples, chocolate, Jack-o-Lanterns, costumes, Trick-or-Treats, Death, acorns, bones, gourds, scarecrows

Color Correspondences : black, orange, red, silver, gold, brown, purple, yellow

Food and Drink Correspondences : apples, cider, pork, hazelnuts, pomegranates, pumpkins, potatoes, squash, cranberries, turnips, beets, mugwort tea, ale, mulled wine, pies/cakes for the dead

Herbal Correspondences : apple leaf, almonds, bay leaf, nettle, hemlock, cloves, cinnamon, mandrake root, marigold, mums, mugwort, pine, rosemary, sage, wormwood, tarragon, rue, garlic, ginger, hazelnut, allspice

Deities : Hekate, The Crone, Cerridwen, Bast, Persephone, Horned Hunter, Cernunnos, Osiris, Hades, Anubis, Loki, Arawn, Nantosuelta, Dis, and any other death/underworld god or goddess

Crystals and Gemstones Correspondences : black obsidian, jasper, onyx, bloodstone, smoky quartz, carnelian,

Animal Correspondences : cats, especially black cats, bats, spiders, rats, wolves, snakes, ravens and crows, owls, stags, jackals, scorpions

Altar Decorations : pumpkins, pine cones, acorns, leaves, bats, crows, autumn fruits and vegetables, photographs of deceased loved ones (human and non-human), skulls

Activities: Samhain Nature Walk. Take a meditative walk in a natural area near your home. Observe and contemplate the colors, aromas, sounds, and other sensations of the season. Experience yourself as part of the Circle of Life and reflect on death and rebirth as being an important part of Nature. If the location you visit permits, gather some natural objects and upon your return use them to adorn your home.

Seasonal Imagery : Decorate your home with Samhain seasonal symbols and the colors of orange and black. Place an Autumnal wreath on your front door. Create displays with pumpkins, cornstalks, gourds, acorns, and apples. Set candles in cauldrons.

Ancestors Altar : Gather photographs, heirlooms, and other mementos of deceased family, friends, and companion creatures. Arrange them on a table, dresser, or other surface, along with several votive candles. Kindle the candles in their memory as you call out their names and express well wishes. Thank them for being part of your life. Sit quietly and pay attention to what you experience. Note any messages you receive in your journal. This Ancestor's Altar can be created just for Samhain or kept year round.

Feast of the Dead : Prepare a Samhain dinner. Include a place setting at your table or at a nearby altar for the Dead. Add an offering of a bit of each beverage being consumed to the cup at that place setting, and to the plate, add a bit of each food served. Invite your ancestors and other deceased loved ones to come and dine with you. To have this as a Samhain Dumb Supper experience, dine in silence. After the feast, place the contents of the plate and cup for the Dead outdoors in a natural location as an offering for the Dead as long as the foods are safe because local animals may partake of it.

Ancestor Stories : Learn about family history. Contact one or more older relatives and ask them to share memories of family members now dead. Record them in some way and later write accounts of what they share. Give thanks. Share what you learned and have written with another family member or friend. Add names of those you learned about and wish to honor to your Ancestors Altar.

Cemetery Visit : Visit and tend the gravesite of a loved one at a cemetery. Call to mind memories and consider ways the loved one continues to live on within you. Place an offering there such as fresh flowers, dried herbs, or a libation of water.

Reflections : Reflect on you and your life over the past year. Review journals, planners, photographs, blogs, and other notations you have created during the past year. Consider how you have grown, accomplishments you have achieved, challenges you have overcome, adventures, travels, and learnings. Meditate. Journal about your year in review, your meditation, and your reflections.

Renovate :  Select an area of your home or life as a focus. Examine it. Re-organize it. Release what is no longer needed. Create a better pattern. Celebrate renewal and transformation.

Bonfire Magick :  Kindle a bonfire outdoors when possible or kindle flames in a fireplace or a small cauldron. Write down an outmoded habit that you wish to end and cast it into the Samhain flames as you imagine release. Imagine yourself adopting a new, healthier way of being as you move around the fire clockwise.

Divinatory Guidance : Using tarot, runes, scrying, or some other method of divination, seek and reflect on guidance for the year to come. Write a summary of your process and messages. Select something appropriate to act upon and do it.

Divine Invocations : Honor and call upon the Divine in one or more Sacred Forms associated with Samhain, such as the Crone Goddess and Horned God of Nature. Invite Them to aid you in your remembrance of the Dead and in your understanding of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. If you have lost loved ones in the past year, ask these Divine Ones to comfort and support you.

Community Connections : Connect with others. Join in a group ritual in your area. Organize a Samhain potluck in your home. Research old and contemporary Samhain customs in books, periodicals, online, and through communications with others. Exchange ideas, information, and celebration experiences. Regardless of whether you practice solo or with others, as part of your festivities, reflect for a time on being part of the vast network of those celebrating Samhain around the world.

When you are carving your jack o’lanterns do not just carve images into them. Add some protective sigils to the carvings to protect your home or to bring in some good fortune.

Leave a few offerings for the Fae as this is one of their favorite times. You can also look up some recipes for Samhain and make some fun foods!

This concludes the Sabbats as we have come full circle. Do not worry about memorizing all of this at one time; no chance that will happen unless you are going to take a test. What I always tend to recommend to new Wiccans or those looking into Wicca or Paganism in general is to learn first about the Sabbat that is closest to you on the calendar. This way you not only gather information but you can put it to practical use right away rather than reading about a Sabbat that will not happen for 6 months and by that time you have forgotten most of what you learned.

There is something special about each Sabbat. I get filled with an energy, a happiness that I had not felt before beginning my journey and each year. There is something new to learn and do so it is always kind of like a new adventure to experience.

Altars- An Extension of You

Altars are a wonderful “tool” in the Wiccan path. The altar is a way to connect with our God & Goddess, to set goals and intentions on things we wish to accomplish and a focal point for when we perform rituals and spells. In certain ways, you probably already have an altar in your home and do not know it. Do you have an area where you keep family pictures, small mementos ? That is a form of an altar- you are creating a focal point for certain thoughts and emotions and that is, in a nutshell, what an altar is.  

It is an extension of you -an extension of a specific part of you. The altar is something that is very personal and private. Most Wiccans do not allow others outside of the home to see their altar at all, let alone touch anything on the altar. To touch another Wiccan’s tools or altar without their permission is akin to walking into a friend’s house and moving pictures around that are hanging on the wall. We take great pride in our altars and the tools we use are consecrated and blessed to be used by ourselves. So if you go into a Wiccan’s home and just pick up a wand or an athame for example, you are not just checking it out. You are causing that item to no longer be completely in tune with the Wiccan that owns it. We place some of our energy into our tools when we consecrate them and assign their various tasks. So please, if you visit someone who is pagan, do NOT just pick their things up without permission.

I get asked, “Does my altar have to be out all the time?”. The answer to that is no. Many Wiccans will only set up their altar for a specific purpose-- such as when it is time to perform a Sabbat or Esbat (full moon) ritual, when performing a spell, and when they wish to commune with their deities. Others cannot leave their altar set up permanently because of circumstances such as children messing around with the items, pets that could get up there and knock things over or get hurt , or if the household is not aware they are Wiccan yet or disapprove of any religion other than the mainstream ones.

For such situations I recommend putting together a travel altar. This is something many Wiccans do if they are on the road a lot on business, vacations and so forth. You take a small box, an Altoids tin is perfect, and you place a few essentials in there: a couple of birthday candles, wax to hold the candles up, a book of matches or lighter, a couple of different herbs, something small that is fireproof, and small cup; things such as this and then it can be set up and taken down very quickly wherever you are. You can even use an online altar. An online altar is one that is set up on a blog, (Tex: Tumblr, WordPress)that is yours to be pulled up from your electronic device. It remains private so that others cannot see it, but it is available to you anytime.

Now that you know a little about the function of an altar, let’s take a deeper look shall we? The altar is your workspace, everything on it should have a meaning to you. It holds a connection to you that you can draw on during rituals, meditation and so forth. It has to be geared towards your personal beliefs and how your mind works. For example, if you have done research or if your family history is Celtic and you connect deeply with that, give your altar a Celtic feel. If you have a deep connection with ancient Egypt, give your altar an ancient Egyptian feel and look to it.

Altars are deeply personal and customizable. You will find in other books that you get a lovely diagram of how to set up your altar, where to place tools and so forth. I love that. It is a great way to begin the learning process. I try to keep my altar in that kind of setup when it comes to the basics that I place on my altar (which I will list here in a moment). When it comes to the extras I place on my altar- such as crystals, flowers and so forth, I put those where I think they will do best and where I feel the energy best. There is no set structure, no rules as to how you have to set it up. There are also not any rules on how to use them. You can have an altar for general uses, meditation, magick, or for a patron or matron. You don’t need one, but they are nice for when you feel you need a set place to do your work.

Certain things you do want on your altar:

Candles- A Ceremonial candle that is used to begin and set your energy's focus. You may also want a candle to represent the God & Goddess. The common colors are gold for the God due to his connection with the Sun and silver for the Goddess with her connection to the Moon. You can get any candles you like. You can use tea light candles, votive, taper candles, larger ones if you like but don't feel you have to go out and spend $5-$10 for a candle. You can use the ones you find in thrift stores, dollar stores just fine.

With that being said, there are places you may live where regular candles are not allowed or or should not be used due to health reasons. That is not a problem. You can just as easily use electric candles, pictures of candles, a candle flame app for your phone, tablet, you can substitute lava rock for the candle and so on.

Bowls- You will want at least 2 bowls for your altar.  One you shall use for liquids and the other for food items. They do not need to be fancy, you can pick up a couple at a garage sale or thrift shop for under a $1 a piece.

Mixing bowl or cauldron- This is where you can mix your ingredients if you are putting together a potion, a spell or ritual work. If you are going to be heating anything up then make sure that the bowl/cauldron is fireproof and heat resistant.

A Ritual Cup or Goblet- This is where you place your liquid that you drink during your rituals or that you can offer to your deity.  Again, it doesn't need to be a fancy $50 goblet; I personally use a $1 wine glass I got at the Dollar Tree and it works beautifully.

A spot for your Book of Shadows- When working on magickal things, it is a good idea to have your book of shadows easily accessible.

An Altar Cloth- This can be anything from a fancy cloth to a piece of felt you find at the store. Maybe you have a spare sheet that you are not using anymore; this is one way to reuse it. I would advise that if you are going to be doing any kind of work on the altar involving candles or herbs, liquids, anything that could get messy, to use a cheap cloth for that time. You don't want to ruin a $60 altar cloth and you definitely want some protection on whatever surface your altar is on so there are not any permanent stains, burns, etc.  

Now I am going to give you some ideas on how to decorate your altar for those who are on a tight budget and in this day and age, who isn’t? First, I shall give you ideas on what to use that you probably have around the home already for each Sabbat:

Imbolc/Candlemas: seeds or bulbs, candles, red and white

Ostara : flowers, eggs, milk, honey

Beltane : flowers, ribbons, acorns

Litha : oak leaves, sun symbols, sunflowers

Lammas/Lughnasadh : bread, wheat, beer, honey, corn dolls, iron

Mabon : fall leaves, cornstalks, grapes and grape vines, pomegranates, apples

Samhain : tarot cards, mirror, food offerings, mulled wine, dark bread

Yule : holly, pine cones, mistletoe, fruits, nuts, bells

Things to represent the Four Elements:

Earth- this can be represented with a small bowl of salt, a stone from your yard, an image of an earth based animal such as a bear.

Air- this can be represented by a feather you might have, a bell or string of bells, a statue or image of a bird, flowers would work as well.

Fire: This is of course commonly represented by a candle, can use a picture of a candle or fire, flames. You can use a small statue you may have of a lion or phoenix, you can have a small bowl with some red peppers or another hot spice. You can use a piece of red fabric you may have.

Water: This one is obvious- a small bowl of water but you can also use a seashell you find at the beach, a statue or image of a fish, a dolphin or another water animal.

To represent the God & Goddess:

You do not need to spend tons of money on those gorgeous statues you see in Wicca websites or metaphysical stores. They are beautiful yes but if you are on a tight budget, you can use a simple pair of candles to represent them; you can print out a couple of pictures off the internet that you can use on your altar to represent them. You can make your own statues which is what I did for my deities.

For Ceremonial Tools:

A simple kitchen knife can serve as your athame or boline or do what I did which is to buy a cheap letter opener or simply use your pointer finger as your "athame" .

A kitchen broom can be used in place of a fancy besom if you can't make one yourself and you don't wish to buy one.  

If you don't have the money to buy a cauldron, use an old pot that you are not using any more, you can find a cheap brass bowl at a lot of thrift shops that will work just fine.  

For a chalice, I gave you an idea earlier when I mentioned I use a $1 wine glass I got at the store.  If you are feeling crafty and you want your chalice to have a special look, get a couple of paint pens that work on glass and design your own chalice.

Wands need not be fancy. You can use a stick you find in your yard that fell off a tree or you can buy a cheap dowel in any craft store and make your own wand with a bit of material. Lots of YouTube videos are available that show you how or just like with the athame, though, you can simply use your index finger.  

Once you have your altar set up,it is time to bless and consecrate it. There are many ways to consecrate your altar and you will find almost every Wiccan does it a little differently. Here is the method I use that is very very simple and requires nothing special. I stand before my altar, I hold up my hands. Then I draw up energy from the earth through my body, into my hands and from my hands out onto the altar. I envision this white light cleansing the entire altar, removing any negative traces and filling every square centimeter with beautiful positive light. I say, "May the God & Goddess bless this space and keep it filled with beautiful, positive energy at all times." Once done, I take a spray bottle I have added water and about 15 drops of cinnamon essential oil and I lightly mist over the altar. This cleanses everything beautifully.

Now your altar is ready to be used. It is going to change as you yourself change. You might want to change it up for each Sabbat or for when the seasons change. You might start to honor a specific deity and you might wish to add something onto your altar to show your love for your deity. You may change from working a lot with herbs to possibly working more with crystals, so you may want to add a few of them onto your altar. The altar is an extension of you so as you change, change your altar up as well. Also, make sure to keep it nice and clean. Dust it regularly so dust will not affect the energy flow.  

Book of Shadows

A book of shadows is a journal. It is a journal that you write your rituals, spells and their results in. This is a book that you write things in that have to do with meditations, keeping a list of crystals and what they do. The same is true for with herbs, flowers and so forth. You organize it the way that your brain works best, so each Wiccan's book of shadows or "bos" is organized differently.

When someone starts on this path, they are often overwhelmed at the thought of creating their own book of shadows; quite honestly it is similar to creating their altar. Do not feel bad if you are also a bit overwhelmed. When I began my path, I think it was 2-3 months in before I even began writing my book of shadows. This is another item that you really do not want anyone else touching or reading without your express permission. You can get a fancy bos that has got a beautiful cover on it in many metaphysical shops online. You can simply use a 3-ring binder which I prefer because you can organize things a bit easier that way, (not to mention it saves your budget from taking a hit on the cost.) You will want to keep your bos in a safe place and treat it with reverence and respect. This is something you will be turning to and writing in a lot and if you have children who decide to follow the Wiccan path, you may wish to pass your book of shadows down to them.

There is no rule that says you can only have one bos so if your book gets filled up, by all means, start a new one.  You may even want a separate one that is traditionally called a book of mirrors. This is a journal where you write about your dreams that you have, reflections of yourself, your personality, and things of this nature.  

Now, I am going to give you some examples of other items you can add to your book of shadows:

Leaf Rubbings

Pressed flowers

Sketches of Crystals, Herbs, Flowers, etc.

Correspondences for Crystals and their magickal properties.

Correspondences for Herbs and their magickal properties.

Sketches of the constellations as well as their correspondences.

Jot down your dreams and what they mean to you (or make a dream diary separate from your BOS).

Altar diagrams

Candle Correspondences.

Keep track of the Lunar cycle and write down what each phase means to you and which phase is best to do which spell/ritual.

A list of deities you incorporate into your practices.  

Whatever sacred days you participate in and what you do to honor them.

About your beliefs.

About the path you follow.



Information on the elements and their correspondences.


Divination practices

Tarot readings



Healing salves




Spell and Ritual results

If you use crystals, herbs to help heal or treat ailments, make notes of how well they are working and in what doses; how you are using them and so on.

Other religious teachings that inspire you.

Communicating with spirits and writing down their messages.

Any psychic practices or studies


Your zodiac information

How to garden by moon phases.      

A little side note if you will. If you do not wish to keep a written copy of a book of shadows, you are welcome to make one electronically but be sure to make several backup copies of it just in case something goes wrong with the main device you wrote on.  We all know how finicky technology can be and you do not want to lose all that wonderful information and hard work you put into your bos, for it to be lost.  

Casting a Circle

Casting a circle is a very important thing to learn when you are starting with Wicca. Circles are cast before performing rituals, spells, some even cast a circle before they meditate.  The circle is not just a circumference around you. It is more like a dome of protective energy that you put into place to keep negativity and spirits out that you do not want in your circle while you are performing your magick.  

Many authors will tell you to place objects around where you wish your circle to be. Doing this creates a mental picture for you when you are starting out so you can focus. The objects can be a candle for each quarter of the circle placed on the floor or you can use a ring of salt. I would not recommend this if you have carpeting or delicate flooring because it can scratch the flooring and in discolor the carpeting over time. You can place a circle of rocks if you or whatever you would like to use that you have handy. You want to be sure that you have all your items you will be using within the circle when you begin so that you do not have to break the circle to go and get something. I will share with you you how to do that later in this chapter.

If you use candles for the quarters and you have pets walking around the room you’re working in, I highly suggest not lighting the candles for obvious reasons or put your companion animal in another room until you are done with your magick. There are many ways to cast a circle, In fact, I would venture to say there are as many ways to cast a circle as there are witches and Wiccans in the world. I’m going to show you the simple one that I use for my own practice. You may use it as it is or you are welcome to tweak it to suit your own beliefs.

Make sure you have all of your tools and ingredients in the area where your circle will be so you have everything ready to work with. If you are going to use objects to mark where your circle is, put those down right now, then stand in the center of your circle. Once this is done, stand in the middle of your circle.  Relax and breathe deeply.  Imagine that your crown (the top of your head) opens up like a funnel to receive divine, white light.

Your crown is always connected to the divine and to your Higher Self, and you can open up and amplify this channel at your will. Open your arms, palms facing out.  With each in-breath, visualise yourself pulling down pure, divine light through your crown, and as you breathe out you channel this light out through your palms to create a protective shield around you.  

As you fill the space around you with this high-vibration energy you may feel a tingle or buzz, you may get goose bumps, or you’ll feel light and uplifted. Now hold one arm outstretched (the one you write with) and point to the edge of the circle.  Spin around clockwise three times, mentally marking out your circle with the divine light. If you like, you can also use a wand or athame instead of your finger. This is up to you.

 Then raise your arms above your head and say:

 “I ask that the God and Goddess bless this circle So that I may be free and protected within this space.  So mote it be”.


Now, I call the elements. Some call them watchtowers, some call them the quarters; whatever word you wish to use that helps you to focus is fine.  Here is how to do this:

  1. If you are going to use objects to mark where your circle is, put those down right now, then stand in the center of your circle.
  2. Say, “Guardians of the East, Powers of Air; you who are thought & the wind upon my face. I call and invite you into my circle to witness this rite.  Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire; you who are passion and the hearth.  I call upon and invite you into my circle to witness this rite.  Guardians of the West, Powers of Water; you who are emotion and pure love. I call upon and invite you into my circle to witness this rite.  Guardians of the North, Powers of Earth; you who are the stabilizer and nurturer. I call upon you and invite you into my circle to witness this rite.”

You are now ready to perform your ritual, your spell or whatever you wish to do within the circle.

Remember when I said that you should have everything you need in the area of your circle before you start?  What happens if you forgot something?  Well once the circle is cast you really do not want to leave it until you are completely done; however, if you have forgotten something you can leave by making a small door.  The way you do this is to face the back of your circle area’s energy. Then you take your athame or your index finger and trace the shape of a door just large enough for your body to exit through.  Once you have done this, you leave the circle and get whatever it is you have forgotten and then you return through that door back into the circle. You then take your index finger or athame and trace the door you made but this time backwards to reseal that area and you can continue with your magick.

Once you are completely done, it’s time to release the Guardians and you do this by saying this:
“Guardians of the North, of Earth, I thank you for your solid presence here. Farewell and blessed be.  Guardians of the West, of Water, I thank you for your soothing presence here. Farewell & blessed be.  Guardians of the South, of Fire, I thank you for your energetic presence here. Farewell and blessed be. Guardians of the East, of Air, I thank you for your whispered presence here. Farewell and blessed be.”

To close your circle, hold out your arm and use your index finger, your wand or athame and spin around anti-clockwise three times and feel the protective light dispersing.  Thank the Spirits for their presence and declare the circle closed.

Again, to reiterate what I said at the start of this chapter.  Circle casting can be as complex or simple as you like and every Wiccan does it differently; the important thing is for you to use a method that works for you and your mind.  I am a very visual person. I think this stems from my artistic/creative side so I do not use candles on the floor to delineate my circle or any other items. I can visualize the circle in my mind’s eye.  I am not saying this to brag because it is nothing special; I am just saying everyone does it differently. If you require the objects to delineate your circle area, that’s fine and dandy; if you do not need the items, that’s fine as well.  

We do most of our work at our altar when we have one set up and so your circle will protect the entire area of your altar. This question has arisen many times before and it’s a good question. “My altar sits near a wall so how can I cast a full circle around my altar if there’s no space behind the altar?” As luck would have it, this is how my own altar is. I have it placed on a dresser that sits near an outer wall because that is the only place I had free to place my altar and it felt right when I looked at that area. What we have to remember is this: The protective circle is pure energy and energy flows through almost everything so there is no reason why your circle cannot extend beyond the wall that your altar is sitting against. Envision the circle continuing past your wall to the other side and closing that part of the circle there. This way your altar and your work space is completely protected.

As you grow on your path, you may find you do not need to use your protective circle as much as you did when you first began and that’s perfectly fine.  When I began, I made sure to cast a circle every time I did anything magickal.  Now I mainly do so when I am going to perform a Sabbat or Esbat ritual or if I am casting a spell that I have never tried before.  You may also discover you can cast your circle with just your mind’s eye rather than going through the entire ritual to cast a circle and that’s perfectly fine as well. I would suggest when first starting out to cast a circle each time you perform ritual or a spell for the first 2-3 years that you are on your path. This way it becomes a good habit and you learn how to properly visualize your circle of protective energy.  

One more note before I conclude this chapter. You will find in many Wiccan books that they tell you to place your altar facing North or even East.  Sadly, we don’t all have this option.  It could be that there’s no space in either of those directions to place your altar or that it’s in an area that wouldn’t work for you as your altar space.  Do not worry.  Place your altar where it feels right FOR YOU and where you have the best connection.

How to Write a Ritual

Rituals are ceremonies that Wiccans perform to achieve a certain goal. We also use rituals when we are celebrating Sabbats and Esbats or to connect with the Divine. When I first began I had no idea how to write a ritual or if I would even be able to because I was insecure at the time. I did not want to offend any of the deities or spirits by doing something incorrectly. What I did was I researched various books and also a few websites to find already written rituals that I could borrow from. I would tweak some of the words to suit my own beliefs and it worked nicely. It gave me a good starting point to jump from so that I could honor my deities in a way that felt comfortable to me.  

Since then I have begun to write my own rituals; not just for Sabbats and Esbats but also for more intricate spells. I still recall my first self-written ritual that I wrote for Samhain two years ago. Samhain is an important Sabbat; not just for myself but it is considered one of, if not, THE most important Sabbat for Wiccans. I like to have it be a bit more intricate in details and what I do. I have two rituals I actually perform for Samhain. One is directed towards my ancestors-- both in the far past and my more immediate family members who have left this world -as well as my companion animals that have also crossed over. The other ritual is geared more towards my deities, as well as the Fae and other deities of the Dead. Writing these rituals was an amazing experience. Since we include our own energy and our intent, when we write spells and rituals, it gives the entire procedure an added boost of energy that you just cannot get from copying someone else's work.

When you write your first ritual,and it goes well, you have such an immense sense of satisfaction and pride in yourself. It’s almost indescribable. Doing this also helps to raise your self-assurance and self-belief as this is the hallmark of successful magick. Without self-belief, most things you do will not work. It is because it is that self-belief, and seeing the end product that sends out the magick and energy into the universe.  

Here are some questions I like to ask when I am about to write a new ritual or a spell for that matter. I think you will find them quite helpful to pinpoint what you’re looking to achieve. When it comes to rituals and spells, the more precise your target, the better it’ll work.

  1. What do I wish to achieve with this ritual? What is my end game? Make sure you have that end product in mind and it is as clear and precise as can be. The clearer your intent and your picture of what you wish to achieve, the better chance you have of it succeeding and not sending you something you weren’t after. For example, say you’re doing a ritual to gain more money. You want to state it as clear as possible how much money you are needing.  If you perform a ritual and just say “I need more money.” Well that sends energy into the universe but without the sum you’re truly needing you may end up receiving a few extra pennies or a couple of extra dollars when you really are needing $1,000.  If you were to word your ritual though to state “I need to receive $1,500 by December 5th.” Then you have a better chance of getting the amount you’re truly needing and by the date you’re needing it.  You might find it comes to you in the form of a raise or a bonus at work or that you get a loan you applied for and so on.  So be as specific with your end result as you can possibly be. Don’t be in a rush, take your time.
  2. Decide how you wish to perform your ritual. Research what items connect with your end desire.  If you are going to write a ritual for Lughnasadh, include items such as wheat, corn, artistic tools, sunflowers and so on. If you are writing a ritual to help heal yourself of an illness, you may want to include such items as basil, mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus oil because these things are known to help heal the body.  Write down each item you plan to use and why you’re going to use them.  By writing the reasoning down, you are helping yourself to remember what each item does and that is a great way to learn.
    Next would come the words you’ll be using.  As I stated in step 1, you want to be as specific with this as you can be. Rewrite the wording down as often as you need to until you get it exactly how you want it.  Take your time; if you get hung up on something walk away from it for a while and return later and start back on it.  Believe me, the time you put into this will reward you multiple times over.
  3. Decide when to perform the ritual. You may want to do it during a particular phase of the moon or do it on a Sabbat.  You may even wish to perform the ritual on a particular evening.
  4. Decide where you want to do the ritual. You may wish to do it at your altar or you may want to do it outside or in a specific room. Set up your altar with the tools, herbs, oils, food or drink necessary that you want to use to make your ritual a success.
  5. When it is time to do the ritual, cleanse yourself. You can do this with a shower, a bath, you can even do a mental visualization of golden energy washing over your entire body leaving you clean and purified.  Then purify the space you shall work in. You can do this with sage, smudging, with a smudging spray. Whatever works best for you.
  6. Ground and center yourself. This can be done a number of ways but the way I like to do it is to see my feet growing roots into the ground, drawing energy up from the earth to empower me and sending any negative energy I may have in my body down into the earth. Then I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I focus on the object of my ritual. The end result I wish to achieve.  
  7. Cast your circle and invoke the elements as I showed you in the previous chapter.  Call your God and Goddess and welcome them into your space.  
  8. Now you perform the ritual you wrote.
  9. Once completely done with your ritual, thank your deities for their presence. Release the elements as I described in the previous chapter and see yourself with your roots in the Earth. Return any extra energy you didn’t use during your ritual and thank the Earth.
  10. Close your circle.
  11. Have a small snack and drink. You do this because you invest a lot of physical and spiritual energy into your working. If you do not regain some of this, you are going to feel it very hard.  When I first performed my very first ritual, I felt like I was hit by a pair of semi trucks.  My head was spinning, I felt a migraine coming on and I felt like every drop of energy from my body had been removed and I was just a bowl of jello.  It took a good day to replenish myself because I hadn’t taken the time to have a small snack and a drink after my ritual was completed.  

