On the Meaning of Sin by Christopher Stewart - HTML preview

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10. Verses

Understanding Juggernaut

I have also explored the considerations motivating this essay in a 17-minute suite in six movements entitled Juggernaut.

The composition has originally been inspired by a dreadful string of incidents involving a rented house shared by six young and not-so-young adults, unannounced extensive renovations, and miscommunications of all sorts.

Orchestrated for a progressive rock ensemble, the piece is currently only available in demo format.

Procession and Steamroller respectively constitute the third and fourth chapters of the opus. The two sections are instrumental, and the first two poems presented in the following pages have been penned to complement the music.

The third poem, Understanding, was written while completing On the Meaning of Sin, and recapitulates the matters discussed herein.


where does this thing come from
it was not here before
obstacles make me glum
does this maze have a door

why doesn't this work out
it should be straightforward
leaving me in much doubt
how this have i incurred

what is this sensation
how come i feel so low
deflation impression
what is causing this woe

why are you mean to me
what have i done to you
why all this cruelty
and challenging undue

why is this happening
don't i deserve better
you claim to be loving
free me from this fetter

here an irritation
more annoyances there
push and prod vexation
is more than i can bear

distraught and deep in thought
drowning in resentment
confused and overwrought
and deaf to the moment

a lifeful of pointers
unfolds before my eyes
useful indicators
intended as allies

blinded by the blinkers
i do not recognize
lost in all that occurs
i avoid and despise

discounting as bothers
what's meant to make me wise
i deem as imposters
those wanting me to rise

inexorable force
standing tall on my course
inspiring my remorse
pointing me to the source

the calf on the altar
i respond in anger
unaware the mirror
heralds a steamroller


how have i slipped this time
how have i missed the mark
no reason nor a rhyme
i am left in the dark

how did i end up here
when all was flowing well
what have i failed to hear
why did you not foretell

you've pushed me didn't you
you've tripped me i recall
you've crushed me i hate you
and by anger i fall

forgetful of the threat
now i cry like a loon
and my fault i regret
moonchild on a full moon

i may have crossed some lines
that i must have misread
oblivious to the signs
i ended up misled

too caught up in the run
too hungry for the fruits
in striving for the sun
i neglected the roots

though the lesson is hard
there's comfort in process
and so i raise my guard
and resume my progress

i can't go wrong for long
that you course-correct me
i am blessed by your song
musical sympathy

whenever i do need
proof of divinity
this caring i do heed
restores my clarity


and here i go again

a man on a mission

to achieve by mere pen


of all errors and then

their elimination

so all can hear the wren

sing of liberation

in hindsight i recall
throughout my history
icons and figurines
of the virgin mary
gradually fading
out of reality
and how my bad habits
down to sleep had laid me

remove those obstacles
o eastern deity
the knight of pentacles
i vow to embody
persistent truth seeker
devoted to study
the implicate order
and synchronicity

up the tree of knowledge
hybrid trajectory
immeasurable mileage
towards my destiny
occasional slippage
reckless apostasy
reformative passage
humbling recovery

punished by my anger
selfish hamartia
cruel doppelganger
acts in absentia
inveterate scorner
chronic paranoia
in the naughty corner
constant metanoia

then the meaning of sin
prompted the deduction
hinted the principle
revealed course-correction
traditional wisdom
incomplete depiction
the alternative you
asserts redirection

setback or deterrent
helpful mechanism
experience abhorrent
same automatism
progress in merriment
transcends dogmatism
your own experiment
doesn't need an ism

error is the killer
suppressing the corrupt
thanks to this redeemer
sin will no more irrupt
don't let consequences
inspiration disrupt
resume your advancement
while evil goes bankrupt

of the deadly seven
the root is obvious
whether proud or lustful
glutton avaricious
indolent or wrathful
or merely envious
the all-important self
disregards the gracious

everything comes from mind
for it is in the lead
none can escape the bind
that follows every deed
leave the poisons behind
ire folly and greed
know the ones who are kind
in happiness succeed

to elude the dust cloud
simply uphold the five
intoxications shroud
decoherences prive
resist the disallowed
towards your goal do strive
stay true to what you've vowed
and you will find you thrive

predestined for freewill
construct your adventure
swarms intuit the truth
living architecture
galactic overmind
superconscious structure
error-free dynamic
creating the future