You might be worrying that you cannot write a ritual yourself because you do not wish to anger the Gods or any other spirits. You may fear that if you do something wrong you may attract negative spirits or negative energy into your home and it will plague you for a lifetime. Let me squash that idea for you now. I know that some mainstream religions teach us that if we do anything other than a certain way, we will be punished in some form. On this path, that is just not the case. Pagan deities are not all powerful and they make their share of mistakes. Just read any mythology books about deities from every culture around the globe. I have yet to find any that are infallible. If you make a mistake you will be forgiven for it. If something does not work out quite as you expected it is okay! Go back, figure out where you made a mistake and correct it for next time. You will not be shot at with lightning and you won’t have the 7 plagues unleashed on yourself and your home. If you can not figure out what you did wrong, ask a friend who is pagan about it and maybe they can spot something for you and give you a tip on how to correct it. If you do not have a pagan friend, ask your question online. There are many wonderful facebook groups and tumblr pages that are more than happy to help you out.

Only by trying, making mistakes and learning from them will you ever grow on your path. Do not fear mistakes, embrace them as a chance to learn something new and to grow.  

Once you have written your ritual and performed it; you are welcome to use it again down the road or if it’s for a Sabbat, feel free to use it yearly.  What I like to recommend though is after using a ritual a couple of times, see where you can change things up a bit. It could be it’s been a year or two since you wrote that ritual and you have learned a lot since then. You’ve changed a bit as well so edit the ritual to reflect your new knowledge and who you are now.  

Ask yourself how you have grown and changed on your path since you last performed this ritual.  Ask yourself, "How can I change this around a little bit to have it reflect even more of me and my spirituality?". Ask yourself, "Have my views of how the universe works and my place in it changed to the point where I need to add something new here to connect further with the person I have become and the person I wish to become?".


Take notes of your answers to such questions. Research how you can add a few new tweaks, maybe even a new herb or a new color to the ritual; anything that connects you deeper to the God & Goddess, no matter who they may be in your eyes. They want you to be the best you can be; you will NOT offend them by adding a few new tweaks or a new entire ritual for them; they shall take it with a huge smile, knowing you are becoming the person they always knew you could become and seeing you grow and fulfill the promise that each of us has within us.  

I thought I would end this chapter with give you the difference between prayer and ritual. This has come up a number of times over the years.


Rituals are different to prayer. Prayers rely on you seeking the deity to help you without you doing anything on your part; however, with a ritual, you are sending energy into the universe to achieve what you are wishing to achieve and you help create that energy by writing the ritual, gathering the materials, performing it and then you also put the work into it after wards.

I like to compare them as passive (prayer) vs pro-active (ritual). Nothing wrong with prayer, I do that daily myself but hopefully this has helped differentiate the two concepts a bit clearer to you.

Finding Your Deity

Throughout this book I have been talking about a God & Goddess and other particular deities. I know that everyone who gets into Wicca is a bit confused on this topic because mainstream religions are monotheistic. You have a singular God and no Goddess to balance things out. This is a part of Wicca that can be difficult for many who begin learning. Even if you are not someone who has been to church a lot or went to Sunday school, you would be surprised how much of mainstream religion has seeped into your subconsciousness. In my case, I did not have any trouble accepting a Goddess because it honestly felt so natural. I had an issue with the God aspect since it is different compared to Christianity. I gave you my backstory in the preface of this book so I won’t get into it twice but recognize that it is perfectly natural and acceptable to have this conflict within yourself. You are thinking of leaving behind things you have known all your life. No matter how much you actually believed in them or how little you thought you believed, those early teachings will affect you when you want to break away. I hate to say anything negative about any religion because all religions have good and bad qualities but mainstream religions do a wonderful job at brainwashing people-and most do not know it is happening until they try to leave it.

Let me begin with the Wiccan God & Goddess. If you are an eclectic Wiccan, such as I am, and have not been privy to the inner workings of a coven there is only so much you are going to be able to learn about the God & Goddess. Quite a bit of it is only taught within the covens and depending on which Traditional Wiccan coven you were to join, some of the information might very well differ. As I said, I am a solitary Wiccan so I have not been in the inner workings of a coven and I really do not want to. I find many of the Traditionalists are a bit too snobbish when it comes to Wicca. Notice I said “many”, not “all”. Some Traditionalists are very cool about welcoming eclectic Wiccans into the Wiccan fold but there are those who have this ridiculous notion that if you have not been indoctrinated in a coven ,you are not a true Wiccan. That is absolute nonsense and if anyone tells you that, roll your eyes, smile and walk away. What you are is a different type of Wiccan. No, you are not a Traditional Wiccan but you are in fact a Wiccan. You are putting the time, energy and effort into learning your path. Let no one EVER  ​discourage you or make you feel like you’re anything less than they are.

The Wiccan God & Goddess encompass the yin/yang, male-female aspect of the universe. They provide balance. The God is considered a Sun God, a Sun King, if you will, and he also has many connections with the animals of our world. This includes protecting them as well the hunting aspect. The Goddess is connected with the moon and lunar cycle. She is connected with nature through the plants we use in healing and also in eating. She has a deep connection with water and the earth. Many Wiccans stick with them as their deities- there is really no name for either of them other than God and Goddess. At least not to the uninitiated.

Many solitary and eclectic Wiccans look for different deities. They may come from a cultural background that is Celtic, Asian, European and so forth and they want a connection with a deity they can name, that has a long history to them and this is perfectly fine. We all want something we can truly connect with. In truth, it is believed that all the deities from around the globe are simply aspects and different personifications of the God & Goddess. They are simply different personalities and sides of the God & Goddess.  

I would like to take a moment though to correct a few things that many new Wiccans get wrong. If you are going to search for a different deity other than the God & Goddess, it is not really that YOU choose another deity but that that deity chooses YOU. What do I mean by this? Let me provide you with an example: I have studied and been in love with ancient Egypt since I was a child. As I grew up and became an artist I have painted the Egyptian pantheon many times over. I wear an ankh cross. Both of my dogs have names that are connected with ancient Egypt. So naturally, when I fully embraced my Wiccan path I assumed I would have an immediate connection with one of the Egyptian deities such as Anubis, Horus, Bast and Thoth. Guess what? In 3 plus years I have had Anubis come to me all of one time and that was only in the very beginning. He came to me in a wolf state. Granted the history books state jackals were connected with him but in recent years, new research has uncovered that it was actually more than likely wolves that were connected with Anubis. I am German. I was born there and spent my first few years in Germany. When we moved to America, thankfully, my mom kept us in a German household. By that I mean we continued to speak German, observe holidays in a German way and eat German foods. Even with all that, I have not really had much of a connection with the Norse pantheon.

So I kept researching deities and at one point, The Morrigan contacted me. She contacted me through crows in our area as well as coming to me in a dream. So I learned more about her but then she disappeared for all intents and purposes. I felt a connection with Brighid because she is a goddess of artistic souls as well as a healer and a goddess of the hearth. Since I am a caregiver I have a deep connection with that part of the home. It may not be “macho’ or “manly” but you know what, it is real and it is me. I also had an immediate connection with Lugh as I described earlier in this book. Both of these deities have connections with the artistic side of things so that was a natural fit but they are both Celtic deities so I never in my wildest dreams thought I would connect with Celtic deities. Then a third deity made herself known but she does not have much information available about her. I was reading up on various deities online and I cannot recall what it was I was searching for but I came across an article about a little known Goddess named Nantosuelta. Crows and ravens are connected with her, just as with the Morrigan and in fact, many scholars believe it was Nantosuelta that gave rise to the Morrigan. She is connected with water and all of my life I have lived near some body of water- be it a river, the sea or even a stream. The more I was able to read about her the more of a connection that happened and I learned she was actually honored in the area of Germany that myself and my entire family are from. That was like a lightning bolt hitting me! I accepted her as my second goddess but now she is my main patroness.

I have created small clay figurines for her. This includes a dovecote home, a bowl I made and painted and also a triple set of red apples that are connected with her. I created a bowl with sand that I dyed blue with vegetable dye and added some sea shells to to connect with her water aspects.  For Lugh, I have painted a painting for him and created a couple of small glasses that I painted with glass paint in his honor.  I have made a small figurine of Brighid along with a Brighid’s bed that I put out every Imbolc as well as Brighid’s crosses that I have made and actually have hanging all year round in my home.  

The point here is that no matter what your cultural background may be, who you feel you will connect with because a certain deity has interested you; the deities that you end up working with will always call to you.  It may be a temporary relationship. A deity may work with you for a specific time in your life when you need them most.  Other deities you may work with for your entire lifetime.  No matter what the case may be, when it is time for you to work with a particular deity they will let you know.  

This does not mean that you just sit around and wait for it to happen.  You still take time to read on different cultures, their pantheons, how they were honored and revered.  What kinds of offerings were made and so on.  Through doing this, often times a connection will develop.  

Take time to learn about all the various deities you are interested in and see if you connect with any of them.  How do you do this though? No one has time to learn about EVERY deity on the planet- past and present.  Here are a few things you can do to narrow the search.

Take a piece of paper and ask yourself this:

"What am I already passionate about?

What is my reason for living?

Is it taking care of animals, helping the environment, helping people, taking care of people, helping them to feel better, etc?

Do I have a passion for my background, where my family is from, the culture I was raised in?

Have I always loved a particular civilization?"

These kinds of questions can get you brainstorming and once you write your answers down. You research about those kinds of deities, also learning about the culture those deities were worshipped in, helps a great deal with the overall picture.  

"Ok, I've done all you suggested and I still don't feel a connection with any particular deity. Am I just not looking hard enough or is there something wrong with me?" The answer is No, there's nothing wrong with you.  These questions I gave you to ask yourself are to get you brainstorming.

It may be you have researched a hundred deities and just have not connected with any of them yet because it is simply not the right time! You have to understand this from a deity's perspective.  These are beings that have been around for literally thousands of years- since humans began worshipping anything at all.  To them, a few weeks, months or even years, yes years, means absolutely nothing- it is a drop in a bucket for them even though it seems like ages for us; especially when we are trying to find a connection.


Do not give up hope, keep researching, before you go to bed, ask the gods to communicate with you in your dreams, give offerings, ask them to show you a sign and that you are open to working with them.

You do all of this long enough and believe me, you WILL find a connection with a deity or several deities. In the meantime, not having a particular deity does not make you any less of a Wiccan. You can still honor the basic God & Goddess of the Wiccan faith and learn about them, In fact, I suggest doing this anyway. When I began on my path I learned about the traditional Wiccan God & Goddess because I wanted to form a good connection with the entire belief structure. This will help you to understand why we also honor and celebrate the Sabbats as we do and the things that correspond with the Sabbats at various times of the year. Enjoy the ride. Enjoy all the learning and do not put pressure on yourself to connect with a specific deity. When the time is right, you will know and the feeling you get will be indescribable!

I have seen this question arise a few times over the years and sometimes someone might even be too worried that they will offend a deity to even ask this so I am going to address it in this part of the book.

This question concerns being contacted, in one way or another, by a deity you may not know much about. You might be afraid of working with this deity or have doubts about them for other reasons.

People assume when they get on a pagan path that any deity that reaches out to them, they HAVE to accept because there is a "reason" for it. There may very well be a reason but, no, you NEVER have to accept when a deity calls. Do you think by not working with them, that you will offend them? This is not the case at all. As long as you are respectful in your declining their offer, it is perfectly okay. You can tell them, "I don't have enough information on who you are and what you are about, to make my decision right now." You could say, "I'm not ready to work with you at this moment." You can also say "I appreciate your contacting me but I need time to think things through before I will work with you. I appreciate your contact and I am honored but I need time." Any of these will be just fine.  

I myself have also been contacted before by a deity that I was not prepared for and from the information I had available at the time. I will be honest, I was quite scared to work with this deity. So instead of accepting I asked the deity to give me time to learn about them, which I did. I researched the hell out of them, I asked others who I knew honored her and learned from their experiences working with this deity, I researched YouTube from knowledgeable pagans who had information I could use and then I took all of the information and came to my own decision. This meant that I realized I had something to learn from this deity and I was willing to work with her slowly. I made no promises that I knew I could not keep and I kept my words as true as I could. I was careful not to overstep what I was willing to do for this deity and how much I was willing to work with them.

Your situation might be different. You might learn about a deity that is calling to you and you are completely not ready to work with them and that is okay! Let them know this and who knows, you might work with them in the future. The point is, deities are not harsh and masterful-their purpose is not to beat you down if you do not say "yes" right away. They would like you to work with them -not FOR them- there is a big difference. If you work with a deity simply out of fear of offending them or getting a harsh retribution, that is not a partnership- that is fear mongering and you are making offerings and doing things out of fear of being hurt by them.

But if you research them, learn about them and say, " I would like to work with you; you have a lot to teach me." and you make reasonable statements of what you are prepared to do (Do not make promises you cannot or will not keep) they will love and respond to that a great deal more. You will benefit by getting a hell of a lot more out of it.  

The pagan path is a much different one from what many were raised in and I will be honest, I did believe in a form of the Christian God before I became Wiccan. I did not, however, believe in a vengeful, wrathful God like is depicted in the Bible. The Bible was written by human beings who had their own motives and their own agendas. By creating fear, it was much easier to have people fall into line. Many were raised believing that if you did not do such and such at just a specific point in time or day, that you would be struck by lightning or someone in your home would die, etc. No matter how little you really bought into that line of thinking, that is still in the back of your mind when you are going on your own path - which in and of itself is a scary thing.  

It is scary to follow a path that is not taught in a special building weekly or that does not really have a specific book with all the supposed answers. This can also magnify the fear you might have when you think about other deities. I am here to let you know that no one alive or dead has all the answers about any deity. No matter what name that deity is given or what culture that deity is from, so, do your research. Get many different points of view and most importantly form your OWN  opinion of how you see a deity. Then choose whether you are okay to work with them or not. This is YOUR  path and yours alone. Do not let fear dictate what road you take and do not let misconceptions stop you from attaining that which you are meant to be.  

Now this is for those who are really not into honoring any form of a deity at all. You might have been burned through a mainstream religion and you do not want to work with any deity. You might be an atheist and have never believed in a God or Goddess and that is ok too. You can still be Wiccan by believing in a universal energy. Whether an atheist, a burned out Christian or whatever the case maybe, one thing we can all agree on is that there is an energy source in the universe. It does not need to be an omnipotent power or a race of Gods that controls the world. The energy source can simply be that which drives the universe to expand and grow- that which makes stars die and be born. That energy that creates new galaxies. Believing in such an energy is perfectly acceptable.


I hope that this chapter gave you a few things to consider. I hope that this chapter has given you some assurance that working with Deities is not as scary and dark as you may have thought it would be.  Deities are interesting personalities, interesting energies and the more time you take to learn about them, the less fearful you become.  

Telling Others You Are Wiccan

This is a topic that everyone sooner or later worries about. As scary as being on a new path is, not knowing how your family and friends might react to you telling them you are Wiccan is an even more frightful experience. It is something that we worry about for quite some time until we get the nerve to say it. The term is affectionately called “coming out of the broom closet”. Depending on how open one’s family and friends are can go a long way to seeing how they will react. Do not let their seemingly closed-mindedness or their devotion to their brand of religion sway you. Sometimes friends and family can really surprise you. Those you thought would support you, may not and vice versa.  

Here is my own experience on the matter. As I have stated in this book, my mother is Catholic and my father was Protestant; however, he passed away when I was a child  and the rest of my family is sort of Christian. They are not huge church goers or anything but they all do believe in the Christian God. Thankfully my siblings are smart enough to realize that not everything has to be under the Christian umbrella to be considered positive and good in this world. At any rate, I take care of my mother as she has several health issues. I am the one in the family who has the most medical knowledge. I am often called by them an unlicensed doctor (Ha,ha!). So of course her being understanding of my path meant more than it might mean if you are living far away from your parent(s).

Needless to say, I would not have given up my Wiccan path but just the fact that she ended up accepting my decision means for a much more peaceful home. I was naturally concerned she would be unwelcoming of my decision. Granted, she watches the show called Charmed so she has some idea that witches aren’t “evil” and all of that but you never can tell. I have been using herbs to help heal her for many many years- after doing lots of research on them of course. Then I began using crystals to help heal things like back trouble for her, kidney issues and so forth. It was about a month before my first Samhain and I had come home with a few items for my altar including a besom. I announced that yes, I am indeed Wiccan. Now, you have to understand something- my mom knows some English but it is still not perfect and the term “Wiccan” was completely new to her. I explained it a bit and she was completely fine with it. She told me she knows that I would never get involved in anything that was bad. The rest of my family was equally supportive and I was very relieved. I am not a social person. I can count on one hand the number of people I would actually consider a “friend”, so when I told them about it, I was happy they were completely cool with my decision . Most were not surprised at all so it was not a big deal.

I know however that for many people, it does not go quite so smoothly. I have known several Wiccans whose parents disowned them for their decision, or a sibling did or even some of their friends. They could not see that becoming Wiccan is just as respectable and just as good as any mainstream religion.

This is why I am writing this particular chapter. I am going to give you a few pointers to hopefully help you when you decide to tell your family and friends about your decision. Some of these tips, hopefully will help them to be accepting of it. This will help many of you iron out that first awkward and tense discussion.

Sadly, there will still be some who will have family and friends who will not accept their decision.  If your family, a spouse and certain friends are not accepting of your choice, that will make it very difficult but not impossible of course.  In the end, you have to live your life the way you see fit to for the best for yourself.  I am not going to give you any recommendations on what to do if someone you love does not accept your path because that is of course a choice only you can make.  

What you want to do before you broach the subject with your family, friends, spouse is to have as much knowledge and information available as possible. They may have questions or want to argue with you. Read a great deal and be comfortable with the knowledge you have and sure that this path is indeed right for you. That alone will go a long ways if anyone you speak with is argumentative. Another thing I recommend is to stay calm and cool during the conversation. If you start getting angry with someone (I know how easy it is to blow your top) you come off as defensive. However, by staying calm you are showing that you indeed know what you are talking about. Staying calm often times will also defuse a possibly nasty confrontation which will not do anyone any good. Approach the topic calmly and sensibly with good solid answers. If they still refuse to listen to reason then there is really nothing more you can do. Walk away from the subject. Come back to it at a later time if you feel so inclined.

It is tough if your parent(s), spouse or friend still will not accept your decision. Try to look at it from their perspective for a moment. If they are extremely Christian, Jewish, Muslim or whatever their faith is, they see things one way- their way. Try to let them know that you are sorry they are not accepting of your path but you have to do what you feel is right for yourself. You are still the same person they have always known. Perhaps recommend a few books they should look at to gain more information. Many times people disapprove of your paganism because they are simply not knowledgeable about the subject in real world context. They hear Wicca, witchcraft, paganism and they think of those old movies with Vincent Price where he burns young ladies as a sacrifice to the devil. Or they go back to the 90’s to the movie “The Craft” where 4 young girls get into witchcraft and turn evil. Coming to those you love with facts, and recommendations can help turn their mind around.    

After all of this, if they still do not accept your choice, you have your own choice to make. You can back down and go back to the way you were before you found Wicca or whatever pagan path you are on, or, you can stand up for your rights, your beliefs. This does not mean starting a fight with your loved ones or making threats. What it means is letting them know something like this , “Look, I appreciate your concern for me but it hurts me that you don not think I am responsible enough and intelligent enough to know that this is the right path for me. It is not something ‘evil’ or bad. This is simply another way of expressing my belief in something greater. I respect you and I respect your opinions but you also have to respect mine. You may not agree with my path but I would appreciate it if you would at least respect that it’s MY decision to make and that I have made it. I am happy and I am not hurting anyone or anything.” Hopefully once you state something like this, your loved ones will understand that even if they do not approve of your decision, they need to respect that it is in fact YOUR decision to be made and leave it at that.


Once you do this the decision will be how much of your new path you will be willing to show out right.  By that I mean will you openly wear things that connect with your path, such as necklaces, rings. Will you openly talk about your path around those who you know are not approving of it.  These are all decisions you have to make for yourself and do not be in a rush to do so.  Take your time.  As with everything else, taking the time to think things through can be a great benefit and help you to avoid a lot of arguments.

Now, if you know from the start that your family or certain members thereof, that certain friends do not approve of your path, it is okay. You do not need to tell them. Especially if you do not live under the same roof. You have no one to answer to but yourself. I know many Wiccans who still have not told their parents or a friend or a sibling because they do not want to have a drawn out argument or worse. Not telling someone does not mean you are ashamed of your path, it just means you are keeping it to yourself. You value peace and you do not want to rock a family relationship, a friendship or whatever the case may be.  

Now when it comes to your work situation. That is an entirely different matter. I will be frank. I do not feel it’s necessary or even correct to discuss religion in a work environment. After all, you are there to do a specific job, not to discuss religion of any sort. You also have to be careful because if certain co-workers or even an employer knows you are pagan of any kind they might do things to get you fired or make you quit. Legally you do have rights. No one is allowed to discriminate you based on your religious preferences. However, we all know that legal does not mean that people will not try to make your life miserable, tease you, play dirty tricks on you, give you tasks to do you are not comfortable with and so on. All in the hopes that you may quit and go elsewhere.  

The same can be said if you are renting your home.  You may choose to have a travel altar so that if the landlord decides to pop on over for something, you will be able to have your items out of sight so they can’t make any negative judgments.  I have known people who have been kicked out of a home because their landlord discovered they were pagan.  

When it comes to legal matters such as child custody you want to be careful as well.  Again, you have rights yes but it is all in how the judge sees things that can sway him one way or another.  So my recommendation when it comes to work, renting, legal matters is to keep your path to yourself.  There is no shame in this.  Your religion is a private matter anyways.  You do not need to flaunt your beliefs in order to be proud of them or to be true to yourself.  

In short, this is your path. You choose how to live it, whom to tell about your beliefs and your path; however,  it helps to use common sense in certain situations and to be able to face the reality that in situations such as work, looking for a home and legal matters, you may want to keep your beliefs private.  Also, it is a good idea to become familiar with your state and country’s legal stance in regards to your rights as a pagan of any kind.  Every country is different.  If you look up the information and write it down or make copies of it, it may well come in handy at some point.  Having the knowledge at hand can help you in many areas-- from work to renting homes to court matters.

How to Practice Your Path in an Unsupportive Home

As you learned in the last chapter, there will be situations where certain people in your home may never be ok with your practicing magick or being Wiccan so to avoid a lot of unnecessary arguments and down right fights there are ways to disguise your magickal items; even your altar.  

You do not have to dress in all black, wear a pentacle all the time and talk about Goddess this and that.  Your altar does not have to have large statues of various deities, incense sticks, athames and wands.

For your altar, you can easily hide the items in plain sight by using common everyday items. Think of your representations for the elements. You can easily have a lovely little glass jar with a few decorative feathers to represent air; have two or three sea shells to represent water or even get a nice little fountain you can plug in and run. You can use a lovely bowl of decorative sand with a few small artificial plants in it to represent earth and have a lovely candle to represent fire. You can add a few items to the altar that are also inconspicuous for various Sabbats. I provided you with a nice list in the earlier chapters.  

If you are scared anyone in your home will see books on Wicca, why not just get them in ebook format? Then you can read them anytime you like and they are completely hidden from plain sight.  You can even keep your book of shadows in e-format or if you prefer to use a written book of shadows, get a small journal that you can easily hide.  

Wearing and keeping crystals around is a good way to express your personality and interest in nature without showing that you are explicitly practicing the craft

Whether in soaps, candles, or food and drinks, herbs are a good way to share your magical ways through gifts and spending time together without them knowing about your craft.

Most people do not know that being a witch implies having a love for nature. Maybe suggest gardening as a chore you would like to have weekly. This is very easy way to spend time with family at the beach on vacation, experiencing a National Park, or in the backyard without them knowing that this is actually a part of your craft.

Even learning how to make your own candles.  Many people do this and have absolutely zero connection with paganism. They do it because they love to make their own candles and give them personalized scents and so on.  You can do the same but for magickal reasons.

Learn how to sew if you do not know how.  You can make wonderful plush animals, small poppets and pillows that you can add herbs and stones to for magickal reasons and no one will be the wiser.  

Same thing can go for painting and drawing.  You do not have to draw a picture of the God & Goddess. Simply while you are creating a drawing or painting, infuse it with your thoughts or a special purpose and there you have a magickal drawing or painting.  

When you are cleaning the home, if you are not able to smudge for whatever reason, no worries at all.  As you are cleaning, see negativity leaving with each brush and stroke of your rag.  As you let sunlight into the home, see the sunlight brightening up the home and filling it with positive energy and warmth to accomplish any goals you set.  When you sweep and mop, see the actions you are doing removing negativity from the area and outside of the home.  

When you are washing the clothes, see the detergent and water washing away all negative energy and during the rinse cycle, having the fresh water coming through rinsing your clothes, infusing them with positive and protective energy.  

When making your bed in the morning, see all of the previous day’s worries, problems being removed as you straighten out the sheets and make everything nice and smooth and straight.

Here are some more every day things you can do that no one will be the wiser about:
1. If you put on jewelry such as necklaces or rings, etc., give each one a specific task.  For example, hold your necklace in your hand and see it protecting you from negative people, before putting it on.  When you slip a ring on, hold it in your dominant hand and see it giving you courage to fight any possible obstacles in your way and then put it on.

2. If you have pets, when you fix their food, hold your hand over the dish and draw a pentacle with your hand and see the pentacle giving your pet healthy nourishment and keeping them well. (you can do the same for their water dish).

3. As you leave your house and are locking the doors, see the key also locking all negative spirits from your home and forbidding them entrance.

4. As you brush your teeth, bless the toothpaste so only sweet words come out throughout your day (by that I mean positive words, giving people who deserve it, compliments when they do a job correctly and so forth.)

5. As you apply your perfume or cologne (provided you do that, if not, you can do this with your deodorant), see it doing a service for you- such as helping you to talk more if you are not very talkative but would like to become so, you can see it causing you to be more decisive at your job and so on.

6. If you are into sigil magick, take a photo with your phone of a symbol you want to activate and then when you need to activate it, turn to that picture and let the screen of the phone dim to black. The process of turning the picture on and letting it dim down will activate the sigil for you.

7. When you turn on music, whether it is in your car, an iPod, a phone, whatever, see the notes from the music clearing the air around you, creating fresh, positive energy encircling your area where the music is playing.

8. With each step you take, see yourself drawing energy from mother earth, into your entire being and energizing you throughout your day.  You can even do it this way: with each step of the left foot, you are drawing energy in, with each step of the right foot, you are removing negativity from yourself into the earth to be recycled.

9. Wear clothing that matches something you are needing by using color correspondences. Every color has significance; by learning those, you can empower yourself each day just with your clothing selection.  Granted if you work in a place that requires a regular uniform look, you can use this technique with your underwear, socks and so forth.

10. If you work with the Fae, each day, take a tiny bowl and add just a touch of water to it or if you have it available, cream and set it on your table (provided you know your pets can't reach it or children).

11. Take a small time out just to give thanks for all you have in your life.  

12. Trace a sigil or rune onto your shoes or clothes-- something u can do for each family member if they are cool with it. You can do this with the tip of your finger lightly dipped in water so as it dries, the sigil is activated but it will not leave a mark on the clothing/shoes.  

13. If you work in an office and you use a mouse pad, trace a sigil on the underside of the mouse pad to help you with your work or if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, create a sigil to help keep you healthy and free of injury.  

14. If you are a driver or drive a lot for your work, trace a sigil on the tires of your car, motorcycle, bike to keep you safe from harm and to arrive safely wherever you are going; with each spin of the wheels, they are  being activated.  

15. When you cook, stir in a clockwise direction to bring positives in-- such as good mood, good luck, and stir counter-clockwise if you wish to rid yourself of something-- such as stress, upset stomach, anger.

16. Also, when you cook, add herbs to reflect what you are wanting to accomplish.  The list is far too long to list here but learn about herbs and their magickal attributes.

17. Say “good morning” “good evening” to your deities, house Fae, house wights and so on.

18. When you are taking a bath, once done and you are letting the water drain out, see all of your negative energy that you washed off during bathing being taken down the drain and you are left with refreshing positive energy. The same can be done while showering by letting the water wash over you and down the drain you are cleansing not just your body but your spirit and aura as well.

There are many ways to keep true to your faith without letting everyone in the world know about it.  Some might consider it being cowardly to hide your faith but you know what?  I don’t think it is cowardly to keep certain things to yourself for the sake of a happy and calm home.  Not to mention a calm working environment.  At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide these things but do not let your passion override good judgment and sound sense.  

Smudge It

Smudging is a very old practice. It can be traced by thousands of years from cultures all around the world. People smudge themselves to get rid of negative energy they feel is attached to them. People smudge their home or office to cleanse it of negative energy, even darker spirits if they believe in such things. People will smudge when they move into a new home, to fill it with positive energy and to help remove any negative energy that may linger from the previous occupants. When you start a new job or a new business venture you might smudge yourself in order to clear away any negative energy and to help attract positive energy. It is a good idea to smudge the home or at least the room where a recent argument or illness took place or if you're trying to increase your chances of good luck  

Let me start by saying if you have someone in your home who has lung issues, is allergic to smoke or if you have pet birds DO NOT use a smoke cleansing method.  In a little bit I will be giving you other options for cleansing your home and yourself that are safe for those with lung issues and pet birds.

Smoke cleansing has a habit of making smoke alarms go off so you may wish to turn those off if you can and then turn them back on after you are done. Then open all the windows and doors in your home if you can. The traditional method for smudging is to take a bundle of dried sage or any of the plants I will be listing later in this chapter, place them in a heat proof container. Light the bundle by holding a flame to it until it begins to smoke. If a flame appears, gently shake the bundle or blow on it until it just embers and just smoke appears. Do not worry if you have to relight the bundle a few times during the cleansing. That does not mean it is not working or that you are doing something wrong. Once you have a good smoke forming, while keeping the bundle in the fireproof container, slowly walk around each room. With your hand or with a feather, gently direct the smoke over every area, into every corner, including closets, drawers, everything. While cleansing your home or a room, say "Smoke of Air & Fire of Earth, cleanse and bless this home & hearth. Drive away all harm and fear; only goodness may enter here." Go in a clockwise direction around the room nice and slowly.  

Do this in each room of your home.

Once you are done, you can gently rub the smudge stick so the embers go out or you can let it burn itself out.  Once it is completely out and your home has no more smoke in it, it is safe to turn the smoke alarm back on.

You can perform a smoke cleansing on yourself as well, starting from your feet and working your way up with the bundle.  

You can cleanse yourself and your home as often as you like but most do so monthly or after a nasty argument or illness has occurred.  

As I promised, I am now going to give you cleansing alternatives that are safe for those with lung illnesses or if you have a pet bird.

Saltwater Cleanse: A simple and effective form of cleansing in a pinch. Mix 1 part salt to 6 parts water (1:6 because the number 6 is considered to be “The Caretaker” in Numerology). This can be mixed in a bowl, cup, or even in a spray bottle for easy use. Spray/flick the saltwater in all of the corners of the room/house that you want to cleanse. It can also help to repeat a relevant chant or prayer while moving throughout the area.

Herbal Cleansing Bottle: Get a large bottle. First, put in a sturdy sand bottom layer. Then, add in the following herbs in this order, one on top of the other; Rosemary, lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan. When the bottle is full, visualize your energy going into it. You should notice a slight yellow/golden glow when it is charged. Seal it fully and inscribe a pentagram or sigil of your choice on the bottle. Set it by a window and uncap and recharge every 6 months.

Cleansing Spray :

1 empty spray bottle preferably glass ( I try avoid using plastics)

a heat proof container for the boiled water

Enough boiled water to fill bottle

½ part Sea Salt

2 parts Rosemary

2 parts Sage

1 part Basil

3 Bay Leaves

a few drops of Lemon juice

Collect and gather the supplies, and start boiling the water. Once the water has boiled, pour it in a heat proof container or mug. Then add the herbs and stir them around while focusing on your intent. Let them steep until the water has become cool. Once the water has cooled,  strain out the herbs and add the mixture to your spray bottle. Now Enjoy,  You can use it on yourself, your altar or wherever you like.

Cleansing Spray # 2:

Speak this in each room as you spritz the air with my bottle of Purifying Spray:

This is made of Moon Water

            4 drops rosemary essential oil

        4 drops lavender essential oil

Spray this and say, “God & Goddess, I call upon thee to make my home free

Make it free of negativity, make it free of chaos

Let your sun & moonlight purify this home so that all who are inside

are at peace and are happy.

Let your energy bring peace to all family and friends who enter this dwelling.

So mote it be.“

As I promised, here is a wonderful list of herbs one can use for cleansing one’s home.  They describe how to use each in a smoke smudging but you can just as easily get many of these plants and use them in a spray mist.  I got this list from the Taos Herb Company:


The use of sage is for healing. The smoke is used to bless, cleanse and heal the person or object being smudged. Sage is used to 'wash off' the outside world when one enters ceremony or other sacred space. Objects are likewise washed off with sage medicine smoke to rid them of unwanted influences.The plants that are called sage can come from very different families of plants. True sages are in the genus of Salvia; this includes Salvia Officinalis (garden sage) and Salvia Apiana (White Sage), also called California White Sage and Sacred Sage. Many of the herbs called sage come from a completely different family of plants, the Asteraceae family. This family brings us the genus of Artemisia from which come New Mexico Sage (Artemisia tridentada), and the sage from the Dakotas (Artemisia ludoviciana), also called Grey sage, Prairie sage, Dakota sage, Lakota Sage and mistakenly sometimes called White sage. All of these sages (Salvia and Artemisia) are used for healing and cleansing. More can be learned from the book Sacred Sage, How It Heals.


Cedar is a medicine of protection. Cedar trees are very old, wise and powerful spirits. Cedar is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences. Cedar is used as a name for a number of different genuses of trees and shrubs. The primary ones are Cedrus, Thuja, Libdocedrus and Juniperus. The Junipers are not truly Cedars (scientifically) but are used as such by many people. Keep in mind that these scientific names have little meaning to the people using them as medicine in traditional ways.


Also called Seneca grass, holy grass and vanilla grass. This very special herb's sweet vanilla-like scent is the breath of the Earth mother, bringing the blessing of Mother Earth's love. Sweetgrass is burned to remind us of essence of the feminine and that the earth provides us with everything we need. Sweetgrass can also be be unbraided or trimmed with a scissors into small pieces and sprinkled on hot Charcoal Tablets. Allow the sacred smoke that follows to wash over the subject of the blessing. The sacredness of the sweetgrass herb then sustains the smudging process. Use a smudging feather if you need to douse the flame or promote more smoke.


This native of Europe is often used for invitation of the spirits. The name may be derived from the Latin lavare (to wash) or livendula (meaning bluish). In ancient times lavender was an important herb used in mummification.  Burning Lavender is best done on Charcoal Tablets.


This is tree sap from Mexico that is similar to Frankincense. When burned it has a crisp, clean, sharp scent that is almost citrus-like. Copal is sacred to the native peoples of Mexico, as it is a gift 'pleasing to the gods.' Because copal is the blood of trees, it is offered to honor the enormous gift given to us by all of the tree people of our planet. Burning Copal is best done on Charcoal Tablets.


At one time both Frankincense and Myrrh were considered to be more valuable than gold. Used to embalm the bodies of the Egyptian Pharaohs, this tree resin is considered to cleanse and protect the soul. Frankincense became important to most every major religion in the world and is still used in Muslim, Jewish and Catholic rituals. Frankincense is said to ease depression and promote clairvoyance. Burning Frankincense is best done on Charcoal Tablets.


This tree resin is said to help one maintain a state of enlightenment. It also connects one to the spirit of youth and clears the path of debris that stands in the way of one's truth. Burning Myrrh is best done on Charcoal Tablets.

Other Important Herbs

Uva Ursi Leaf - Kinnikinnik Mullein

An herb that has been used in smoking blends for the sacred pipe, also used as a tea for lung inflammation. Mullein is also called Yerba del lobo, velvet plant and miner's candlestick.

Red Willow Bark

This is another traditional ingredient for smoking in the pipe. It is not really a willow, but a dogwood. Sioux people call this bark Chanshasha.

Osha Root

This is one of the roots called Bear Root. This plant grows mainly in the Rocky mountains and is used to invite the bear spirit medicine. Osha is an important medicine for people from northern Mexico to Canada, often used for infections.

Uva Ursi

Called Kinnikinnik by many people, this is another plant used in pipe smoking mixtures. Uva ursi is commonly used as tea for bladder infections.

These are just some of the ways you can cleanse yourself and your home so that you have a great deal more happiness and good will within your home and so that everyone who enters your home will feel the changes as well.  Do these things regularly or as often as you like and you will experience quite a bit of a difference.  

Moon Phases

As you have no doubt learned by now, the moon and sun play an integral role in Wicca and witchcraft in general.  Our deities are connected to these two objects and that is no wonder. Without the moon and the sun, we would not have life on earth as it exists today.  

The moon plays a very important role.  Each phase of the moon brings with it its own energy and power.  We perform certain spells and rituals based on the various lunar phases to get the best possible results for what we are working at.  Each lunar phase also brings with it things you can do in your daily life to help enrich yourself and the lives of others so let’s take a closer look at these phases shall we?

1. New Moon:  The New moon calls for a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, optimism, hope and faith. It is when you would want to organize, and prepare your spells.  This is the moon cycle where you have better success with new business and job ventures as well as helping to heal yourself and those you love.  This is also a great time to set new goals and intentions that you wish to achieve in the coming month.

2. Waxing Crescent: This moon phase is wonderful for manifesting, building, accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning, positive transformation. As the Moon begins to illuminate, so does your spell. During this time is when you put in the hard work for your goals you had set during the new moon.

3. First Quarter: The time of light, and dark. Balance. Decision making, and inviting new positive energy.  I feel this is a good time to take a little inventory of the goals you want to achieve; see how far along you have come to reaching them, what changes you may wish to make in how you are achieving those goals so that you get the best outcome possible.

4. Waxing Gibbous. It is about perfection. Getting things done, making room for positivity and attraction.  

5. Full Moon: This is when the moon is most powerful, It is fully illuminated. It is a time of completion,  Abundance, harvest, and wish-fulfillment. This is what we call an Esbat and it is when we perform our Esbat ritual. We draw down the moon’s powerful energy to bring the Goddess closer to ourselves.  On this night and actually the night before and night after as well, it is a good time to put your Wiccan tools out to absorb the moon’s wonderful energy.  That includes things such as your wand, athame, crystals.  This is a great time to create moon water.  What that is, is distilled pure water that you place in a jar, bowl or glass -- preferably you want the container to be made of glass since plastics leach chemicals into the water-- and you set this either outside or on a windowsill inside your home.  If you put it outside, I highly recommend making sure the container has a lid or at least some saran wrap over the top so insects and things can’t fall into your water.

You put your tools, crystals and water either outside or on your windowsill as the sun sets and you take them back inside or off the windowsill before sun up the next day.  Then your objects have the moon’s wonderful energy. The water can be stored in your fridge if you plan on using it to drink from or cook with; otherwise, make sure to put it somewhere where the sun shan’t hit it.   Important: Do not worry if it happens to be cloudy that night.  The moon’s energy penetrates the cloud bank just as the sun’s rays penetrate clouds during the day time.

You can use moon water for many things:

Add a drop to lunar spell jars based on intent

Add to a bath for cleansing and relaxation

Rinse and cleanse your hair with it in the shower

Purify and use in consumable potions for enhanced psychic abilities, relaxation, protection, or dreamwork

Make a cleansing spray and use in your home

Sprinkle a few drops around the perimeter of your home or bedroom

Use to anoint and cleanse objects such as magickal tools or crystals

Use to anoint yourself before spellwork or divination, or simply to promote peace and relaxation

Use to charge objects with lunar energy

Water your plants with it

Add it to your water cup when painting to promote imaginative thinking

Add a few drops to the washer before washing bedsheets to promote dreaming

Use as a representation of either water, the moon, or both on your altar

Combine with corresponding crystals or herbs for an added boost of energy(don’t place the crystals in the water but near the container)

Fill a hollow pendant with it and wear it to represent the moon, a particular lunar phase, or one of its associated correspondences (protection, relaxation, enhanced psychic abilities, etc.)

Anoint a charm with moon water and carry it with you for protection, safe travels, or improved memory

Tips & a few words of caution:

Always purify and filter your moon water before consuming.

If you wish to add crystals to give the water a specific energy, keep the crystal(s) on the outside near the container and do not place inside the water.  Many crystals will break down and disintegrate in water and also you do not want to have certain crystals and stones leaching into the water-- especially if you plan on drinking or using the water in cooking.

Do not water your plants with cold moon water; make sure it is lukewarm or at room temperature first.

6. Waning Gibbous: is about reassessment, Letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, undoing bindings, opening up, making amends, and making space.

7. Last Quarter: Banishment. As light leaves the moon it is also banishing, and letting go of bad habits, and negativity.  Great time for giving up bad habits and addictions.

8. Waning Crescent: Also called the “Justice” moon. It is about achievement,  rest, peace, deep wisdom, and completion.

Some like to create a special moon candle and I am going to show you how to do that right now:
It is best to use an unscented candle for this project. A pillar is ideal, but you can certainly use a votive or taper. Use the same candle all year long, or for one 28-day lunar cycle, whichever you prefer.

You’ll need:

Rubbing alcohol

One white pillar candle

Acrylic paints in your choice of colors

Candle painting medium


Ribbons in colors you associate with the moon (silver, black, white, or blue)

Use the rubbing alcohol to clean any excess oil or grime from the candle before you being. You can just pour a little bit on a soft cloth and wipe it down. Blend your acrylic paint in equal parts with candle painting medium – this is basically a product that helps your paint adhere to the candle. You can find it at any craft store.

Paint lunar or celestial patterns on your candle, and allow the paint to dry. Add ribbons in silver, black and white – be sure to move them out of the way before you burn the candle in ritual!

If you don’t like the idea of painting a candle or can’t find candle painting medium, buy a plain glass hurricane, and paint the glass instead. That way, you can use any candle you like inside it, and you do not  have to continuously repaint new candles.

You may also come across lunar terminology that can be confusing when you are first starting out. Since you’re reading this book and I have no idea how knowledgeable you are in these terms, I am going to share a few with you.

WAXING: These are the phases when the Moon appears to be growing. This period is divided into the First Quarter and Second Quarter.

New Moon: This is when the moon is just a sliver in the sky. From here, the Moon takes about 14 days to reach Full. It is considered part of the First Quarter.

Full Moon: This one is self-explanatory! The Moon remains looking Full for about 2 to 3 days. It is considered part of the Second Quarter by some.

WANING: The phases when the Moon appears to be disappearing. This period is divided into the Third and Fourth Quarters, and includes the Dark Moon. The Moon takes another 14 or so days to complete its cycle.

Dark Moon: The period of time when the Moon is completely invisible in the sky. It is considered part of the Fourth Quarter.

I like to use this little phrase to help me remember the cycle : “Wax on, Wane off”.  The “wax on” is the phase where the moon is going from dark to full and “wane off” is going from full to dark.

Shadow Selves

Firstly, let’s admit what we are. We are a class of animals. Scientifically we are Homo sapien sapiens and we belong in the family tree of apes. So as much as we would like to think that we are above the other species, we are most certainly not. This means, just as with every other species on the planet, we have a light and dark side. I am here to tell you that it is okay to acknowledge our darker side. It does not make us evil and it does not mean we are all killers at heart. Think about those cute bunnies you see in the spring and summer. They look cute and cuddly but they do fight viciously and will even kill each other. Think of squirrels. Those cute nut collectors we all know and love. They are not always cute and adorable- they have a vicious side in that they will sometimes eat the young of other squirrels. This does not make them evil it is just how nature works.

Acknowledging a shadow self does not mean one gives into it or that it excuses our actions. Realizing and accepting we have a darker side to ourselves is a way to forgive ourselves. We acknowledge we are not perfect and we are not always sunshine and rainbows. We also have our darker moments. Moments when we want to tell someone to jump off a cliff. Times when we want to take "me" time but instead we are asked to do such and such for someone else. You might even say, “I wish that person would be blown somewhere else” when we are angry. You know you have had moments where you would like to strangle someone.

If we hide our shadow side, the darkness within each human being, we are really fooling ourselves and we cannot control it. If we accept that we have selfish desires, that we can hate at times, that we are not perfect, then when those emotions come to the surface, we can deal with them. We will not be in denial any longer. We will not be lying to ourselves in order to make a perfect impression on others.  

We are on our own spiritual path, whether that be Wicca, Druidism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, whatever path you are on, it is yours and yours alone. When we get on these types of paths, we might begin to think that everything is sunshine and rainbows. We feel the need to always be in a good mood, positive thoughts and love for the entire world non stop 24/7/365. Then we hit a snag- our car breaks down, we lose a job, a relationship we are in breaks up and we start feeling horrible. We become negative, we get angry and might even throw something or yell at the top of our lungs. But wait - we are on a spiritual path so these emotions are not allowed, right?

Thinking that way creates inner turmoil and we start to beat ourselves up over feeling these emotions because thinking we can’t be angry, have negative thoughts is an unrealistic expectation of ourselves. We beat ourselves up for a particular way we are acting and we may feel we are not worthy to be on this path. We may feel we are not worthy to develop our innate gifts that each human being is born with. Due to society, modern culture, media influences, etc., we begin to lose touch with as we grow up. Sometimes, we might fall off our path and linger in depression, sadness and self-hurting in some instances.


The reality is, it does not matter if you have been on your path a day, a week or ten years- bad things are going to happen. Negative emotions will be felt and expressed and that is completely okay! Just because we have been opened up to a "new" world full of wonderful experiences, people, and magick, does not mean we need to be or can be positive, happy and chirpy all the time. It is just not going to work.

In the biological world, we are just another animal species. Yes, yes, we have clothing. We have technology. We drive cars. We can even send things into orbit, but at the end of the day, we are nothing more than a hair-less (as compared to other primates) apes. We have an evolutionary history that goes back millions of years and if you go back far enough (to say the dinosaur times) our ancestors were no larger than a mouse. Anyone who studies nature and wild animals, which I have done for many years, will tell you that there is no such thing as an animal that is "good" all the time. Other species fight at times. They get greedy occasionally, they look out for number 1 and our species- Homo sapien sapiens, is no different. Granted, our species is pretty much THE only species on the planet that kills for the joy of killing- whether that is a serial killer, a murderer or a trophy-hunter.

There is no getting around the fact that every human being, from birth, has a little bit of darkness in them- a shadow side. As they grow up, they are taught, for the most part anyways, to curb, keep it hidden and under control. Now, I am not saying in any way that it is ok to unleash that side and go on a killing spree. Nor am I saying it is okay to go out and rape because your hormones are out of whack or you are lusting for someone. What I am saying is that we all have a shadow self- a side of ourselves that wants to lash out at someone. That side wants to lock the doors when a friend or family member is being needy, when you have a ton of things to do but you are exhausted and you want to do nothing more than sit on your butt for a while.  

We have all had experiences where we were in a situation, whether with a family member, friend, stranger or co-worker where we think "Damn, I wish this person would just explode already and be out of my hair for good!". We might even see ourselves reaching out and throttling that person- but we do not do it . But the fact is, those kinds of desires, feelings and ideas are perfectly normal to have and they are a part of our shadow-side. The side that we do not want anyone to see, because we fear their reaction: We might get fired. We might get punched in the mouth. We might end up in prison.

It is very important to understand our darker side, our shadow so that we can control it better in such situations.  So we are not surprised by the feelings and desires.  Many, do not  wish to acknowledge that part of themselves because, let's face it, mainstream religion tells us we have to be ashamed of anything other than love, goodness and all that and if we acknowledge a shadow side, we shall be condemned to an afterlife of eternal fires, brimstone and the whole shebang.  However, whether you acknowledge it or not, the shadow side is still there and it still a part of us. It would be the same as only acknowledging one leg or one side of your face.  Without the shadow side, we simply are not whole.  

Accepting our shadow side means realizing we are not perfect, we will make mistakes. We will yell at our spouse or child when we are angry, we will feel depression sometimes, we will do stupid stuff occasionally.  The key to learning about our shadow side, is that once we know it, we will no longer  be surprised by it when it comes out and we can better reign it in.  By that I mean, occasionally you are going to yell at someone for something but that does not  mean it is ok to keep yelling for an hour and start to throw things. It means you accept that occasionally you shall lose your cool and you want to remove yourself from that situation if you can so you can cool off but if you can’t and you do explode a bit,  by realizing that is part of your shadow side, you can learn to control it better so that you won't let a little bit of yelling lead to an arrest or to a physical fight. So in other words, it’s not okay to use your shadow side as an excuse to lose your temper or what not but if it happens, you can forgive yourself. Then you look back on the situation to see what happened. Why you lost your temper, began yelling, even throwing a few things possibly.  Once you figure that out, you can tell yourself, “Next time I am going to take a few deep breaths, let myself cool off a bit before I respond to the other person or situation.”

Occasionally you will get depressed and you will not want to be around others and that is perfectly alright. Everyone is entitled to some "me" time- no matter how great a parent, boss, coworker or friend you happen to be. By realizing this, you can take that time for yourself without beating yourself up over it. It is healthy that you realize it is for your own good. As the saying goes, "you can't take care of anyone until you take care of yourself." By realizing you are going to get depressed sometimes, or just feel drained,- and that experiencing these things does not make you weak or less of a person- you will take the time to recharge yourself. Instead of beating yourself up over the fact that you are not helping Johnny with his science project or your co-worker with a report they need to get done, you will be able to acknowledge that you will be glad to help them once you get a bit of rest to recharge my own batteries.  

In conclusion, by acknowledging that we are another animal species, that we have the same desires, urges and issues all of our mammal brethren have and learning to accept those and how to control them, we become whole.  Realizing that we need not be perfect and good 24 hours a day and that we will not burn in some imaginary "hell" is how we learn to truly accept and love ourselves for who we are.  Acknowledging our shadow self does not mean we let loose all manners of evil impulses; it just means we learn to love ourselves- all of ourselves and not just the side that society dictates as "normal".  It means we learn to tame our darker side. It means we do not let ourselves live an entire life of self-pity, anger and misery.          

Essential Oils

I discovered essential oils early on in my path.  I had heard about them but I had not taken the time to learn about them properly and boy am I glad I finally did!  Essential oils can help in so many different aspects of life-- emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.  

I suffer from post concussion syndrome so the type of headaches, nausea and things I get, I really cannot put into words. Let’s just say they make migraines look like a day at the beach. I began looking for safe, alternative methods of healing such issues because I simply refuse to turn to strong medications that can actually make the pain and symptoms worse. I purchased an essential oil diffuser along with a small sample of oils that are known to help with such headaches and it made a world of difference. When I received my supplies, I added lavender essential oil to my diffuser and it helped quite a bit with the pain and nausea. I won’t turn this into an infomercial and say it cures it every time but it does help more often than not. Even if it does not remove the pain completely, at least it brings the threshold down to a level I can work with. I have also used peppermint which is another great oil for monstrous headaches as well as chamomile.

I have used essential oils to rub on my candles during spells and rituals including a healing spell I cast when I first began this path. Normally I seriously advise new people to stay away from spells until you get a solid foundation of knowledge but I had been learning off/on for roughly 15 years before I finally committed myself to Wicca- so I was not a true newbie. And this was a very big emergency because my mom had developed a bad case of pneumonia. It was so bad she was put under in order for the medications to work for her and to give her body a chance to rest. I used myrrh oil on the candle and completed the spell. The following morning I went to visit her and I expected her to be unconscious still but she was sitting up in bed, having a little bit to eat.  

When she was released from hospital, I got her an essential oil diffuser as well and she absolutely loves it.  I will give you a few oil recipes at the end of this chapter that you can use but let me tell you, the oils I use really help to keep her lungs clear and to help with prevention of infections.  I also use certain crystals and stones in conjunction with the oils to help keep her nice and healthy.  Of course she sees her doctor regularly and has bloodwork done and all that fun stuff.  But the oils and crystals provide a wonderful addition to keeping her healthy.

I have used oils to create a wonderful liquid hand softener that works wonders in winter when your hands get cracked and sore, no matter how much lotion you apply to your skin. I have also created a blend that works very well in helping to heal bruises of all types.  

Let me give you a small list of some wonderful beginner essential oils that I feel every home should have.           

NEVER take essential oils internally or apply directly to the skin.  Even those marked as food safe I would not use for cooking or to take internally just for safety sake.  Essential oils are extremely concentrated oils; it takes thousands upon thousands of flowers to create one ounce of essential oil so to apply it to skin or take internally can cause a lot of bad reactions from burns to death.  To apply topically to skin, always mix an essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive, sweet almond oil, jojoba to name a few.  Also, if you know you are allergic to a certain flower or someone you love is, do NOT use that flower’s essential oil.  Before using any oil or herb at all if you are pregnant or for your children, check with your doctor first.  Also, do NOT replace proper medical care with essential oils. If you are really ill or scared you might be, always talk to a doctor immediately.  Research any oil or herb you wish to use to make sure there will be no interactions between them and a medication you might be on-- whether over-the-counter or prescribed as well as making sure you are not allergic to that oil or herb. The information I am providing is in no way to be taken as a replacement for a qualified medical professional. Yes, I’ve been learning about medicine, herbs for over 20 years; however, I am NOT a licensed medical professional.  

Roman chamomile ( Chamaemelum nobile ): antispasmodic, menstrual cramps, sedative, relieves anxiety/stress, insomnia, great for children (comforting, soothing), anti-inflammatory which means it does wonders if you are coughing and it can also help with fighting infections so if you have a case of bronchitis, pneumonia, bladder infection and so forth, use this.  To take internally please do NOT use an essential oil; use the dried herb form for creating a wonderful tea.


Clary sage ( Salvia sclarea ): antispasmodic, relieves menstrual cramps, aphrodisiac, relaxing, relieves anxiety/stress, labor pain management; also another great oil to use when you are having coughing issues.

Eucalyptus globulus:  expectorant, decongestant, beneficial for flu/cold season, clearing to the mind, energizing, bronchitis (avoid with children under 2, use Eucalyptus radiata  instead)

Eucalyptus radiata:  expectorant, this eucalyptus species is indicated for children with respiratory congestion, useful for colds and flu, antiviral

Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce ): digestive, menstrual irregularities, antimicrobial (If you are a man, use fennel sparingly as it can affect the hormones)

Frankincense ( Boswellia frereana ): strengthens the immune system (CO2 extract), soothes inflamed skin conditions, cell regenerative; wonderful to use when you or someone in your home has a weak immune system

Geranium ( Pelargonium x asperum syn. graveolens ): PMS, indicated for hormonal imbalance, antimicrobial, nerve pain

Ginger ( Zingiber officinale ): digestive, useful to eliminate gas, constipation, relieves nausea, warming emotionally and physically, anti-inflammatory, relieves pain, immune modulator

Helichrysum ( Helichrysum italicum ): cell regenerative, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, indicated for bruises and swelling

Lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ): calming, reduces anxiety, wound healing, burns, cell regenerative, insect bites. reduces itchiness, general skin care, great for children, antispasmodic; wonderful for those who have sleep problems

Lemon ( Citrus limon ): antiviral, great for cleaning home, cleansing to environments (room spray), uplifting, detoxing ( Do not use if someone has a lung condition such as COPD in the home as this can cause irritation to the lungs)

Lemongrass ( Cymbopogon citratus ): cleansing, antiviral, insect repellant, use for cleaning, antimicrobial

Mandarin ( Citrus reticulata ): calming, great for children (can combine with lavender), slightly more warming citrus aroma ( Do not use if someone has a lung condition such as COPD in the home as this can cause irritation to the lungs)

Neroli ( Citrus aurantium var. amara ): relieves and reduces anxiety, antispasmodic, PMS, antidepressant, nourishing, postpartum depression, pregnancy/delivery

Patchouli ( Pogostemon cablin ): antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, soothes the nervous system (be careful with this one as it has a very strong scent to it )

Peppermint ( Mentha x piperita ): relieves nausea, analgesic for muscular aches and pains, relieves/reduces migraines, energizing, antispasmodic, do not use on children under 30 months of age

Rose ( Rosa damascena ): the queen of essential oils, cell regenerative, nourishing the emotions, aphrodisiac, relieves/reduces stress/anxiety, PMS

Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ): indicated for respiratory congestion, bronchitis, colds/flu, expectorant, expands and deepens the breath, energizing, clears the mind, sinus congestion, circulatory stimulant

Tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia ): antimicrobial, supports/enhances immune system, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, great for acne, cold sores as well

Vetiver ( Vetiveria zizanioides ): cooling, grounding, astringent, useful for varicose veins, calming

Ylang ylang ( Cananga odorata ): aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, antidepressant, nourishing

There are many many other essential oils out there but these are some excellent ones to begin with.  I can’t recommend a brand in this book since that would be unfair to all the other essential oil brands out there but my recommendation is to check Amazon and search for essential oils. I am not saying to buy them there but if you go to their site you shall find a lot of reviews on different brands of essential oils so you know which ones are worth the money.  I tend to buy sample packages of oils for the most part.  Occasionally I will buy a larger bottle for ones that I know I will use daily such as lavender and eucalyptus. A few drops go a long way.  

Essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil to a maximum of 5%. So since 1 ml is 20 drops, for every 1 ml of carrier oil, you would add 1 drop of essential oil. Be sure to do a patch test to make sure your skin does not have an adverse reaction to the oils. The inner forearm is a great place to do a test since the skin is delicate, similar to facial skin.

Another dilution chart is this :

drops of Essential oil for 1 tsp carrier oil :  1% dilution you would add 1 drop, 2% dilution you would add 2 drops, 3% you would 3 drops and so on.  Double the number if you are using 2 teaspoons of carrier oil and triple the number if using 3 teaspoons, etc.

If you are going to be adding your oils to a diffuser, that is completely different. Fill the container as per the product’s instructions and then add about 6-7 drops of oil to it.  If you are going to blend oils, add 6-7 drops of the main oil you wish to use, then 3-4 drops of the next oil and if you wish to add a third oil to the blend, add about 1-2 drops to it.  This will provide a wonderful fragrance if you blend the right oils together.  

Be sure to store your essential oils in a dark place that is not too humid either. If you are going to make your own blends and have them in a different bottle than what each oil originally came with, make sure the new bottle is dark so that no light can enter.  Light is a killer of essential oils and they will expire much faster or go rancid.  

I am going to give you a few small recipes you can use.  Again, these should not take the place of proper medical care but I think you will enjoy them quite a bit.

Arthritis help-

You will need…

5-10 drops of Peppermint oil

-5-10 drops of Eucalyptus oil

1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil (olive, almond, grape seed, etc.)

A small dark glass bottle


Blend 5-10 drops of eucalyptus and peppermint oil together, and then mix into 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Carrier oil is needed to dilute the essential oil so that it does not irritate the skin, and can be olive oil, grapeseed oil, or something of the like (not oil.) Store the oil blend in dark glass bottle away from direct sunlight, and rub into your joints when they ache.

I call this next one "Lung Cleanse" which involves :

5 drops eucalyptus oil

4 drops frankincense

3 drops lavender

2 drops rosemary

in an essential oil diffuser.

Does wonders for breathing troubles; especially for those with lung conditions like asthma, COPD and the like.

To help heal bruises, I mix 2 tsp jojoba oil with

10 drops chamomile oil

5 drops lavender oil

Close the bottle, shake well and apply with a cotton ball 2-3 times per day until healed.  Does wonders to speed up the healing process.

For cracked skin, like during winter time, I mix 1 tsp jojoba oil with 20 drops lavender oil, shake and apply to the hands before bed time each night.  

For Swollen Feet


20 drops peppermint oil

10 drops eucalyptus oil

20 drops lemon oil

Mix them together and rub and massage over the feet.


Diffuser Blends for Autumn

Pumpkin Pie :

5 drops cinnamon

1 drop clove

1 drop nutmeg

Orange Spice:

5 drops orange

1 drop cinnamon

1 drop clove

1 drop nutmeg

Autumn Zest:

4 drops cardamom

2 drops orange

1 drop cinnamon

1 drop clove

Spiced Cider:

4 drops orange

3 drops ginger

3 drops cinnamon


Full Moon Oil

8 drops jasmine

8 drops sandalwood

Prepare this blend by pouring the oils in a 10-oz bottle and then adding organic vegetable oil to fill. Anoint the third eye, sacrum and solar plexus. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply, may use in the bath as well.

Full Moon Oil II

13 drops of sandalwood essential oil

9 drops of vanilla essential oil or extract

3 drops of jasmine essential oil

1 drop of rose essential oil

Mix prior to a full moon. Charge in a clear container or vial in the light of the full moon.

Use to anoint candles or yourself for full moon rituals or just when you feel like you need the moon’s energy.

Full Moon Oil III

3 parts sandalwood

2 parts lemon

1 part rose

Sleep Blends:

3 drops lavender

3 drops cedarwood


3 drops bergamot

3 drops lavender


3 drops lavender

3 drops wild orange

Herbs- Nature’s Magick

Herbs have been used by witches and other healers for thousands of years. Even before they knew what each plant was called, they began to use them to heal the body as well as to take the mind to different places. I have been researching herbs for many years. A few herbs I have recommended to my mom for her health as well as my siblings and friends. I actually have my mom to thank for this a bit. When I was a child, she would use chamomile tea to treat a lot of different types of infections, from pink eye to colds and even to help with urinary issues.  

Once I began studying herbs myself, I was able to get my mom off a few of her medications safely and onto a much safer herbal remedy (and yes, her doctor is completely aware of it). I have a list on my computer that lists all of my mom’s medications, over the counter medications and herbal remedies as well as the dosages of each along with a list of allergies. I have created a similar list for one of my brothers. Anytime you use herbal remedies you have to let your doctor know about it because herbal remedies are natural but natural is not always safe. There are many interactions that can occur with various medications and herbs as well as between herbs themselves. Not to mention, that if you have a health condition already, you have to be careful because certain herbs can influence those conditions and worsen them or even make them deadly.

I love this list of things to consider before going the herbal route.  


By Linda B. White M.D.

Humans, like most mammals, have turned to plants for food and medicine since our earliest times. No doubt some of our ancestors suffered the consequences of unfortunate choices along the way. If you read the book or watched the movie Into the Wild, you realize we sometimes still err, confusing a poisonous plant for edible greenery. People still mistake the death cap mushroom for something more savory. And a couple of years ago, I even found some teenage boys sitting along an irrigation ditch, fashioning poison hemlock stems into cigarette holders.

Nevertheless, most of the medicinal herbs sold in the United States are safe when taken in recommended dosages. More than 38 million Americans use herbs each year, yet the majority of calls to Poison Control Centers about plant ingestions have to do with people (usually children) and pets eating potentially poisonous house and garden plants—not medicinal herbs.

To ensure your experiences with medicinal herbs remain positive—without inadvertent mishaps—follow these nine basic guidelines.

1. Start with Food Herbs

You can bet on safety when you use herbs as foods—think garlic, ginger, nettles, dandelion greens, shiitake mushrooms, nettles, burdock root (also called gobo) and rosehips. Culinary herbs—thyme, oregano, turmeric, cayenne—are also low-risk. Externally applied herbs (compresses, poultices, salves) provide another good testing ground.

The next step is to begin experimenting with infusions (commonly known as “teas”).  Many of the food herbs mentioned above can be dried, chopped, and steeped as tea. Extracts of herbs in alcohol (tinctures) or glycerin (glycerites) generally are more potent. Solid extracts, in which all the solvent has been removed, and carbon dioxide-extract herbs are stronger still. Standardized extracts are designed to have a consistent level of suspected active ingredients from batch to batch. This process allows for more precise dosing and easier use in research, but also makes the product closer to a drug.

2. Allergy-Prone? Proceed with Caution

Simon Mills, an internationally known herbal authority and coauthor of The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety (Elsevier, 2005), says, “Allergic reactions are the most common type of herbal side effect although still infrequent.” Sensitive people who handle plants or apply them to their skin could develop contact dermatitis (an itchy skin rash), and inhaling the herbs could aggravate hay fever or asthma. Allergic responses to ingested herbs include skin rash, stomach upset and, at the extreme, life-threatening anaphylaxis.

If you are allergic to ragweed, you might react to other members of the aster family, such as chamomile, Echinacea and feverfew. More rarely, people can have allergic reactions to cayenne, kava (a member of the pepper family), garlic and mints.

“If you are prone to allergic reactions, be careful with your herbal attempts,” Mills says. Try one new herb at a time. Start with half the recommended dose, then gradually increase to the full recommended amount. If you develop a rash, upset stomach, itchy eyes or sneezing, stop taking the herb. If your lips or throat begin to swell, seek emergency care.  

3. Investigate Herb-Drug Interactions

If you are taking both herbs and pharmaceutical drugs, you’ll want to avoid two possible scenarios: 1) interfering with the drug’s effects, and 2) amplifying the drug’s effects.

An herb could interfere with a drug’s effects if it acts in the opposite way—for instance, drinking three cups of stimulating black tea or coffee after taking a sedative Valium. An herb also might lower blood levels of a medication, thus thwarting its intended action. St. John’s wort is famous for doing just that. By speeding liver enzyme systems that break down drugs, it reduces blood levels of a long list of medications, including some antihistamines, chemotherapeutic and anti-HIV drugs, warfarin and oral contraceptives.

Furthermore, St. John’s wort, which has a good track record as an antidepressant, shouldn’t be combined with pharmaceutical antidepressants because it can raise blood levels of the chemical serotonin to dangerously high levels.    

Combining herbs with drugs that have similar actions can increase the drug’s desired effects or its unpleasant side effects, and the net effect could be good or bad. For instance, some Chinese studies have found astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) augments some anticancer drugs and decreases the drugs’ side effects. (Note: Researchers used injectable forms of the herb.)  

In other cases, too much of a good thing can be bad. Taking anticoagulant (“blood-thinner”) drugs (aspirin, warfarin, heparin) with therapeutic doses of anticoagulant herbs (garlic, ginkgo, ginseng and others), for example, can result in bleeding. It’s also wise to discontinue the use of such herbs seven to 10 days before surgery.

As a general rule, avoid mixing herbs and drugs with the same actions so you do not become overly stimulated, sedated, anticoagulated, etc. (For specific combinations to avoid, see read “Avoid These Herb-Drug Combos.”)

4. Know When to See Your Healthcare Provider

Sick infants should be seen immediately by a practitioner with pediatric training.  Also seek the help of your health-care provider if you know, or suspect, you or another adult has a serious condition. Self-medication with herbs runs the risk of delaying or interfering with medical treatment, potentially with disastrous consequences. Even if you have a mundane illness, make a doctor’s appointment if three days of home care haven’t alleviated your symptoms. Please work in partnership with your physician.  

Also, be sure to tell your physician about any herbs you are taking prior to scheduling surgery. Some herbs, especially those with anticoagulant action, should be discontinued seven to 10 days before surgery, or as your doctor advises.

5. Use Extra Caution When Giving Herbs to Children

Babies younger than 6 months (or around the time a child begins eating solid food) should not take herbs internally. Small amounts of gentle herbs can be applied to an infant’s skin via salves, oils, baths and compresses (a cloth dipped in herb tea).

For older children, dosages usually are calculated by weight. Take the child’s weight in pounds, divide it by 150 (an average adult weight) and multiply that number by the adult dose. For instance, if an adult dose is 100 mg and the child weighs 50 pounds, the child’s dose would be 30 mg (50/150 x 100 = 0.3 x 100 = 30 mg).

Children aren’t simply small adults, however. Some herbs generally regarded as safe for adults should not be given to kids. To find out more, ask an herbal expert or get a good book, such as Naturally Healthy Babies & Children by Aviva Romm (Storey Publishing, 2000).

6. Use Gentle Herbs when Pregnant or Nursing

Many plant constituents pass from the intestinal tract into the blood, across the placenta to the fetus’ blood and, later, into breast milk.

If you’re pregnant, you generally should avoid putting anything medicinal into your body. Avoid consuming herbs with laxative effects (senna, cascara sagrada, aloe); hormonal properties (licorice, black cohosh, dong quai, chaste tree, sage, red clover); or stimulant effects (guarana, kola, yerba mate, tea, coffee).

Food herbs usually are safe bets, particularly when used in quantities suitable for flavoring. While no obstetrician will tell you to cease cooking with garlic and oregano, some culinary herbs, such as sage and parsley, might not be recommended in higher therapeutic doses, notes Mills. Most experts agree pregnant women can take these herbs safely: ginger (no more than 1 gram a day to reduce nausea), raspberry leaf, Echinacea, chamomile, bilberry (fruit, not leaf), cranberry, hawthorn, hibiscus flowers, rose hips, mullein, spearmint and nettles.

7. Be Wary of Imported Herbs

Some herbal products from Asia, India and the Middle East reportedly have been adulterated with undesirable plants and/or contaminated with heavy metals, sulfites, pesticides and other toxins. In Chinese herbal formulas, herbs can be blended with pharmaceutical drugs not mentioned on the label. Also, Aristolochia fangchi, which has been substituted for other herbs, has been linked to severe kidney damage. Rather than give up on Asian herbs, “I personally would stick to whole herbs I can see, then make my own formulations,” says Mills.

8. Use Essential Oils Wisely

Essential oils are extremely concentrated. Herbalist and aromatherapist Mindy Green gives the following rules for using them safely:

• Don’t apply essential oils to any mucous membrane: mouth, ears, nose, eyes, vagina or rectum.

• Don’t take essential oils by mouth, and keep the bottles out of the reach of small children.

• Don’t apply undiluted essential oils to skin. The standard dilution is 10 to 12 drops of essential oil per one ounce of carrier oil (such as almond or jojoba). Use half that amount or less for people who are debilitated; those with sensitive skin; and for children 5 to 12 years old. Don’t use essential oils for children younger than 5.

• Be cautious when inhaling or applying essential oils to the chest if you are prone to asthma.

9. Educate Yourself.

Anyone interested in herbal medicine should have a good reference book on herb safety.

Try: The Essential Guide to Herb Safety by Simon Mills and Kerry Bone (Elsevier, 2005); Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions by Francis Brinker, N.D. (Eclectic, 2001); Botanical Safety Handbook by Michael McGuffin, et al (CRC, 1997); and The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs by Mark Blumenthal, et al (Thieme, 2003).

Avoid these Herb-Drug Combos

As a precaution avoid combining the following herbs and drugs:

Herbs: Kava, California poppy, valerian, skullcap

Drugs: Tranquilizing drugs or alcohol

Herbs: Guarana, yerba mate, coffee, green or black tea

Drugs: Stimulating drugs, such as oral decongestants; asthma drugs, such as albuterol; or pure caffeine


Herbs: Therapeutic doses of American ginseng, Asian ginseng, bitter melon, cinnamon, prickly pear cactus or nopal, ivy gourd and gymnema

Drugs: Drugs that lower blood sugar

Herbs: Ginger, ginseng, garlic and ginkgo

Drugs: Anti-coagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, such as Warfarin

Herbs: St. John’s wort

Drugs: Antidepressants; amitriptyline, cyclosporine, digoxin, fexofenadine, indinavir, methadone, midazolam, nevirapine, phenprocoumon, simvastatin, tacrolimus, theophylline, warfarin, irinotecan; birth control pills

Know these Poisonous Plant Look-Alikes

If you plan to make your own herbal preparations from plants you’ve grown or gathered, be sure the plant is what you think it is. Consult a good basic book on plant identification, such as Peterson Field Guides: Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants and Herbs by Steven Foster and James A. Duke (Houghton Mifflin, 2000) and Western Medicinal Plants and Herbs by Steven Foster and Christopher Hobbs (Houghton Mifflin, 2002).

If you still aren’t sure of the plant’s identity, consult a local botanic garden, horticulture club or university extension program.

• Wild Garlic/Onion (Allium canadense): Edible bulbs and leaves have characteristic onion odor. Used medicinally.

• Death Camas (Zigadenus spp.): Bulb and leaves resemble wild onion; all parts are highly poisonous

• Wild Carrot (Daucus carota): Young root is edible; older roots become woody and tough. Used medicinally.

• Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum): Leaves resemble wild carrot, but root is highly toxic. Stems have purple markings.

• Comfrey (Symphytum officinale): Leaves sometimes used topically; do not take internally—can cause liver damage.

• Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea): Leaf rosettes that emerge in spring often confused for comfrey with fatal results.

Herbs and Liver Damage

Herb expert James Duke, Ph.D., points out that many more herbs protect the liver than harm it. In fact, one of America’s favorite over-the-counter drugs, acetaminophen (Tylenol and other brands), is riskier than most herbs. Although safe within recommended dosages, acetaminophen overdoses (some of which occur among people simply trying to relieve their pain) are the main cause of acute liver failure, and contribute to 500 American deaths a year.

That said, the following herbs should be avoided, particularly in people with known liver disease, heavy drinkers (or users of recreational drugs), and those taking liver-taxing drugs, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (such as ibuprofen), corticosteroids, statins, tetracyclines and others).

Herbs that contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids: comfrey, coltsfoot, senecio, borage leaf and germander. Comfrey has gotten the most media attention for its connection to liver injury. In 2001, the Food and Drug Administration advised manufacturers to remove from the market comfrey products intended for internal use. Because this herb is a good wound healer, it’s often an ingredient in first-aid salves. Another PA-containing herb, butterbur, is available as a PA-free extract (Petadolex) for the prevention of migraine headaches and hay fever.

Kava (Piper methysticum). For many years, people of the South Pacific have consumed kava beverages with the single side effect of a scaly, yellowish skin condition with excessive use. Research showing concentrated kava extracts reduced anxiety spurred its widespread popularity. Although human studies didn’t register liver toxicity, cases of liver injury (some severe) cropped up several years ago. Most involved ingestion of kava extracts made with acetone or alcohol, and often along with alcohol or drugs that can be hard on the liver.

Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of the American Botanical Council, says, “no convincing proof of an inherent toxicity of kava exists,” despite ongoing research. And, while he believes kava to be relatively safe, “the jury is still out as to whether kava might cause liver injury, particularly in susceptible individuals.”

 Here is a list of the very basic beginner herbs, and their magical and medicinal properties. These can be found at the dollar store or the supermarket in the spice section. I prefer to use my herbs in tea and capsule form but I will also use them in creating tinctures, sprays and lotions.

    All of these herbs are safe to consume and are regularly used in cooking. But, if you still have some hesitations, do your research and make sure they are safe for you to ingest. Every person is different.


    Magick: love, astral travel, protection, money matters, good luck

    Medical: digestion, stomach pains

    Bay Leaf-

    Magick: protection, psychic, wishes, good luck, money matters, healing,

    Medical: bruises, sprains, chest cold


    Magick: love, beauty, happiness, attracts good spirits, psychic awareness

    Medical: fever, cramps, sleep, calming


    Magick: peace, anti-nightmare, sleep, healing work, to remove spells/magick used against you, attracting money & prosperity, attracting love

    Medical: depression, headaches, insomnia, stomach ailments and digestive complaints


    Magick: success, change, fire magick, good luck, speed up magickal workings

    Medical: stomach complaints, diabetes, pain


     Magick: divination, calling spirits, defeating negativity, enhances psychic abilities, wishes

     Medical: stomach issues, liver problems, diuretic, skin issues, gallbladder


    Magick: female courage, prevents hexes, confidence, fertility, longevity, love, used at Midsummer, protectioni, purification, strength, divination, consecration,

    Medical: gastritis


    Magick: healing, protection, lust, connects with fire element, enhance speed, repel evil

    Medical: blood purifier, colds, can help with cholesterol


    Magick: love, power, success, fire element, speed things up, passion

    Medical: vertigo, nausea, stomach pain


    Magick: peace, love, purification, long life, visions, clarity of thought

    Medical: nerves, sleep, anxiety, heal muscle aches, can help fight off colds


    Magick: happiness, tranquility, harmony,luck, air element, letting go of someone

    Medical: arthritis, colds/influenza, kills parasites, treats gastrointestinal problems, relieves menstrual cramps, treats acne & dandruff


    Magick: love, protection, purification, fertility, good luck, consecration, meditation,

    Medical: weight loss, kidney health, inflammation, spasms


    Magick: purification, love, healing,divination, protection,

    Medical: astringent, colds, stomach pain, helps with headaches, calms


    Magick: memory, protection, purification, dispel jealousy

    Medical: headaches, sleep, colds, bronchial infections, memory


    Magick: protection, purification, wishes, cleansing, money, passion, healing, prosperity,

    Medical: astringent


    Magick: courage, health, anti-nightmare, love, money-drawing spells, lucky, helps you communicate with the Fae

    Meds: astringent, stomach complaints, healing bronchial issues, fevers

I need reiterate this message: if you are pregnant, ask your doctor before using any of these herbs.  Certain herbs can be dangerous to a pregnant woman.  

As with almost everything else in the world, herbs also connect with each element- earth, air, fire, water.  I am going to provide you with a list of these based on their elemental connection for your reference:

Earth: alfalfa, barley, buckwheat, corn, cotton, cypress, fern, honeysuckle, magnolia, mug wort, oats, patchouli, pea, potato, rye, sage, tulip, vervain, wheat

Air: acacia, almond, aspen, bittersweet, bodhi, brazil nut, broom, caraway, clover, dandelion, goldenrod, hazel, hops, lavender, maple, marjoram, meadowsweet, mistletoe, mulberry, pecan, pine, rice

Fire: allspice, ash, bay, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, clove, cumin, dill, dragon's blood, flax, frankincense, ginger, holly, juniper, lovage, mandrake, marigold, oak, orange, pepper, rosemary, sunflower, tea, thistle, walnut

Water: aloe, apple, apricot, birch, blackberry, chamomile, cherry, comfrey, daffodil, daisy, elder, foxglove, heather, hellebore, iris, irish moss, jasmine, lemon, lilac, lily, myrrh, orris, peach, plum, poppy, raspberry, rose, sandalwood, strawberry, tansy, thyme, vanilla, violet, willow, yew

    Follow these four steps to prevent problems when using herbs:

    1. Be certain you have the correct plant

    2. Use simples - One herb at a time

    3. Understand that different preparations of the same herb can work differently

    4. Use nourishing, tonifying, stimulating, and potentially poisonous herbs wisely

Be certain you have the correct plant

One of the easiest ways to get into trouble with an herb is to use the "wrong" one. How could that happen? Common names for herbs overlap, causing confusion as to the proper identity. Herbs that are labeled correctly may contain extraneous material from another, more dangerous, herb. Herbs may be picked at the wrong stage of growth or handled incorrectly after harvesting, causing them to develop detrimental qualities.

Buy herbs only from reputable suppliers. Only buy herbs that are labeled with their botanical name. Botanical names are specific, but the same common name can refer to several different plants. "Marigold" can be Calendula officinalis, a medicinal herb, or Tagetes, an annual used as a bedding plant.

Use simples - One herb at a time

    A simple is one herb. (Occasionally I use will add some mint to flavor a remedy.)

    The more herbs there are in a formula, the more likelihood there is of unwanted side-effects. Understandably, the public seeks combinations, hoping to get more for less. And many mistakenly believe that herbs must be used together to be effective (probably because potentially poisonous herbs are often combined with protective herbs to mitigate the damage they cause). But combining herbs with the same properties, such as goldenseal and echinacea, is counter-productive and more likely to cause trouble than a simple. A simple tincture of echinacea is more effective than any combination and much safer.)

Different people have different reactions to substances, whether drugs, foods, or herbs. When herbs are mixed together in a formula and someone taking it has distressing side effects, there is no way to determine which herb is the cause. With simples, it is easy to tell which herb is doing what. If there is an adverse reaction, other herbs with similar properties can be tried. Limiting the number of herbs used in any one day (to no more than four) offers added protection.

Side effects from herbs are less common than side effects from drugs and usually less severe. If an herb disturbs the digestion, it may be that the body is learning to process it. Give it a few more tries before giving up. Stop taking any herb that causes nausea, dizziness, sharp stomach pains, diarrhea, headache, or blurred vision. (These effects will generally occur quite quickly.) Slippery elm is an excellent antidote to any type of poison.

If you are allergic to any foods or medicines, it is especially important to consult resources that list the side effects of herbs before you use them.

Different preparations of the same herb work differently The safety of any herbal remedy is dependent on the way it is prepared and used.

Tinctures and extracts contain the alkaloids, or poisonous, parts of plants and need to be used with care and wisdom. Tinctures are as safe as the herb involved (see cautions below for tonifying, stimulating, sedating, or potentially poisonous herbs). Best used/sold as simples, not combinations, especially when strong herbs are being used.

Dried herbs made into teas or infusions contain the nourishing aspects of the plants and are usually quite safe, especially when nourishing or tonifying herbs are used.

Dried herbs in capsules are generally the least effective way to use herbs. They are poorly digested, poorly utilized, often stale or ineffective, and quite expensive.

Infused herbal oils are available as is, or thickened into ointments. They are much safer than essential oils, which are highly concentrated and can be lethal if taken internally.

Herbal vinegars are not only decorative but mineral-rich as well. A good medium for nourishing and tonifying herbs; not as strong as tinctures for stimulants/sedatives.

Herbal glycerins are available for those who prefer to avoid alcohol but are usually weaker in action than tinctures.

Use nourishing, tonifying, stimulating, and poisonous herbs wisely.

Herbs comprise a group of several thousand plants with widely varying actions. Some are nourishers, some tonifiers, some stimulants and sedatives, and some are potential poisons. To use them wisely and well, we need to understand each category, its uses, best manner of preparation, and usual dosage range.

Nourishing herbs are the safest of all herbs; side effects are rare. Nourishing herbs are taken in any quantity for any length of time. They are used as foods, just like spinach and kale. Nourishing herbs provide high levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, carotenes, and essential fatty acids. Examples of nourishing herbs are: alfalfa, amaranth, astragalus, calendula flowers, chickweed, comfrey leaves, dandelion, fenugreek, flax seeds, honeysuckle flowers, lamb's quarter, marshmallow, nettles, oatstraw, plantain (leaves/seeds), purslane, red clover blossoms, seaweed, Siberian ginseng, slippery elm, violet leaves, and wild mushrooms.

Tonifying herbs act slowly in the body and have a cumulative, rather than immediate, effect. They build the functional ability of an organ (like the liver) or a system (like the immune system). Tonifying herbs are most beneficial when they are used in small quantities for extended periods of time. The more bitter the tonic tastes, the less you need to take. Bland tonics may be used in quantity, like nourishing herbs.

Side effects occasionally occur with tonics, but are usually quite short-term. Many older herbals mistakenly equated stimulating herbs with tonifying herbs, leading to widespread misuse of many herbs, and severe side effects. Examples of tonifying herbs are: barberry bark, burdock root/seeds, chaste tree, crone(mug)wort, dandelion root, echinacea, elecampane, fennel, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, ground ivy, hawthorn berries, horsetail, lady's mantle, lemon balm, milk thistle seeds, motherwort, mullein, pau d'arco, raspberry leaves, schisandra berries, St. Joan's wort, turmeric root, usnea, wild yam, and yellow dock.

Sedating and stimulating herbs cause a variety of rapid reactions, some of which may be unwanted. Some parts of the person may be stressed in order to help other parts. Strong sedatives and stimulants, whether herbs or drugs, push us outside our normal ranges of activity and may cause strong side effects. If we rely on them and then try to function without them, we wind up more agitated (or depressed) than before we began. Habitual use of strong sedatives and stimulants-whether opium, rhubarb root, cayenne, or coffee leads to loss of tone, impairment of functioning, and even physical dependency. The stronger the herb, the more moderate the dose needs to be, and the shorter the duration of its use.

Herbs that tonify and nourish while sedating/stimulating are some of my favorite herbs. I use them freely, as they do not cause dependency. Sedating/stimulating herbs that also tonify or nourish: boneset, catnip, citrus peel, cleavers, ginger, hops, lavender, marjoram, motherwort, oatstraw, passion flower, peppermint, rosemary, sage, skullcap.

Strongly sedating/stimulating herbs include: angelica, black pepper, blessed thistle root, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, licorice, opium poppy, osha root, shepherd's purse, sweet woodruff, turkey rhubarb root, uva ursu leaves, valerian root, wild lettuce sap, willow bark, and wintergreen leaves.

Potentially poisonous herbs are intense, potent medicines that are taken in tiny amounts and only for as long as needed. Side effects are common. Examples of potentially poisonous herbs are: belladonna, bloodroot, celandine, chaparral, foxglove, goldenseal, henbane, iris root, Jimson weed, lobelia, May apple (American mandrake), mistletoe, poke root, poison hemlock, stillingia root, turkey corn root, wild cucumber root.

In addition, consider these thoughts on using herbs safely:

Respect the power of plants to change the body and spirit in dramatic ways.


Herbal Glossary

If a term is likely to cause confusion, there will be an asterisk (*) beside it.

Acetum* – A tincture that uses vinegar as its menstruum. The plural is aceta.

Active ingredient – The medicinally active component chemical(s) of a plant; these are what you are trying to extract.

Aqueous* – An extract that is prepared with water is called an “aqueous extract”, or simply an “extract” (though this is correct, it is vague and therefore should always be clarified as an aqueous extract).

Aromatic* – A chemical that has an easily-discernible fragrance or smell, e.g. menthol from peppermint

Ayurveda – Literally “science of life”, this is a form of Indian herbalism. Included because people often ask what it is and I’m sick of answering.

Cold infusion – A form of herbal preparation in which a herb is steeped in room temperature water overnight as a means of extracting active ingredients.

Constituent – Any component chemical of a plant, regardless of activity.

Decoction – A herbal preparation in which plant matter is simmered in water without boiling until half the liquid has been evaporated.

Double decoction – A form of decoction where the water is evaporated down to a quarter of its original volume, rather than a half.

Elixir* – Any liquid preparation that contains both alcohol-extracted and aqueous-extracted components.

Ethanol – An alcohol with the chemical formula C2H4OH, also known as drinking alcohol and ethyl alcohol.

Extract* – Any liquid preparation in which plant matter is left in a liquid solvent for several weeks. The word “extract” can also refer specifically to aqueous extracts.

Filtrate – The liquid retrieved from a physical filtering separation process.

Fluid Ounce – Also known as an ounce by volume, this is a measurement of fluid equal to 1/16th of a pint by volume, or approximately 0.03L metric. Weight-to-Volume ratios measure volume in fluid ounces most commonly. Symbolised as fl. Oz.

Folkloric extract – A herbal extract prepared without measuring weights or volumes of the marc or menstruum. Much more variable in dosage than measured extracts, and therefore more risky.

Glycerine – Also known as glycerine and glycerol. A chemical with the formula C3H5(OH)3, often used in the preparation of sweet-tasting extracts.

Glycerite – Any extract prepared using glycerine as the solvent. Glycerites should be a minimum of 55% glycerine by volume in order to preserve their contents against bacteria.

Hot infusion – A herbal preparation made by steeping plant matter in boiling or boiled water for at least 10 minutes. Less than 10 minutes forms a tea instead.

Inactive ingredient – Any molecule in a plant that does not have medicinal or biological value. A plant will always have more than one inactive ingredient, but a herbal preparation could theoretically have only one (although it never will).

Liniment – An extract, most usually a tincture, which is used topically on the skin rather than taken orally. Also known as an embrocation.

Lipid – Any fat. Often used as a solvent when dealing with fat-soluble compounds, for example cannabinoids.

Lozenge – A herbal preparation in which the active ingredient is made into a thick syrup, heated until candying occurs, and then allowed to cool and harden. Often used to make unpleasant-tasting medications more palatable, such as for children.

Marc – The solid matter in an extract or tincture.

Menstruum – The liquid component of an extract or tincture.

Ounce – A measurement of weight, 1/16th of a pound, and just under 30g metric. Symbolised as Oz.

Pastille – A herbal preparation similar to a lozenge, but unheated and therefore preserving many of the medicinal compounds that are otherwise heat-sensitive. Made by grinding herbs into a powder, and then mixing them with sugar and a binding agent. Maple syrup or honey is often used.

Preparation – Any herbal remedy, of any kind.

Poultice – A herbal preparation formed by mashing fresh, solid plant matter into a mash, and then directly applying it to the skin. Sometimes also involves wrapping the plant matter in gauze or fabric to prevent it coming apart.

Precipitate – The solid matter that forms from the marc when making a tincture or an extract of some kind.

Proof* – As it related to alcohol, this is a measurement that is equal to either two times the alcohol percentage (US definition) or is equal to 1.75 (4/7th) times the percentage (UK definition). Almost all sources use the US definition, but all sources will also use the alcohol-by-volume (ABV) metric, which is a simple percentage.  

Residue – The solid matter left in the filter after a physical filtration separation.

Solubility – The ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent.

Succi – The preserved juices of a plant. Alcohol is the most common preservative.

Syrup – A decoction that has subsequently had sugar added to it, and is then simmered down further until it forms a thick, sweet liquid. Mostly used for making herbal preparations that are unpleasant-tasting easier to swallow.

Tea – When boiling water is added to plant matter and is left to steep for no more than 10 minutes. If it is left for longer than 10 minutes, it is described as a hot infusion.

Tincture* – Any liquid extract in which alcohol is the solvent. The word tincture is often used interchangeably with extract in herbal sources, but they are actually different things.

Weight-to-volume extract – Any extract in which the marc and menstruum are actually measured out before manufacture. This is a little more complicated, but makes the dosage much less variable and therefore much safer to use.

Herbal Recipes

This process only makes an Infused oil; to create a true essential oil requires a tremendous amount of equipment that no one outside of a business venture could pay for and a ton of flowers for just a small batch so please keep that in mind when doing this.

DIY Infused oils (cheap) worldwide

To turn a herb/flower into its infused oil you first fill a jar with a oil of your choice (eg. Grape seed/olive/sunflower) then you add the herb or flower that you desired after that you leave it for a few days then separate the herb/flower from the oil.

This can be done in many ways eg.

1. using a thin fabric as a strainer to catch the herbs/flowers

2. Using a tea strainer or Sieve

3. Picking out the herbs /flowers

4. Pouring with your finger covering parts of the jar to stop herbs coming out.

Make sure that you take proper precautions if you use any of these.  If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients, of course, skip that recipe.  Be careful that none of the herbs will interfere or interact with any medications you’re taking, whether prescription or over the counter and that it won’t interfere with any current health conditions and concerns you may have.

Cold Fighting Tea (Infusion)


2 Cups water

1 cinnamon stick

2 cloves

1/4 cup dried hibiscus flowers

honey or agave to taste

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan or shallow pot.

Once the water comes to a rolling boil, add the ingredients, except for the sweetener & let it simmer for 2 minutes.

Turn off the heat and allow the herbs to steep for 5-8 minutes.

Strain the contents into a cup and drink. Save the leftover for later.

Lavender Oil Infusion for Congestion & Relaxation


1 bunch of fresh lavender flowers

1 large bottle of carrier oil

1 small mason jar

1 rubber band

fine strainer

sauce pot (small)

plastic wrap

dark brown glass bottle


1. First, measure the carrier oil using the glass mason jar that you will be using.  Pour the contents into a saucepan, once you have the right amount. Turn the heat on and let the oil warm up.

2.  While waiting for the oil to heat up, place the lavender flowers inside the mason jar.

3. Pour the warm oil back into the mason jar. Make sure that it has filled most of the jar.

4. Place a plastic film on top  to cover the jar & seal with a rubber band. Allow the flowers to steep in the oil for 30 days.

5. Shake the bottle every day to help infuse the oil.

6. After a month, take the plastic wrap off, strain the contents into the dark brown glass bottle.  Press the flowers to extract its oils even more.

Turmeric Drink for Digestion


1/4 tsp dried turmeric powder

1/8 tsp ground allspice

1/8 tsp ginger

1 cup of milk

3/4 tsp agave or honey for taste

1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. Combine all the dry ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

2. In a small saucepan, heat the milk until just simmering & then whisk in the dry ingredients. Stir until completely dissolved.

3. Strain & serve warm.

Dandelion Root Tea for Swollen Feet


2 cups dandelion roots

4 cups filtered water

a pot

Fine sieve or muslin cloth

1. Boil water in the small pot & add the dandelion roots.

2. Allow the roots to infuse in the water and bring to a rolling boil.  About 5-8 minutes.

3. Remove from heat & allow to steep and slightly cool.

4. Strain into your preferred container & serve 1 cup as an average dose.

Take the tea 3-4 times daily every day until the inflammation has ceased.

Bronchitis- Hyssop Oxymel

Ingredients:1/2 cup dried hyssop flowers


apple cider vinegar

1-quart mason jar

fine strainer

a small piece of plastic wrap

1 rubber band

1. Fill half the jar with the hyssop flowers.

2. Pour honey and make sure that it covers the flowers & fill rest with vinegar

3. Cover the rim of jar with plastic wrap & seal with the rubber band before putting the lid on. Steep for 2 weeks, then strain & use. Store away from direct sunlight.

dose- 1-2 tsp 3 to 4 times a day.

Homemade Toothache Powder


1 tbs of powdered myrrh

2 tbs powdered cinnamon

2 tsp ground licorice root

1. In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients & stir well.

2. Store in an airtight container & keep in a cool place to prevent moisture from forming.

Use as you would toothpaste- brush it on the areas where your teeth & gum problems.

After Dinner Carminative Tea

1 cup water

1 tablespoon fennel seeds

Bring the water and fennel seeds to a boil with the lid on the pan and let sit for 15 minutes and enjoy this calming cup of tea. Fennel is a wonderful herb for digestion and can help your body increase its ability to digest a big meal or a meal with lots of fat.

Allergy Season Blend

Cool minty, citrus flavour to assist you with the discomfort associated with allergy season.

1 part nettle

1 part peppermint

1 part spearmint

1 part yerba santa

1 part eyebright

1 pat lemongrass leaves

1 part calendula

1 part red clover

1 part lavender flowers

1 part fennel seeds

a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Aphrodite Blend Tea

A sensuous, aromatic blend with just the right tint of zest for your palate, and sure to kindle flames! A delicate, but dashing combination makes this one of your most enjoyable cups of tea.

1 part Damiana leaves

1 part rose petals

1 part peppermint leaves

1 part muira puama

1 part gingko leaves

1 part orange peel

1 part cinnamon bark chips

pinch of stevia.

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.

Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Bladder Infections Tea

1 ½ oz dried Goldenrod

¼ oz Juniper Berries*

¾ oz chopped Dandelion root

¾ oz chopped Rose Hips

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tsp of mixture. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

*can become toxic, so only drink 2 cups of this mixture daily for no more than 3 days*

Blood Builder Tea

1 tsp Rose Hips-crushed

1 Tsp Butcher’s Broom

1 Tsp Yellow Dock

Bring 31/2 cups of water to a boil. Remove water from heat and add herbs. Place a tight lid on the pot. Let the mixture steep for five to ten minutes. Drink one cup three times daily. Yields three cups.

Blossoms of Health Tea

Beautiful to look at, nectar to taste and good for you. A popular tea. Spirited, uplifting and energizing.

1 part ginkgo leaves

1 part red clover tops

1 part nettle leaves

1 part meadowsweet leaves

1 part calendula

2 parts chamomile

2 parts lavender flowers

1 part gotu kola leaves

a pinch of stevia.

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.

Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Blues Tea

1 part Nettle leaves,

1 part St John’s wort tops

2 parts spearmint

1 part damiana leaves

1 part kava kava root

a tiny pinch of stevia to taste

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Breast Health Tea

2 parts calendula

2 parts red clover

1 part cleavers

1 part lady’s mantle

Spearmint or peppermint (optional; for flavor)

Prepare as an infusion, using 1 ounce of herbs per quart of water, and letting steep overnight. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily.

Bronchial Congestion Tea

1 ½ oz Aniseed

1 oz Calendula flowers

¾ oz Marshmallow root

1/3 oz Licorice root

Crush anise seeds and add to herbs. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tsp mixture; cover & steep 10 minutes.

Calming Tea 1

1 oz Lemon balm

1 oz Chamomile flowers

½ oz St John’s Wort

Steep 2 tbsp of mixture in 1 cup boiled water. Cover 10 minutes; strain.

Calming Tea 2

1 Part Sage

1 Part Thyme

1 Part Marjoram

1 Part Chamomile

Blend ingredients in a tea ball and put in a mug of hot water.

Colds and Flu Tea

1 oz Blackberry leaves

1 oz Elder flowers

1 oz Linden flowers

1 oz Peppermint leaves

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tbs mixture. Cover & steep 10 minutes; strain.

Colds and Hoarseness Tea

2 oz Malva flowers

1 ½ oz Mullein flowers

Use 2 tbs of mixture per 1 cup hot water. Steep 10 minutes; strain. Drink only 2 – 3 cups per day for just a few days.

Coughing Fits Tea

1 1/3 oz. St. John’s Wort

2/3 oz. Thyme

2/3 oz. Linden Flowers

Use 1 tsp. of the herb mixture per cup of boiling water to soothe irritations of the upper respiratory tract that cause coughing. Steep for 5-10 min., strain, sweeten if necessary. This tea has proved helpful with bronchitis and whooping cough.

Crone Root Tea

For menopause and beginning a new cycle of life.

2 tablespoons wild yam

2 tablespoons licorice

3 tablespoons sarsaparilla

1 tablespoon chaste berry

1 tablespoon ginger

1 tablespoon false unicorn root

2 tablespoons sage

1 tablespoon cinnamon

½ tablespoon black cohosh

Detoxification Tea

1 tsp Green Tea leaves

Simmer 1 cup water & pour over leaves. Cover & let stand 4 minutes.

Dream Tea

2 parts Rose

1 part Mugwort

1 part Peppermint

1 part Jasmine

½ part Cinnamon

Drink to cause dreams. Combine all ingredients thoroughly, fill tea diffuser @ 1 tsp. per cup of boiling water and as it steeps say;

Dual Purpose Tea

Do not drink more than 2 cups a day.

2 teaspoons dried German Chamomile flowers

1 cup boiling water

Steep the flowers in the boiling water, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain, then slowly sip the infusion to relieve nausea, stomach upset, and lessen menstrual cramps.

Echinacea & Roots Tea

A tasty way to help strengthen and support your natural resistance. A very popular tea.

1 part echinacea purpurea root

1 part pau d’arco

1 part dandelion root (raw and roasted)

1 part sarsaparilla bark

1 part cinnamon barks

1 part ginger root

1 part burdock roots

1 part sassafras bark

a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Fever Reducer Tea

2 tsp dried Catnip

1 tsp dry Vervain

Pour 2 cups boiling water over herbs. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Flashes Blend Tea

Brew up a pot and sip when needed.

1 part sage

1 part motherwort

1 part dandelion

1 part chickweed & violet leaves

1 part each elder flowers & oatstraw

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.


2 medium cloves of freshly crushed garlic

1 cup of very warm water

1 teaspoon of honey

1 teaspoon of lemon juice

Stir and drink.

Fluid Retention Tea

1 oz Dandelion root

1 oz Dandelion leaves

2/3 oz Nettle leaves

2/3 oz Spearmint leaves

Steep mixture in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes

Tea for menstrual problems, fertility and childbirth.

3 tablespoons sassafras bark

2 tablespoons dandelion root

1 tablespoon ginger root

½ tablespoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon licorice root

½ tablespoon orange peel

1 tablespoon pau d’arco

¼ tablespoon dong quai root

1 tablespoon chaste berry

1 tablespoon wild yam

Forests Tea (formerly Lung Blend)

1 part echinacea purpurea

1 part elecampane

1 part ginger

1 part each pleurisy & licorice roots

1 part white oak bark

1 part cinnamon bark

1 part each orange peel and fennel seeds

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.

Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Happy Man Tea Blend

1 part Siberian ginseng

1 part dandelion root

1 part nettle

1 part each marshmallow & burdock roots

1 part each hawthorn & saw palmetto berries

1 part fennel seeds

1 part wild oats

a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Climb into bed and enjoy!

Happy Tummy Tea

Put a smile on your face with this soothing and yummy tea.

1 part catnip

1 part spearmint & lemongrass leaves

1 part calendula flowers

1 part skullcap

1 part rosemary & sage leaves

1 part fennel seeds

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Headache Tea





Put a pinch of each herb in a coffee filter and place in your coffee maker. Wait a half hour before drinking this mix, this should make you tired so you can sleep your headache away.

Healing Ginger tea

2 cups of water

4 tablespoons freshly grated ginger root

Place in pan with a lid on, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let sit for two hours. Reheat the tea, strain the herb from the tea and drink.

Insomnia Tea

1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves

1 oz Chamomile

½ oz Spearmint

Mix all and add to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 8 minutes; strain.

Less Stress Tea

Relieves stress, relaxes low back and neck areas.

1 part chamomile

1 part mint

1 part calendula flowers

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Mellow Mood Tea

This tea is made with the most palatable of the calming herbs. Blended together, they will defuse stress and anxiety and promote sound sleep.

1 teaspoon chamomile flowers

1 teaspoon lavender spikes

1 teaspoon kava leaves

1 teaspoon lemon balm leaves

1 teaspoon marjoram

1 spray valerian flowers

1 quart water

In a large saucepan, steep the chamomile, lavender, kava, lemon balm, marjoram, and valerian to taste in the freshly boiled water. Strain out the plant material. Drink the tea hot or cool as often as needed, refrigerate any leftover for later use.

CAUTION: Chamomile is in the ragweed family, and many are allergic to herbs.

Memory Zest Blend

A mentally refreshing beverage, to help give you feelings of clarity and precision.

1 part ginkgo

1 part gotu kola and peppermint leaves

1 part red clover tops

1 part rosemary leaves

1 part ginger root

a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Migraine Tea

1 2/3 oz dried St John’s Wort

1 oz Valerian

1 oz Linden flowers

¼ oz Juniper berries

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Moon Ease Tea

For that time of the month.

2 parts cramp bark

1 part chaste tree berries

1 part each spearmint & skullcap leaves

1 part marshmallow root

1 part passionflower herb

1 part ginger root

Procedure- Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

My Nerves Are Shot Tea

Uses: Sleeplessness and Insomnia

Job-related stress

Panic attacks

2 parts Chamomile

1 part Jasmine

1 part Hops

1 part Lavender

1 part Yerba Santa

1 part Gota Kola

1 part St. John’s Wort

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favourite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Natural Concentration Tea

Helps you to become more creative in designing a more natural environment in your home.

1 part Calendula(marigold)

1 part mint,

1 part sage (flowers only)

1 part yarrow leaves

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.  Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Nausea Tea

½ tsp dried Ginger root

½ tsp Clove blossoms

1 tsp Chamomile flowers

Pour 1 cup boiling water over herbs. Steep 10 minutes, strain & let cool.

Nervous Stomach Tea

2 tsp Angelica root

2 tsp Lemon Balm leaves

½ tsp Fennel seed

Bring Angelica root to a simmer in 4 cups water. Turn off heat, add lemon balm & lemon; steep 10 minutes & strain.

Nervous Tension Tea

1 1/3 oz. St. John’s Wort

1 oz. Lemon Balm Leaves

1 oz. Valerian

Use 1 tsp of the herb mixture per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 min., strain, sweeten if necessary. Drink a cup before going to bed each night for several weeks to calm nerves, lift depression, and help you fall asleep more easily.

“No-Sweat” Tea

4 cups boiling water

1 tsp. dried hops

1 tsp. stinging nettle

1 tsp. fresh cut rose petals

1 tsp. dried strawberry leaves

1 tsp. fresh walnut leaves

3 tbsp of dried sage leaves

Reduces perspiration within 2 hours of use with its effects lasting several days:

Combine all ingredients, cover and steep for an hour. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired.

Nursing Mother’s Tea

1 teaspoon crushed Fennel seeds

1 cup boiling water

Mix the seeds with the boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain, and sip the infusion. Drinking a tea made with fennel helps to promote the secretion of breast milk in nursing mothers.

Pinkeye tea recipe

Fill a tea ball with equal parts


borage (alleviated inflammation and redness),

eyebright(excellent for conjunctivitis any other eye complaints)

elderflowers (beneficial for tired eyes).

Pour on 2 ½ cups boiling hot(fresh from the kettle)water allow to steep until cooled. add 5 drops witch hazel extract(coolant and antiseptic) and stir. Wash eye(outside) gently with infusion and put one drop of infusion in eye as needed or desired. also can be used by soaking a cloth in the infusion and putting over the eye until your eye feels better. if you are using this for a child leave out the witch hazel. This is good for anything where your eyes are painful inflamed and red.

Pleasant Dreams

1 cup mugwort

½ cup rose petals

½ cup chamomile

1/3 cup lavender flowers

1/3 cup catnip

2 tbsp mint

Quiet Child Tea

Good for anytime of the day or right before bedtime.

1 part raspberry leaves

1 part catnip

1 part each spearmint & skullcap leaves

1 part calendula flowers

a pinch of stevia

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.

Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Quiet Time Tea

1 part oregano

2 parts Chamomile

1 part lemon balm

1 part lemon thyme

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Rejuvenation Tea

Etheric cleanser of old, stale thoughts and patterns of behavior for new beginnings and awakening.

1 part rose hips

1 part calendula flowers

1 part gallum (cleavers) flowers

1 part borage flowers

1 part nettles leaves

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Relaxation Tea

2 parts chamomile

1 part lemon balm

1 part lemon peel

1 part thyme

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Sleep Tea Recipe

2 tbs. Hops

1 tsp. Lavender

1 tsp. Rosemary

1 tsp. Thyme

1 tsp. Mugwort

1 tsp. Sage

1 Pinch of Valerian Root

Take a teaspoon of the mixture and pour into 1 cup of hot water. Let sit for 3 minutes then strain. Store the unused portion.

Soothing Tea

1 part mint

1 part hyssop

1 part oregano

1 part parsley

1 part lemon balm

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Spiced Relief

1 teaspoon anise seeds, crushed or ground

2-3 cinnamon sticks

1 inch of ginger, sliced

1-2 teaspoons dried loose Echinacea

Combine spices and Echinacea in a pot with three cups of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 15-20 minutes to make a decoction. Strain into a mug and add honey to taste. This is a multi-function tea. Anise acts as an expectorant, ginger soothes the cough, and cinnamon has antibacterial properties.

Tea For Health

1 tablespoon China black tea

2 teaspoon fennel

1 teaspoon mint

2 teaspoon rose hips

1 teaspoon elder flower

2 teaspoon hops

1 teaspoon mullein

Tea for Nervousness

1 ½ oz Peppermint leaves

1 ½ oz Lemon Balm leaves

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes & strain.

Tummy Tea

A wonderful tea blend to enjoy after a big meal or hectic day.

1 cup dried peppermint (or other)

1 tbsp dried rosemary

1 tsp dried sage

Crush ingredients and mix well. Store in an airtight container. Steep 1 heaping tsp in a cup of boiling water for 1 minute. Sweeten with honey.

Upset Stomach Tea

8 oz Peppermint leaves

8 oz Lemon Balm leaves

8 oz Fennel seeds

Use 1 tsp of mixture per 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10 minutes; strain.

Urinary Infection Tea

1 teaspoon uva ursi

½ teaspoon each corn silk, cramp bark, marshmallow root and rose hips

1 quart water

Simmer herbs in water for a couple of minutes, then steep them for 20 minutes. Strain herbs. Drink 2 to 4 cups daily. To make sure the infection is gone, continue taking the herbs for 2 days after the symptoms disappear.

Winter Tea




Just use equal parts of each, or pre-made tea bags…3 bags, one of boneset, 1 of echinacea, and 1 of peppermint.

Wise Woman Tea

A wonderful menopause tea. Gently calms, cools and balances.

1 part motherwort

1 part sage

1 part nettle leaves

1 part each lemon balm & mugwort leaves

1 part chaste tree berries

1 part horsetail

Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or whatever, to taste.

Children & Wicca

Most of us will agree to let our children learn about as many different religions-- mainstream and pagan, as possible so that they get a wonderful understanding of the different religious and spiritual philosophies out there. The great thing about Wicca and paganism in general is that we do not force children to begin learning about paganism at an early age -unless they show interest on their own. Of course, there are exceptions to every religion and I am sure there are a few people who have tried making their children learn about the same path they are on but for the most part, we allow children as well as everyone else to form their own opinion about what path they wish to pursue.  

Now, if they wish to learn about a specific religion like Wicca or another form of paganism, here are a few ideas you can go with in the way of teaching them. I would explain the Sabbats one at a time; obviously the majority have sexual connotations so I'm not sure how old your child(ren) is(are) and if you are comfortable with that aspect but maybe come at it from the point of view of how the earth is fertilized and so how the seasons ebb/flow in a natural way, Explain the God & Goddess as the infinite energy- each contributing to the balance of the earth and the sky- to keep the world in harmony and balanced. How the God is the caretaker of the animals, the greenery, nature and the Goddess provides us with beautiful light from the moon, helps seeds to spring forth into new life.

Have them list things they are interested in, what they are passionate about and let them learn about deities connected with those passions and interests. Often times, I have discovered that our passions, our real interests are what we are going to connect with the most and this will lead us many times to a specific deity.  Also, have them learn about the cultures connected with that deity. Only by learning about the culture in which the deity was honored, can you get a clear understanding of why and how that deity was honored as they were.

Make some of it a game-- if they have a love for crystals,  or herbs or animals, have them learn about one crystal, herb, animal, etc per week or per couple of weeks-- whatever schedule you can both maintain regularly and quiz them about that particular item/animal.  For each right answer, give them a point. After they collect enough points that you agree on, reward them with a new crystal, a new stuffy, a new book, whatever you agree on as a reward and that will keep them interested to keep striving for more.  

Teach them how to perform kitchen witchcraft. By this I mean, teaching them how to cook, teaching and letting them learn what each ingredient can do-- magickally, healing wise, nutrition-wise.  Not only will this help them be self-sufficient as they grow up but they shall also be able to incorporate simple everyday items into their practice and to help their loved ones once they have their own family.


Teach them color magick by teaching them what each color in their wardrobe can do for them, after enough learning, let them pick out a couple of items to wear and ask them why they chose those.  This will do several things-- not only will it teach them that something as simple as choosing a specific color can help them attain a goal they may have, or to help overcome something they are dealing with but by getting it right, they will learn a great deal of confidence in their innate abilities to choose what is right for them at any particular time.  

Have them keep their own book of shadows-- if possible, in print form because the world is becoming so bloody mechanized, we tend to lose the ability to write with our hands and with a pen properly.  By having them write on real paper, they will also be retaining the information they are writing down better than if they just type it on a computer/tablet screen.  

Have them build their own altar; let them take care of it and change it as they see fit.  Occasionally ask them why they added such and such to it or taken another item off and see what their answer is. This will reinforce what they know and they shall be proud that you asked them about it.

Depending on how old they are, give them a 6 month evaluation. By this I mean, have them go over their book of shadows, over what they have learned in that time span and let them see how much they have learned and grown.  This will help them to see that not only are they learning daily but they also will see how far they have come in that time span. This will help boost their confidence, will also help them to remember a few things they might have forgotten about in that time period.  It shall give them confidence and the desire to keep striving for more learning.  You might even ask them what areas they think or feel they need to work on more and work on those areas during the next 6 months-- this provides you both with new goals and new aspirations to achieve.  

Let them know that they can come to you with any questions or concerns they may have.  That you will not judge them based on their question.  

Wicca and paganism is a very serious thing to us and we do not want to lose track of that but we all like to have fun and when it comes to learning, incorporating fun ideas, especially for children is essential because it keeps them eager to strive for more knowledge, to open new doors they can achieve great things with.  This will help them not only in their spiritual journey as they grow up but also in their regular lives as well.  

Incorporating some of these ideas will give children the confidence to stand up for what they believe is right, to see the world from many different perspectives and be more open to other cultures and belief systems so they do not judge others because they are different from them.  It will help them develop the confidence to know that with hard work, practice, time they can achieve anything they set their mind and heart on.  Can you truly ask for any better way to give back to the next generation?

Crystals- Earth’s Magick

When I first began on my path I must say I was not at all interested in crystals and stones. To me they were just beautiful gems that some people collected. As I told you earlier, I suffer from post concussion syndrome so when I was researching natural alternatives I came across a few different crystals/stones that were said to help with such pain. I started out with the amethyst, howlite and clear quartz that I told you about earlier in this book. Slowly I began to purchase a few more stones such as black tourmaline which has been an absolute treasure for not just headaches but also arthritic pain, back pain, pretty much any kind of pain. I picked up a few pieces of carnelian, smoky quartz and green aventurine to put on my desk for creative help when I get in a creative slump-- the doomsday of any professional artist.  

I began collecting a few pieces that were known to help with lung problems for my mother’s COPD and those have been nothing short of miraculous. When she starts coughing, I tape a piece of chrysocolla to her back; in the area where the lungs are and within a day or two she is back to normal again. I have used citrine to help with stomach complaints- my own and my mom’s as well- and also for bladder infections and things of that nature. A piece of green aventurine taped to the back when i is hurting does wonders! Within about 30 minutes to an hour, sometimes two hours depending on the level of pain, the pain will be gone and full range of motion returns again. This past winter, I caught my first cold in about 5-7 years or so. I used cold medicine of course and peppermint tea in addition to my essential oil diffuser having peppermint oil and clove oil. Then I taped a piece of bloodstone to my chest and left it there for an entire day and night and the next day my cough was 95% better.

Last year, one of my dogs suffered from a very bad case of gastroenteritis and that was anything but pleasant to deal with.  I took him to the vet of course and he got medication for it as well as a recipe for some bland dog food for a few days and I made a small sachet with a healing sigil that I drew on it and I added various herbs and a piece of bloodstone and I have left it under the pet bed that the boys (dogs) sleep in during the day and to this day I still have it under their pet bed.  

At this juncture of this chapter,the point I would like to get across is that although I love and use crystals and stones for all kinds of health problems, that is NEVER a substitute for professional medical care. Just as with herbs and essential oils, it is important to remember that these are to be used in conjunction with doctors and especially if you are going to use herbs. Make sure you list them along side of prescribed medications and over the counter meds so your doctor is aware.  

Crystals and stones are like everything else we use- they are a wonderful tool. In that respect, they also need periodic cleaning and charging. Not all cleansing methods are safe for all crystals. It is very important to know what kind of stone/crystal you have so you can research properly the ways they are to be cleansed. Let me give you a few different ways you can cleanse your crystals:

Crystal/Stone Cleansing Methods

Not all cleansing methods should be used with all stones. Soft stones should never be soaked in water or be placed in salt and stones that have a tendency to crack or fade should never be charged in sunlight. Remember to use visualization techniques during the process. See the stone being cleared or erased, like a chalkboard, ready to receive your intent. These techniques are intended to remove unwanted energy from the stone. To save time, you may wish to cleanse multiple stones together.


As the name suggests, this method uses the four classical elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to cleanse the stone. You will need something to represent each: a dish of soil, a burning candle, burning incense, and a dish of water.


Dip the stone in the water(If the stone is not water soluble pass the stone over the bowl of water without allowing the water to touch it), then pass the stone quickly through the flame (do not burn your fingers!). Next, pass the stone through the incense smoke, and finally, place the stone in the dish of soil.

As you perform each task, visualize that element removing any unwanted energy from the stone: Water renews and washes away; Fire burns; Air blows; Earth absorbs.


Water, Fire, Air, and Earth

Cleanse this stone, give rebirth


This method uses smoke from incense or burning herbs to dispel negative energy and purify the object. The most traditional choices are sagebrush or frankincense, but use what you like best. You can hold the stone in your hand and pass it through the smoke, or place the stone on a table or other type of stand and allow the smoke to drift over it.


When cleansing with water, it is nice to use water collected from a natural spring or spring-fed stream. If you do not have access to this, use distilled water or plain tap water if you would like. You can allow the stone to soak in the water for a period of time in sunlight, moonlight, by candlelight, or you can rinse the stone under running water. It is up to you, and you may find that your preference often depends on the stone’s intended use. Some people may like to use salt water, which is fine as long as the stone you are cleansing is not too soft. **Research your stone first; many types of stones are water soluble**


Simply place the stone where it can sit in the sunlight or moonlight for an extended period of time. You may wish to use this in combination with water cleansing; rinse the stone, then use light to complete the process. ** Research your stone first, sunlight can damage quite a few types of stones' colors and with things like quartz, can actually start a small fire if the sun's rays hit it just right**


Sounds can be utilized for cleansing by ringing a bell, or using a gong or singing bowl.


As described in the water cleansing method, you can use salt water for some stones. A bed of coarse sea salt crystals is also an excellent choice for cleansing. Allow the stone to sit on the salt overnight, throughout the day, or for a 24-hour period.  ** Research your stone(s) first because not all stones like salt**


Allowing a stone or piece of jewelry to rest on a large cluster of clear quartz is one of the easiest methods of cleansing. Kyanite is also a good mineral to use for clearing energy from other stones. Allow the stone to remain on the clearing crystal(s) for at least 24 hours.


One of the methods I use most often is cleansing and charging my crystals under the full moon.  I spend the three nights of the full moon putting a different bowl of crystals out each night for cleansing and charging. An important point; if it is the full moon but your sky is filled with clouds don’t worry. Your stones, herbs, moon water, everything will charge and cleanse just fine.  Think of it like you do with the sun. When it is daytime and it is cloudy, you can still get sunburned because the rays of the sun penetrate the cloud deck.  Same thing applies for the moon’s rays and energy.  


You can also place your crystals under some dirt.  I really advise to use a small pot, add earth to it and then u can place the crystal(s) in that; this way you will not lose the crystals in the event that an animal may dig them up.  Also, you shall not forget where you “buried” them this way.  

Unless you have had your crystals under the moon, using any of these other methods will cleanse them but will not charge them.  Now I am going to show you how to charge your crystals:

Hold the stone in your projective hand (in my case the right hand), visualizing your magical need, pouring energy

out from your body into the stone.  

This energy is personal power. It resides in all of us. We can move this energy from our bodies out into stones, candles, metals, other objects to help achieve our magical goals. The movement of this or other forms of natural energy is at the heart of magic.

See the power flowing out from your body, through your projective hand and into the stone.  Charge it with the energy of your magical need- such as love, money, power, health.

When you know that the stone is vibrating with your personal power, the charging is complete.

Here are a few other ways of charging your crystals. Again, I can not reiterate it enough. Make sure you research your stone/crystal so you charge them in a manner that won’t damage them.  

Charging Crystals

Sunlight or Moonlight: You can use this method to both clear and charge your crystals at the same time. Find a safe place and leave your crystal in sunlight and/or moonlight. Stones that will fade in the sun are amethyst, celestite, kunzite, opal and turquoise. If you have any doubts at all, only use moonlight charging.

Charging Grid: Take a group of quartz crystals (4 to 8 or more) and point them inward in a circle. Place the crystal or stone you want charged in the center of the circle and leave it there to charge for 24 hours or more.

Plants: Place your crystal among the leaves of a growing, healthy plant for 24 hours or more to charge it.

Burial: This method is good for grounding stones in particular, such as most any black stone, smoky quartz, red jasper and others. Bury the stone in the ground for a week or more to charge it. Mark the area where you bury it!!

Anywhere from 6-24 hours is usually enough to charge your crystal(s).  I recommend cleansing and charging at least monthly.  For certain stones such as tigers eye, I’d suggest cleansing it weekly because this stone won’t just absorb negative energy. After it has absorbed a certain amount it can transmit that negative energy back out and it will affect you.  

I have done a great deal of research for this next list but as with anything else, it is not exhaustive so if you do not see a specific stone, research it and make certain before doing anything with it.

Minerals That Should Not Be Exposed to Water

These minerals are water soluble, some more than others, or may be damaged by water. Some, such as halite (which is salt crystal), should even be stored in a dry location, as excess humidity may damage it. Do not charge or cleanse these with water.

Any Soft, “Fluffy”, Fibrous, or Flaky Mineral



Angelite (Anhydrite)





Concretions/Kansas Pop Rocks/Boji Stone®

Desert Rose (Gypsum or Baryte Crystals)










Lapis Lazuli




Opal, Fire



Sal Ammoniac

Satin Spar






Minerals That Should Not be Exposed to Sunlight/Bright Light

These minerals are not lightfast (may fade or darken with exposure to bright light). Store in a dim place and do not cleanse or charge using sunlight.







Calcite, Honey









Rose Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Spirit Quartz

Super Seven




Minerals That Should Not Be Exposed to Salt

Salt may corrode many minerals, or may become trapped in crevices and react with moisture to expand and crack stones, and should be used with care, whether it is salt water or dry salt. This list was hardest to find good information on, so is definitely not exhaustive.

Most Metals and Minerals Containing Metals

Minerals Containing Trapped Water


Lapis Lazuli




Soft Minerals

Soft minerals scratch easily. They should be stored and carried alone, such as in their own bag.

It is a good idea to consult the Moh’s Hardness Scale for any given mineral (those 5 and below are particularly prone to scratching and scuffing). Even dust may contain particles harder than 5, in which case wiping the mineral that is dusty could scratch it.













Lapis Lazuli







Minerals That Are Potentially Hazardous to Health

(Not for Use in Consumables/Elixirs; Use Care When Handling)

Determining toxicity of minerals is difficult, as some are toxic when inhaled, others when consumed, some only when consumed over a period of time or in large bioavailable quantities (such as copper), and some are toxic upon skin contact. Some minerals are potentially allergenic but do not affect everyone (many of the minerals here listed as allergenic are also toxic).

Minerals that are toxic may or may not be soluble in water, but for safety’s sake, potentially toxic minerals should not be used in elixirs, massage oils, etc. made by a direct method. It is always safer to use crystal elixirs, oils, and the like made by the indirect method (separated from the consumable by an impermeable barrier, such as glass).

Flakey, brittle, soft, and porous stones should not be used to make consumables.

Handle stones containing mercury, lead, and arsenic with gloves. Wash your hands after handling all minerals, and do not handle minerals while eating, drinking, etc.

This list is not exhaustive.

When in doubt, play it safe!

Actinolite (Fibrous Form is Asbestos)

Adamite (Contains Copper and Arsenic)

Ajoite (Contains Aluminum and Copper)

Alexandrite (Contains Aluminum)

Algodonite (Contains Arsenic)

Altaite (Contains Lead)

Aluminum/Aluminium (Al)

Amazonite (Contains Copper)

Anglesite (Contains Lead)

Antimony (Sb)

Antimonite (Salts of Antimony)

Antozonite, variety of Fluorite (Radioactive)

Apollo Stone (Contains Uranium)

Aquamarine (Contains Aluminum)

Arsenic (As)

Arsenopyrite  (Contains Arsenic)

Asbestos (Hazardous to Lungs)

Atacamite (Contains Copper)

Aurichalcite (Contains Zinc and Copper)

Autunite (Contains Uranium)

Axinite (Contains Aluminium)

Azurite (Contains Copper)

Azurite-Malachite (Contains Copper)

Azurite-Pseudomalachite (Contains Copper)

Barium (Ba)

Beryl (Contains Aluminum, Beryllium)

Beryllium (Be)

Bindheimite (Contains Lead)

Bismuth (Used in medicines, but bismuth poisoning can occur.)

Boji Stone® (May Contain Sulfur, other toxic minerals; trademarked name of Concretions, Kansas Pop Rocks)

Brazilianite (Contains Aluminum)

Brochantite (Contains Copper)

Bunsenite (Allergenic)

Cadmium (Cd)

Calaverite (Contains Telluride)

Calomel (Contains Mercury)

Carnotite (Contains Uranium)

Cavansite (Contains Copper)

Cerussite (Contains Lead)

Chalcanthite (Contains Copper)

Chalcopyrite (Contains Copper and Sulfur)

Chromium (Cr)

Chrysoberyl (Contains Aluminum)

Chrysocolla (Contains Copper)

Chrysotile/Chrysotite (Asbestos)

Cinnabar (Contains Mercury)

Cinnabar-Opal (Contains Mercury)

Cobaltocalcite (Contains Cobalt)

Coloradoite (Contains Mercury and Tellurium)

Colusite (Contains Arsenic)

Concretions (May Contain Sulfur, other toxic minerals)

Conichalcite (Contains Copper)

Copper (Cu)

Corundum (Contains Aluminum)

Covellite (Contains Copper)

Creaseyite (Contains Copper and Lead)

Crocidolite (Contains Asbestos)

Crocoite (Contains Lead and Chromium)

Cumengite (Contains Lead and Copper)

Cuprite (Contains Copper)

Cyanotrichite (Contains Copper)

Devilline (Contains Copper)

Diaboleite (Contains Lead and Copper)

Diopside (Contains Copper)

Dioptase (Contains Copper)

Dumontite (Contains Uranium and Lead)

Dumortierite (Contains Aluminum)

Durangite (Contains Arsenic)

Eclipse Stone (Contains Arsenic and Sulfur)

Eglestonite (Contains Mercury)

Eilat Stone (Contains Copper)

Emerald (Contains Aluminum)

Enargite (Contains Sulfur and Copper)

Endlichite (Contains Lead and Arsenic)

Epidote (Contains Aluminum)

Erythrite (Contains Arsenic)

Euchroite (Contains Arsenic and Copper)

Feldspar (Contains Aluminum)

Fiedlerite (Contains Lead)

Fluoride (F)

Fluorite (May Contain Toxic Minerals)

Freibergite (Contains Copper, Antimony, and Arsenic)

Galena/Galenite (Contains Lead)

Garnet (Contains Aluminum)

Garnierite (Contains Nickel)

Gaspeite (Allergenic; Contains Nickel)

Goshenite (Contains Aluminum)

Greenockite (Contains Cadmium and Sulfur)

Guérinite (Contains Arsenic)

Hancockite (Potentially Contains Lead)

Heliodor (Contains Aluminum)

Hiddenite (Contains Aluminum)

Hutchinsonite (Contains Thallium, Lead, and Arsenic)

Iolite (Contains Aluminum)

Iron-Nickel Meteorite (Allergenic; Contains Nickel)

Jadeite (Contains Aluminum)

Jamesonite (Contains Lead)

Kansas Pop Rocks (May Contain Sulfur, other toxic minerals)

Kasolite (Radioactive)

Kunzite (Contains Aluminum)

Kyanite (Contains Aluminum)

Labradorite (Contains Aluminum)

Lapis Lazuli (Contains Pyrite Inclusions Which Contain Sulfur)

Lazulite (Contains Aluminum)

Lazurite (Contains Aluminum and Sulfur)

Lead (Pb)

Lemon Chrysoprase (Allergenic, Contains Nickel)

Lepidolite (Contains Aluminum)

Linarite (Contains Lead and Copper)

Litharge (Contains Lead)

Löllingite (Contains Arsenic)

Lopezite (Allergenic; Carcinogen; Handle with Gloves)

Malachite (Contains Copper; Particularly Dangerous During Polishing/Cutting/Grinding)

Marcasite (Contains Sulfur)

Mendozavilite (Contains Molybdenum)

Mercury (Hg)

Millerite (Allergenic, Contains Nickel)

Minium (Contains Lead)

Mixite (Contains Copper, Bismuth and Arsenic)

Mohawkite (Contains Copper and Arsenic)

Moldavite (Contains Aluminum)

Molybdenum (Mo)

Moonstone (Contains Aluminum)

Morganite (Contains Aluminum)

Nadorite (Contains Lead)

Natrojarosite (Contains Sulfur)

Nickel (Ni; Common Allergen)

Nickeline/Niccolite (Allergenic, Contains Nickel and Arsenic)

Olivenite (Contains Arsenic)

Orpiment (Contains Arsenic and Sulfur, Handle with Gloves)

Orthoclase (Contains Aluminum)

Osarizawaite (Contains Lead)

Pargasite (Contains Aluminum)

Phosphohedyphane/Polysphaerite (Contains Lead)

Pietersite (Fibrous Form Contains Asbestos)

Pilsenite (Contains Bismuth and Tellurium)

Plattnerite (Contains Lead)

Pollucite (Contains Cesium)

Prehnite (Contains Aluminum)

Proustite (Contains Arsenic and Silver)

Psilomelane and Pyrolusite (Contains Barium)

Pyrite (Contains Sulfur)

Pyromorphite (Contains Lead)

Quartz (Non-Toxic but Dust is Harmful to Breathe [Silicosis])

Rauenthalite (Contains Arsenic)

Realgar (Contains Arsenic and Sulfur)

Rhodizite (Possibly Contains Cesium)

Rhodochrosite (Contains Lead)

Ruby (Contains Aluminum)

Saléeite (Contains Uranium)

Scapolite (Contains Aluminum)

Schrockingerite (contains Uranium, Sulfur, and Fluorine)

Scorodite (Contains Arsenic)

Seamanite (Contains Manganese)

Senarmontite (Contains Antimony)

Serpentine (Fibrous Form Contains Asbestos)

Smithsonite (Contains Zinc, May Contain Copper)

Sodalite (Contains Aluminum)

Sphaerocobaltite (Allergenic; Contains Cobalt)

Spinel (Contains Aluminum)

Spodumene (Contains Aluminum)

Stibnite/Stibnite (Contains Antimony and Lead)

Stilbite (Contains Aluminum)

Sugilite (Contains Aluminum)

Sulfur/Sulphur (S)

Sunstone (Contains Aluminum)

Svabite (Contains Arsenic and Fluorine)

Sylvanite (Contains Tellurium)

Tanzanite (Contains Aluminum)

Tellurium (Te)

Tennantite (Contains Copper and Arsenic)

Tetrahedrite (Contains Copper, Antimony, and Sulfur)

Thallium (Handle with Gloves)

Thenardite (Contains Sulfur)

Tiger’s Eye, Dragon’s Eye, etc. (Fibrous Forms Are Asbestos; Use in Polished Form Only)

Tirolit (Contains Arsenic)

Topaz (Contains Aluminum)

Torbernite (Radioactive)

Tourmaline (Contains Aluminum)

Tremolite (Fibrous Forms are Asbestos)

Turquoise (Contains Copper)

Tyrolite (Contains Arsenic)

Ullmannite (Contains Nickel, Sulfur, and Antimony)

Uraninite (Contains Uranium and Radium)

Uranium (Radioactive)

Uranophane (Contains Uranium)

Valentinite (Contains Antimony)

Vanadinite (Contains Lead)

Variscite (Contains Aluminum)

Vesuvianite (Contains Aluminum)

Violarite (Contains Nickel and Sulfur)

Villiaumite (Contains Fluoride; Handle with Gloves)

Vivianite (May Contain Manganese)

Wad/Wadd/Wadt (Contains Manganese)

Wavellite (Contains Aluminum)

Weeksite (Contains Uranium)

Wulfenite (Contains Lead and Molybdenum)

Witherite (Contains Barium)

Zincite (Contains Zinc; May Contain Copper)

Zircon (Contains Zirconium, Uranium and Thorium)

Zoisite (Contains Aluminum)

Children love crystals and if you want to teach them about these beautiful gems by all means do so; however, I would recommend making sure you supervise your child(ren) when they are working with crystals and stones.  This way you can make sure they are not putting any of them in their mouths. As you saw above, many stones can be dangerous and you also do not want them to lick the stones or even put their fingers in their mouths after they have touched certain stones and crystals.  Once you are done with the crystals, make sure you and your kids wash your hands really well before doing anything else.  

There are so many crystals and stones that it would take several volumes of books to list and describe each one so I am going to give you just a basic list of wonderful beginner’s stones and crystals.  These are pretty easy to find and will not kill your pocket book.  

     •Agate- protection, healing, gardening, strength, harmony

    •Amethyst- cleans aura, peace, healing, help with addictions, with over drinking, protects                                          

   against psychic attacks

    •Aventurine- confidence, vitality, peace, healing, prosperity, promotes compassion & empathy,                                                                                         calming

    •Calcite- centering, protection, purifying, amplifies energy, grounding, creativity & imagination

    •Carnelian- energy, courage, protection, stabilising, creativity, helps to overcome abuse,   calming stone, helps get rid of anger

    •Citrine (self cleansing)- protection, optimism, warmth, helps with work, healing, attracts love and happiness

    •Fluorite- balancing, anti-depression,psychic development, brings peace, healing

    •Hematite- grounding, divination, calming, absorbs negative energy, focuses energy

    •Howlite- calms emotions, aids insomnia, aids in creativity, stress relief, can heal

    •Jade- wisdom, love, gardening, creativity, helps with dreams, healing

    •Jasper- healing, protection, beauty, helps with dieting, helps with over drinking and smoking

    •Jet- anti-nightmare, protection, luck

    •Labradorite- recall dreams, prophecy, transformation, raises consciousness, psychic abilities, stimulates the imagination and calms fears

    •Lepidolite- peace, love, psychic powers, helps with release & reorganizing of psychological patterns and habits, brings deep emotional healing, astral travel

    •Malachite- loyalty, protection, peace, amplifies both good and negative energies, helps with emotional issues, healing

    •Moonstone- balancing, divination, love, inner strength, soothes emotional instability & stress, healing of digestive issues, pms and more

    •Obsidian- grounding, protection, peace, heals and aids digestive issues, reduces pain

    •Quartz- enhances and protects aura, amplifies the energy of other crystals

    •Rose Quartz- gentle love,heals emotional issues,calming, peaceful, dispels negative energy

    •Selenite- energy, clarity, awareness,promotes truth,emotional well-being

    •Serpentine- resourcefulness, peace,aids in meditation, corrects mental & emotional issues, cleanses the blood

    •Sodalite- wisdom, healing, meditation,inner peace,truth, protects from negative energy, helps writers

    •Sunstone- protection, energy, blessing,brings out leadership qualities, good luck, abundance, healing

    •Tiger’s eye- grounding, willpower, luck, protection from negative energy, decreases anxiety, provides happiness to blossom

    •Tourmaline- courage, inspiration, love, healing, protects from negative energy, also helps with electromagnetic smog and radiation

    •Unakite- clarity, transformation, can help open the third eye, calms

Here are a few categories that you may wish to learn about and the types of stones that help with each type.  This is by no means an all inclusive list but it is some of the more commonly available stones that you can get for various issues you may experience.

Healing- Alabaster, amber, apatite, aquamarine, bloodstone, celestite, Celtic sea salt, chrysocolla, citrine, flint, green calcite, hiddenite, moonstone, pearl, peridot, quartz, ruby, sea water, seraphinite, topaz, zircon

Protection- agate, alabaster, amber, amethyst, angelite, aventurine, black salt, coral, eggshell, emerald, flint, fluorite, iolite, ivory, jade, lepidolite, malachite, obsidian, onyx, opal, peridot, rainwater, river water, rutilated quartz, sea salt, sodalite, spring water, tiger eye, zircon

Wealth- agate, aventurine, chrysolite, clear calcite, goldstone, jade, lodestone, nephrite, topaz, tourmaline

Love- chrysoprase, clear calcite, diamond, emerald, Himalayan pink salt, lapis lazuli, lodestone, malachite, moonstone, rose quartz, sapphire

Wisdom- amazonite, amethyst, coral, cuprite, diamond, emerald, hawk’s eye, iolite, labradorite, tourmaline

Creativity- amazonite, emerald, fluorite, fog, ice, iolite, jasper, labradorite, malachite, orange calcite, ruby, sodalite, topaz, zincite

Peace- amazonite, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, celestite, chrysocolla, gold calcite, iron pyrite, lapis lazuli, lepidolite, moonstone, sapphire, smithsonite, sodalite, topaz, turquoise

Fortune- agate, aventurine, bloodstone, clear calcite, emerald, geode, jade, malachite, onyx, opal, rutilated quartz

Confidence- agate, amazonite, aquamarine, bloodstone, chalcopyrite, desert rose, diamond, fluorite, geode, iron pyrite, jade, jasper, sodalite, sunstone, tiger eye, topaz

Banishment- amethyst, angelite, black salt, chrysolite, coral, flint, obsidian, sea salt, swamp water, tiger eye, tourmaline, turquoise

Crystals and stones are wonderful. They can help with a lot of everyday issues we face but I will warn you. Once you start collecting them, they can become habit forming. When using these natural healers, protectors in conjunction with proper medical care, your life can become very much improved.

 Learn about them as much as you can; learn to identify them. Then when you go purchasing some of them you’ll be able to get a good price and you’ll also know if someone is trying to swindle you. Many crystals are pretty cheap but there are some that have much higher prices; especially crystals that’ve been carved into shapes and things, so be sure you do your research and that way you will get a fair price for quality merchandise.


House Spirits

Not all Wiccans believe in such things as house spirits. This includes such species as the Fae (fairy folk), brownies, wights and the list goes on and on. I was a non-believer at one point. I enjoyed the stories of them but I never took them seriously as being living creatures. That changed a few years ago. I was looking into building a Fae house as purely ornamental for my altar. Since I’m German, I wanted a little something on my altar that connects with my home land. I don’t know if the house itself attracted the Fae into my home or if they were there before and I was just too dense to have noticed. Or I had mistaken them for ghosts which is what actually occurred for hundreds, if not thousands, of years by people around the world. A lot of what the Fae do can be attributed to what we now call ghosts or spirits. Hence the name of this chapter.  

At any rate, I was leaving them a few small goodies on the kitchen table to enjoy and one morning my brother was here and he told me he had been pushed in the kitchen to the point of losing his balance and hitting his shoulder on the kitchen island. There was nothing on the floor that he could have tripped over. We do not have children in this house and our dogs’ toys are kept in one spot. (Besides, he would have noticed had he tripped or stepped on a doggy toy). Then a few days later, he walked down the steps outside and he trips and falls again, landing on his posterior. This was in the middle of summer, mind you, so there is no ice or snow and it had not rained in a couple of weeks. He had never tripped on the stairs before or since. I told him that it could be he somehow ticked the Fae off. Even without meaning to, you can upset them as some of them have quite a temper. Then it dawned on me. There had been reports in the past in our home of seeing strange colored lights where there’s absolutely zero light to be had. Several of the rooms are located where there are no windows in the hallway. And the angles would never work out to produce a light near a particular room.  

After doing some more research on the Fae. The true ones that have been written about for hundreds of years -not the Disney Fairies that come in tutus and fly around. I learned that such balls of light are quite common sightings when the Fae are nearby, as that is how the human eye can see them. I gave my brother some suggestions on offers to make to them and what words to use. Since then, he has not tripped or fallen anywhere inside or outside the home.

I have had the pleasure of seeing them a time or two myself in their light form as well as shadow forms and no, my dogs were not anywhere near by.  I am a very scientifically minded person so even as a Wiccan I look for all logical explanations before jumping to anything else.  Since then,  I have built 3 more Fae houses and even built one for one of my nieces as a present.  What is funny is each house is actually a take on each of the four elements- fire, water, earth and wind so I thought that was kind of cool how that worked out without my wanting to do it that way.  

As I said, the Fae are not like the ones you see in cartoons or modern children’s books.  Let me present you with a bit of information about them.  

People from all different countries have their own names and beliefs about them. Some believe fairies are fallen angels- too bad for heaven and too good for hell. Wherever these fallen angels landed was the type of fairy they would become (ie: if they fell into water, they became water fairies, if into the woods, a wood nymph, etc.). Some people believed them to be the spirits of unbaptized children, and so having no souls, simply perished at death. They can be more than mortal size or only a few inches high and can assume any appearance they like, particularly that of a deer or falcon or flower. There are tales of them kidnapping babies and leaving 'changelings' in their place, or carrying off adults into Faeryland. If these adults ate or drank there, they could never return to the “real world”.

It is believed that the race of Faerie could roughly be divided into two groups; the peasantry and the aristocracy.

The peasantry are the solitary fairies, descendants of spirits who at the beginning of time ensouled all of nature. These are the Fae that protect trees, fields, mountain streams and everything in between.

The aristocracy are known as the trooping faeries and are believed to be descended from ancient, vanquished gods. They are thought to dwell in kingdoms underground or in the deepest seas.

The name fairy, {perhaps derived from the Fates[the three spirits (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) which preside over the destiny of every individual], or a combination of Gaelic words 'fae' or 'friend' and 'eire' or 'green', hence- 'green friend'} first appears around the Middle Ages, but these beings in various forms appear from the Jinni of Arabic Mythology to the Nymphs of the Greeks, and in many indigenous cultures. The following are some of the many different kinds of faeries that generations of oral and written traditions have passed down through the ages:

 Asrais - These are small, delicate, female faeries. It is said that if they are exposed to sunlight or captured they will melt away into a pool of water.


Banshee -('Bean Sidhe' in Irish folklore, 'Bean Nighe' to the Scottish) This is a female spirit fairy attached to certain families. It is said, that when a member's death approaches, the family will hear the banshee crying.


Bogles - These are some of the more evil-natured Goblin types.  Although they are more disposed to do harm to liars and murderers.

Brownies - In English and Scottish folklore, a small, industrious faerie who inhabits houses and barns. Rarely seen, he would be heard at night cleaning and doing housework. Cream or bread and milk were often left as gifts for him.  People welcomed brownies into their home because they brought good fortune. To anger a brownie sometimes meant the brownie left all together and the family could fall into hard times.  The name “brownie” actually was applied to the dessert you may know of the same name, due to these creatures.


Daoine Mait - "the good people". They are the fairies of contemporary Irish folklore

Dwarfs - These are stocky, short and powerful creatures. They mature at three years old and are grey and bearded by the age of seven. It is said they cannot appear in the light of day or they will turn to stone. However, there are potions and spells that empower them to endure sunlight.

Dryads - These are the happy, playful wood nymphs that dwell in the trees. Some say their favorites are willow trees, others say they prefer oaks. The Druids are believed to have turned to them for inspiration.

 Elves - Another name by which trooping fairies are known. They can be divided into the Scottish Seelie and Unseelie Courts. They were believed by some to cause disease in cattle and humans and to sit upon the chest of a sleeper giving them bad dreams.  Granted nowadays, one first should look at sleep paralysis as a cause for such symptoms.

Feeorin - A type of diminutive fairy in the folklore of England. It is also the collective word for fairies who are usually friendly towards mankind, or at least neutral. They are depicted as small creatures with a green skin and wearing red hats. They enjoy singing and dancing.

 Fir Darrig - ( pronounced 'Fear deang') These fairies delight in rather gruesome forms of pranks, so it might be best to leave them alone. They can assume any visage they wish.

 Fire Fairies - There are two types of fire fairies: Flame Spirits and Elementals. They have the ability to create and destroy.

Garden Fairies - You will find these fairies among the flowers dancing and playing wearing flowing gowns with transparent wings. At dawn they pour out blessings upon the world.

Gnomes -These are earth elementals;  elderly people who live to be about 1000 years old and believed to be the healers of the fairy world. They live underground and guard the treasures of the earth. Gnomes are wonderful metal workers and have a weakness for gem stones and things that glitter.

Goblins - This is the name used for an uglier species of fairy. They are small and malicious, and usually band together as they have lost their abilities to operate independently. They can appear as animals and are usually controlled by a Mage for evil doings. - I did warn you that not all Fae are like Tinkerbell.  

Gwragedd Annwn - ( p. 'Gwageth anoon') These are Welsh water faeries,  who occasionally take human men for husbands.

Gwyllion -These are Scottish fairies. They are mostly seen as a hairy men or hideous female spirits who waylay and mislead travelers by night on the mountain roads. Mountain fairies like to sit on rocks on either side of a mountain path and silently watch passerby's.

Hamadryad - These are wood-nymphs. Each tree has its own wood-nymph, who dies when the tree dies.

Hobgoblins - Originally a general name for small, grotesque but friendly brownie-type creatures. Thankfully they’re not like the evil super-villain in the Spider-Man comics--haha .

Jinnee (s) or Jinn (p) - These are fairies in Arabian mythology, the offspring of fire. They reproduce like human beings, and are lead by a race of kings named Suleyman, one of whom, they say, built the pyramids. Their chief abode is the mountain Kâf, and they appear to men under the forms of serpents, dogs, cats, monsters, or even human beings, and become invisible at will. The evil jinn are hideously ugly, but the good are exquisitely beautiful. According to legend, they were created from fire two thousand years before Adam was made of earth.

Kelpie - In Scotland, an imaginary spirit of the waters in the form of a horse.

Kobold - According to German folklore, kobolds are spirits who dwell in mines and who like to torment humans. They are tricksters but not inherently evil (though some believe them to be the most dangerous and most ugly of all the fairy-like beings). Some sources suggest that kobolds are related to the Brownies.

Knockers (Buccas) - These are mine spirits who are friendly to miners. They knock where rich ore can be found.

Laminak - Basque fairies, related to the Celtic little people. The Laminak live underground in beautiful castles.

Lauma - Originally, a beautiful, long-haired female fairy from Lithuania, dwelling in the forests near water or stones. By the 18th century the name came to denote a witch or hag capable of changing into a frog or toad. In modern Latvian, lauma is 'a hag' and lauminette means 'to practice witchcraft'.

Leprechauns - In Irish folklore, they appear as tiny old men, solitary in nature, wearing a cocked hat and leather apron. They are said to possess a hidden pot of gold and if captured may reveal its hiding place. They are sly and tricky and, if you glance away, they can disappear in the blink of an eye. The name seems to be derived from the old Irish 'luchorpan' or 'little body'.

Lorelei - In German legend a fairy similar to the Greek Sirens who lived on the rock high on the bank of the Rhine River and by her singing lured the sailors to their death.

Los Aluxes - ( p. 'Los Ah Loo Shus') These faeries live in the temples of the ancient peoples in Mexico. They resemble gnomes. 'Aluxes' means 'little people'.

The Lunantishee, or Lunantishess - These are a tribe of fairies who guard blackthorn bushes (one of the Fairy Trees). They will not allow that a blackthorn stick is cut on May 11th (originally May Day) or November 11 (originally All Hallows Eve). Should anyone manage to cut a stick, some misfortune will surely befall him or her.

Mer-People (Mermaids) - They dwell in the water, but they are human from the waist up and have a tail of a fish. They are irresistible singers who sometimes lure fishermen to their deaths. Also called the Murdhuacha (muroo-cha) or Merrows.

 Naiad - water-nymphs.

 Nis or Nisse - a Kobold or Brownie. A Scandinavian fairy friendly to farmhouses.

 Ogre - an inhabitant of fairyland said to feed on infant children.

Orends -   nymphs   of trees, groves, woodlands and mountain forests. They were the spirits of the oaks and pines, poplar and ash, apple and laurel.

Pixies - These faeries often take the form of hedgehogs. They are mischievous creatures who enjoy playing practical jokes on humans and other fae folk. They adore music and dancing, and also love to steal horses to ride.

Peri - a Persian fairy. Evil peris are called “Deevs”

Perit - In Albanian folklore, they are female mountain deities of great beauty. They are dressed entirely in white and are regarded as good fairies though they can become very angry towards those who spill bread, and will give those who do a hump.

Phooka - These are Irish goblins. They are usually friendly but are known to play pranks.


Portunes - These are tiny medieval fairies, described by Gervase of Tilbury as being the size of a finger. They are very old men with wrinkled faces who work on human farms. Though generally friendly and helpful, at night they cannot resist grabbing the bridle of a horse and leading the horse and its rider into ponds.

Puck, or Robin Goodfellow - is a character from Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". With his flute, made from a willow twig, he accompanies fairies on their moonlight dances. He is closely related to the Irish Phooka.

Redcap - These are believed to be the most evil of the old Border Goblins, living in old ruined towers and castles, particularly those with a history of wickedness. They say he re-dyes his cap in human blood.

Rod - In Slavic mythology, the Rod are the spirits of deceased female ancestors and are considered to be goddesses of fate and fairies. As three women they appear at the cradle of a newborn child and decide the child's fate.

Seelie Court - The Court of the kind and benign fairy host, usually seen around twilight in long solemn processions. These fairies help the poor with gifts of corn and bread. The opposite of the Seelie Court ('Blessed Court') is the evil Unseelie Court.

Selkies - These water faeries are usually found in seas and oceans. They first appear as seals but become beautiful women when they shed their skin.

Shefro - Male fairies who wear green coats and red caps.

Sídhee - (p. 'shee') Meaning 'people of the fairy hills', it is the Gaelic name for fairies in both

Ireland and the Scottish Highlands. These faeries are described as being aristocrats, beautiful, of great size, great age, and great power. Usually these fairies are attracted to those who are beautiful as well as wealthy.

The Slaugh - This is the name of the Unseelie Court or the evil fairies in the folklore of Scotland. The name means the Host,(a euphemism used to avoid invoking them by name and hopefully preventing them from inflicting harm). They are believed to be the Fallen Angels that roam the midnight skies of the earth searching for lost souls.

Spriggans - These are fabled to be ugly, grotesque and small in their natural state, but can inflate themselves to gigantic proportions. Spriggans are an infamous band of villains, skilled thieves, thoroughly destructive and often dangerous. They are capable of robbing human houses, kidnapping children and leaving a repulsive baby Spriggan in exchange.

Sprites - These are spirit fairies, their name coming from the Latin word 'spiritus'. They are creatures of the element of water and are found only in places that are serene and cool. Their job is to change the color of the leaves in autumn. They are the muses, artists and poets of the fairy world.

Sylphs - These are spirit fairies of the air (the name comes from the Greek 'silphe' meaning 'butterfly' or 'moth'). They are transparent and elusive and always seem to be surrounded by a glow. They defend high mountain peaks where they dwell.

Trolls - These creatures have an aversion to daylight. They are frequently observed performing a curious lop-sided dance called 'Henking'.

Trows - Similar to the Trolls and like them, have an aversion to daylight.

Tuatha Dé Danaan - (Tribe of Dana) They are the pre-Christian gods of Ireland, sometimes represented as heroes or fairies.

The Tylwyth Teg ("the fair people") - These are Welsh fairies who live in lakes or streams or in hollows of the hills. The females are called y mamau (the mothers), a title which links them to the pagan Celtic deities, the Matres. Associated with them are the usual traditions of moonlight dance, the supernatural passage of time, the stealing of children, and the substitution of changelings. They are especially interested in children with golden hair. Their favorites they enrich with precious gifts, which disappear when these gifts are spoken of.

Undines - These are water fairies, usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They have beautiful voices and can sometimes be heard singing over the sound of the water.

Unseelie Court - The evil counterpart of the Seelie Court . Those that fly through the sky at night are called the 'Horde'. Mortals unfortunate enough to cross the Horde's path are taken,beaten, pinched and forced to participate in their bizarre nocturnal activities. The Unseelie Court ("Unholy Court") solely consists of those fairy-like beings which are the most ugly and evil.

Urisk - Is a solitary faerie who haunts lonely pools. He will often seek out human company but his peculiar appearance terrifies those he approaches.

Will-O'-The-Wisp - A spirit of the bogs, whose delight is to mislead belated travellers.

Yosei - Japanese fairies. They are most often seen as birds, cranes or swans.

Yumboes -These are fairies of African mythology. They stand about two feet high and are white in color. Their favorite haunt is the range of hills called The Paps.

Xanas - The nymphs or faeries of Asturias, derived from Celtic mythology. They live near streams, and spend their day singing beautiful tunes and combing their wonderful hair.

As you can see, there are many races of Fae all around the globe.  Some are benign, some are tricksters and others are best just left to their own devices.  This is not even a complete list of all the beings. That may come in a separate book later on.  

If you feel a connection with any of these Fae and wish to make them feel at home in your home, there are things you can do.  One is create a Fae altar.  

These altars can be erected indoors or out or even combined with another altar provided the area for the Fae are clearly marked. I would just make their altar separate since you never know if you will come across a grouchy Fae or not.  

An outdoor altar should be placed in an area where neighbors are not likely to see it or walk through it.  The same goes for yourself.  Try to be careful of the altar area when you are gardening and cutting the lawn and all of that.  Keep the area well groomed but leave a few branches a little longer so they have some cover.

House Fae prefer their gifts indoors.  If you are fortunate enough to have a fireplace, this is an ideal spot because in times past, this has been the traditional hearth area of the home.  If you do not have a fireplace, you can leave offerings in the kitchen since that is the modern equivalent to the hearth.  If you have a well sealed basement, this also makes a wonderful place for a Fae altar as well as attics, window gardens and even the top of a dresser occasionally.

Some things you can offer:

Something to put a coin or stone in.

A representation of one of the four elements for the fae to rest upon. This can be a stone, a bowl of water, a candle or a flower.

A representation of the fae themselves such as a small plant, scents they like, a statue or a picture.

Shiny glass pebbles are also well received as they love to gaze upon themselves.  

A candle dressed with an essential oil; Yule tree lights, crystals, a feather, seashells, twigs are all wonderful things to add to a Fae altar.  

House Wights and Land Wights

I recently came across this information again. I have a huge collection of bookmarks in my computer browsers so sometimes I forget all the information I have saved to look back on at a later time.  A little while ago, I came across one about house wights and it piqued my interest so I read it. Something clicked so quickly with that.  In Wicca, one rarely hears about house or land wights because they’re more known in the Heathen path and mythology.  

These are basically spirits that inhabit homes and the land.  Some come into a home that has been built upon their land to see what the people are like and they take a shine to them.  Some are already in the home when you move in and they stick around because they like living there.  For land wights-- these are spirits that have been around for time immemorial.  They take good care of the land, the plants, animals that live there and make sure everything is going well.  

I must admit that I was highly intrigued by what I read.  Heathenism, for those who do not know, is basically the Norse religion and since I am German that should be part of my heritage but I have never been able to connect with it. I love my German heritage. I speak the language, eat the foods, love the culture but I just could never connect with the Norse pantheon and the mythologies thereof.  Well, that same night before I went to bed I said something like this, “I welcome you house wight. If you are here, you are welcome to be here as long as you’re friendly and wish to be friends.” That same evening I was getting something out of my mother’s room before she went to bed and out of the corner of my eye I spot a small shadow.  This was about, oh, 2 feet tall or so and I know it was not one of my dogs because this shadow had a hat and stood on two legs.  My dogs hate hats-- lol.  

The following morning, I was doing my morning meditation and the next thing I know I see a vision in my mind’s eye of a small man.  He had dark hair, not long but not short either and a small green cap on- kind of like the type you would expect to see an elf wearing but without the bells and the jester style pattern, if that makes any sense at all. He has a white shirt and dark trousers with a brown vest over the shirt and his shoes are also dark brown in color.  He has a friendly smile on his face and he seems to be wanting to say "hello". That afternoon I gave him a small offering of a piece of bread at my table and then I also took an offering outside to the land wight.  I figure it is only fair if I give one, I give to the other.

A few nights later, I am having a terrible nightmare and I get woken up by a gruff but friendly voice calling my name.  I immediately thought of our house wight and I said thank you and went back to sleep.  When I finally woke up that morning  I told him since he obviously knows my name, I would be honored if he would share his name with me.  I told him no pressure and only if he is ready to do so. A day or so later, a name came to me out of the blue and I looked it up.  It definitely fits with him. I will not give that name here since that is a private matter between he and myself.  Then a few days after that I was walking down the hall and out of the blue, where the washer and dryer are, something flew out and landed on the ground.  I went to pick it up and it appeared to be a dried ball of mud.  No way that got in the house because no one wears boots and last time I checked, my dogs are not collecting mud to make into a ball.  I thanked him for the gift because I read sometimes they will leave a small gift for you.  

I have been working on a house for him and he has been letting me know what colors he wants, what designs and I told him, “Look, I’ll be glad to make this how you want it to be because you’re going to be living in it.  As long as I have the skill to do it and the means to do it, just let me know.”  He has been guiding me through the process ever since.  

It is a wonderful thing to have such a relationship even if you can not visually see them all the time as you would a regular person. They are sentient beings and they deserve to be treated with respect.  In return, they protect the home, make the home a happier more cheerful place and for this I am more than happy to have them in my home.  

A house wight is a spirit that lives in your home...or in a sense...the house wight is the spirit of your hearth or the spirit of your home.  It is fair to say that the spirits of your home and of your land are very close to you, and are available for daily interaction.  After all, they are right there in your home or on your land.  Your house wight is a roommate of sorts, and your land wight is like a close neighbor.  Our ancestors would actually interact more with beings such as the Fae and house wights than they would with their God & Goddess. They depended on these relationships for safety of their land and home and also for prosperity in their everyday lives.  

If you wish to connect with your house wight or land wight, all you have to do is recognize their presence. Let them know as long as they are friendly and they wish to be there they are more than welcome to share your home with you. If you live in an apartment or a crowded area, you might have to work a little harder and longer for them to make themselves known but it shall be worth it.

You do not have to build them a house as I am doing.  You can set aside a small bowl and maybe a small cup for offerings to them that they can enjoy.  What is most important, is finding a way to acknowledge and interact with the spirit or heart of your home.  The amount of time you leave this offering out and how often you regularly honor your wights are up to you. After a while, you will notice that you feel inclined to offer other things; by all means, do so.

I started with a piece of bread. Since then I have offered a small bowl of milk with honey and just recently, I offered some sunflower seeds.  Wights operate, like runes, on the same plane that intuition is borne from. Working with your wights will lead you to understand them, and they you.  Please keep in mind to offer only good things to your wights. By that I mean, do not have a meal of squash with rice pilaf and green beans and then offer your wight the leftover scraps. They will feel very disrespected by this. I mean think about it. It would be similar to having someone over for dinner and offering them a bowl of kitchen scraps.  Wights can be wonderful to have in the home but do not upset wights or they will upset you in return. This is not just a spiritual matter, it is also a practical one.  When you form a bond with your house wight; when you gift and honor them you will have a better appreciation for your own home and all that reside within there.  If you have children, teach them to honor these wonderful beings as well.  Children who are taught to appreciate and get along with their house wight, are introduced to a part of our Folkway that many adults new to our world-view have not yet discovered.  

I have to be straight with you guys here. Since I started forming a relationship with our house wight, things have calmed down quite a bit in my home. Arguments have dropped off. They are not at zero but a lot fewer arguments than had been going on.  When you take care of an aging parent, believe me, there is a lot of arguing that happens.  The air in the home feels lighter and fresher. Things run more smoothly.

Listening to the House Spirits

In the past 2 years I have created several Fae houses, turns out by the time I finished my 4th one, I had a Fae house that corresponded to each of the 4 elements so I thought that was pretty cool. Completely unintentional on my part or so I thought. I just wanted each house to look different. As an artist, one thing I hate is to make the same thing over and over without any kind of new additions to it, whether that is colors, shape, materials or whatever the case may be.  I have a true respect for the Fae in all their forms and I do not work with them lightly.  I do a lot of research before communicating with them but I have given them offerings over the years and we seem to be quite well in sync, so to speak.

As I told you, I am in the process of building a house for our house wight. That same day that I first saw the house wight in my mind’s eye and the next day I kept seeing myself placing a small house on a small counter that separates our living room from the kitchen, I recalled I had a spare bird house I had bought last month because I was going to make another Fae house.  Well I decided to turn this bird house into my house wight's home and I began thinking of how to make it- the colors and what not and I said to myself, "You know what. You're not going to live here Mike, the house wight is so why not let him choose his own colors. Afterall, that's what I'd want if I were living in a home." And I spoke softly, "what color would you like the roof?" and he whispered to me, "a soft blue" and the walls a grey so I started painting them in that color.  Since then, he has told me he would like trailing vines wrapping around the front door and along the side of the house so I shall be working on those for his home.  

The point of this is not just to describe my own home and experiences but because I had an epiphany. If we are living together with these other sentient beings, they should have some say in their environment as well.  We should not just say "well, this is my home because I am paying for it and I will let you stay here because I am being gracious. You shall have to accept what I give to you." No, that is not how we would interact with other human beings that live with us or should not anyways so why would we treat other beings in such a way? Even if we are not aware of what we are doing and trust me, I know from experience.  I was this way for a couple of years without realizing that all I was doing was offering up what I liked to give and that I knew they liked.  I did not take their feelings into consideration when I built the Fae homes, even though I did choose things I thought they would like, I did not ask their opinion about it.  Sound familiar ?  

Now I am not saying you should move your furniture around, repaint your home or whatever, just to please those that live with us. However, when we make something for them to live in, to use, we should ask their opinion about what they would like and if we have the ability to give it to them, we should do so occasionally.  This does not mean becoming their "slave" or their "servant" or whatever term one wishes to use but it is the polite thing to do.  If we are going to have a happy relationship with the beings that surround us, on our land, in our homes and so forth, we have to treat them as sentient beings and not just "creatures that share our space and will occasionally do something good for us or play a prank on us if they are unhappy".

It is my opinion and this is just mine, that if we treat them the same way we would treat other family members who live with us or our neighbors that we like, then we have to get their input occasionally about things like this, especially if it involves a home for them, or maybe an offering and so on.  I think if we do this, it will provide not only a happier home for ourselves but also for the spirits we share our homes and land with and when they are happy, when we are happy, then things run a lot smoother all around.  

The amount of information available on fae, brownies, wights and so on is so vast that I would have to devote an entire book to them and I just may in the future.  I do hope though that the information I was able to provide you in this chapter was entertaining and also useful for you. That it gave you some new ways to think about these very interesting beings that share our world but that we don’t get to see too often with our own eyes.  


When we begin our path, we start to see things differently. We see trees, animals( including insects) in a whole different light. This can start making us see that everything has a special meaning to it. I went through this as well and it is tough to know what is a TRUE symbol and what is just a regular occurrence. One thing I have learned is that if you have to ask someone “is there a special meaning behind such and such” then mostly likely it’s a simple everyday occurrence rather than something special.  

Looking at the world in a new light is a wonderful thing to have happen; however, it also needs to be done with common sense logic. Certain things will begin to happen that have a special meaning and that you need to learn from. This happens because now that you are open to them, they know you are listening and wanting to learn, so they start to appear to you when you need them to. This is called symbolism and it can take many forms. During my first year finally accepting my true path, I had a special damselfly that visited our yard. I felt a special kinship with him above any other damselflies that appeared in the yard and several times he sat near me when I was outside. The last time I saw him, he sat next to my shoe and appeared to say, “Good bye my friend.” I did some research and discovered that just as their bodies reflect light in different ways to produce their beautiful colors, so can we reflect light in ourselves and the light we project to the world. I thought this was an important lesson to learn, especially as I was just embracing Wicca for the first time 100%. Sadly, these insects do not live beyond a year, so the damselflies that have been in my yard each summer since have not had quite that connection.

Same thing happened with a bunny that began to visit our yard on a regular basis.  Now, we have lived here for well over a decade before I embraced Wicca and we had not had a bunny in our yard in that entire time.  Then the spring following my self-dedication, we had a regular bunny visitor.  I felt a special kinship with him and I studied his habits a bit.  Once again I did my research.  As you can tell, I am a very research-type of person--hehe.  

They are a sign of not just good luck but also that something new is going to take place; a change will occur in one's life.  When a rabbit appears in your life like that, they are there to encourage you to explore whatever has grabbed your attention.  This can of course be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what changes will occur.  They are also a symbol of the trickster which is not necessarily a bad thing.  Sometimes we need to be a bit tricky to get by in this world.  Of course, rabbits are often hunted by predators so you may ask yourself, is there some trouble coming at your job, in your home or within yourself?  The rabbit came to me to help prepare me for a few changes.

In my case, the changes were fortunate at the time.  My creative projects blossomed into new areas. I have been mainly a painter and graphic designer but since this occurred I have spread my wings, to speak, to include creating small clay figurines, sewing plushies, even refinishing a few old pieces I found at thrift shops.  

Another change that occurred was that our landlord was about to pass away a few months later.  Naturally, I was worried about our living situation but thankfully his sister and her husband took over and they were wonderful landlords.  The biggest change that occurred though was that they ended up selling us our home.  This was the first time I had ever owned a home so that was a very scary thing to go through. All the thoughts that run through your mind about “can we afford this place if something breaks down?” and “can we afford the taxes?” and you know all the questions that run through your mind when you are about to be a first time home-owner.  

We still have this bunny visiting us regularly and he has gotten so comfortable I have been able to get within a few feet of him and he does not seem to mind a bit.  Now, I leave offerings for him for his help over the last couple of years.  

A major symbolic event took place two autumns ago.  I was outside with the boys (my dogs are my boys) and I heard crows in the background. Nothing unusual about that but at the same time, I heard “Morrigan” in my head.  I had read something about her months before but had not given it much thought since.  I did a bit more looking into her after this and I asked her that night to contact me if she wishes to work with me. Well, that night she came to me in my dreams.  Her name came to me several times and I even saw a glimpse of her.  We have not officially worked together in the same way I work with Lugh, Nantosuelta and Brighid but at Samhain and Mabon, I do include her in my ritual so that she knows I have not forgotten about her.  What is funny is, that Nantosuelta, the Goddess that has truly become my patron deity in every sense of the word, is thought to be a precursor to the Morrigan.  So I began to ask myself, “Did the Morrigan appear to me to prepare me for Nantosuelta?”.  I still haven’t quite decided on the answer to that question.  

These have been just a small handful of wonderful experiences I have been fortunate enough to have had in the past few years.  You may very well have many yourself that are equally as important to you.  What I truly suggest is that when you come across an animal, a plant or an insect and you are thinking, “is this important?”, ask yourself these questions:

Why are they doing this, is it a normal behavior for them?

What reasons could they be performing this behavior?

How uncommon is this behavior for the animal overall as a species?

How persistent are they in showing this new behavior or interest?

Is there a deity connected with this animal, plant, insect?

Then follow your gut instinct and intuition.  That will rarely lead you astray.  After you get the feeling this might be an important experience, look up what that animal, plant or what have you, can mean symbolically and see if it fits any aspect of your life.  Often times, I get asked “I saw this animal, does it mean something?” and I can’t answer that because it is such a personal experience.  Animal and plant symbolism is a lot like dream interpretation.  You can discuss it with someone all you like but in the end, the only one that can say it means anything important is yourself because no one knows your mind, your life, what you are going through, better than you do yourself.  

The more you do this, the better you shall get at it and after a while, you will be able to recognize what is something important you are to learn from or if it is a deity trying to contact you and so on and what is just a general experience.  

I am going to share with you a few animals’ symbolic meanings.  Granted, these meanings are by NO means set in stone and there are many meanings out there and what is listed here may not connect with you but another meaning might.  This is why I say things like this are such a personal experience and meaning.  This will at least give you a few ideas to start with and research from there.

Ants - Patience, stamina, planning, perseverance, organization, self-discipline, teamwork, energy, and patience.

Bats - Rebirth, accessing past lives, new ideas, transition, intuition, changes for the better, moon magic, understanding grief, and the ability to observe unseen, introspection.

Bears - Introspection, healing and inner knowledge, wisdom, defense, revenge, change, death and rebirth, communication with spirit, solitude, power, mother cunning, healer, gentle strength, transformation, astral travel, strength, unconscious mind, grounding, inner energy of the soul, earth magic, and facing fears.

Beavers - Building, gathering, intuition, persistence, following through with our dreams, balance, shaping, and structure, loyal to family and friends.

Bees - Female warrior energy, reincarnation, communication with the dead, service, gathering, community, connection to the Goddess Diana, to the goddess Nantosuelta, helping earth-bound spirits move on to their proper place, concentration, and prosperity.

Birds - Associated with death and transitions, unity, freedom, and individuality. Each species has their own meaning so be sure to look them up.

Butterflies/Caterpillars - Transformation, reincarnation, balance, grace, vulnerability, patience, elegance.

Cats - Wholeness, guardians, independence, seeing the unseen, cleverness, a balancing of energies, moon magic, mystic powers, grace, patience to know when to act, courage, curiosity, understanding mystery, cleansing, and purification.

Chickens - Power of voice, language, seeking answers, sunrise magick, Protection of family and community, Hearing your inner voice, boldness, enthusiasm.

Chipmunks - Gathering, mobility, frugal living, and the ability to see both light and shadow, that you’ll have an important conversation with someone soon so be aware, adventurous.

Cows - Economy, connection to the earth, wealth and prosperity, and patience,abundance, female power, calm, grounding.

Deer - Gentleness, body awareness, kindness, gracefulness, sensitivity, peace, unconditional love, alertness, recognition of outside influences, innocence and earth magic.

Dogs - Family, wisdom, loyalty, protection, companionship, faithfulness, warnings, and earth and moon magic, alertness, bravery.

Dolphin- family, cooperative, playful, inner strength, resurrection, adventurous

Donkeys - Stubbornness, ability to make decisions, intuition.

Ducks - Water energy and logic, teaching how to go with life’s flow, how to protect yourself from negative emotions, community, being prepared.

Elks - Stamina, strength, pride, power, majesty, agility, freedom, and nobility, abundance.

Ferrets - Information, seeing truth behind the facade, purity, tenacious,.

Fish - Abundance, fertility, children, harmony, intelligence, luck, change, feminine, regeneration, love, and mind/emotion balance.

Foxes - Elusiveness, cleverness, feminine courage, subtlety, discretion, agility, cunning, slyness, fire magic, and intelligence, awareness.

Frogs - Healing, transformation, cleansing, understanding emotions, and connection with water element, rebirth, ancient wisdom.

Goats - Independence, confidence, tenacity, diligence, flexibility, healing and sun magic, abundance, and agility, sensuality, spirituality, curiosity, sacrifice, initiation .

Horses - Power, stability and courage, Astral travel, protection, freedom, power, travel, and earth and moon magic, grace.

Lions- strength, assertiveness, power, family loyalty, anger, aggression, patience, warning you of a potential threat, dignity, authoritative

Mice - Scrutiny, innocence, faith, trust, shyness, quietness, details, and earth magic, mediator between life & death, resourcefulness, fertility, determination.

Owls - Deception, wisdom, truth, patience, insight, darkness, and air magic, transformation.

Pigs - Truth, earth magick, past life knowledge, intelligence, and cunning, fertility, abundance, strength.

Rabbits - Fear, faith, alertness, nurturing, conquering fear, safety, innocence, fertility, movement, sensitivity, luck, and moon magic, change, creativity.

Rats - Abundant reproduction, shrewdness, adaptability, success, social, restlessness, earth magic, stealth, and defense, foresight.

Sheep - Balance, confidence, fertility, courage, new beginnings, purity, abundance, and assurance, patience.

Snails - Perseverance and Determination, using time wisely, timid, unsocial, balance protection with trust.

Snakes - Transmutation, primitive or elemental energy, power, sexual potency. sensuality, shrewdness, and transformation, guidance, earth energy.

Spiders - Shape-shifting, wisdom, creativity, divine inspiration, fate, illusion, feminine energy, and industry, patience.

Squirrels - Discovery, change, trust, resourcefulness, balance in giving and receiving, awareness, sociability, playfulness, preparation, activity, energy, and earth magic.

Wolves - Wisdom, protection, shadow work, guidance, instinct, intelligence, success, perseverance, stability, loyalty, independence, spirit, freedom, guardianship, and earth and moon magic, commitment.

Color Correspondence

Color plays such an important role in the human psyche.  Think about why so many hospitals choose pastel colors for their corridors as well as their room colors.  A lot of the hospitals around this area choose light blues, light yellows for the wall colors along with white.  These colors are cheery and also instill trust.  They provide peacefulness and help to calm those who might be fearful at the hospital.  

In homes, you often find neutral colors in addition to a little bit of a more daring color option.  This is to create a sense of peace and tranquility while also adding a touch of energy to the overall color scheme of the home.  

Think about yourself.  What colors bring energy to you? Which colors make you feel serene and calm?  What colors instill the idea of protection?  What colors remind you of prosperity and abundance?  

I ask you to consider these sorts of questions because even though I am going to show you some color correspondences in this chapter, it still comes down to how your own mind, eyes and spirituality work.  For example, the color green generally is used for things such as money rituals, healing rituals but if you are from a different culture or your mind just connects to colors differently, then you might choose the color gold for healing and prosperity.  In Oriental culture, the color white is used for death rather than black, as an example of what I mean.  

I would like to recommend you use the color correspondences I provide as a template, at the beginning of your path. It is a solid foundation to begin with and then to later build upon. If your mind strongly connects with a color differently, by all means go with that. When you perform rituals and spells and do general healing work, it is all about intent and that starts with the mind and the heart. So if you connect a color with something other than is listed below, that is perfectly fine. I would suggest for you to use it in the way your mind and soul connect with that particular color.  

I would also like to give you a little bit of advice. If you are using a ritual or spell someone else has written and it mentions using a specific colored candle, satchel or what not, but do not happen to have that particular color. What if the stores are closed or do not carry that color or the price might be out of your range? It is okay. You can use a white color, a white satchel or whatever the item that the spell or ritual calls for. White possesses all the colors of the spectrum. You can also, if you like, tie a piece of string in the color that is being asked for, onto the candle or item in question and that will work perfectly. We have to remember that our predecessors were not able to get candles in a myriad of colors or purchase a bunch of different colored fabrics to create satchels and bags in specific shades of any color. More often than not, they had to use what they had on hand and their workings came out just fine.  

I am going to provide you with various colors and what they can symbolize.  You can use these meanings as they are;  you may change them to suit how your mind works. These are just some of the meanings various colors can possess.  


Grounding, wisdom, learning, safety, protection, reversing, scrying, pride, removing negative energy, repelling dark magick, uncrossing and unhexing, releasing


Healing, communication, will power, focus, forgiveness, tranquility & peace, water element connection, harmony in the home, patience, good fortune, help with weight loss, truthfulness, sincerity, removing bad vibes and energy, astral projection, psychic awareness, dreams


Stability, locating lost objects, earth magick & earth element, construction, food- especially vegetables & fruits, financial crisis help, animal and pet magick, concentration, regeneration


Emotional healing, physical healing,  passion, money, fertility aid, career growth, success in business ventures,


Male energy, masculine divinity, abundance, prosperity, healing, understanding, divination, luck, solar energy, good attitude, justice, attraction, mental growth


Faery magick, Loneliness, vision quests, hesitation, cancelling, glamour, contemplation, removing negative influence


God & Goddess, prosperity, abundance, money, physical as well as emotional healing, growth, good luck, marriage success, tree and plant magick, weather, balance, employment, courage


Spiritual guidance, psychic ability, stop gossip/lies, dignity, divination, meditation, ambition, overcome depression


Knowledge, intuition, spiritual development, sensitivity to the other world

Light Blue

Spirituality, tranquility, peace, protection, ward off depression, opportunity, safe journeys,


God connection, creativity, self-expression, beating addiction, legal matters and justice, business success, clearing the mind, vitality, fun, dominance, opportunities, investments, celebrate


Mortality, honor, love, compassion, nurturing, femininity, friendship, romance, self-improvement, maturity, protection of kids, healing on the spiritual and emotional levels


Power, intuition, ambition, healing, spiritual contact, removing “evil”, changing one’s luck, independence, break a bad habit, wisdom,


Fire element, vitality, passion, strength, fertility, courage, sexual potency, action, independence, assertiveness, health, vigor, anger


Feminine divinity (Goddess), lunar magick, success, luck, stability, psychic awareness, intuition, dreams, victory, meditation, communication


Spirituality, connection to higher self, Goddess, insight, clarity, tension


God & Goddess together, all purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, peaceful, balance, spiritual, healing, truth, balancing the aura, warding off fear and doubts, justice


Air element, pleasure, success, happiness, memory and concentration, inspirational, harmony, creativity, travel help, flexibility, solar magick

Again, these are not all the colors out there or all the connections with them.  Keep doing your research and write down what each color means to you.  The personal connection you have with different colors is very important and by including them into your magick, you will get a great deal more out of it.  

Now, I am going to give you a few different ways you can incorporate color magick into your daily life. In fact, if you are  having to practice in secret due to family or work issues, color magick is a wonderfully discreet way to practice your magick “openly”.  

If you are looking to add some confidence to yourself, you might wear something with a splash of orange or red in it.  To provide you with some calm energy, for things like job interviews, exams, presentations that you have to give, wear something with a calming influence such as pastel blue or a light yellow.  If your workplace has a specific uniform that is ok. You can add a touch of whatever color you need for that day by wearing that corresponding color in your underwear, a bra, socks, even a bracelet.  

When you are working magickally at home, you can choose a specific color for your altar cloth or write your spell or ritual in a specific ink color.  As we discussed in candle magick, you can select a candle in the color that corresponds to your need.  When working with meditation or sending healing energy to someone, envision the color you associate with healing.  For me, that is a light blue or a gold or white light.  For you it may be a green or a yellow.  

These are but a few different ways to incorporate color magick into your daily life.  Use these as examples and maybe you shall come up with a few new ideas of your own. Color is all around us; it is up to us to tap into that wonderful form of magick.

Familiars- Not as Common as You Think

This is a very contentious topic and is a hot topic in every group I have ever been in or to administrate. People believe that because they have a close bond with a pet, that this makes their pet their familiar. I hear stories all the time about how close someone is with a dog or cat or bird or even reptile and because the animal rarely leaves their side or gets anxious when the person is gone and so forth. This must mean they are meant to work together as a pair - witch and familiar.

I also get often tales told of “well, my cat Snookums is always climbing around on my altar so she must want to work with me magickally.” I am sorry to disappoint, but not the case. Cats climb and walk around altars because they are inquisitive animals. They want to know what is going on and when they see something new or smell something different, they will investigate. The same holds true for dogs.. Dogs, more so than cats, of course, love being around their human family so of course they are going to want to be around you during rituals, etc.  

In truth, you truly do not want your pet being your familiar. Familiars are meant to help guide you on your magickal path, to help you in astral travel and when you are sleeping to protect you. They are meant to take a magickal hit for you if someone were to try to send negative or dangerous energy your way. Is this something you really want a family pet to do for you? I know I would not want any of my pets to take a hit for me. I would sooner take one for them.  

I have also been told from a few different people that they chose their familiar.  Again, I am sorry, that does not happen. Familiars choose you and they come to you when you need them to help.  You are not going to go outside and see a couple of sparrows in your tree and say “you guys are my familiars now”.  It is not going to work like that.

Familiars are creatures of energy that sometimes inhabit the body of a familiar animal; sometimes they will come to you as a totally mythological animal such as a dragon, phoenix, unicorn even.  

Just as with symbolism in the previous chapter, there are some questions you can ask yourself.

Why are they doing this, is it a normal behavior for them?

If it’s a new animal could they just be getting used to you?

What reasons could they be performing this behavior?

what reasons could be making them attracted to my work (curious, new smells or sounds)

How uncommon is this behavior for the animal overall as a species?

How persistent are they in showing this new behavior or interest?

Is the animal okay medically (did they start any new medications)?

How long does this behavior continue?

Do they show signs of wanting to work with me?

Am i ready for this?

Is this safe for them?

A true familiar takes an active  role in your spiritual undertakings.  If you are the ritual type, they participate in rituals without having to be closed into the same room as you and being forced to be present.  They offer guidance and wisdom beyond what might have been available to you without them.  This means that they push things into place, or pull things out.  They make you notice things that you need to notice.  Again, they are choosing of their own free will to actively participate in your craft.

And I must include here, that many many Wiccans and witches actually go through their entire life without ever coming across a familiar.  This does not make them any less of a witch or Wiccan.  As I stated, I have not had a familiar and I truly do not care if one wishes to work with me at some point or not.  The idea is wonderful but I hate to think of any animal, real or metaphysical, taking any dangerous hits that should be for me.  

Thinking about giving up on Wicca ?

I think you have to step back and look at the bigger picture. This is a spiritual path that is meant to be for a lifetime; you can't expect to be good at it in a few days or weeks or even a few months. Heck, it took me months just to get a firm grasp on the Sabbats (outside of Samhain & Yule of course). There is no rush to learning things quickly and you will find you will savor and remember things a lot better when it takes you a while for it to click for you. I am not saying you should or should not give up but you have to be realistic. There are Wiccans and witches who have been on this path for decades and still feel like they are newbies in many ways and that is a great way to think because it keeps your mind open. You do not stop learning things along the way and you learn to think outside of the box.

Are you unable to meditate and so you feel frustrated?  Question for you-- have you tried guided meditations on YouTube or any number of free meditation apps available for both Apple & Android devices? If not, give those a shot; they helped me tremendously when I started out on meditation. Secondly, what are you expecting from meditating? Do you think you have to have a fully clear mind to do it and that you have to do it for 30 minutes or more? You start meditating for a couple of minutes, if thoughts come to you, do not worry about it. Let them flow through you and return to your breathing to focus on and you build on that one or two minutes until you reach 5 minutes, then 10 and so on but it is not a race; you do it at your pace.

You see people in Wiccan online groups who have found a fit for themselves. This is why I recommend when beginning, to make a list of things you are already interested and passionate about and see how you incorporate them into your path. This is THE best way to keep from getting frustrated quickly and you also bring an element that you are familiar with, into this path and you grow with it. You also do not know how long those members have worked with various things such as stones, herbs, oils and so on. I have worked with crystals since 2015, I have worked with herbs for years though and added it to my Wiccan path, essential oils were a natural fit because I already had a lot of knowledge about the herbs in plant form so learning about the essential oils was just an extension of that. I am a professional artist so it is only natural that I incorporate art and crafts into my belief system and use them to help others as well as to decorate my altar and also to give as offerings to my deities.  Others have been practicing divination for years, they have practiced dream interpretations for quite a long time and all the other things that you have seen.

For some, yes it is a natural fit when they first start something, it clicks but that goes for any area of life; when you were in school I am sure there were students who were naturals at math, at English class, at science and so on. In the work force, some ppl are natural people persons-- they can talk to anyone about anything without a worry, there are people at work who are natural at being leaders and taking charge of projects. That does not mean that you are any less than they are, you just have not found your groove yet.  If Wicca is meant to be a lifetime path, do you not think you owe it to yourself to give it a shot for at least a while longer?


I am not here to force you to stay with something you do not think fits for you but think about these things before throwing in the towel. Perhaps Wicca is not for you but what if it is and you gave up too soon?  As I have said in this book, it is not my job to convert anyone to Wicca but I also do not want anyone who wishes to pursue this path, to give up on themselves because it is not as easy for them as it might be for another person. Anything worth having, is worth working for.


In closing, I hope that this book has been a good read for you. That you found it entertaining as well as informational.  I like to write in style that gets information across but that does not put you to sleep in the process. I do not see why learning can’t also be fun.  In this book, I have covered many areas that beginners tend to deal with most and have the most questions about.  I think I have answered many of those questions throughout this book and I hope that it gives you a good foundation to build upon.  This is my first book and I just may write a few more if I have enough encouragement from all of you.  If you have any questions about anything in this book, please, don’t hesitate to contact me.  You may email me at mikesextonstudio2@gmail.com   and be sure to check out other ways you can purchase my art and gifts by visiting me at www.mikesextonstudio.com  

Author Bio

Mike Sexton is a Native of Germany who moved to the States when he was young.  He's become a self-taught artist and graphic designer who lives in Northeastern Kansas with his 2 dogs. He paints, draws and creates art in multiple formats.  From paintings to graphic designing to light sculpting and sewing, Mike tries to always have his hands in the creative cookie jar. He's had his work featured in a few different art books over the years and runs his own website that sells his art as well as his other merchandise, from clothing to home gifts.

Mike has been learning about Wicca for over 20 years and has been practicing Wicca daily for several years now.  He helps to teach others who are beginning on their Wiccan path as much as possible through groups he helps to run. He has the honor of having many new Wiccans and even more experienced Wiccans, coming to him for suggestions, to bounce ideas off of and to ask for help with various questions.  He also has a Tumblr page dedicated to Wicca and Paganism.  

As someone who has studied many ancient cultures as a hobby, as well as being a caregiver to his mother, he has quite an extensive knowledge of various herbs, crystals as well as deities from around the world-- especially ancient Egypt, ancient Rome and Greece as well as Celtic deities.  

Mike does his utmost to not only teach others but to do so in a way that is fun and entertaining for them. With his writings, Mike gets others to think outside the box and look at things in a new way.  


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